by Lyall Watson
psychic healing and, 200, 212, 219, 222
Puharich, Andrija, 194, 206-7
Pulse rate(s), 39, 78
Putrefaction, 43
See also Decay
and sensory environment, 150
Pyknic (body type), 97
Quantum mechanics, 144
"Queen substance"
and behavior in insect colonies, 96-97
Rachmaninoff, Sergei V., 189
Radiation, 156, 158
(see also Auras, Energy centers)
and auditory phenomena, 169-72
Radiation field photography, 156, 158
Radio, 169-70
Raikov, Vladimir, 189
Rasputin, 77
behavior experiments on, 70-71, 93, 94-95
Rattlesnakes, 137
Raudive, Konstantin, 170-71, 174
Rauwolfia serpertina, 96
and sensory environment, 149-50
(see also Consciousness, Perception)
conscious control processes and, 179-80, 218-21
psychic healing and, 218-21, 222
Referred pain
amputations and, 120
dying behavior and, 76, 78
Regression, hypnotic
reincarnation and, 188-91, 195
Reincarnation, 186-97, 198
evidence for, 191-97
Reproduction, 21-23, 27-30, 35, 186
sexual, 29-30, 186
Reserpine, 96-97
dying and, 62-71
Resurrection men (body snatchers), 17
Resuscitation, 42-43, 44, 46, 67, 198
Rhesus monkeys, 99, 105-6
Rhythmic stimuli
hypnosis and, 77-78, 79
Richter, C. P., 70, 93
Rigor mortis, 42
Roberts, Oral, 203
Roff, Mary, 181-82
Romeo Error, 15-18, 84, 221-22
defined, 35, 84
Rosemary (reincarnation subject), 192
Russell, Bertrand, 122
Sai Baba, Satya, 198-99
Salamanders, 129, 131-32
Samburi tribe (Kenya), 79
Sanguine (body humor), 97
Santee Sioux, 87
Sargent, William, 79, 80
Schaller, George, 49
Schizophrenia, 77, 97, 115, 178, 179
Schopenhauer, Arthur, 191
Schwartz, Reverend, 15
Science (scientific method)
limits of, 9, 151, 220, 222-23
"Screen memories"
dying and, 63
See also Flashbacks, dying and
Second systems
separation from somatic system, 109-10, 116ff., 121-28, 129-45,
153ff., 158-72
(see also Dissociation)
and possession, 174-97
Seizures, epileptic
See Epilepsy
Senses (sensory environment, sensory experiences)
and dissociation, 136, 153-72
and dreaming, 123-24, 125-26
and information (see Information, Perception)
and spirit possession, 178-97
and survival, 93-94, 101-2ff.
(see also Survival)
Sensitives, 176-77, 196
(see also Mediums, Psychics)
and auras, 156, 161, 203-5, 220-21
and healing (see Healing)
(see also Consciousness)
in plants and other living things, 53-60
(see also Detachment, Dissociation)
birth process and death and, 73
Serotonin, 114
Seutemann, Sigrun, 212-13
Sex differences stereotypes, 97-100
Sexual reproduction, 29-30, 186
Sheldon, William, 97-98
death from, 70
as stage in dying, 66
sensitivity of plants to boiling of, 53-54, 55, 56
Siddhartha (Buddha), 114, 155
Sight (vision), 136-37, 149-51, 154-55, 175-76, 178, 180
(see also Eyes)
life reviews while dying, 63, 64, 83
and visionary states, 114-15, 149-51, 160
Silver cord
astral projection and, 137
Sioux Indians, 59
Santee, 87
physical limit to, 21
Skin cells, 23-24, 38
Skinner, B. F., 111-12
and death, 82-83
and dreams, 101, 102-10, 123-25
(see also Dreams)
Smell, sense of, 175-76
Smith, Justa, 201-2
Smythe, Robert, 48
Snakes, 137
Sneezing, 111-13, 116
Social experiences
personality and, 95, 97-98, 99-100
Social organisms, 30-31
See also Group identity
and death through fear, 68-71
dissociation and (see Dissociation)
pineal body and, 109, 111, 113-15
and possession, 186-97
sneezing superstition and, 112-13
and survival (see Survival)
Sperm cells, 186
sensitivity of, 54, 55
Spirit, astral body and, 159
Spiritist Society, 208
Spirit possession, 178-97
Sponges, marine, 31
Stalin, Joseph, 89
Stanley, Wendell, 22
personality and, 97-100
Sterman, Maurice, 200
Stevenson, Ian, 187-89, 190-91, 192
Stone, Harry, 194
Stonehenge, 164
"Streamer phenomena" (of corona discharge), 116
dreaming and, 104
dying and, 70-71
fainting (collapse) and, 75-76, 83
seizures and, 78 -- 80
Sturgeon, Theodore, 182
Sugar, 203
and brain in dying, 66, 67
crystals, 22-23
transcendent state and, 64
Superstition, 111-12
Supra-physical body, 194-95
Surgery, psychic, 206-21, 222-23
Survival, 61, 92-110, 111-28, 129-45, 153ff.
awareness of dying and reactions to, 62ff.
collapse states and, 74-84
consciousness and, 100-10
death feigning and, 73-76, 83
definitions, 100-1
dissociation and, 101-28, 129-45, 153ff.
(see also Dissociation)
dreams and memory and, 101, 102-10
enlightenment and, 113ff.
group identity and (see Group identity)
life force and, 121-28, 129-45
personality and the body and, 92-110, 111ff.
(see also Body; Personality)
possession and, 178-97
reincarnation and, 186-97
Suspended animation, 39-42
Sussex County (England)
physical force field in, 163
Sybil, 180
Syncope, 43
Syndrome shift, 200
Tait, William, 126-27
and plant sensitivity tests, 57-58
Tart, Charles, 141
Telepathy, 55, 141-42, 160, 217
healing and, 205, 216-17
physiological effects of, 69-70
and possession, 176, 180-81, 188-89, 190, 191, 192
Telika-Ventiu, 192
body types and, 97-98
Temperature, body
See Body temperature
Tennyson, Lord, 135
group identity and, 96
Tesla, Nikola, 155
Tetany, 77
Theosophy, 159
Thesiger, Wilfred, 154
Three Faces of Eve, The, 180
Tiller, William, 158, 160, 161
Tissue, living
psychic healing and, 212-15, 219-21
Tissue cultures, 32-35, 185-86
Tiwi (North Australia), 87
Tobacco plant, 129, 133
cell structure and growth in, 22, 32, 35, 129, 133
mosaic virus, 22
Tonic immobility, 74
Totem poles, 59
Townsend, Colonel, 39
Tranquilizers, 96-97
Transcendence (trance states and behavior), 76-83
(see also Visionary states)
and dying, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 76-83
possession and, 177-78, 180, 181-82, 191-94
Transcendental meditation, 39, 80, 141, 145, 157
Transmigration, 191
Transplants, 7, 31
"Tromping," 79
Truman, Harry S., 150
Trypsin, 201-2
Tuatara (lizard), 113
Turkana tribe (Kenya), 79
UFOs (unidentified flying objects), 163, 165, 167-68
Ullman, Montague, 125
Ulnar nerve, 120
Ultraviolet light, 175-76
Unconscious, the
collective, 167
and possession, 176-97
psychic healing and, 200, 202, 219-21, 223
and unexplained phenomena, 167-68, 169, 170-72
Union Espiritista Christiana de Filipinas, 208
United Nations
definition of death by, 45
Vagus nerve, 40, 70, 75
Valentine, Tom, 211
Valée, Jacques, 168
Valsalva technique, 40
Vampires, 77, 168, 196
VanZelst, Dr. Zaalberg, 143
Vaughan, Charles, 105
Vennum, Lurancy, 181-82
Vesalius, Andreas, 15
Viruses, 21-24
See Sight (vision)
Visionary states, 114-15, 151, 160
(see also Transcendence)
perception and, 149-58
Visual review
dying and, 63-64, 83
Vittori, Luigi, 16
Voices (voice phenomena), 169-72, 174-75
Vollum, Colonel Edward, 17
Voodoo, 77
and death through fear, 68-71
Vultures, 52-53, 54
Wakefulness, 82
Walter, Grey, 78
Waring, Elsie, 18
Water molecules
healing and, 201
Watters, Dr. R. A., 142
Weight loss
death and, 143
Werewolves, 168, 196
Westerbeke, Donald, 212
"What to Do When Someone Dies" (British Consumer Publication), 39
Wilmot, Mr. and Mrs. S. R., 126-27
"Window areas"
space-time continuums and unexplained phenomena and, 163-64
and death through fear, 68-71
Witch doctors
and trance states, 77, 79-80
Witches, 175
Wood, Frederic, 192
Woolf, Virginia, 135
Wordsworth, William, 135
Worms, immortality and, 28
Y chromosomes, 98-99
Yoga (yogis), 39, 115, 117, 119, 136, 157, 158, 204, 205
Yoruba witch doctors, 77