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Storm Over Leyte

Page 44

by John Prados

  Thomas B. Allen and Norman Polmar, Codename Downfall: The Secret Plan to Invade Japan. Chatham, UK: Headline Books, 1995.

  Christopher J. Argyle, Japan at War, 1937–1945. London: Weidenfeld Publishers, 1976.

  Henry H. “Hap” Arnold, Global Mission. New York: Harper & Row, 1949.

  Gerald Astor, Operation Iceberg: The Invasion and Conquest of Okinawa in World War II—An Oral History. New York: Donald I. Fine, 1995.

  Albert Axell and Kase Hideaki, Kamikaze: Japan’s Suicide Gods. London: Pearson, 2002.

  Geoffrey Ballard, On ULTRA Active Service: The Story of Australia’s Signals Intelligence Operations During World War II. Richmond, Victoria, Australia: Spectrum, 1991.

  Daniel E. Barbey, Battle Stations! Your Navy in Action. New York: William H. Wise & Co., 1946.

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  James H. Belote and William M. Belote, Titans of the Seas: The Development and Operations of Japanese and American Carrier Task Forces During World War II. New York: Harper & Row, 1975.

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  David Bergamini, Japan’s Imperial Conspiracy. New York: Pocket Books, 1972.

  Herbert P. Bix, Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan. New York: HarperCollins, 2000.

  Robert W. Black, Rangers in World War II. New York: Ballantine Books, 1992.

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  William Breuer, Devil Boats: The PT War Against Japan. New York: Jove, 1988.

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  Worrall R. Carter, Bullets, Beans and Black Oil: The Story of Fleet Logistics Afloat in the Pacific During World War II. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1953.

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  Basil Collier, The War in the Far East, 1941–1945: A Military History. New York: William Morrow, 1969.

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  Alexander D. Corbin, The History of Camp Tracy: Japanese WWII POWs and the Future of Strategic Interrogation. Fort Belvoir, VA: Ziedon Press, 2009.

  Robert J. Cox, My Online Book: The Battle off Samar, Taffy III at Leyte Gulf., 2012.

  Thomas J. Cutler, The Battle of Leyte Gulf: The Greatest Naval Battle in History, The Dramatic Full History, October 23–26, 1944. New York: Pocket Books, 1996.

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  D. Colt Denfeld, Hold the Marianas: The Japanese Defense of the Islands. Shippensberg, PA: White Mane Publisher, 1997.

  Roger Dingman, Deciphering the Rising Sun: Navy and Marine Corps Codebreakers, Translators, and Interpreters in the Pacific War. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2009.

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  Bob Drury and Tom Clavin, Halsey’s Typhoon: The True Story of a Fighting Admiral, an Epic Storm, and an Untold Rescue. New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 2007.

  Peter J. Edwards, The Rise and Fall of the Japanese Imperial Naval Air Service. Barnsley, UK: Pen & Sword, 2010.

  Robert L. Eichelberger with Milton Mackaye, Our Jungle Road to Tokyo. New York: Viking Press, 1950.

  Joseph F. Enright with James W. Ryan, Shinano! The Sinking of Japan’s Supership. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1987.

  David C. Evans, ed., The Japanese Navy in World War II: In the Words of Former Japanese Naval Officers (2nd ed.). Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute, 1986.

  David C. Evans and Mark R. Peattie, Kaigun: Strategy, Tactics and Technology in the Imperial Japanese Navy, 1887–1941. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute, 1997.

  James J. Fahey, Pacific War Diary, 1942–1945. New York: Avon, 1963.

  Stanley L. Falk, Decision at Leyte. New York: W. W. Norton, 1966.

  Edward I. Farley, PT Patrol: Wartime Adventures in the Pacific and the Story of PTs in World War II. New York: Popular Library, 1962.

  George Feifer, Tennozan: The Battle of Okinawa and the Atomic Bomb. New York: Tichnor & Fields, 1992.

  James E. Field Jr., The Japanese at Leyte Gulf: The SHO Operation. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1947.

  Gregory G. Fletcher, Intrepid Aviators: The True Story of USS Intrepid’s Torpedo Squadron 18 and Its Epic Clash with the Superbattleship Musashi. New York: NAL/Caliber, 2012.

  Douglas Ford, The Elusive Enemy: U.S. Naval Intelligence and the Imperial Japanese Fleet. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2011.

  Simon Foster, Okinawa, 1945: Final Assault on the Empire. London: Arms & Armour Press, 1996.

  René J. Francillon, Japanese Aircraft of the Pacific War. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1974.

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  Benis M. Frank, Okinawa: Touchstone to Victory. New York: Ballantine Books, 1970.

  Richard P. Frank, Downfall: The End of the Imperial Japanese Empire. New York: Random House, 1999.

  Kenneth I. Friedman, Afternoon of the Rising Sun: The Battle of Leyte Gulf. Novato, CA: Presidio Press, 2001.

  Richard Fuller, Shoˉkan: Hirohito’s Samurai: Leaders of the Japanese Armed Forces, 1926–1945. London: Arms & Armour Press, 1992.

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  Donald M. Goldstein and Katharine V. Dillon, eds., Fading Victory: The Diary of Admiral Matome Ugaki, 1941–1945 (trans. Chihaya Masatake). Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute, 2008.

  Ian Gow with H. P. Willmott, Okinawa 1945: Gateway to Japan. Garden City: Doubleday, 1985.

  Edwin Gray, Operation Pacific: The Royal Navy’s War Against Japan, 1941–1945. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, n.d. [1990].

  Thomas E. Griffith Jr., MacArthur’s Airman: General George C. Kenney and the War in the Southwest Pacific. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1998.

  William F. Halsey with J. D. Bryan III, Admiral Halsey’s Story. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1947.

  Joseph T. Ham
rick, Technical Air Intelligence in the Pacific in World War II. Cassville, MO: Litho Printer, 2007.

  Hara Tameichi with Fred Saito and Roger Pineau, Japanese Destroyer Captain. New York: Ballantine, 1961.

  Hasegawa Tsuyoshi, Racing the Enemy: Stalin, Truman, and the Surrender of Japan. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2005.

  Hata Ikuhiko, Izawa Yasuho, and Christopher Shores, Japanese Army Fighter Aces, 1931–1945. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2012.

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  Hayashi Saburo with Alvin D. Coox, Kogun: The Japanese Army in the Pacific War. Quantico, VA: Marine Corps Association, 1959.

  William N. Hess, Pacific Sweep. New York: Zebra, 1978.

  F. H. Hinsley and Alan Stripp, Codebreakers: The Inside Story of Bletchley Park. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.

  A. Hoehling, The Franklin Comes Home. New York: Manor Books, 1974.

  W. J. Holmes, Double-Edged Secrets: U.S. Naval Intelligence Operations in the Pacific During World War II. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute, 1979.

  ———, Underseas Victory, II, 1943–1945: The Tide Turns. New York: Zebra Books, 1979.

  Kevin C. Holzimmer, General Walter Krueger: Unsung Hero of the Pacific War. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2007.

  Horikoshi Jiro, Eagles of Mitsubishi: The Story of the Zero Fighter (trans. Shindo Shojiro and Harold N. Wantiez). Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1992.

  Edwin P. Hoyt, The Battle of Leyte Gulf: The Death Knell of the Japanese Fleet. New York: Weybright & Tally, 1972.

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  ———, The Last Kamikaze: The Story of Admiral Matome Ugaki. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1993.

  ———, Leyte Gulf: The Death of the Princeton. New York: Avon Books, 1972.

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  ———, Yamamoto: The Man Who Planned Pearl Harbor. New York: Warner, 1990.

  Frazier Hunt, The Untold Story of Douglas MacArthur. New York: Signet, 1964.

  Ray C. Hunt and Bernard Nolting, Behind Japanese Lines: An American Guerrilla in the Philippines. New York: Pocket Books, 1988.

  Allison Ind, Allied Intelligence Bureau: Our Secret Weapon in the War Against Japan. New York: Modern Literary Editions, 1958.

  Inoguchi Rikihei and Nakajima Tadashi with Roger Pineau, The Divine Wind: Japan’s Kamikaze Force in World War II. New York: Bantam, 1978.

  Ito Masanori with Roger Pineau, The End of the Imperial Japanese Navy (trans. Andrew Y. Kuroda and Roger Pineau). New York: Jove, 1984.

  D. Clayton James, The Japanese Navy in World War II. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute, 1969.

  ———, The Years of MacArthur: II: 1941–1945. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1975.

  Hansgeorg Jentschura, Dieter Jung, and Peter Mickel, Warships of the Imperial Japanese Navy, 1869–1945 (trans. Anthony Preston and J. D. Brown). Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1978.

  Kumiko Kakehashi, So Sad to Fall in Battle: An Account of War Based on General Tadamichi Kuribayashi’s Letters from Iwo Jima. New York: Ballantine Books, 2007.

  Walter Karig et al., Battle Report: IV: The End of an Empire. New York: Rinehart & Company, 1948.

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  John Keats, They Fought Alone. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1963.

  Maxwell Taylor Kennedy, Dangerous Hours: The Story of the USS Bunker Hill and the Kamikaze Pilot Who Crippled Her. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2009.

  George C. Kenney, General Kenney Reports: A Personal History of the Pacific War. New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1949.

  E. Bartlett Kerr, The Diary of Marquis Kido, 1931–1945: Selected Translations into English. Frederick, MD: University Press of America, 1984.

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  Dan King, The Last Zero Fighter: Firsthand Accounts from WWII Japanese Naval Pilots. Irvine, CA: Pacific Press, 2012.

  Ken Kotani, Japanese Intelligence in World War II (tns. Kotani Chiharu). Botley, UK: Osprey, 2009.

  Paul H. Kratoska, The Japanese Occupation of Malaya, 1941–1945. Honolulu, Universitu of Hawaii Press, 1997.

  Kuwahara Yasuo and Gordon T. Allred. Kamikaze. New York: Ballantine Books, 1957.

  Eric Lacroix and Linton Wells II, Japanese Cruisers of the Pacific War. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute, 1997.

  Raymond Lamont-Brown, Kamikaze: Japan’s Suicide Samurai. London: Cassell, 1999.

  Edwin T. Layton with Roger Pineau and John Costello, “And I Was There”: Pearl Harbor and Midway—Breaking the Secrets. New York: Morrow, 1985.

  William D. Leahy, I Was There: The Personal Story of the Chief of Staff to Presidents Roosevelt and Truman Based on His Notes and Diaries Made at the Time. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1950.

  Robert Leckie, Okinawa: The Last Battle of World War II. New York: Viking Books, 1995.

  ———, Strong Men Armed: The United States Marines Against Japan. New York: Bantam, 1963.

  Charles A. Lockwood, Hellcats of the Sea. New York: Bantam, 1988.

  ——— Sink ’Em All: Submarine Warfare in the Pacific. New York: Bantam, 1984.

  Charles A. Lockwood and Hans C. Adamson, Battles of the Philippine Sea. New York: Thomas Crowell, 1968.

  Robert Lundgren, The World Wonder’d: What Really Happened off Samar. Ann Arbor, MI: Nimble Books, 2014.

  Douglas A. MacArthur, Reminiscences. Greenwich, CT: Fawcett, 1964.

  Donald Macintyre, Leyte Gulf: Armada in the Pacific. New York: Ballantine Books, 1969.

  Paul Manning, Hirohito: The War Years. New York: Bantam, 1989.

  M. Ernest Marshall, That Night at Surigao: Life on a Battleship at War. Mechanicsburg, PA: Sunbury Press, 2013.

  John T. Mason Jr., The Pacific War Remembered: An Oral History Collection. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1986.

  James C. McNaughton, Nisei Linguists: Japanese Americans in the Military Intelligence Service During World War II. Washington, DC: Department of the Army, 2007.

  Robert C. Mikesh and Tagaya Osamu, Moonlight Interceptor: Japan’s “Irving” Night Fighter. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1985.

  John Monsarrat, Angel on the Yardarm: The Beginnings of Fleet Radar Defense and the Kamikaze Threat. Newport, RI: Naval War College Press, 1985.

  Samuel Eliot Morison, The Two-Ocean War: A Short History of the United States Navy in World War II. New York: Ballantine, 1972.

  Ivan Morris, The Nobility of Failure: Tragic Heroes in the History of Japan. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1988.

  Wilbur H. Morrison, Above and Beyond, 1941–1945. New York: Bantam Books, 1986.

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  Malcolm Muir, The Iowa Class Battleships: Iowa, New Jersey, Missouri & Wisconsin. Poole, UK: Blandford Press, 1987.

  Kenneth Munson, Aircraft of World War II. New York: Doubleday, 1968.

  Ivan Musicant, Battleship at War: The Epic Story of the USS Washington. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1986.

  Naito Hatsuho, Thunder Gods: The Kamikaze Pilots Tell Their Story (trans. Ichikawa Mayumi). New York: Dell Books, 1990.

  Nakata Seiichi, ed., For That One Day: The Memoirs of Mitsuo Fuchida, Commander of the Attack on Pearl Harbor (trans. Douglas T. Shinsato and Urabe Tadanori). Kamuela, HI: eXperience inc., 2011.

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  Oka Shohei, Fires in the Plain (trans. Ivan Morris). North Clarendon, VT: Tuttle Publishing, 2001.

  Okumiya Masatake and Horikoshi Jiro with Martin Caidin, Zero: The Story of Japan’s Air War in the Pacific, 1941–45. New York: Ballantine, 1957.

  Michael K. Olson, Tales from a Tin Can: The USS Dale from Pearl Harbor to Tokyo Bay. Minneapolis, MN: Zenith, 2010.

  Orita Zenji with Joseph D. Harrington, I-Boat Captain. Canoga Park, CA: Major, 1976.

  Pacific War Research Society, Japan’s Longest Day. New York: Ballantine Books, 1972.

  Albert Palazzo, The Australian Army: A History of Its Organization, 1901–2001. Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 2001.

  Mark P. Parillo, The Japanese Merchant Marine in World War II. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1993.

  Lawrence Paterson, Hitler’s Grey Wolves: U-Boats in the Indian Ocean. London: Greenhill Books, 2004.

  Michael Patterson, The Secret War: The Inside Story of Code Makers and Code Breakers in World War II. Cincinnati, OH: David & Charles, 2007.

  Jack Pearl, Admiral “Bull” Halsey. Derby, CT: Monarch, 1962.

  Mark R. Peattie, Sunburst: The Rise of Japanese Naval Air Power, 1909–1941. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute, 2001.

  Geoffrey Perrett, Old Soldiers Never Die: The Life of Douglas MacArthur. New York: Random House, 1996.


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