Book Read Free

Outside the Box

Page 28

by H. M. Montes

  “You know the one thing nobody ever told me before I got married?” I asked her.

  She laughed, “Oh god…what’s that?”

  “That when you’re dating, your arguments are just arguments. It’s cute almost, to see how they react. But get married…the cuteness goes away and the arguments turn into a full blown war within seconds.”

  She laughed harder, “Yep, I’m staying single. I’ll just get me a cat and be the cat lady!”

  It was me that laughing this time, “I thought the same thing but Destiney was not having any part of watching me and Frank grow old together.”

  “Things will get better between you two, summer is almost here you’ll have more free time to spend with him. Then everything will be all hunky-dory again.”

  I blew out a breath, “I know, I feel bad that I don’t get to go everywhere he goes, but I can’t miss any more school. Julie has already cut down my chair time at the salon in attempt to give me some free time.”

  “Are you happy Alexia? I mean, do you regret getting married?”

  “I’m very happy and don’t regret anything, I get so frustrated that Spencer thinks just because he’s super rich that I should have to give up what I want to do and sit around the house.”

  “I hear ya, he’s just trying to make things easier for you. There’s no doubt he loves you, take it easy on the guy.

  We hung up and I went back to class, there was a joint tutoring session that evening so it was later than normal when I got home. Derrick and Spencer were poolside, drinking beers and visiting when I walked out and sat down on Spencer’s lap. Spencer asked how my day had been and if I wanted something to eat. When I told him I was going to shower and go to bed he sagged under me and shook his head. That’s when Derrick threw his two cents in that he thinks I’m over working myself, so I went upstairs and laid down on the bed.

  The following morning I woke up with only forty five minutes before school would be starting. I rushed through the shower, grabbed a bagel for breakfast kissed Spencer and ran out the door. Professor German was just closing the door when I grabbed the handle, “I was beginning to think you weren’t going to grace us with your presence today.” He laughed.

  “Fat chance mister. You’ve gotta see me every day!” I told him.

  At break is when I realized that I had left my cell phone at home, Destiney had caught up with me and told me she tried to call to see if I wanted to go get a coffee with her. “I must have left my phone on the dresser.” I told her as we walked towards Starbucks.

  On the way back she told me that things were going really good between her and William, “I’m not saying I’m all for marriage just yet but I hate not being around him. I’m so ready for things to slow down for me so we can spend more time together.”

  I laughed, “Me too, Spencer is getting impatient waiting for college to get out.”

  “That doesn’t surprise me at all. I’ll try to catch up with you this week okay?”

  “Okay, I promise I won’t leave my phone at home again.” We hugged each other and went back to our classes.

  About an hour into class Professor German started having chest pains, so an ambulance came and took him to the hospital. Another Professor substituted for the rest of the day, we didn’t do much since he was from the science department. I used that time to go over what I would be working on with Reed after school.

  Reed was a transfer from Ohio, we had a lot in common and got along great. She was struggling with depression because her mom passed away a few months back. Her dad was an alcoholic that didn’t even know her most of the time. So she confided in me as a friend during our tutoring sessions.

  “I wish life didn’t have to throw such harsh curve balls, I hate it. If my dad would just put the bottle down and be there for me I wouldn’t be so stressed. I can’t lose him too.” She told me as we walked into the college library.

  She knew about my parent’s and knew that I was adopted, “I’ve thought about trying to find my biological dad but the way I see it, he would have found me by now if he cared. Unless he doesn’t know about me but I doubt that’s the case.”

  “Can we go for a shorter session, my brain is about fried.” She asked.

  I laughed, “I was thinking the same thing, plus my husband would probably enjoy a night where I actually stay awake for more than a few minutes. Our sex life has gone from all the time to practically nonexistent.”

  “I can’t wait until I meet mister right, I’m going to let him spoil me and pamper me all the time.”

  I didn’t tell her that I’m married to a man that would do all of that if I would just let him, we spent the next couple of hours going over the points that she was having trouble on. “I can’t believe you, this all comes so natural for you. I’m over here like an idiot wanting to say Unicorn or gummy bear is the answer!” she said causing me to laugh.

  “I think this is good enough for the week, when you start putting unicorns and gummy bears in the equation your brain is giving you one last sizzle before it explodes.”

  “Thank God!” she breathed out.

  I waved before I got in the waiting car, Joe looked at me in the mirror, "The Salon?” he asked and smiled.

  “You got it.” I replied. When we got to the salon there was note on the door from Julie letting me know she had done the haircut for me that I had to take the evening off.

  I got back in the car, “This must be my lucky day, please take me home.” I sagged with relief in the seat.

  “There still some daylight left, are you sure you don’t want to drive around until dark I’d hate for you to get confused.” Joe said with a laugh.

  “Nope, take me to my castle please.”

  We both laughed, on the drive home we talked about my honeymoon and how busy life was for me since we had been back. “Hopefully Spencer will be home shortly so we can have an evening together!”

  Joe smiled and nodded his head.

  I walked in the door, kicked my shoes off, went to the kitchen grabbed bottle of water and started to walk to the living room to sit down and watch TV while I waited for Spencer to get home.

  Spencer’s office door slammed shut, he came out of his office with my cell phone in his hand, and pure raging anger in his eyes.

  “You and I are going to fucking talk.” He yelled. I flinched at his tone.

  “Okay.” I shrugged a shoulder and walked over to the couch, he followed but never sat down. He turned and braced his hands on the back of the couch blocking me in.

  “Who the fuck is he?” he growled out.

  “Huh? Are you drunk?” I asked, because I could smell alcohol on his breath. The only time he drank was when he was stressed out.

  “Don’t play fucking stupid, who is Reed? You’re little fucking college aged boy toy that you tutor?” He held up two fingers, “I’ve had two fucking drinks, and two shots because of the god damn text messages my wife has been getting from Reed.” There was a vein on the side of his neck that was bulging and pulsating. “Answer the fucking question Alexia!” he stepped back and crossed his arms over his chest.

  I shook my head, “You don’t trust me do you? You think that I’m just like your ex that I’m going to cheat on you. Thanks Spencer.”

  He shrugged a shoulder, “You were fucking my brother the same time you and I were fucking. Now answer the fucking question…WHO.IS.REED.?!” he yelled.

  “One of the students I tutor obviously.”

  He laughed, shook his head, then leaned his head back and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Well Reed and I quote, (he looked at my phone) Thank you so much Lexi for helping me I don’t know how I will ever repay you. I’m so glad we met, I really enjoy spending time with you. You’re an amazing, strong, beautiful, smart woman. I think the right answer is Unicorn? Am I right LOL? See you next week XOXO Reed.” He finished reading the text then looked at me again, “I have an idea, how about you go find your little fucking boy toy and bring him to meet your husband. You can once
again have the choice of who you want to get tangled up with between the sheets. At least this time I know I won’t be fighting my own god damn family.”

  I couldn’t stop what I did next, I grabbed the TV remote and threw it at his head, he tried to dodge out of the way but it hit him above his eye, then crashed to the floor. “Fuck you! REED, is a woman you asshole. She transferred in to this accounting department. REED is a friend, a girlfriend.” I wiped tears from my face, turned away from Spencer and went upstairs. I locked the bedroom door behind me, sat on the bed and cried. So much for a relaxing, romantic evening with my husband I thought to myself.

  There was a tap on the door, “Alexia, open the door so we can talk. I’m sorry okay.”

  “I don’t think I have anything nice to say to you right now, you’ve made it more than clear what you think of me Spencer. I’m going to go stay with Destiney for a few days…”

  “No you’re fucking not, open the door or I’m kicking it in.”

  “I…I don’t want to talk to you. Please, leave me alone.” I yelled back. There was a few seconds of silence before the door splintered next to the door handle and Spencer was walking towards me. I climbed off the other side of the bed, “I’m not going to talk to you, we are both mad…”

  “I said I was fucking sorry! Christ Alexia, I’ve been doing everything in my god damn power to get just a little time with you, but you fucking take on more students, work all the god damn time…then I read texts from somebody named Reed. What the fuck would you have thought?” He said trying not to yell.

  “I definitely have more trust in you obviously, this marriage isn’t going to work if you never trust me. I would never throw what you did in my face back at you.”

  He ran his hand through his hair, “I’m sorry…fuck Alexia. I miss my wife, I miss my best friend.” He walked slowly around the bed, “I miss the woman that would light up any room when she smiled, I miss the woman that could make me forget my own name with her kiss, her touch. I miss her body, I miss you.” He traced his finger across my bottom lip. When he lowered his mouth to mine we were both shaking, his thumbs ran across the bare skin from where he place them on my hips above my jeans. “I miss this beauty mark that I know drives you crazy (he kissed the freckle on my cheek bone), I miss these tiny goose bumps that cover your body when I touch you.” He pulled my shirt over my head and kissed my neck, “I miss getting to feel this pulse point against my lips as your heart beats faster and faster with each touch of my lips.” His finger dipped inside of my bra brushing my hardened nipples, “I miss the feel of these beautiful nipples against my tongue…” he lowered his head and circled my nipple through my black lace bra.

  I unbuttoned his shirt while we kissed leaving him in his suit pants. I tried to unbutton them but he shook his head at me, “Slow down baby, I’m not even close to being done with you.” He whispered as he pushed my jeans down so I could step out of them. I was left in my black bra and matching thong, he reached behind me and slowly unfastened my bra. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry that I said what I did. You mean everything to me, you are my everything. I’ll do anything to be with you, the thought of another man spending time with you, being near you, when I can’t…I wanted to hunt him down. I’m so sorry Alexia.” He said as he lay down with me on the bed, covering my body with his.

  He finally took his clothes off, then slid my thong off, “Please Spencer…” I moaned as he ran his hand up my legs, hips, across each breast until he was again covering my body with his. When our skin touched the familiar sizzle of passion jolted us and within seconds he was pushing inside of me.

  “Christ I missed this, the way our bodies react. That fire building between us, that sizzle in our blood.” He brushed my hair away from my face. “I don’t ever want to be the cause of these again.” He wiped tears away from the corners of my eyes. I couldn’t speak, so I pulled his face to mine and kissed him with every ounce of passion and love I had. I wrapped my legs around him as he rocked his body against mine, his moans, his breath against my skin. “Cum for me Alexia.” He whispered against my lips then pushed slowly deeper inside of me until no more of him could fit inside of me. His cum filled me, his muscles tensed, and flexed. “I’m so sorry.” He said again, his cock still shooting ribbons of cum inside of me. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” I smiled at him.

  He kissed me again then stared at me, “Will you please drop the tutoring? If I have to go that long without doing that to you again I’m going to explode. You won’t be in any shape to go to class tomorrow either, because I’m not stopping until you are begging me. Even then… (he shook his head and grinned) it’ll be iffy.”

  “Okay…promise to never ever mention Derrick again?”

  “Let’s not mention that name when my dick is still in you.”

  I laughed.

  “You have no idea how much I’ve missed that laugh…I love you so fucking much Alexia Dawn Scott.”

  The End!

  Blurred Lines ~ Robin Thicke

  Pour It Up ~ Rihanna

  Partition ~ Beyoncé

  Grind on Me ~ Pretty Ricky

  Set Fire to the Rain ~ Adele

  Diamond ~ Rihanna

  The Only Exception ~ Paramore

  Home ~ Michael Bublé

  Breakthrough ~ Colbie Caillat

  Your Body Is a Wonderland ~ John Mayer

  The Man ~ Aloe Blacc

  Special Thanks:

  To my husband, he has listened to me whine and complain about not being able to think of where the story is going. He puts up with me staying up way too late, and listens to me grumble when I re-read what I wrote “Was I even awake when I typed this?” LOL!

  April, Robyne, Susan, FeFe, Erica, Desi, Nicole, and Lori: My betas…ROCK!! That’s the only way to put it, they’ve read and re-read numerous times, told me they liked where it was going and even threatened me to finish the story HAHA. The weird ass phone calls they get I’m pretty sure most people would hang up but…not them they laugh and answer the questions! Love and Hugs to all of you!!!

  To my kids and my niece, Thank you for being patient and waiting just “One more minute” LOL, while I “finish” this paragraph. I love you all so much.

  My mom, you still can’t read these books…sorry ;)

  My sister, Have you caught up on the books yet??!! Read on woman!!

  And a HUGE thank you to all of my readers, THANK YOU so much for your support!!!

  Kathy from Panty Dropping Book Blog…YOU ARE AMAZING!! Thank you so so so much for helping me when I have some of the dumbest “posting help” questions ever lol. Thank you for sharing my books and cover reveals too. 

  Other books by H.M. Montes

  Accidentally Falling (Book 1)

  Accidentally In Love (Book 2)


  Pole Position (Book 1)

  Wreckers or Checkers (Book 2)


  Thank you again to all the readers, please please leave a review!





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