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Keeping the Biker's Oath (Dogs of Fire: Savannah Chapter Book 5)

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by Piper Davenport

  2019 Piper Davenport

  Copyright © 2019 Trixie Publishing, Inc.

  All rights reserved.

  Published in the United States

  Keeping the Biker’s Oath is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Cover Art

  Jack Davenport

  Cover Model

  Marcus Young





  Back Blurb


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen



  Primal Howl

  About Piper

  All it took was one page and I was immediately hooked on Piper Davenport’s writing. Her books contain 100% Alpha and the perfect amount of angst to keep me reading until the wee hours of the morning. I absolutely love each and every one of her fabulous stories. ~ Anna Brooks – Contemporary Romance Author

  Get ready to fall head over heels! I fell in love with every single page and spent the last few wishing the book would never end! ~ Harper Sloan, NY Times & USA Today Bestselling Author

  Piper Davenport just reached deep into my heart and gave me every warm and fuzzy possible. ~ Geri Glenn, Author of the Kings of Korruption MC Series

  This is one series I will most definitely be reading!! Great job Ms. Davenport!! I am in love!! ~ Tabitha, Amazeballs Book Addicts

  Liz Kelly:

  Thanks again. Your insight is always so spot on!


  Thanks for being my muse, and really great in bed!


  You are a scholar and a saint, and I ADORE you!


  Thanks for keeping the timelines and characters straight. You are godsend!


  Thanks for making me laugh and think at the same time. I feel like life wouldn’t be as fun without you!

  18+ for language and sexual situations.


  Seven years ago, Olivia and I endured an unimaginable tragedy and she tried to force me out of her life.

  I have done all I know to show her she’s everything to me, but with a civil war brewing with a rival club, I’m distracted and she’s spiraling.


  I am a shell of who I once was, unable to find my purpose, and I have an irritating man who won’t let me hide from the world.

  When the unthinkable happens, I am forced to face my demons, and I have to make a choice between walking into the light or crawling back into the dark.

  For Janine

  I love your feisty, KitchenAid throwing, badass fierceness!

  Keep setting the world on fire!


  Seven years ago…

  I OPENED MY eyes and whimpered. Pain sliced through my head as the light hit my face and I realized I was in a hospital bed.

  “Sweetness,” Doc whispered, leaning over me. “Hey, I’m here.”

  “What happened?”

  I remember arriving at my office and setting my purse on the desk and then pain in my skull and blackness. I woke a few times, but I had a pillowcase over my head. I had also been zip tied to something, with no idea how long I’d been held, where I was, or who had taken me.

  “Marvin Irvine kidnapped you.”

  “It was Marvin?”


  Marvin was one of my clients. I was a counselor and he had been going through a really nasty divorce and custody battle, but he seemed to be doing better. He’d been working hard, doing the homework, and meeting with me once a week.

  I tried to sit up, but everything hurt. “I don’t understand.”

  “Careful, sweetness,” Doc warned.

  “Why, Tristan?”

  “Let’s not worry about that right now, okay? You need to heal.”

  I felt cramping in my abdomen and my hands automatically cradled our baby, but the slight bump that had been there days ago was suddenly gone. “Tris?” I rasped.

  He pulled my hands away from my belly and leaned over me, cradling my arms to his chest. “Look at me, sweetness.”

  I met his eyes and knew. I just knew our baby was gone. I shook my head, the sting of tears starting in the back of my throat. “No.”

  “I’m sorry—”

  “No!” I screamed. “No!”

  He pulled me gently against his chest and held me as I sobbed against him until I had nothing left. So much nothing, in fact, I fell into a blissful oblivion after the pain overwhelmed me to the point of incoherence.

  * * *


  Olivia passed out after I ordered a dose of sedatives and oxy. I couldn’t watch her fall apart anymore and if she kept up with her wracking sobs, she could damage her already broken ribs further.

  I sat with her for about two hours before I let myself think about heading to the cafeteria for something to eat. Stepping out of her hospital room, I found two of my club brothers, and my old president, Grinder, pacing the hallway. Grinder, Alamo, and Doom made their way to me and I forced myself not to break down.

  “How is she?” Doom asked.


  “What do you need?” Alamo asked.

  “No fuckin’ clue, brother,” I admitted. “She needs time to heal, but outside of that, I’m at a loss. I called her parents. They’re on their way.”

  Alamo raised an eyebrow. “Does she know?”

  I shook my head.

  “Jesus,” Doom hissed. “She’s gonna be pissed.”

  “Our baby’s gone, brother,” I said, shoving my emotions down. “She’s gonna need her mom.”

  Olivia’s parents did not approve of me and had very vocally cut her off financially. Not that she needed their money, but the fact that they’d felt they could buy her to begin with didn’t sit well with my woman and Olivia went postal on their asses and cut ties with them completely.

  But if I knew anything about women, it was that they needed their moms. Especially when tragedy struck.

  “What about what you need?” Doom asked.

  “Doesn’t matter what I need. She’s the priority.”

  “I know I gave you the gavel, Doc,” Grinder said. “But if you need me to step back in for a few weeks, I will.”

  Grinder had been the founding member of the Savannah chapter, but he’d retired and recently handed the mantle to me. He was in his sixties now with grown children, and he was loving life as a retired asshole.

  “I appreciate that,” I said. “I’ll keep you pos
ted. Right now, if one of you assholes wants to grab me a burger, I’d appreciate it.”

  “Dr. Brooks?”

  I turned to the sound of my name and a nurse gave me a gentle smile.

  “She’s asking for you.”

  “I’ll grab you a burger,” Doom offered. “Extra mayo.”

  He knew I hated mayo, so I flipped him off and then headed into Olivia’s room.

  “You fucking asshole,” she hissed.

  I raised an eyebrow. “You sound like you’re feeling better.”

  “You called my mother?” she squealed.

  “Did she call you?” I asked.

  “No, Hayes told me,” she snapped. “Why the fuck would you do that?”

  I sighed. Hayes was her brother, and when he decided to assert himself, he was her watch dog. “Because I figured you’d need her,” I explained.

  “Oh, so you don’t have to be left holding the bag of your emotionally damaged woman. Got it.”

  “Baby, you are so far off the mark, it’s not even funny.”

  “Then, why the hell would you call my mother?” she accused. “I spent a lot of time training you. Jesus, you disappoint me.”

  I couldn’t stop a smile as I sat on the edge of the bed. “You’re going through a massive trauma and you used to be really close to your mom. I know shit’s gone down since then, but I wanted to give you the chance to have her close if you needed her.”

  “Is that your medical opinion, doctor?”

  I sighed. “If you wanna stay here, Liv, I’m all over it. I just want you to have whatever you need.”

  She nodded. “I think I should go home for a little while.”

  Shit. ‘Home’ was in Cummings, close to five hours away. It was also a place she hadn’t been back to in close to eight years. Not exactly what I had in mind. “Yeah?”

  “A change of scenery.”

  “Okay, baby. I’ll drive you and I’ll stay with Dash’s aunt. It’s a—”

  “No,” she interrupted. “I feel like I need to get my head straight. Alone.”

  “Baby, don’t shut me out.”

  “I’m not shutting you out,” she said. “I’ll be back before you know it.”

  I frowned. She was calm. Resolved. Blank. Liv was never calm, resolved, or blank. This was not good. My girl was spiraling and I needed to pull her back. I just didn’t know how.


  “I’m really tired.” She closed her eyes. “I’m going to try and rest now.”

  “I’m here, Liv. Whatever you need.”

  She didn’t answer, but I knew she heard me and I also knew she was feigning sleep. I let her escape for the moment. There would be plenty of time for us to face the pain together.

  I had no idea, however, how wrong I was.

  * * *

  Two days later, I walked into Olivia’s room to find it empty. I stalked out to the nurse’s desk with as scowl. “Where’s Olivia Worthington?”

  The nurse cocked her head. “She left about an hour ago. She said you approved it.”

  Technically, I wasn’t the doctor of record, due to the fact that she was family, but her OB/GYN, Margo, gave me a lot of latitude in this instance and Olivia knew that. Of course, she would use that to her advantage.

  “I did not,” I growled. “Did she leave alone?”

  “No. I believe her brother collected her.”

  “Goddammit,” I snapped, and headed for the exit.

  Fucking Hayes!

  I’d been holding my devastation at the loss of my child close to the vest, but I couldn’t bear the thought of losing both our baby and my woman. We’d known each other for less than a year, but Olivia was the only one I’d ever loved, and I would travel to the depths of hell to bring her back to me, but when outside forces worked against us, I knew I had to work twice as hard.

  And I would. Whatever it took to bring my girl home.

  * * *


  Hayes helped me out of the car and into the house. He’d promised to keep my visit from our parents, but I knew he couldn’t do it forever. I’d already called my bestie, Clementine, and she’d insisted I stay with her for a few weeks until I could figure out what I wanted to do going forward.

  Hayes pulled his phone from his pocket and frowned. “It’s Tristan. Again.”

  “Ignore it,” I said. Again.

  “You sure you want to play this game with him?”

  “Not a game, Hayes,” I said sadly. “We’re over and the sooner he figures that out, the better.”

  “He’s good for you, Liv.”

  “But I’m not good for him.”

  “Jesus, sissy, that’s Mom’s poison speaking through you.” He frowned. “You know, as a counselor, I figured you’d be more self-aware.”

  I flipped him off and he laughed.

  He sat beside me and settled his head in his hand. “Why are you dumping him? I thought things were going well.”

  He would think that. Because it’s what I told him.

  But the truth was, I had no idea where I stood with Doc because we’d never really gotten to know each other. I mean, we did, but it was on warp drive, so we were both on our best behavior. We’d met in a continuing education class, fell into bed, continued to fall into bed for about six months, and then I found out I was pregnant.

  I’d almost walked away then, but he’d figured out I was knocked up and all bets were off. One of the worst things about Doc was he was more loyal than a puppy, which meant the second he noticed my boobs were bigger, he guessed I was pregnant, and he was all in.

  Now he had the perfect out, but I knew he’d never take it because he had this stupid sense of honor and integrity, so I needed to make the decision for him. Eventually, he’d see it was the best way and he’d move on. He was gorgeous, funny, educated, and a fucking biker, for Pete’s sake. The man had options.

  “It’s just time,” I lied. “I feel like this attack has brought a lot of things into focus and I think I need to find something to do that’s less people-oriented.”

  Hayes smiled gently. “Whatever you want to do, I got your back, Pimento.”


  He grabbed his phone again. “It’s Mom.”

  I groaned as he answered the call, then handed it to me. I muted it and asked, “What happened to having my back?”

  “She did push us out of her vagina,” Hayes said. “Just talk to her.”

  I glared at him as I unmuted the phone. “Hi, Mom.”

  “What’s this about you being in the hospital?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Your biker friend said it was urgent.”

  My ‘biker friend.’ Jesus, she couldn’t keep the disgust from her voice as she spit that out.

  “He overreacted,” I said. “I’m fine.”

  “Where are you?”

  “I’m at home,” I lied. “I had a… ah… slight fender bender.”

  Hayes raised an eyebrow and I shrugged.

  Mom sighed. “So, you’re okay?”

  “Yep, I’m great. Sorry he worried you.”

  “Well, yes. I’m glad you’re okay.”

  “I’m golden, but I really need to get back to work, so I’m going to let you go, okay?”

  “Alright, dear. I’ll speak with Hayes now.”

  I handed the phone back to my brother just as my phone buzzed. I glanced at the screen.

  Doc: I’m calling you in 2.5 seconds and you better answer the fucking phone or we’re gonna have a problem.

  I rolled my eyes just as my phone rang. I sighed as I answered. “I’m fine, Tristan.”

  “What the fuck are you doin’ checking out AMA, Olivia?”

  “I needed to get out of that room.”

  “I would have taken you home where I could have taken care of you.”

  “I’m fine. I already told you I just needed some time alone. It’s all good. Will you give me some space?”

  “For how long?” he demanded.

  “Forever?” I suggested. “I think we should probably go our separate ways, to be honest.”

  “No way in hell.”

  “There’s nothing holding us—”

  “I’m not listening to this bullshit, Liv. You’ve got two weeks. If you’re not back here within that time, I’m coming to get you,” he said, then he hung up.

  And he did. Despite my best efforts to resist him, he dragged me back to Savannah and refused to let me hide from him or the world.



  Present Day…

  I LOCKED THE door of my condo and forced myself not to completely lose my shit. Lyric had just given birth to the most precious little boy and it was a beautiful thing. He was her miracle baby, and Doom certainly deserved some happy after all the shit he’d gone through in his life, but the pain that shot through my heart was almost too much to take. I wrapped my arms around my waist and slid to the floor as sadness swamped me.

  My little girl, Mandi, would be almost seven if she’d lived. She’d probably have Doc’s nose and I’d sure as hell have made sure she had my sass. A well-behaved woman never got anything done. But it just wasn’t meant to be for me, and I refused to rain on someone else’s parade, so I’d left the hospital before I broke down.

  I needed to get myself together so I could paste a happy face on and celebrate with my friends. They deserved nothing less.

  Before I could haul my ass off the floor, however, my front door opened, and I looked up to see Doc walk in. “You okay?” he asked.

  “How did you get in?”

  He smirked. “Used my key.”

  “How the hell did you get a key?” I demanded.

  “Liv, it’s the same key I’ve had for eight years,” he said, closing the door.

  “No. I took that one back.”

  “No. You took the spare back.” He hunkered down in front of me. “Why are you sitting on the floor?”

  “I like the floor.” I glared up at him. “Give me back my key, Tristan.”


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