by Lyall Watson
Electroencephalographs, 53-54, 57-58, 73, 83, 124, 125, 141
Electromagnetic (electric) life force field, 130-32, 133-34, 138-40,
143-44, 161-68
and possession, 184-87
Eliot, George, 135
Elves, 168
and auras, 156, 157
and poltergeists, 162-63
and voice phenomena, 171-72
death through fear and, 68-69
Endomorphs, 97
Energy centers (life force), 115-28, 129-45, 155-72, 184-97
acupuncture and
(see Acupuncture)
chakras and
(see Chakras)
and possession, 184-97
and psychic healing, 203-6, 218, 219-21, 222-23
Energy reserves,
dying and, 66-67
Enlightenment, 177
pineal body and, 114ff., 137-38
Environmental factors,
personality and, 92ff., 100-1, 108-9
Enzymes, 131, 201-2
Epilepsy, 78-82, 83, 104, 107, 110, 200
Escherichia coli, 29
Estebany, Oscar, 201
Etheric body, 159-60, 168
Etheric double, 159-60, 168, 184, 185
"Evidence for Survival from Claimed Memories of Former Incarnation," 187
Evil spirits (devils), 179, 181
Evolution, 28-30, 165, 182-83
and clinical death, 41-42, 44
and sight, 149-51
(see also Sight)
Ezekiel (prophet), 115
Fainting, 58-59, 75-76
Fairies, 168
reactions to dying in, 62-64, 67, 68
Faraday, Michael, 134
Farhit, Olga, 212
Fear of death, 64-72, 90-91
as stage in dying, 64-66, 68
witchcraft and death through, 67-71
(see also Biofeedback)
epilepsy and, 81-82
Feigning of death, 73-76, 83
Female-male differences,
sexual stereotypes and, 98-100
Fertilized ovum,
possession and, 186, 195, 196
Fields, force
See Energy centers (life force), Physical force fields
Figar, Stepan, 69
Findhorn Community, 57
Fire walkers, 79
Fission, 28, 29
binary, 28, 29
multiple, 28
See Epilepsy
dying and, 63-64, 83
Flying saucers, 163, 165, 167-68
Force fields
See Energy centers (life force), Physical force fields
Fort, Charles, 164
Fraser, Sir James George, 88
Freud, Sigmund, 71, 81, 83, 102, 177, 179
development of tadpoles into, 25
falling, Charles Fort and, 164
Funeral customs, 87-90
Fungus, ascomycete, 184
Gabor, Dennis, 160
Gesse, 49
Geller, Uri, 138, 162-63
Genetics, 32-33, 34-35, 129, 132, 138, 185-86, 195
and personality, 98-99, 100
Gestalt, 182
Ghosts, 153, 161, 168, 174, 185, 195-96
(see also Apparitions, Poltergeist phenomena)
possession and, 178-97
Glycas, Nicephorus, 15
Glycogen, 66, 202
God(s), 179, 221
Gooch, Stan, 178, 179, 180
Gorillas, 49-50
Goth, 35-36, 44, 45, 62, 71, 82, 84, 89, 91, 92, 109, 144, 159
beginning of, 44
definition of, 35
Grad, Bernard, 200, 202-3
Grant, Joan, 194-95
Green, Celia, 135
Greylag geese, 49
magnetic fields and, 164-65
Group identity (group organisms), 30-31
bees, 30-31, 96-97, 144
crowds, 182-84
sponges, 31
termites, 96
Habenstein, R. W., 88
Hall, Stanley, 177
Hamsters, and memory, 106
Harlow, Harry, 99
Harris, Bertha, 203-4
Haunted places (hauntings), 163-64, 221
See also Apparitions, Ghosts, Physical force fields, specific locations
Hauschka, Theodore, 31
Hayflick limit, 32-35, 47, 185, 186
acupuncture (see Acupuncture)
energy centers and, 118-19, 203-5, 218, 219-21, 223
psychic, 157-58, 198-221, 222-23
healing and, 198-221, 222-23
sense of, 150, 174, 178
See also Auditory phenomena
Heart failure,
death through fear and, 68, 70, 71
Heart rate, 39-40
Heim, Albert, 62-63, 64
Hemingway, Ernest, 135
Hemoglobin, 22
Hertz, Robert, 89
Heterosis (hybrid vigor), 186
Heywood, Rosalind, 149
Hibernation, 41
Hieroglyphs, Egyptian, 193-94
Hindus, 113, 116
funeral pyres, 88
Hippocampus, 106, 107
Hippocrates, 97
Hoagland, Hudson, 75
Hoffman, Joseph, 26-27
Holiday, F. W., 166-67, 169
Holograms, 160-61
See Bees and beehives
death as a reaction to, 70-71
Hopi Indian funerals, 90
Hormones, rl3, 115, 118
Hulme, Howard, 193
Hume, David, 191
Humus, 27
Huxley, Aldous, 114
Hydra, 28, 34
Hyperesthesia, hypnotic, 176
Hyperventilation, 79
Hypnosis, 77, 133, 136, 157
healing and, 199, 207
regression and, 72, 189-91, 195
Hypnotic hyperesthesia, 176
Hypothalamus, 96-97
psychic healing and, 217
disappearance into the "All" of, 160
Iambic rhythm,
and trance states, 79
Icard, Dr. Louis, 16
Id, the, 177, 178, 179
(see also Group identity, Individuality, Personality)
survival and, 92-110, 111ff.
See Healing
Imitation death, 73-76, 83
Immortality, 27-31, 144-45
See also Group identity, Survival
Individuality, 30
See also Group identity, Identity
(see also Perception)
and dreaming, 123-24, 125-26
out-of-body experiences and, 134-37
survival and communication of, 93-94, 101-2, 149-51
(see also Communication, Senses)
Infrared light waves, 154
behavior studies, 30-31, 95-97
(see also Bees and beehives, Termites)
and death feigning, 73-74
group identity and (see Group identity)
Institute of Metrology (Leningrad), 161
Institute of Psychological Sciences (Moscow), 57
Institute of Religious Psychology (Tokyo), 119
Integral, the, 195
Intelligence, 36
Ionic processes, 117
Isk Yehuda, 203
James, William, 187
Johns Hopkins Medical School (Baltimore, Md.), 70
Johnson, Ken, 156
Jones, Claiborne, 30
Jung, Carl, 167, 191
Jürgenson, Fri
edrich, 169-70, 172
Kant, Immanuel, 191
Karagulla, Shafica, 161, 204-5
Kardec, Allen (Leon Denizarth Hippolyte Rivail), 208
Karger, Friedebert, 169
Kamicé-Karnicki, Count, 17
Kastenbaum, Robert, 49-50
Keller, Helen, 123-24
Kelsey, Denys, 189, 190
Keratin, 23, 38
Khechari mudra, 39
Ki, 119
Kidney disorders,
and death, 71
Kirlian, Semyon and Valentina, 155, 158
Kirov State University (Kazakhstan), 120
Kleitman, Nathaniel, 101
Koestler, Arthur, 135, 149
Koshland, Daniel, 131
Kotas (South India), 89-90
Kretschmer, Ernst, 97
Krippner, Stanley, 125
Kübler-Ross, Elizabeth, 64
Kuhlman, Kathryn, 203
Kundalini yoga, 115
Laboratory of Experimental Physiology of Resuscitation (Moscow), 43
Laing, Ronald, 178
Language, universal, 55-60
See also Communication
Lanugo, 19
Lawrence, D. H., 135
and memory, 107-8
Leaves, "ghosts" of, 121, 155, 161
Lederberg, Joshua, 29
Legs or arms,
crossing of, 139-40
Lerner, Aaron, 113
Leukemia, 25
Levine, Seymour, 94
Lichens, 184
(see also Death)
definition of death and, 19-37, 42-46, 62
goth and (see Goth)
and origin of death, 19-37
problems in distinguishing between death and, 8, 15-18, 19-37, 38ff.,
220-21, 222
(see also Romeo Error)
psychic healing and, 219-21, 222-23
Life cycles, 25-27, 29-30
dying as part of, 61-84
Life energy
See Energy centers (life force)
Life expectancy, 61-62
Life reviews,
dying and, 63-64, 83
and enlightenment, 112-13, 114-15
flashing, effect on brain rhythm of, 78
and perception, 112-13, 175-76, 180
(see also Perception, Sight)
and pineal body, 113, 114-15, 137
sneezing and, 112-13
Liguori, Alfonso de', 153
Lilly, John, 179
"Little death," 80
Livingstone, David, 75, 76
Lizards, 75
Loch Ness monster, 166-67
Lorenz, Konrad, 49
Lourdes, 164, 199
LSD, 114
Luzon (P.I.),
psychic healing in, 207-21, 222
McCord, Joan and William, 95
McDougall, Dr. Duncan, 143
Macintire, John, 17
Macromolecules, 21
Magnetic fields
See Electro magnetic (electric) life force field
Magnets, 35
Maimonides Dream Laboratory (N.Y.C.), 125
Maize, 133
Malaria, 28
death beliefs of, 89
Male-female differences,
sexual stereotypes and, 98-100
Manley, Gilbert, 48
Marais, Eugene, 48, 96, 176
Marijuana, 156
Marinacci, Alberto, 200
Maronite people, and burials, 87
Mate, 51
materialization and dematerialization of, psychic healers and,
212-13, 219-21, 222-23
mind and, 113, 177
(see also Poltergeist phenomena, Psychokinesis)
wave theory of, 144
Matthews, Dean W. R., 100
Maurer, Adah, 50, 73
Maxwell, James, 134
Medical diagnosis,
psychic healers and, 198-221, 222-23
Meditation, 39, 67, 115, 136, 141, 145
transcendental, 39, 80, 141, 145, 157
Mediums, 176-77, 179
(see also Psychics, Sensitives)
and healing, 204-5
Meek, George, 211, 218, 219
Melancholic (body humor), 97
Melanin, 41
Melatonin, 114
Memory, 106-10
and dreaming, 106-10, 122-23, 124, 127-28
of birth process, 72-73
dying flashbacks and, 63-64, 83
reincarnation and, 186-97
storage of, 106-10
and survival, 159
Mental disorders,
body types and, 97-98
Mental processes
See Mind (mental processes), specific aspects, kinds
Mercardo, Jose, 215-17
Meredith, George, 135
Meridians (channels),
energy flow and, 118-19
Mesomorphs, 97
Metempsychosis, 191
Mice, 31-32
Mikhailova, Nelya, 161-62
Milner, Dennis, 116-17, 161
Mind (mental processes), 113, 159
(see also Brain, Personality)
conscious and unconscious
(see Consciousness, Unconscious, the)
dissociation between mind and body, 115-28, 129-45
(see also Dissociation)
and matter
(see Matter)
and possession, 179-97
and psychic healing, 199-200, 202, 220-21
Miracles, 198-221
Molecules, 20-21, 36
enzymes, 130-32
proteins, 131-32
water and organic healing and, 200-2
Monkeys, 99, 105-6
Monroe, Robert, 140-41
Monsters, 166-69
See also Apparitions, Ghosts
Moore, Samuel, 7-8
Mormyrid, 134
Moss, Thelma, 156, 158, 203
Moths, 175-76
Motoyama, Hiroshi, 119, 213, 218
reaction to dying in falls from, 62, 64, 67, 68
Multiple personalities, 180-82
Murphet, Howard, 198
Mushrooms, sacred, 194
Music, 109, 119, 150
Mutations, 166, 186
Mystics, 179, 180, 186, 220.
See also Mediums, Psychics
NAD (nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide), 202
Naegeli, Hans, 213, 215
Nagahama, Yoshio, 118
Nagy, Maria, 51
Negovskii, V. A., 66
Nervous system
(see also Brain, Cortex)
dissociation and, 178
Nucleic acids, 107
Obelia geniculata, 133
Obsolescence, built-in,
cell structure and, 25
"On the Signs That Distinguish Real from Apparent Death," 77
and death feigning, 73-74, 76, 83
Organic matter,
organization of life in, 20-21ff.
Out-of-body experiences, 125-28, 134-45, 153, 177-78, 219
and trance states, 79-80
Ovimbundu (Angola), 87
Oxford Institute of Psychophysical Research, 122, 123, 126
Oxygen supply
(see also Breathing)
brain and dying and, 66, 69, 82
and trance states, 79-80, 81-82
referred, 120
Palingenesis, 191
Paradoxical dream sleep, 104, 105
Paramecium, 28
Parasites, malarial, 28
Paul, St., 66, 78, 115
(see also Consciousness, Senses)
and possession, 178ff.
and psychic healing, 179-81, 218-21
and reality, 179-81, 218-21
survival and con
sciousness and, 149-51, 154-61, 174ff.
and unexplained phenomena, 149-62, 168, 174ff.
and visionary states, 149-58
Perry, William James, 88
Personality (personal identity)
alternating, 180-82
behavior and, 92ff.
body shapes and, 97-98
defined, 92
disembodied, 101ff., 129-45, 153ff., 221
(see also Dissociation)
and dreams, 123-28
multiple, 180-82, 188
possession and, 178-197
survival of, 92-110, 119ff., 129-45, 153ff.
(see also Survival)
Petrarch, Francesco, 16
Phantom limbs, 120-21, 161
Philippine Islands
burial practices in, 87
psychic healing in, 207-21, 222
Phlegmatic (body humor), 97
Photography (photographs), 167, 169, 222-23
of auras, 155-62
and holograms, 160-61
of life energy, 116-17, 120-21
and monsters, 167, 169
and psychic healing, 222-23
Phrynosoma cornutum, 75
Physical force fields
and unexplained phenomena, 163-72
Physics, 151
superstition and, 112
Pineal body, 113-15, 118, 137
and enlightenment, 114ff., 137-38
location of, 113-14, 115
soul and, 109, 113-15, 118
Pio, Fra, 203
Pius IX, Pope, 16
Plagues (epidemics), 90, 111
Planaria, 28
Plants (plant life)
growth in, 26-27
psychic healing and, 200-1, 203, 219
sensitivity in, 53-57, 59-60
Plasma, 156, 159-61, 184-85
Plasmodium, 28
Plato, 15, 108
Playing at dying, 73-76, 83
"Playing possum," 73-76, 83
Pliny the Elder, 15
Plutarch, 15
Pocomania, ceremonies (Jamaica), 79
Poltergeist phenomena, 162-68, 184, 221, 223
Population growth
self-limiting factor in, 26
See Spirit possession
Prana, 116, 117, 119, 121, 159, 205
Pranayama, 116
healing and, 203, 208, 209, 219
Preagonal state
and dying, 66, 67
Predators, 137
death awareness in animals and, 49, 52-53, 55-56
death feigning and, 73-74
Prefrontal leucotomy, 108
Prescott (Ariz.)
physical force field near, 163
Primary consciousness, 55
and death awareness, 48-50, 51-53
Projection, astral
See Astral projection
Proteins, 21
molecules, 131
Protozoans, 26, 28, 133
Psychic healing
See Healing, psychic
Psychics, 154, 161
See also Mediums, Sensitives
Psychoanalysis, 177, 180
Psychokinesis, 138, 160, 161-68, 171-72, 184
psychic healers and, 198, 215-17, 220-21
Psychometry, 196
Psychosmatic changes and reactions, 69, 78, 80