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Casanova In Training

Page 5

by Aliyah Burke

  Cripes, this is going to be a long night. If she had to deal with women fawning all over him she was going to need something stronger than what she’d ordered. Too bad she didn’t drink anything stronger, really. She sipped her beverage and stared at him. His eyes heated as he looked directly at her. A sexy twist of his lips made her wonder about the wisdom of coming with him.

  After they’d placed their order, he watched her for a few moments. “Tell me why they brought you in.”

  She swivelled her straw around. “Do you question your orders?”

  “You’re not getting out of this, Jaydee, so just answer the question.”

  The way he said her name had her shifting on the seat. So low and drawn out like a sensual caress. She swallowed and took another drink in an attempt to cool off. It didn’t work.

  “I’m here because I know the planes.”

  He scowled. “So does every pilot.”

  She shook her head. “No, I know the planes. I know all about EG and how the B-2 operates beyond the normal.”


  “Yes. Electrogravitics. I told you about it in the simulation room.” She could see his confusion. “What allows our bombers to go as far as they do, expending very little fuel. And why, when they land, we don’t touch them for a while, or are well protected when we do.”

  He drank some of his beer. “How do you know all of this?”

  She leant back against the booth and held her silence as their appetiser arrived. The mixture of smells hit her and she stared at the platter of fried calamari, mozzarella sticks, and loaded potato skins. Her stomach growled and she realised he’d been right, she was starving. She watched him reach for a piece of calamari and dip it in the dill sauce before eating it.

  “Eat,” he said gesturing at the plate.

  “I’m a researcher,” she said, after some internal debate.

  “For what?”

  “The B-2. I fly them and work on the antigravity propulsion. Or, rather, I work on material for the US antigravity squadron, as some refer to it.” It wasn’t entirely a lie, she’d just omitted part of the truth.

  She figured, yes, she could get into trouble for telling him, not even the CO knew this, but, despite their volatile relationship, she’d found herself irrefutably drawn to him. Not just on a sexual level but also on a deeper one.

  For a moment, she wondered about her decision then shrugged, deciding the hell with it. He’d find out soon enough, if he were as smart and dogged as she pegged him to be. And she bet he was.

  “Antigravity squadron?”

  She stifled a sigh. “The B-2s.”

  His gaze shuttered. “I’m beginning to think this is neither the time nor place for this discussion.”

  “You asked.”

  “I did and I’m not backing away from it. I just think it should be discussed elsewhere.”

  With another negligent shrug, she began to eat. She could feel his gaze upon her but he also continued to eat.

  “Tell me about you.”

  The order fell with all the imbedded arrogance of an alpha male who expected to be obeyed. She hated following imperialistic commands. There were only a few who could get away with it in her mind, and he wasn’t one of them.

  “No.” She pinned him with a calm look. His reaction was as she’d expected, those gorgeous eyes narrowed on her face. “Tell me about you,” she countered.

  He appeared to war with his decision momentarily but, when he opened his mouth, the waitress arrived with their meal. She immediately turned her attention to the plate of steaming food. Some days a good ol’ burger and fries was what was needed. She salted her thick fries and poured the ketchup. Lifting one, she dipped it and put it in her mouth. A low groan of pleasure escaped. These were damn good steak fries.

  “Is this a private party?”

  Jaydee was nudged over as Jason ‘Lizard’ Armstrong slid in on her side, and she saw Gio had Tinman—another pilot—beside him. Both men had bottles of beer. Without asking, the two newcomers helped themselves to the remaining appetisers.

  Normally, she would have been embarrassed to face Lizard after what he’d said in the hangar. But, right now, she was too damn hungry to care. That being the case, she ate.

  “Why are you here, Armstrong?” Gio’s question came out more of a rumble.

  “We have a weekend, thought I’d find you somewhere. Just didn’t know you and Dusti here had a date.”

  She swallowed her food. “We are not on a date. We were hungry.”

  Gio’s hazel eyes bored into her, almost as if he was angry. With a dismissive sniff, she reached for some fries and ate them.

  “What do you call it then?” Jason asked, leaning close so his breath fanned her ear.

  “A meal between colleagues, Lieutenant,” she said, ice coating her words. She didn’t mind teasing but she refused to allow any rumours of her and Gio as a couple. Or fuck buddies.

  Jason stiffened slightly beside her before shrugging and eating more calamari. A foot nudged hers before stroking up her calf. It took everything she had not to jump. Her gaze centred back on Gio, who lifted his head up and peered at her with the eyes of a predator. His foot rubbed against her while his other leg encroached on her space, giving her two options. Sit rigidly, or allow physical contact between them.

  So she turned her attention back to her food and proceeded to eat, doing her best to ignore the simple yet intimate—and highly erotic—touches.

  The conversation flowed around her. Lizard felt—apparently—comfortable enough to take food from her plate. She allowed it, for to her it seemed they were trying to make her feel included. And it gave her perverse pleasure to watch the fleeting scowl on Gio’s face when it happened.

  “So, Casanova, what do you say? Are you in?”

  Jason’s question caused her to look up. Gio had a blank expression on his face and she continued to stare at Tinman. The man’s brown eyes twinkled as he met her gaze. What are they talking about?

  “Come on, Cas, you know Ashley is going to be there and she would love to see you.” Jason shifted on the seat when Gio pinned his eyes on him.

  “Ashley?” she asked, licking some salt and ketchup off her fingers.

  Either Jason didn’t see the warning glint in Gio’s gaze or didn’t care. When he glanced at her and grinned, she realised which. Jason didn’t care.

  “One of Casanova’s women. Our pilot here has left a trail of broken hearts behind him.”

  She ignored the stabbing pain that announcement gave her and lifted her glass before drinking her water. “I see, so Ashley is one of the many.” She nodded as if it all made sense. It did. Giovanni Cassano was a sexual man, with an appetite she would classify as insatiable.

  His gaze slashed to her face, eyes almost hidden by thick, curved lashes. Eyes that seemed to glint gold in the light. He nudged her foot with his but she glanced over to Jason, whose eyes flickered between herself and Gio.

  “Watch it, Lizard,” Gio said in a low growl.

  “What? Dusti here is one of the squad.” He shrugged and nudged her. “Do we need to censor what we say around you?”

  She shook her head. “Of course not,” she replied, reaching for her wallet. “I am honoured to be included. However, I must be going now. Thank you, Gio, for inviting me.”

  “You haven’t had dessert yet,” he said, reclining in the booth. She recognised the look on his face—a challenge.

  One she would love to take but she couldn’t. Not today. Pulling out some bills, she set them down beside her plate.

  “Not a big fan of dessert. If you will excuse me.”

  Gio wasn’t as nice. “Move, Tinman.” When the man did, he got to his feet. “I’ll walk you out.”

  “Y’all didn’t come together?” Jason asked as he got up.

  She grabbed her bag and stood. “Would it not be awkward if we had, and you want him to go get another woman?” At his look of discomfort, she grinned. “It was a joke.”

smiled and she could see his handsomeness even clearer. “You and I will get along just fine, Dusti.”

  She flashed him a grateful smile. “Glad to hear it.” Reaching back across the booth, she snagged her helmet. She could use all the allies she could get.

  Jason’s eyes widened and he clasped his heart. “Oh hell, you even ride a motorcycle. Marry me.”

  She laughed and shook her head, noting how the scowl on Gio’s face deepened. “I hope you gentlemen have a great time. I will see you in ninety-six.”

  Walking away, she inhaled sharply as the scent of Gio filled her nose. With a wave to the greeter, she reached for the door only to have Gio’s arm snake around her and beat her to it. It felt like he sniffed her neck.

  “Thank you,” she said, striding to her bike, stowing the bag, and straddling the seat.

  “Jaydee,” he murmured, one hand stretching towards her face.

  “I believe Ashley is waiting for you.” She gathered her hair up and put on her helmet, followed by the vest. “Goodnight, Gio.” Down came the visor and she drove away before she begged him to come home with her, instead of that Ashley bitch.

  Probably some cute little nothing with big tits and no personality or IQ. She snarled and waited for a break in the traffic to leave the parking lot. As she got on the street, she noticed him standing in the same spot.

  This is going to be a long assignment. Even with him just standing there, she craved him. Damn you, Gio!

  Chapter Four

  She’d driven away. Just like that. Slid one lean, toned leg over her sleek machine and left him so he could go to another woman. That was not how it was supposed to work. Jaydee was supposed to demand he not go, tell him to come with her. That he was hers.

  A thought that froze him. He shook his head with a disgusted grunt. What the hell am I thinking? Who cares what Lieutenant Commander Jaydee ‘Dusti’ Amos thinks?

  He entered the diner and made his way back to the booth. With nothing more than a look to get Tinman to move, he slid into an empty side while the other two shared.

  Tinman’s expression was only slightly less amused than Lizard’s. The trio of men said nothing for a short while until the waitress came back over. Her hair, the colour of claret, offset her pale skin. She smiled at him and reached over to take Jaydee’s empty plate.

  “Is your friend coming back?” she asked. “And can I get you men anything else?”

  While the question may have been directed at all of them, her bottle-green eyes never left him. They overflowed with blatant invitation. One that, in the past, he would have had no problems accepting. And his friends knew it.

  Yet he couldn’t force the words past his mouth. Not even the flirting decline, which seemed almost instinctive, considering how it normally flowed without a thought. Until now. Until her. Until Jaydee.

  “Just the check,” he informed her. Gathering up the money Jaydee had left, he pocketed it. “And hers as well.”

  “Leaving already?” she asked with a manufactured pout.

  “Yes.” He gave her a pointed look. “Check.”

  She smiled but it was definitely more forced. “Sure thing, handsome.”

  “Don’t speak,” he ordered Tinman and Lizard the second the waitress left.

  They obeyed for all of two seconds. Tinman started.

  “What’s up with you, man? You’re turning that down? And since when do women call you Gio? Hell, anyone. You damn near bit our heads off for that.”

  He ground his jaw. “Thought you said Ashley was waiting.” He wasn’t even going to address the Gio bit.

  Both of them snorted at that.

  “Nothing that would have stopped you before.” Tinman again.

  Lizard rolled the bottle in his fingers. “He’s after something else. Something darker and sexier. Something which can handle a B-2 as it streaks through the sky, or a crotch rocket down here on the ground.”

  Gio remained impassive, despite the overwhelming urge to hurdle the table and slam a fist into Lizard’s face. When the check came, he scooped it up and slapped sixty bucks down to cover it all.

  “You two have fun now,” he said with a grin.

  “Seriously? You’re not coming?” Lizard asked.

  “Nope. Going home.” He touched two fingers to his head and strode away.

  Lizard caught up with him at his convertible. “Giovanni.”

  He turned and braced a hip against the door. “Jason.” His reply was the same tone as his friend’s.

  “What are you doing, man?”

  He sighed. “Going home.” Alone. Damn it all, he wanted to be with Jaydee.

  “That’s not what I mean and you know it. You can’t be in a relationship with her. Hell, you aren’t supposed to even sleep with her.”

  “I know the rules,” he ground out.

  “Then why?”

  “I slept with her after Mike’s funeral. That’s what we were talking about in the hangar.” No point in telling Lizard he’d just fucked Jaydee in that very hangar moments before he’d arrived.

  Lizard swore a round of curses before shoving his hand along the top of his short hair. Then he crossed his arms and stared. Gio mimicked the action and lifted a brow as well.

  “What?” he demanded.

  “You can’t see it, can you?”

  “See what, Armstrong?”

  The man shook his head. “Nope. If you don’t know, I ain’t ruining my fun by watching the realisation hit you. Just do one thing for me.”

  Gio sighed and waited for his friend to continue. “What’s that?” he asked when nothing else was forthcoming.

  “Stop being a dick. She’s a damn good pilot who doesn’t deserve your derision.”

  This was the second time Lizard had said this. The man was right and it annoyed him to no end to know Lizard was defending her. “Anything else?” Gio asked sarcastically.

  “Yeah,” he said, before spinning on his heel and walking away. “Don’t get caught!”

  A grin lifted his lips. He had no intention of getting caught. In his car, he headed for his apartment only to pause in the drive.

  Where did she live? Was she home? Or had she gone back to base? Bigger question. Why did any of it matter?

  Grumbling at himself, he parked in the garage and walked into the house. He and Mike had shared this place before he’d died. Gio strode to Mike’s room and opened the door. He knew what he’d see the moment the light flicked on, and he wasn’t wrong. Boxes. Sealed boxes of his best friend’s things. They remained here because his family wasn’t ready to get them back.

  So here they sat, their very presence mocking him. With a snarl, he snapped off the light and slammed the door shut, only to stomp to the kitchen for a beer.

  * * * *

  It was midday on his final day of being off when Gio found himself pushing through the doors of their ops centre. The halls were quiet as he made his way to the room with the simulator in it. He opened the door then stepped into the totally dark room. Flipping the switches, he frowned as he found himself staring at the room as it normally was. No sign of the numerous whiteboards Jaydee’d had, full of that gibberish-looking crap all over them. Nothing that even said she’d been in there.

  What were you thinking—that she’d be waiting for you? his brain chided.

  As he exited the room, he ran into a guard. The petty officer nodded and gave a proper greeting.

  “Have you seen any of the other pilots?” he asked as thunder boomed overhead.

  “Sorry, sir. You’re the only one I’ve seen since Commander Amos left.”

  She had been there. He shrugged and shoved his hands into his pockets before giving a sharp nod to the guard and walking away. He paused at the exterior door and stared out of the vertical rectangular window at the downpour.

  He took out his baseball cap, snapped it open, and shoved it on his head as he bolted outside. Long strides took him to his car and he slid gratefully behind the wheel. At least I put the top up yesterday.
  He started the engine and headed back to his place. While he was at a red light, he looked up in time to see Jaydee walk into an apartment building with bags in one hand and an umbrella in the other. He knew it was her. Something happened to him when he was around her, he could feel her beneath his skin, almost. So he didn’t doubt he was seeing things.

  When the light changed, he whipped into an available spot along the street and got out again. Soaked, and with water dripping off his hat and clothes, he moved into the lobby. The place was quiet and he found what he was looking for. Mailboxes.

  Two B. He went to the lift and lowered the gate before pressing the button. When it stopped, he lifted the gate, slid open the door, and stepped out into the empty hall.

  Thunder rumbled again and the lights flickered. The cold air made him shiver and he walked to find the right door. There was no name, just bronze numbers on black paint. Another chill hit him and he pressed the doorbell. A few moments later and he found himself once again in Jaydee’s presence.

  She looked soft. As she had when she’d lain in his bed. Her hair fell unconfined in soft waves around her face. She had on a tatty, long-sleeved shirt and lounge pants. No shoes, but socks.

  Her tortoiseshell eyes widened. “Gio? What are you doing here?” She glanced up and down the hall before pulling him in and closing the door. “How did you find me?”

  Was it his imagination or did she sound a bit panicked? He glanced around her place and smiled. It was nice. Hardwood floors, a love seat, an overstuffed chair, and a recliner. A small table and chairs to one side, and there were stools by the island. Large windows, too. The other side of her place was full of whiteboards, a table with computers, and books.

  “Nice place,” he said.

  Her fingers tightened on his arm and he bet she didn’t realise what she was doing.

  “How did you find me?”

  “I was driving by and saw you walk in.”

  She shook her head. “You shouldn’t be here.”

  Only half teasing, he said, “You have a man who will be pissed I’m here?” She didn’t answer and he peered at her. Her lower lip was caught in her teeth. “Jaydee?”


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