Book Read Free

Outside the Box

Page 25

by H. M. Montes

  The bass thumped louder than usual as the song picked up tempo, my tie was the first thing (like always) that was taken off then my hands were tied behind my back. Thank fuck, so that way I could honestly say I didn’t lay a hand the woman. “You don’t have to tie them I’m not planning on touching you.” I told the woman but she didn’t respond. The club filled with wolf whistles and cheers when she ripped my shirt open scattering buttons leaving my chest exposed. When her hand touched my chest, my heart started beating faster and my dick started to get hard, THAT was not normal. Then she leaned in and flicked my ear with her tongue, when her scent filled my nostrils I knew that it wasn’t just any stripper…it was Alexia. But I didn’t say anything, she turned and grinded her ass against my hardening cock, then turned back around and straddled me so her chest was pressing against mine. I leaned forward and licked between her cleavage. She stopped grinding then leaned in and whispered, “You better pray to god I never find out that’s what you do to other strippers.”

  “Alexia if you don’t take this blindfold off and untie my hands I’ll blow my load in my pants. You better pray to god you’re wearing a low cut dress because that was some serious cleavage. If you’re dressed like a stripper, I’ll fuck you right here in front of everybody.”

  She laughed, “We do good with an audience though.”

  The song ended and she climbed off of me, “He knew it was me!” she stated and untied my hands. I pulled the blindfold off and there stood my beautiful Alexia in a low cut black dress with her god damn gladiator sandals that she knew made me horny as hell. I jumped up from the chair, looked at my watch;

  “You have seven minutes to decide if you want to become Mrs. Alexia Scott tomorrow.” I told her.

  She smiled big and nodded her head, “I do.”

  “Fuck I can’t wait until tomorrow to hear you say that.”



  A few months after I had moved in Spencer had sent me a text message and told me he had a surprise planned for the weekend, and told me not to worry about packing because it had already been taken care of. THAT made me nervous, packing meant we were probably going to be flying somewhere. I text him back and asked if he would at least give me a hint, he sent back;

  S: No

  When class was over that afternoon, him and Joe were waiting for me outside the building. I narrowed my eyes at him as I got closer, “If you said my bag is already packed that means we are flying doesn’t it.”

  “Yep, (he smiled) that means we’ve gotta go.”

  “Ugg, I’ve told you I don’t like to fly!” I whined.

  “I know.” He said then kissed me. “How was your day?”

  “Stop changing the subject, where are we going?”

  “You’ll see. My day was good by the way.”

  “Oh yeah? Did you have to go in the Box or something?”

  He wrinkled his eyebrows together, “No, why would you even ask that, I haven’t been it since the last time with you.” I could tell that I had offended him.

  “I’m sorry, today just seemed to drag on. I’m so glad the weekend is here and I’m getting ready to go somewhere with my amazing boyfriend.”

  “You didn’t say I was amazing last night, you called me an asshole if I remember correctly.”

  I rolled my eyes, “That’s because I told you to give Jocee and her sister next week off so I could actually cook meals in that fancy kitchen instead of being catered to. You said and I quote, “It’s what they are hired to do.” I don’t like being waited on hand and foot.”

  “I gave them next week off just so you know, they are going to go see their family.”

  I looked at him, “Really?”

  “Mmhmm.” He grinned at me.

  Nothing had really changed after I moved in, I was worried that once we lived together for a month we would be sick of each other. We had a few disagreements but nothing that left me in tears and him coaxing me out of the bathroom type of arguments. He hated, hated, when I would take my shoes off when I sat down on the couch and left the shoes there. “How fucking hard is it to put them over there by the door?”

  “So put them there.” I told him.

  He picked them up and tossed them over close to where his shoes were always neatly lined up, “See that row of shoes, yours will fit right next to mine.”

  I shrugged a shoulder, “K.” was all I said.

  One afternoon when class was over I went home, when I walked in he was sitting at that breakfast bar with Jocee, and Victoria standing across from him. None of them heard me come in so I stood there and listened to their conversation;

  “We do what?” Jocee asked.

  “She told me one time she dips her French fries in the ranch and ketchup, and the ice cream.” Spencer said.

  “Why would she do that?” Victoria replied while looking at something on the counter.

  “Fuck it, I’ll go first. If I puke…” Spence told them.

  “That what that big bowl is for.”

  I covered my mouth so they would hear me laugh. I walked up behind him, “You don’t dip it in all three.”

  He jumped, “Uhhh…”

  I grabbed a French fry, the ranch and ketchup, and combined the two then stirred it with the fry and popped it in my mouth. Victoria slid the big “puke” bowl towards me. Spencer picked up the ranch ketchup combo and smelled it.

  “Gross, I was all for trying it until I smelled it.”

  I grabbed another fry, dipped it in the sauce combo and tried to feed it to him, he held his lips firmly together and shook his head. “Either open or I’m smearing it on your lips.”

  After a few seconds he opened his mouth so I shoved the fry in, Jocee moved the bowl to in front of him. He chewed then swallowed, “That’s fucking disgusting!” he said and took a big drink of water. Jocee didn’t like the mix but Victoria loved it and high fived me. Next I grabbed the small bowl of vanilla ice cream that was starting to melt and dipped French fry in it. I loved the salty sweet taste and ate a couple more fries before I offered one to Spencer. He closed his eyes and opened his mouth, quickly chewed and swallowed it.

  “Okay, that one I can handle but the other…hell no.” I kissed him then watched as Jocee and her sister finished off the fries by dipping them in the ice cream.

  “We're here.” Spencer whispered in my ear. I had fallen asleep on the ride to the airport.

  I looked out the window, there was a private jet with a double S on the tail piece, "This is yours?” I asked

  He laughed, “Yep, I offered to take you on vacation during spring break but you said you hated to fly. You don’t have a choice now.”

  “A little hint would be great and I’ll be able to relax a little.”

  “It won’t take too long to get there. Is that a good enough hint?”

  “Uggg, NO.”

  He laughed and held his hand out to help me out of the car, Joe grabbed our luggage from the trunk and carried into the plane. My mouth fell open when I looked around the private Jet, it only had six seats but they looked like over-stuffed recliners, down the hall was the bathroom and another door. Spencer sat down and patted the seat next to him, a male steward put our bags away for us and told us the flight would be smooth. But he didn’t say where or how far we were going.

  We had been in the air for almost two hours before I finally got brave enough to get out of my seat and go use the restroom. It had a single sink, small toilet, and a shower with a small bench seat in the corner. I was in the shower when Spencer came in, “Are you okay? Or are you freshening up before we get there?”

  “I’m fine I couldn’t resist this cute shower, so yes, I’d say I’m freshening up.” I smiled at him. He stripped out of his suit and got in with me, “After this we’ll go relax in the bedroom, how does that sound?”

  “There’s a bedroom?”

  He laughed, “That’s what the other door is, I was going to show it to you before we took off but you were pretty pale and shaky so
I figured I’d wait.”

  “You of all people I would think should have some cute little blonde with big boobs in flight with you.” I wrapped my arms around him.

  “I was thinking about getting another cat, Frank needs a friend. Or maybe a dog? We could get a new kitten and a puppy?” he said completely ignoring what I said first.


  “Hmm?” he ran his hands up my sides around to my front then covered my breasts with them.

  “Why did you change the subject?”

  “I did?” he was trying to play dumb.

  “Yes, did you have a cute little big boobed stewardess?”

  “Yes.” He replied but was now moving in to kiss my neck so I pulled away.


  “I fired her.”


  “You don’t want to know the answer to that.” He told me.

  I stepped away from him, crossed my arms over my chest and waited for him to tell me.

  “Fine…you can’t get mad at me. It was before you!”

  I raised an eyebrow at him waiting for him to continue.

  “I fucked her, more than once in flight, the last time we did she told me she loved me. So, I fired her, she knew the rules with me.”

  “You…in that...I’m not going to sleep in that bed with you!”

  “Alexia shut up, I had the bed removed and a new one put in the same week. That bed is brand new. I’ll buy a new jet if you want me to.”

  I shook my head and got out of the shower since the water was now cold, “I believe you, but, what about that guy, is he her replacement?”

  “Yes. And he’s gay.” He said as he dried off, “And before you say it, no, I don’t know that from experience, he told me.” We each put a robe on and went into the small bedroom.

  We pulled the comforter back and got in bed, “Have you been in any of the other boxes before me?” I asked Spencer.

  “I’ve been in both threesome boxes a few times but that’s it.”

  I looked up at him, “What’s a threesome like? Personally I think it’d be pretty hot to sleep with two guys. I’m not sure I could do it with another woman.”

  He shook his head ‘no’ at me, “Not gonna happen, I’m not sharing you. To answer your question though, the two chic’s was pretty hot. Watching another woman get her pussy tongue fucked while she was sucking my dick but it doesn’t even begin to compare to how hot my body gets for you.” He smiled as he slid a finger inside of me. “Is it the dirty talk or the thought of another chic eating this pussy out that’s got you turned on?”

  I tried to imagine what another woman down there doing that to me would feel like but it didn’t turn me on, it was the dirty talk he was doing.

  “Definitely the dirty talk.” I gripped my hand around his hard thick cock.

  “You’re going to be part of the mile high club if you keep that up.” He told me.

  “That’s the best you can do when it comes to dirty talk? We always have slow passionate sex why can’t you just fuck me hard?”

  “I don’t think you want that, besides, I like taking my time with you.”

  I rolled my eyes, “I enjoy that too, please?”

  Spencer growled then pulled his cock out of my hand and moved so he was hovering over me. His body was something that I could never get enough of, it was his powerhouse. Every muscle so defined and coiled as he hovered over me. “If I hurt you, you’d better fucking tell me to stop…okay?” He asked.

  I nodded my head and bit my bottom lip. He stared at me looking from my lips to my eyes then back into my eyes. The grin that spread across his face made my insides tighten and my blood start pumping faster. His mouth covered my nipple while his hand slid back down to my moistened pussy lips. I could tell he was being hesitant, then suddenly he pulled my nipple between his teeth. “Fuck squeeze my fingers again.” He growled as he moved to my other nipple and repeated what he had just done. “You like the pain don’t you? You are just waiting for it to be my cock that’s filling up this tight fucking pussy. I’m going to lick and suck on your clit, then I’m going to tongue fuck you until you’re ready to explode.” He moved his slickened fingers to my rear entrance and massaged it, “Then I’m going to fill this hole up with my dick. Do you think you can handle that?”

  He was looking up at me waiting for me to answer so I nodded my head quickly, I gasped when he flicked my clit with his tongue. He pulled me to the very edge of the bed and spread my legs apart. I sat up onto my elbows and watched him, he was watching me each time he sucked on my clit he would push his fingers in deeper, then pull them out and slide them to my rear hole. I looked at his other hand that was gripping tightly around his cock and stroking it as he stuck his tongue inside of my pussy. “Oh god…Spencer.”

  He smiled at me but didn’t stop the rhythm he had going alternating between thrusting his fingers in and out of me, then his tongue. “You can’t cum yet, I want to be deep inside you when you do. If you cum I’ll stop.”

  I took a deep breath and laid back, “Oh god yes…” I sighed when he stuck a finger inside of my rear. It was slick with my own cum and his spit so there was very little pain. I pulled my knees closer to my shoulders opening up as much as I could for him. He was still stroking his cock, pushing two fingers inside of my pussy and one into my rear. I trembled and breathed faster as one orgasm covered his fingers with more wetness. “Spencer, please, I can’t…please fuck me.” He stood up and positioned himself at my pussy, he would push just the tip in then pull out and slide it down to my ass. Over and over again, then he plunged his cock inside of my pussy. In one thrust the tip was pressing hard against my cervix, he didn’t rest or stop he pulled out then slammed back inside of me.

  “Roll over.” He demanded and pulled out of me.

  I rolled over, Spencer spread my knees apart and pushed them so that only my shoulders were touching the bed. “Fucking perfect...” he pushed his cock inside of me drenched pussy. “God damn…touch your clit.” He growled. I moved my hand beneath me and started circling my clit with light pressure. He pulled out and slid his cock between my ass cheeks. “Not yet, I’ll wait to fuck you here.” He slid his cock back inside of my pussy.

  We were both breathing heavy and sweating, my pussy muscles ached with the need to cum, with his hands on my hips he started pumping faster and circling his hips each time he thrust harder inside of me. “Ready?” he breathed out?

  One final thrust and we both exploded with our orgasms, his cum tickled against my insides causing be to orgasm harder. He leaned down so his chest was covering my back, “Fuck, are you okay?” he asked while still breathing heavy.

  “Mmmmhmm.” I sighed. My body was completely limp, when he pulled out of me I whimpered and tightened my muscles around him.

  “Stop it, damnit, I already fucked up the dirty talk. Once I stuck my fingers in you I went stupid and forgot every dirty word I know.” He pushed his still hard cock back inside of me. “We’ll try more when we get home.” He slapped my ass cheek then pulled out.

  “Home? Did we turn around?”

  Spencer laughed, “No, we didn’t turn around I’d say were about an hour away from our destination.”

  “And where is that?” I asked while I cleaned myself up.

  “If you can guess by looking out the window I’ll tell you if you’re right or wrong.”

  I looked around the bedroom but there was no window, I flipped him off. He laughed and put our luggage on the bed so we could get dressed. “Dress casual.” He told me as he slipped into a pair of blue jeans, electric blue V-neck t-shirt that made his eyes brighter and formed to his massive chest and biceps, then he put a pair of black motorcycle boots on. “What?” He asked and looked down at his outfit.

  “Nothing, you look really really fuckable in that outfit. The way the jeans mold to your body, I can see the bulge of your…”

  “You’re a damn sex fiend, but I love it.” He leaned across the bed, so did I, “I mean i
t, I love you. We’re going to have wild monkey sex when we get home.”

  “I’m holding you to that.” I whispered against his lips. We kissed then he left bedroom. I dressed in my skinny blue jeans, black knee length leather boots, black sequin tank top, then combed my fingers through my hair.

  I buckled my seatbelt and gripped Spencer’s hand tight as we descended from the air to the runway. “Aren’t you going to look out and see if you can guess where we are going?” he asked with a laugh.

  “Nope, if I feel like we are crashing, I’m sure looking out the window will make the feeling feel a little too real.”

  The jet bounced on the runway then eventually slowing to a stop a couple of minutes later. The steward smiled at me and let the door down. As soon as I seen the tiny airport we were at I realized we were back in my home town.

  “Why are we here?” I asked.

  “Just thought a quick visit was necessary, you’ve been too busy to come home. I want to see where my beautiful woman came from.”

  I jumped into his arms and kissed him loudly, then ran down the steps to the waiting car. Spencer put our bags in the trunk then opened my door for me, then climbed into the driver’s seat. “Where to ma’lady?”

  The drive to my house only took about ten minutes, sadly there wasn’t anything interesting to point out beside the hill side cliff that I made out with Carter on numerous times. Spencer didn’t like the story and told me he had heard enough. We pulled into the driveway of my house, tears formed in my eyes, dad’s pickup was parked at the very back of the driveway by the garage, and a couple of newspapers laid on the front step.


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