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Aborigines (New South Wales), 88
Abrecation, 80
Abreu, Rosalia, 52
Absolute death, 36, 45
dissociation and, 142, 159
Accidental deaths, 91
Actias luna, 175
Acupuncture, 118-19, 145, 157, 159, 184, 185, 189, 205, 218, 220
and energy channels, 118-19
Adamenko, Victor, 121, 189
Aging (the aged), 61, 64
brain patterns in dying and, 82-83
and dreaming, 123
life expectancy and, 61-62
personality changes in, 100
dying and, 66, 67
Agpaoa, Tony, 212-13, 218
Air burial, 87
disappearance of, 164-65
memory and, 106-7
Algae, 184
Alpha brain waves, 141, 143, 218
Amanita muscaria, 194
Amenhotep III, Pharaoh, 192, 193
American Society for Physical Research, 127
Amino acids, 27
D (right-handed) and L (left-handed), 27
phantom limbs and, 120-21, 161
Amylase-amylose (enzyme), 202
Andersen, Hans Christian, 17
Andrade, H. D., 121
Anger (frustration),
as reaction to dying, 64
Angstroms, 21
Animals (animal life), 61, 113
(see also specific kinds)
and aging, 61
and behavior studies, 93, 94-95, 96
and death awareness, 48ff., 52-60, 71
and death feigning, 73-76, 83
and death by fright and stress, 70-71
and dreaming, 103-4, 105-6, 108
and ghosts, 174-76
children and, 51
Anolis carolinensis, 75
Anterior cingulectomy, 108
Apparitions, 153, 163, 168, 172-73, 174, 196
(see also Ghosts, Monsters)
possession and, 178-97
Arigó (José de Freitas), 206-8
Arms or legs,
crossing of, 139-40
Ascomycete fungus, 184
Ashanti (West Africa), 87
Asmat headhunters, 88
Asphyxia, 43
Asthenic (body type), 97
Astral body, 159
Astral projection, 135-45, 153, 159
See also Out-of-body experiences
Athletic (body type), 97
Atoms, 9, 26
See also Molecules
Atropine, 16
Auditory phenomena, 169-72, 174
See also Hearing, sense of
Auras, 155-61
(see also Bioplasma)
healing and, 203-5, 206-7, 220-21
Autopsies, 16
healing and, 199
Azande (Africa), 112
Baalbek, 164
(see also Birth, Children)
and dreaming, 104, 110, 123
death awareness in, 48
Backster, Cleve, 53-58
Bacteria, 24-26, 27-28, 30
immortality and, 27-28
reproduction and, 27-28, 29-30
white cells and, 24-25
Bahama Islands,
physical force fields near, 163-64
Bali, 88
Balint, Michael, 200
Bander, Peter, 174
Banyan trees, 114
Barber Surgeons Company, 17
Barley seeds experiment,
healing and, 200-1
Bateson, Gregory, 80
Bavenda (South Africa), 87
Beagle, 149
Bedford, James, 41
Bees and beehives,
group identity and, 30-31, 96-97, 144
personality and, 92ff.
Bell Telephone
Laboratories, 164
Bennett, Arnold, 135
Berenson, Bernard, 135
Besant, Annie, 159
Bessent, Malcolm, 125-26
Bethlehem, 164
Binary fission, 28
Biochemical reactions,
psychic healing and, 201-5ff.
Biofeedback, 176, 200
Biology, 19-20ff., 61-62
dissociation between body and mind and, 127-28, 149-51
(see also Dissociation)
enlightenment as a biological process, 111-28
separation of second and somatic systems and, 121-28, 129-45,
149ff., 219- 21
(see also under Body)
Bioplasma, 121, 156, 159-61, 185, 190, 194, 195-97, 203-5, 218, 220-21
Birds, 179
and dreaming, 103
Birth (birth process), 19, 72-73, 81-82
(see also Babies)
and dying, 72-73
Black, Stephen, 77, 200, 217
Black magic,
death through fear and, 68-71
Black spots, 164
Blance, Juan, 215
Blavatsky, Madame, 159
Blind, the,
and dreaming, 124
Blood cells, 21-22, 24
(see also Cells)
and clinical death, 42
Blood pressure
fainting and, 75-76
telepathy and changes in, 69-70
Body: auras, 155-61
(see also Auras)
dualism and, 145
and mind, dissociation between, 115ff., 129-45
(see also Dissociation)
and personality survival, 92-110, 119-28
(see also Survival)
psychic healing and, 198-221
separation of second system from, 109, 115-28, 129-45, 153ff., 219-21
spirit possession and, 174-97
survival without, 153-73, 174ff.
Body temperature,
clinical death and, 39-42, 43
Body types,
temperament and, 97-98
Bong Han, Kim, 118
Bose, Jagadis Chandra, 57
Bo tree, 114
Bouhamzy, Ibrahim, 188-89
Bouhamzy, Mahmoud, 187-88
Brain, 41, 120
(see also Cortex)
alpha waves, 141, 143, 218
cells, and death, 38-39, 43, 44, 45
damage, and death through fear, 68, 70, 71
and dissociation, 136-37, 139, 140, 143, 145, 178, 179, 180
and dreaming, 102, 103-4, 105-6, 110, 125
and dying, biochemistry of, 66-68
and dying, patterns of, 82-83
and electrical energy, 141, 143, 158
LSD and, 114-15
and memory, 106-8
pineal body and, 113-15, 118
and sleep, 82, 125
surgery, 43
and survival, 93, 101
and trance (visionary) States, 78-82, 114-15
psychic healers in, 206-8
Breathing (respiration)
and astral projection, 139
and death, 39, 44
hyperventilation and trance states, 79
pranayama and, 116
Brine.shrimp, 53-54, 55
Brontë, Emily, 135
Buchan, John, 135
Buddha, 114, 155
Budding, reproduction by, 28-29
Burial customs, 87-90
Burials, premature, 16-18
Burney, Christopher, 93
Burr, Harold, 130-34, 138, 140, 143-44, 159
Bushmen (Kalahari), 80
Cancer, 34, 47, 186, 202, 212
Canetti, Elias, 182, 183
Carbon compounds, 20-21
Carpenter, Edmund, 149
Castaneda, Carlos, 179, 219
Catalepsy, 77-78
enzymes as, 131
Cataplexy, 76-77
Catatonic schizophrenics, 77
Cathie, Bruce, 164-65
and dreaming, 103, 104, 105-6
and ghosts, 175
cellular life and death, 23-26, 30-36, 38-39, 41-42, 44, 47
and clinical death, 41-42
embryonic, 19, 32
red blood, 22, 24, 42
reproduction of, 27-30
sensitivity and communication in, 55-60
structural constancy of, 129-33, 184, 185-86
tissue cultures, 31-36, 186
white, 24-25
Cerebellum, 178
Cerebrum, 178, 179
Chaffin, James, 153
Chakras, 115, 117-19, 159, 204
Chalchas, 7
Chemical factors,
personality and, 95-97
Chicks, 25
Children, 72-73
(see also Babies, Birth)
and awareness of death, 50-52, 59-60, 65,73 -
Chimpanzees, 52, 65
Choleric (body-humor), 97
Chromosomes, 133, 186
See also Genetics
Circuits, electric,
and astral projection, 140
City of Limerick, 126-27
Clement XIV, Pope, 153
Clinical death, 36, 62, 65, 66, 67, 87, 91, 92
definitions, 42-45
possession and, 185, 192-94, 197
signs of, 39-46
survival and, 92-94, 130, 133, 143-45, 158-59, 185, 192-94, 199
Cliona celata, 31
as reaction to stress, 74-83
Collective unconscious, 167
Collins, Wilkie, 17
Coma, 44, 82-8 3
(see also Information)
electromagnetic field and, 134
sensitivity in living things and, 55-60
survival and, 149-51, 169-71
(see also Survival)
telepathic, 69-70
(see also Telepathy)
Computers, 154, 176
(see also Mind; Perception; Sensitivity; Unconscious, the)
detachment (dissociation) and, 115-28, 129-45
primary, 55
psychic healing and, 200, 202, 218-21
survival and, 100-10
(see also Survival)
"Constitutional psychology,"
Sheldon's, 97-98
survival and, 101-10
See Epilepsy
Corona(s), 156-60, 203
See also Auras
Cortex, 93, 101, 106-7, 108
See also Brain
Coué, Émile, 199
Cremation, 88, 89
Crowds (crowd behiavior), 182-84
Cryonics, 41
Crystals (crystallization process), 22-23, 36, 38, 100
Cultural factors,
personality and, 95, 98, 99-100
See Tissue cultures
psychic healing and, 198-221, 222-23
and trance states, 79
Darwin, Charles, 74, 149
Dean, Douglas, 70, 112, 157-58
awareness of, attitudes toward, and fear of, 47-60, 61-62ff., 89-91
definitions of life and, 19-37, 42-46, 61-62
degrees of, 27-37, 44, 59
as a disease, 46-47ff.
dissociation (survival) and, 129-45, 149ff.
(see also Dissociation, Survival)
and dying as part of life cycle, 61-88
goth and (see Goth)
life energy fields and, 133-45
premature burial and, 16-18
problems in distinguishing between life and, 8, 15-18, 19-37, 38ff.,
219-21, 222
(see also Life, Romeo Error)
sexual reproduction and, 29
sleep and, 82-83
and sp
irit possession, 178-97
tests for determining, 16-18, 38ff.
Death-feigning behavior, 73-76
"Death instinct," 71-72, 81
Decay, 27, 43, 144-45, 185-86, 195
DeLoach, Ethel, 157-58
Delphi, 164
Dement, William, 103
as a reaction to dying, 64-65, 66
Depression, 80
as a reaction to dying, 65
Depth psychology, 191
Descartes, René, 109, 113
(see also Dissociation)
in dreams, 125-28
and dying, 62-63, 65-66, 67, 68, 72, 75
and out-of-body experiences
(see Out-of-body experiences)
pineal body as point of, 115
(see also Pineal body)
and trance states, 79-80, 115ff.
Devils (evil spirits), 179, 181
psychic healing and, 198-221, 222-23
view of death as, 46-47, 59
Disposal of the dead,
methods of, 87-90
(see also Detachment)
body and mind, 115ff.,129-45,153ff., 176ff., 221
possession and, 178-97
of second and somatic systems, 109, 115ff., 121-28, 129-45, 153-72
Doctor-patient relationship,
and diagnosis of death, 45-46
and dreaming, 104, 105
and dying, 66, 67
and ghosts, 174-76
Dolphins, 179
Dostoevski, F. M., 78, 83
"Double binds," 80-81
Dreams (dreaming), 101, 102-10, 122-28, 154, 171, 176, 178
awareness of (lucid and prelucid), 122-28, 136
deprivation and, 103-4
function of, 104, 123
information obtained in, 125-28
memory and, 106-10, 122-23, 124, 127-45
rapid eye movements and, 102-3, 104, 105, 124-25
reaction to dying in, 63, 64
Drugs (chemicals), 64, 78, 80, 178, 179
and visionary (trance) states, 79, 80, 114, 115
hypnosis and, 77, 79
Ducasse, Curt, 191
Durville, Hector, 138
Dwarfs, 168
(see also Death)
awareness of, and reactions to, 47-48ff., 62ff., 89-91
behavior patterns in, 71-84
birth and, 72-73
feigning and, 73-76, 83
as part of the death cycle, 61-84
Dysplastic (body type), 97
Eagles, as scavengers, 87
pineal body and, 115
Ectomorphs, 97
Ectoplasm, 214
Edwards, Harry, 203
Egg (ovum), fertilized,
possession and, 186, 195, 196
sensitivity of, 54, 55, 58
Ego, the, 177, 179
Elawar, Imad, 187-89, 191
Electrical auras, 155-61
psychic healing and, 203-5, 218-19, 220-21
Electric shock therapy, 80, 81, 103