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Casanova In Training

Page 29

by Aliyah Burke

  Her smile was a bit sad. “We should get going or your mother will come in. She’s done that to my office before.”

  He had a lot to make up for. “Okay, sweets. Let’s get you fed. Are you sleeping okay?”

  “No,” she replied immediately.

  He gathered her close and scowled when the knocking began again. “Give us a minute, damn it!” he hollered. “Five minutes.”

  “Is that all you need? Hmm, well, that explains so much,” Enzo said in a teasing voice.

  “I am going to break you,” he growled, moving towards the door.

  Jaydee touched him on the arm and he froze. “Gio.”

  Her voice was a mere whisper and his heart clenched. Immediately his attention reverted back to her.

  “God, I love you,” he said. Before he took his next breath, he gathered her close and kissed the hell out of her.

  “I love you too, Gio,” she murmured.

  He pressed his hand to the back of her head and sent a prayer of thanks up to the Lord above. Her strong hands slipped around the back of his head and she tugged him down for another kiss. This one was different. Heated. Passionate. Needy.

  And he wasn’t about to ignore her silent plea, for he wanted it as much as she did. No words were exchanged as he lowered her lounge pants and panties. Lifting her, he pressed her back against a wall and freed himself before sliding inside her wet, velvet heat.

  “Shit!” he barked in a harsh whisper.

  Christ, it felt so good to be back within her. It had been more than four months and she held him tight. Shuddering she moaned and tightened around him.

  “Gio…please…I…oh, please…”

  “Yes,” he breathed against her neck.

  He began to move. Deep, thorough strokes which rocked him to the core as he relearned her body. There wasn’t enough time. He had to hurry but all he wanted to do was slow down and take his time with her. Kiss every inch of skin, become reacquainted with the body that belonged to the woman he loved more than anything in this world.

  There was no way he would last long. Already his balls had drawn tight. “I can’t wait, sweets. Come with me.”

  She did. She exploded around him and muffled her cry against his shoulder. He came moments after that and kissed her as they sailed over the edge together. Her body trembled as he stayed inside her, waiting for her to stop coming. So responsive. So electric.

  Reluctantly he withdrew from her heat and placed her back on her feet. Gathering up her clothes, she slipped into the bathroom while he put himself away and sat on the edge of the bed.

  As he predicted, a furious knock came on the door before his mother opened it. “I told you supper was…where’s Jaydee?”

  He looked calmly at his mother. “She felt a bit nauseous. We’ll be down as soon as she is feeling better. Go ahead and start eating without us.”

  She watched him with brown eyes and immediately she made to move towards the bathroom door. “I should see if I can help her.”

  “Mama. I think she’d just prefer not to have this public knowledge.”

  She nodded. “I understand. I feel bad—I thought you were up here having sex.”

  Something about his mother talking about his sex life was all kinds of wrong but he managed not to wince. “Well, you see me sitting right here with all my clothes on. Trust me, I’d much rather be on the bed with her.”

  His mother arched an eyebrow at him and shook her head. “As soon as she’s ready, Giovanni.” She spun around and left.

  Once the door shut, he almost got up then paused, remaining there. As he’d suspected the door once again opened. His mother pointed at him. “You need to talk to Valentino.” Then she vanished again.

  He flopped back with a groan and draped an arm over his eyes. When the bed dipped, he removed it and turned his head to meet Jaydee’s tortoiseshell eyes. He could see her face was slightly fuller, too. Some people believed pregnant women glowed and he had to agree. She looked positively gorgeous.

  “Are you okay?” she questioned.

  “No. I want to strip you naked and make love to you until we’re both too tired to move. But I can’t. Not right now. I have to take you downstairs for dinner.”

  A small smile curved up her lips and she leant forward to kiss him. “There’s always tonight.” Then she got up and headed for the door. “Let’s go. Don’t want to keep everyone waiting.”

  He popped up and twirled her back to him for another kiss. It was an intense, spine-tingling kiss and he was hard-pressed not to say to hell with supper and lock them both in the room. With a groan, he escorted her to the stairs and down to the first floor. The entire family paused in their meal and glanced at the two of them when they walked in. Lexy gave them a smile which erased the almost-scowl she’d been sporting.

  “Sorry we’re late.” He held a chair for Jaydee, which put her beside Lexy, then made his own way around the table to sit between Valentino and Tiziana.

  The meal was loud and familiar to him, yet he knew it had to be almost overwhelming to Jaydee. She could handle groups, she’d done so with the other pilots, but this…this was her sanctuary and it had been invaded.

  After the supper dishes had been cleaned away, people settled down and Jaydee and Lexy left to take a walk. His sister was on her phone, again, so he went over to his brothers and jerked his head towards the door. They got up and came with him.

  “What’s up?” Enzo asked as they headed down the front steps.

  “As much as I love seeing you, you need to leave.”

  Enzo laughed. “Need some alone time with your girl?” he punched him in the shoulder. “I told you five minutes wouldn’t be enough.”

  He chuckled and slugged his brother back. “It never will be enough. But that’s not the point. She’s beginning to stress again and it’s not good for the baby.”

  “You really think her pit bull is going to let you have any time with her?” Valentino asked.

  “Her pit bull?” He frowned. “Do you mean Lexy?”


  Their mother hollered for Enzo and with a grin he jogged back up inside. Gio focused on his eldest brother. “Why do you call her that?”

  “She read me the riot act on the way downstairs. Telling me how lucky you were to even have a shot at a woman like Jaydee.”

  He bit back his smile at the disbelief in his brother’s tone. “She’s right. I am.” They headed around the house towards the dock. “Valentino, she is amazing. This woman can fly a B-2 bomber better than I can. She’s qualified to pilot the shuttle into outer space should the need ever arise and more. Not to mention she’s scary smart. And I mean scary fuckin’ brilliant.”

  “She’s a pilot? I thought you said she was a doctor.”

  “She’s both. Not only that, but she saved my career by going toe to toe with a pissed off brigadier general. Every moment I spend in her presence, I’m more than just happy. I don’t know how to explain it but she’s the one for me.”

  “So why don’t you ask her to marry you?”

  “I have, twice. She was under the impression I asked her because there was a chance she was pregnant.”

  Valentino snorted. “And now?”

  “I love her. I was coming here to ask her again. Lizard is arriving tomorrow along with a minister. I wasn’t going to leave until she agreed to marry me.”

  “You know Mama won’t leave if she knows there is a wedding.”

  He sighed. “I know. I just…man, I really wish…” He trailed off for he saw her and Lexy on the dock. A few solar lights illuminated them.

  As if she knew he was there, she turned and glanced in their direction. Smacking his brother on the shoulder, he hastened down to her side. Touching her, he immediately felt better and, with a smile for Lexy, brushed his lips along Jaydee’s.

  “Oh, it’s you.” Lexy crossed her arms and stared at his brother. “Don’t you have some small child to scare with your scowling?”

  His brother mimicked h
er stance and glared right back at her. “Am I scaring you?”

  A sharp, derisive snort. “I ain’t been a little child in a long time and it would take a lot more than that scowl to scare me.”

  Arm around Jaydee, Gio escorted her away from the bickering duo. He led her to the backyard where he sat her in a swing then joined her. Her place was amazing. The back was lit with soft amber lighting and he tucked her close.

  “Marry me, Jaydee,” he said. “Marry me.”

  She turned her face up towards his. “What about work? I’m not anywhere near where you would be.”

  “That’s not going to be an issue much longer.”

  “What happened?” Her question was sharp.

  “I refused a direct order to return to base on an op.”

  “Why would you do such a thing?”

  He tensed. “Because I wasn’t about to leave the plane with us flying support alone against six other bogies. Tower wanted me to come back and I refused. We stayed together and alive until the others arrived.”

  “Everyone was okay?”

  “Yes. The plane got a bit shot up but everyone made it back safely. Higgins, the new CO, was less than pleased with my…mine and Lizard’s decision. I don’t care. I was a fighter pilot and we don’t leave men alone to face those odds. Not if there is a chance we can help.”

  He wasn’t sure what he expected her to do or say, but he was surprised when she kissed him on the mouth. “I’m proud of you for doing what was right.”

  “I am going to resign my commission, Jaydee. Just, please, let me be here for the pregnancy and birth.”

  Resign his commission? Jaydee stared at him in the muted light. She didn’t see any signs of distress when he spoke of that. He must mean it. Her heart swelled with the amount of love she had for this man.


  He pinned her with his intoxicating hazel eyes. “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, you can stay for the pregnancy and birth, and yes, I’ll marry you.”

  How could she not? Every moment they’d been apart, she’d wanted to be his wife. Was she scared? Yes. But she had talked to Ivan about it after she’d turned him down, and again with Lexy. Both of them had convinced her to give it a shot.

  He lowered his head and covered her mouth with his. She sank into him and returned the kiss with fervour. Only when a whistle broke into their own little world did she find some way to drag herself away.

  “I hear there’s going to be a wedding?” Antonina said from where she stood with the rest of her family and Lexy. “I can’t wait to get started on the planning. Giovanni, we have to make sure Father Crispin is available to do the service.”

  She tensed at those words. Antonina continued on but all she could do was stare at Lexy, who gave her a smile and a wink.

  “No, Mama.” Gio’s arm tightened around her.

  “No? What do you mean no?”

  “Just what I said, mama. Nothing big. We’re getting married tomorrow. Here.”

  Jaydee looked at him. “We are?”

  “We are. Lizard is coming and is bringing a preacher with him.”

  “How did you know I would say yes?” she asked him.

  “I didn’t. I just didn’t plan on leaving until you did. You know how much I love you, Jaydee. I want to be your husband.”

  Uncaring of those watching, she cradled her hand along his face. “I love you too, Gio.”

  “Giovanni, if you do this, how am I supposed to plan for it? What about our family and friends?”

  “So plan a reception, Mama. But the wedding is tomorrow. And then you all need to leave.”

  Jaydee’s heart pounded and she looked from Gio to Lexy. “Will you stand up with me?”

  “Hon, you never have to worry about that. Of course I will. Now…we have work to do, so kiss your man goodnight. You aren’t sleeping with him and we have a dress to ready for the morning.” Without further ado, Lexy pulled her up and away from Gio.

  Tiziana gave her a hug and a kiss. “Congratulations and welcome to the family. Come on, Mama, let’s go bake a wedding cake.”

  The men gave her their congratulations as well, then Lexy led her inside and up to the bedroom. Behind the privacy of the closed doors, she drew her in for a huge hug.

  “I’m so proud of you, hon. Look at you, getting married.”

  Both of them had tears in their eyes before wiping them away. “I’m scared, Lexy.”

  “Of course you are. This isn’t something you can read a manual on and memorise. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. That man loves you. So much.”

  “And I love him.”

  “I know, hon. I knew a long time ago. Was just waiting on you to realise it yourself.” She squeezed her shoulder. “Now, let’s see what we can do for a dress.” Lexy disappeared into her closet and hemmed and hawed for a bit. Popping back out, she said, “You go downstairs and mingle with your in-laws. I’ll work on this.”

  “I don’t want you to—”

  “Get out of here, Jay. Go be with Gio. I have this.”

  She nodded and with a kiss to Lexy’s cheek headed to the stairs. Valentino was on his way up and he gave her a nod.

  “Thank you,” he said in a low tone.

  “For what?”

  He ran the ring around his neck along the chain a few times before he answered. “For showing my brother how to love someone.”

  “Your brother is an amazing man.”

  “I can see you love him.”

  She nodded. “I have loved him for a long time.”

  “We can tell. No one has ever been allowed to call him Gio. He hated the nickname. But, tonight, his eyes lit up when you said it.”

  Her cheeks heated at his words. But it was his next words that brought tears to her eyes.

  “You are my sister now. If you ever need anything, anything, you come to me.” He leaned in quick and pressed a kiss to her cheek before disappearing down the hall.

  A bit amazed, she touched where he’d kissed her and made her way to the first floor. Tiziana and Antonina were in the kitchen, busy baking her wedding cake. Enzo, Giuseppe and Gio sat in the living area, drinking beer and chatting easily with one another in Italian.

  The minute Gio spotted her, he put down his beer and walked to her side. “Hello, gorgeous,” he said before kissing her.

  She melted into him, tasting him and beer. “Hi,” she said.

  “Where’s Lexy?”

  “She is working on my dress. Told me to come down here.”

  “Wonderful,” Giuseppe said. “Come play Go with me. I want to learn a little more about my daughter-in-law.”

  She smiled at the sight of her board waiting there before Giuseppe. The grid of black painted lines had the stones ready for play.

  “Yes, sir,” she said, sitting down in the chair across from him.

  “None of that ‘sir’ stuff. You can call me Pops, like the others do.”

  She glanced at Gio, who gave her a wink and a smile of encouragement. They began to play and, a bit later, Gio handed her a mug of tea and brushed a kiss along her cheek.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  While they played, they chatted about her work and what everyone else in the family did. Lexy and Valentino showed up and joined in the conversation. Every now and then, she would sneak a peek over at Lexy and the women would share a grin.

  Lexy stayed in her room that night, and Gio got the final remaining available room. When the morning came, she woke to loud male conversation outside. Lexy had told her to sleep in and it had felt amazing. Rising from bed, she padded to the window and peered out. Nothing there, so she went to the side with the balcony and stepped out. She smiled at the sight of the men lining the path to the dock with flowers.

  “Get away from the window,” Lexy said from behind her.

  She turned and her breath caught in her throat. “Lexy, you look beautiful.” Her friend wore a pale pink dress that hugged her body.

  “Thank you, hon. No
w come on, let’s get you dressed.”

  Jaydee took a shower and came out in her robe before sitting down on the foot of her bed. Lexy did her hair then walked to the closet and withdrew something before gesturing for her to get on the undergarments then to come back, so Jaydee did.

  She stared at the dress Lexy handed to her and her eyes pricked with tears. In her hand, she held a long, silky white gown, sweetheart neckline, and a slight tuck at the waist.

  “Lexy,” she said. “This…this is stunning.”

  “Try it on.”

  She stepped into it and drew it up. It was a satiny material which smoothed over her skin. She zipped up the side and twirled around. It flowed around her and settled about her ankles. Lexy brought her a pair of shoes and helped her into them.

  They weren’t stilettos but there was some heel to them. Lexy applied a light touch of makeup to Jaydee’s face then pressed a kiss to her cheek.

  “You are going to knock his socks off, hon.”

  Together they walked out of the bedroom and down the stairs. Lizard stood at the bottom and gave her a kind smile.

  “Hell, just look at you, Dusti. You…you look amazing. It’s good to see you.” He leaned in and gave her a kiss. Then looked at Lexy. “You too, Lexy. Damnation.”

  Lexy gave a sultry chuckle. “Good to see you, handsome. Good to see you.”

  Lizard blushed and brushed a kiss along her cheek before slipping away, saying he needed to check on the groom.

  “What a surprise, to see you fawning over a man who wears a uniform.”

  Jaydee turned to see Valentino walking in. His attention was on Lexy, whose entire demeanour stiffened for a moment. Then she gave another one of those sexy laughs. “Don’t be jealous just because I don’t call you handsome. Maybe if you learned how to smile you’d…well, you’d be passably good-looking, I reckon.” With a wave of her hand, she tugged Jaydee along. “See you at the ceremony.”

  They made their way down the steps and she heard talking and laughing. Her belly clenched a bit but she ignored it. She wasn’t going to let anything get in her way of acquiring her happily ever after.

  Everyone stood before the dock except for the minister, Gio and Lizard. Her breath caught as she spied Gio standing there in his dress blues. He looked so handsome, he took her breath away.


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