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Vampire Next Door

Page 7

by Angela Snyder

  He gave her a small smile. "Of course. I'll always be here for you." He tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, his fingertips lingering on her cheek. He cupped her face in his palm, the same gesture that Jack had always made. Her lips parted as her breathing quickened, and he grazed his thumb over her bottom lip.

  The keys dropped from her hand. Neither one of them made a move to pick them up. Slowly, Matt leaned down, his lips meeting hers in a heated kiss. She felt memories of Jack come rushing back to her as he kissed her deeper. It was so easy to let go and pretend that Jack was still with her. But that's all it was — pretend.

  Quickly, she pulled back from him. "I'm sorry," she apologized. The kiss felt so right, but also so very wrong at the same time. She had never kissed Matt since that time in the kitchen when she thought he was Jack.

  "You don't have to be sorry. I'm not," he stated simply.

  She bent down and picked up the dropped keys. Hurriedly, she unlocked the door and stepped inside. She stared out at Matt, not knowing whether she should invite him in or not.

  He made the choice for her. "One day I hope you can let him go. Until then, I'll be waiting for you." And with that, he turned and left.

  Jane released a ragged breath and closed the door. She pressed her back against the wood and slunk down to the floor. Her hands were still shaking. She knew how easy it would be to replace Jack with Matt, but she didn't know if she could ever love Matt the same way.

  Eventually, she stood and walked upstairs to change into more comfortable clothing. When she was done, she glanced out her bedroom window and watched the moving truck pull out from in front of the Johnsons' house. "Hmm," she said, while reaching for the phone. She dialed the Johnsons' number, which she had memorized, and waited. Three beeps signaled, and an electronic voice said the phone number had been disconnected.

  Jane took the phone away from her ear and stared at it. She pressed the end button and redialed the phone number. She put the phone to her ear, and once again, she received the same response. She put the phone down and walked over to the window. The house looked deserted. Jane folded her arms across her chest. She couldn't imagine why the Johnsons would just pick up and leave the house that they had planned on retiring in and not tell her about it.

  She wondered if someone else would be moving in, when and whom it would be. The questions left her feeling anxious, and she decided not to let them bother her. She had too many other things to worry about in her life, and a new neighbor definitely was not one of them.


  BUSINESS WAS SLOW on Monday, and the day dragged on. It was a cold spring day, and no one seemed to be venturing into the small town. Ashley, who was Jane's assistant manager, hummed to the song playing over the speakers in the store. On the first day the bookstore was open, Ashley had come in looking for a job. Needing all the help she could get and not knowing anyone in town, Jane had jumped at the opportunity and hired her on the spot. They had become extremely close friends since that day, and Jane was glad that fate had brought Ashley into her life just when she needed a friend.

  "How was your weekend, Jane?" she asked.

  Jane shrugged. "It was okay."

  "Nothing new?"

  She thought for a moment. "Well, the Johnsons moved out. Quite unexpectedly actually."

  "Where did they move to?"

  "I don't know. They never said a word to me about it. Their phone is disconnected, and they didn't leave a number. So I guess I'll never know."

  "That’s weird," Ashley said. She walked around the store, dusting here and there with a soft cloth. Ashley was young and beautiful, and she knew it. Her shoulder-length blonde hair swayed with her as she moved. "Maybe they don't like goodbyes," she suggested.

  "Yeah, maybe," Jane said, but she wasn't so sure. She glanced at the clock. It was three o'clock. "Since it's so slow, I might head home a little early."

  Ashley said, "Okay. See you tomorrow."

  Jane packed up her belongings and walked out the front door. She walked down the sidewalk that led to the housing development. As she neared the house, she could see two large moving trucks in front of the Johnsons' former home. She slowed her pace and stared at the antique furniture being handled with kid gloves by the movers while they carried each piece from the trucks and into the house. The furniture was very gothic and made of rich, dark wood.

  Jane stopped at her mailbox and opened the lid. As she reached in for the mail, a black Ferrari pulled up in front of the moving trucks. The windows were tinted so dark she couldn't even see who was inside. Jane stared at the car, curious to see what her new neighbors would look like. Judging by the furniture and the car, they were definitely rich.

  The car door opened, and a tall gentleman stepped out. He wore a black leather jacket, and he tucked his head down as he headed into the house quickly. She waited for more car doors to open, but none did. A bachelor, she thought to herself.

  The only detail she got about him was his black hair. She gathered the mail from the box and closed the lid.

  Jane spent the rest of the evening being a nosy neighbor and checking out the window more often than she should have. The movers hung dark curtains on every single window of the house, which made Jane instantly think the owner was trying to hide something. The man certainly looked dark and mysterious, so maybe he did have something to hide.

  The trucks eventually left, and only the Ferrari remained. Jane didn't know if she liked the idea of a single guy living next door. But then again perhaps he was a player and would have a different girl over each night. Jane scowled at the thought.

  Before long, it was after ten o'clock, and she found herself yawning. She headed up to her bedroom, changed, brushed her teeth and closed the curtains. She climbed into her side of the bed, rolled onto her right side and stared at the empty space beside her. Sighing, she rolled over onto her other side and went to sleep.


  JANE AWOKE SUDDENLY the next morning. Her heart pounded against her ribcage, and her sharp, quick pants filled the quiet bedroom. She wiped away a strand of damp hair that had been stuck to her wet forehead.

  After a few moments, she was able to get a grip on reality. She had awakened from a terrible nightmare. The wicked dream left her with a feeling that she had lost someone. But the someone wasn't just anyone — it was someone she used to love very deeply.

  She swung her legs over the edge of the bed and allowed her toes to crush into the plush white carpet below. Deep down she knew the person wasn't Jack, but somebody she knew before she had lost her memory. And that thought scared her most of all — that a man, whom she loved, was out there and had no idea how to find her. Her past was completely erased from her mind, but that didn't mean that it was erased from the people who loved her and missed her.

  She stood and walked over to the window, pulling the drapes aside and allowing the sunshine to cascade onto her. She breathed in and out slowly, allowing her heart to return to normal rhythm. She glanced next door and saw the Ferrari was still sitting in front of the house.

  As she opened the rest of the curtains, she wondered if she would get a chance to meet her neighbor. She went to the bathroom and showered. After the shower, she put on her makeup and did her hair. She planned in her mind that she would take some baked goods next door after work that evening and find out why the Johnsons had moved so suddenly. Surely the person who bought their house would know.

  From the closet, she picked out a pale pink dress that hit just above her knee. She slipped into a pair of nude heels, grabbed her purse and headed downstairs. She pulled on a light jacket and left the house. Her eyes wandered towards the neighbor's house, and she noticed the car was gone. She must have just missed him.

  Within a few minutes, she was at the front door of the store. She unlocked it and entered. Her finger flicked on the overhead lights, which illuminated the large space. She dropped her jacket and purse behind the counter, opened the register for the day and started brewing
the coffee. Ashley arrived a few minutes later. Jane wanted to tell her about the new neighbor, but she didn't get a chance. At eight o'clock on the dot, the coffee club arrived and kept them both too busy to have any chitchat.

  While Ashley was busy with the café side of the business, Jane did the tedious task of going through the inventory and order forms. She hadn't minded the paperwork after Jack died, because it kept her mind preoccupied for hours. But as the months passed, she began to dread it more and more.

  The morning flew by, and soon Ashley was saying, "Do you want me to go to the diner to get lunch?"

  Jane nodded. "That'd be great. Get me a turkey sandwich on wheat, please." She heard the bell chime above the door when Ashley left. The store was finally quiet as she busied herself with the paperwork. There were several bestsellers that were selling out as soon as she ordered them, so she decided to order more than usual to keep up with the demand. The Bedford Valley Book Club would be meeting in two weeks, and so she would need to order surplus of the book of the month.

  Time ticked by. Jane stared down at the book order list in front of her. It was almost complete. Her stomach growled, and she glanced at the clock wondering what was taking Ashley so long to get back with lunch.

  The bell above the door rang, signaling someone entering the store. "Finally," Jane said. "I was starting to think that you got lost."

  When Ashley didn't answer, Jane looked up to see a tall gentleman in a black leather jacket. Her heart skipped a beat. It was her new neighbor.

  She watched him as he approached the counter. He looked to be in his late twenties with a shock of jet-black hair that fell in front of his light blue eyes. A perfect smile was spread over his face. "Expecting someone else?" he asked, his voice deep and smooth.

  His blue eyes were piercing and mesmerizing. For a fraction of a second, she thought that she knew him. In the years since she had lost her memory, she had never had that feeling. However, he made no indication that he knew her, so she quickly pushed the thought out of her head.

  "I'm sorry," she said quickly. "I sent someone to get lunch." She tucked the order list away. "Is there anything I can help you with, Mr. —?"

  "Alexander. Sebastian Alexander." He extended his hand over the counter.

  His name didn't evoke any memories. "Jane Walker." She put her hand in his and instantly felt a connection with him that felt like static electricity coursing through her veins. Every hair on her body stood on end. She quickly pulled her hand back, hoping that he didn't notice her sudden gesture. She wondered if he had felt the same thing, but his expression remained impassive. "Is there something I can help you with?" she asked.

  "I'm new to town. I've really just been spending the day walking into all of the shops, checking everything out." He glanced at the bookshelves. "But since I'm in here, do you have any antique books?"

  She nodded. "How old would you like? I have a few from the early 1920s and 30s, and I have numerous books from the 1800s."

  "1800s," he responded.

  She led him to a large cabinet on the right side of the counter. From the stretchy key chain on her wrist, she found the right key, unlocked the cabinet and opened the doors.

  Sebastian stepped forward, and she caught a whiff of his cologne. It was invigorating. She noticed he was meticulously groomed and moved gracefully. His skin was pale, almost translucent and perfect just like the rest of him appeared to be. She watched his blue eyes as they scanned the titles of the books. She didn't mean to stare, but she had trouble looking away.

  "Do you collect antiques, by any chance?" she asked, attempting to make pleasantries even though she already knew the answer. She had watched the moving men carry plenty of antiques into Sebastian's home.

  "Yes, I do." His long index finger hooked onto the top of one book's spine, and he carefully removed it from the shelf. He stared down at the book in his hands as he opened the cover. "I have quite a large library I would like to fill."

  "I could always try to find you some more antique books if you would like. I don't sell very many, so I try to keep more of the current books in stock."

  He returned the book to its place in the bookcase. Then he turned and looked down at her. "I would like that very much. Thank you."

  Jane felt as if she would melt under his gaze. He was tall and seemed to tower over her petite frame.

  The bell above the door rang, and she was thankful to be able to break her gaze from him. Ashley flew through the door carrying two take-out bags and drinks in a cardboard carrier. "Sorry it took me so long. The diner is short-staffed, and I think everybody in town was in there ordering lunch. They were all out of wheat bread, but I got you —."

  Jane watched as Ashley's mouth dropped open as she caught sight of Sebastian, and Jane wondered if her jaw would actually touch the floor. Jane quickly cleared her throat, and Ashley instantly snapped her mouth shut. "I didn't know there was a customer in here." She quickly put the food and drinks on the front counter. "Hello," she said, approaching them.

  Sebastian barely regarded her and said, "Hello," quickly. Then he turned his attention back to Jane.

  Jane was surprised by his reaction. Ashley was tall, blonde and belonged on the cover of a magazine. Practically every man she came across fell at her feet.

  Ashley shifted uncomfortably, and then finally said, "I'm going to take my lunch break."

  Jane realized Ashley was disappointed that Sebastian wasn't one of the many men that drooled over her the moment they met her. "Sure. Go ahead." Jane turned to Sebastian. "Everyone is buying electronic books, but you just can't replace the feel of a real book in your hands." She carefully removed an old book from the shelf. She brought the book up to her nose and inhaled. "I just love the smell of antique books."

  "Vanillin," he commented.

  She smiled. "Yes." She placed the book in his hands and watched him carefully open the cover. "I bet your library smells wonderful."

  He looked up at her and grinned.

  She suddenly felt flustered and said, "I'm sorry. You've probably never met somebody so obsessed with books."

  He shook his head. "No, I haven't actually." He chuckled. "But it's great to see somebody with so much passion about something." Glancing at the bookcase, he said, "I'll take all of these."

  Jane's eyes grew wide. "Okay."

  "Could I have them delivered?" he asked.

  She nodded.

  "Great." He carefully closed the book in his hands. As he returned the book to her, his fingers gently grazed her hands. Jane gasped as she felt the same electric current as before running up her arms. His touch was sending a message to her, but she didn't quite know what the message was.

  "Are you all right?" he asked.

  "Yes," she said quickly. She walked behind the counter and retrieved a delivery slip. Even though she already knew his address, she didn't want to let on that she did. "The address where you want the books delivered?" she asked.

  He smiled. "113 Sycamore Street."

  Ashley peeked around the corner and said, "That's next door to Jane's house."

  "Is it?" he asked, but he didn't sound surprised.

  "I'm 114 Sycamore," Jane commented.

  "Then the delivery shouldn't be a problem," he said with a smirk on his lips.

  "I could bring the books to your house after work tonight if you're going to be home."

  "Sure. That would be perfect."

  "I'll see you tonight then." Jane watched him leave. A long sigh escaped her lips, and she hadn't realized how tense she had been around him until that moment.

  "He is your new neighbor?" Ashley exclaimed.

  "Yes," Jane hissed. "I only caught a glimpse of him last night."

  "Well, now that you got a good look of him, what do you think?"

  Jane hesitated. There was no doubt that her neighbor was attractive. Okay. More than attractive. He belonged on the cover of GQ. She nervously twisted her wedding ring around her finger. "He's…okay."

ust okay?" Ashley asked in disbelief. "Well, if you don't want him, then I call dibs," she joked.

  A pang of jealousy ran through Jane, and the feeling shocked her. It's not as if she was going to date Sebastian. She should let Ashley go out with him. But something deep inside of her didn't want that. Feeling flustered, she quickly said, "I'm going to get his order ready."

  * * *

  Sebastian left the store, crossed the street and jumped into his car. He put his head back against the seat and tried to calm his quivering nerves. He had seemed calm and collected in the store, but inside he was a ball of anxiety. He hadn't seen Jane for months. He periodically checked in on her, but he kept his distance. When Jack died, he thought she would thrive and be all right. She was always so strong. But slowly it seemed that her world was crumbling faster than she could pick up the pieces.

  Plenty of nights he had snuck into her house to watch over her while she slept, and many of those nights she spent crying herself to sleep. He couldn't bear to see her so unhappy. There was no other choice but to come back into her life and try to rekindle what they once had.

  He started the car's engine and headed home. He parked the car and climbed out. Staring at his newly purchased house, a sense of dismay came over him. He hated the thought that he had to compel the owners, but deep down they missed their estranged daughter terribly. She was pregnant with their grandchild, and they dreaded the child not even knowing his or her grandparents. Sebastian artfully mended the broken relationship and sent them off on their way. It was worth it in the end. They were finally content, and he could be closer to Jane this way by living next door to her.

  He walked into the house and stared at the clock. It would be a long three-hour wait until Jane arrived. But he had been waiting so long for this moment, that three hours seemed like no time at all. He would do his best to make her fall in love with him again. And this time he vowed not to let anything or anyone come in between them. He would never lose her that easily again.

  * * *

  Jane timidly knocked on the front door of Sebastian's house. The box of books was heavy in her arms, and she leaned against the doorframe to counter some of the weight.


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