Keeping the Biker's Oath (Dogs of Fire: Savannah Chapter Book 5)

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Keeping the Biker's Oath (Dogs of Fire: Savannah Chapter Book 5) Page 3

by Piper Davenport

  “Do you have the very special vibrator?” I challenged.

  He grinned. “You know I do.”

  “Then, yeah, I’m staying here tonight.”

  “Doc,” Doom bellowed, banging on his door, interrupting his response. “You’re supposed to be startin’.”

  “Comin’!” Doc called, then kissed me again. “Be good. Gator and Milky are your chaperones.”

  I shrugged. “I’ll be too drunk to care.”

  “You better not be too drunk to care about that vibrator up your ass, Liv, or I won’t use it.”

  I shivered. “Okay, I’ll pace myself.”

  He kissed me again. “I’ll see you later.”

  I nodded and he left me, and I quickly realized he hadn’t told me he loved me. I frowned. Something was seriously off with him and I was suddenly freaked.

  I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and called Clementine.

  “Hey, stranger, how are you?” she said, after answering immediately.

  “Freaked, honestly.”


  I filled her in on Doc’s strange actions and our recent argument and she sighed. “You know it’s not normal how you don’t seem to have cool-down time between a fight and makeup sex?”

  “It’s actually not as abnormal as you think,” I countered. “At least for him. I tend to hold grudges longer than he does.”

  “You don’t say,” she deadpanned.

  “Which is why this is all crazy.”

  “Honey, you need to give him a break.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “At the risk of pissing you off, he’s taken your grief and his on without help from anyone, and it sounds like he might be ready to voice his opinion about that.”

  “Excuse me, the best friend handbook does not allow for the second party to take the side of the significant other,” I ground out. “It is always hos before bros.”

  “You are my only ho, Liv. You never have to doubt that. And I agree, this is out of character for Doc. But give him a break. It’s the anniversary of Mandi’s passing, honey. Let him grieve in his own way. Just be there for him.”

  I sighed. “Yeah, you’re probably right. I just wish I could help him.”

  “Which is exactly how he feels about you most of the time.”

  “Okay, enough with the logic bullshit.”

  “Have you ever noticed that those with psychology degrees are usually the most fucked up in the head?” she mused.

  “Feel free to fuck off,” I ground out.

  “Counselor, shrink thyself.”

  “That’s not the saying,” I countered, and Clementine laughed.

  “I’m sorry he’s being weird,” she said.

  “Was that so hard?” I whined. “I need my best friend, not someone to tell me to be nice to my man.”

  “Oh, so you’re finally admitting he’s your man?”

  I sighed. “I should probably pull my head out of my ass at some point, huh?”

  “You absolutely should,” she agreed. “I think I should come down for a weekend visit. Help you sort some of your shit out.”

  “You really should. Soon.”

  “Okay. I’ll see what I can do.”

  “Sounds good.”

  “I need to get going…unless, you need more head shrinking.”

  I grinned. “I’m good. Thanks, honey.”

  “Talk to you soon.”

  I hung up and made my way to the bathroom to freshen up, grabbing a toothbrush from Doc’s stash of extras on the way.


  I SUCKED DOWN my fourth lemon drop, and Jasmine reached over and snagged the menu away from me as I tried to order another one.

  “She’s cut off until she has something to eat and drinks at least sixteen ounces of water,” Jasmine said to the waiter.

  “Another lemon drop, good sir,” I countered.

  Jasmine shook her head and I could tell the server was having a difficult time figuring out who he was more afraid of.

  “Drink that water,” Jasmine ordered, pointing to the glass in front of me.

  I wrinkled my nose but lifted the glass to my lips.

  “What is going on with you?” she asked. “Are you and Doc fighting again?”

  “When aren’t they fighting?” Quin retorted.

  “Quin,” Willow admonished.

  “No, she’s right,” I said. “We fight a lot. But we also make up a lot.” I waggled my eyebrows.

  “How does that work, exactly?” Willow asked.

  “What?” I asked.

  “How do you just go from being angry with one another to, boom, you’re having sex?”

  “Do you and Dash ever fight?” I asked. “Like a good, knock-down-drag-out-throw-shit kind of fight?”

  She glanced at her watch with a smirk. “We keep meaning to schedule one, but it just never happens.”

  I chuckled. “For me, the fighting makes me horny. I don’t know why. I’m sure it’s got something to do with past trauma deep in my psyche.”

  “Have you ever tried not fighting?” Willow challenged.

  “Yes. But I get itchy when things are peaceful,” I admitted.

  Jasmine grinned. “It’s a good thing Doc loves you somethin’ fierce, woman. He knows who he chose.”

  I sighed. “I hope so.”

  The server arrived back with another lemon drop for me, indicating I was once again alpha female numero uno. However, he did set hummus and pita in front of me as well, so I took a few bites, and Jasmine glared at me until I finished the glass of water, still half full, before I took a sip of my new drink.

  “What’s really going on with you?” Jasmine pressed. “You’re more stressy than normal.”

  I shrugged. “Something’s off with Doc.”

  She frowned. “How so?”

  I filled her in on snippets of our argument and Kennedy shook her head.

  “Wait, so he didn’t totally cater to you, so he’s ‘off’? Sounds like he’s being a normal guy,” she retorted.

  “Not for Doc,” Willow said. “You’re right, Liv. Something sounds off.”

  “I think stuff’s brewing with the Spiders,” Quin whispered, then nodded toward Gator and Milky. “But maybe we should talk about this somewhere else.”

  “I think we should take a page out of Lyric’s book and start dealing with some of this shit ourselves,” I said. “The Burning Saints’ women have their own club meetings twice a month. They call them Sunday School, and I say we follow suit and start our own.”

  “I’m not opposed to that idea,” Jasmine said.

  “I don’t know,” Willow hedged. “Dash was not happy with the whole subterfuge last time.”

  After Lyric’s house had been bombed in an effort to get to Doom, Lyric and I had snuck out of the compound in order to meet with the Spiders’ president’s old lady. Jasmine and Parker had helped set it up and Willow and Quin had distracted the “babysitters.” A deal was hatched that families were off-limits going forward, but our men were not happy we’d put ourselves in harm’s way. Especially without their knowledge.

  “Well, at some point, the patriarchal MC needs a kick in the family jewels,” I hissed. “I’m over being treated like the little woman.”

  Jasmine snorted. “Does Doc really treat you like the ‘little woman,’ Liv? Be honest.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Not the point.”

  She laughed. “Yeah, I kinda think it is.”

  “I’m with Liv,” Kennedy said. “Mouse tried to get all alpha male on me and I shut it the fuck down.”

  “So that’s why you broke up?” Willow asked.

  “It’s not like we were really together,” Kennedy said. “We’re just not really a good fit. I’m looking for a gentleman. Someone with class. No Neanderthal, alpha men need apply.”

  “Oh, don’t get me wrong,” I countered. “Doc’s all alpha male, he just recognizes I’m as much of an alpha as he is and doesn’t talk down to me.”
/>   “Badger can mansplain at times,” Quin said. “But he’s learning that when he does, he loses my pussy.”

  Willow’s face blushed bright red and she groaned. “You guys share way too much.”

  “Oh, please,” Parker said. “Dash is a total alpha. Does that never cause conflict?”

  She smiled. “He is. But you have to remember, I’m not as demonstrative as you guys, so I’m not going to deal with some of the same things you do.”

  “No, this is true,” Jasmine said. “Mo always threatens to sic you on anyone he needs to get information out of.”

  Willow laughed. “Which is so totally weird. I’m not scary at all.”

  “Oh, you’re terrifying,” I argued. “Quiet people always are.”

  “It’s not just because you’re quiet, though,” Jasmine said. “You have this way of reading people’s minds.”

  “No, their motives,” Parker countered. “You know what’s in their hearts. It’s kind of creepy.”

  “In a good way,” I rushed to say.

  “Yes, in a good way,” Parker said. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to make that sound bad.”

  “Oh, I got what you meant,” Willow said.

  Parker smiled. “See?”

  For the rest of the night, I put aside Doc’s strange behavior and focused on enjoying the company of my friends. By the time Gator and Milky took us back to the barn, we were all a little tipsy…well, I was, anyway… and very glad I’d moved my appointments to the following afternoon.


  WE WALKED INTO the barn and found the guys in various states of rowdiness themselves. All of them were drinking, some of them were playing pool. A few were playing cards, but some of the newer recruits were flirting with a couple of the women who hung around when they probably should have been gone a long time ago.

  I saw Doc standing with Alamo by the bar, deep in conversation, so I made my way over to him. Jasmine followed. Doc didn’t pause his conversation as he snaked one arm around me, pulling me close and kissing my temple.

  “I think we can handle that,” Alamo said as Jasmine pressed herself against her man.

  “We’ll sort out the details tomorrow,” Doc said.

  Alamo nodded. “Sounds good.”

  “Did you have a good time?” Doc asked.

  I smiled up at him. “Yep.”

  “We should get Baz home,” Jasmine said.

  “Okay, baby.” Alamo smiled. “See you guys later.”

  I shifted so I was chest-to-chest with Doc and looped my hands around his neck. “How was Church?”

  “Ready for bed?” he asked, ignoring my question. I wasn’t surprised. He always ignored questions of this nature.

  “Not unless ‘bed’ is code for your dick in my pussy.”

  “I’m wiped, baby.”



  “Are you actually turning down sex?” I asked, flabbergasted.

  “Yeah, baby. You good with just crashing?”

  “Yep, I’m great with crashing. In my own bed,” I said, stepping away from him.

  “Liv, don’t—”

  “Don’t, what, Tristan?” I snapped. “Why the hell didn’t you just say that you didn’t want me to come back here? I would have gone straight home! Jesus, now I’ve gotta grab a fucking Uber—”

  “I’ll have Rabbit drive you home.”

  “Don’t do me any favors,” I ground out. “I don’t know what the hell is going on with you, but if you’re not gonna fill me in, you better get your head straight, or you can forget about dinner tomorrow. Or ever again.”

  “Or maybe, for once, you can give me a fucking break!” he snarled.

  I blinked up at him, then nodded. “Okay, honey. I can do that.”

  I turned and walked toward the exit doors, hearing him swear and then glass breaking behind me.

  “Jesus, Doc,” Dash snapped. “What the fuck?”

  Without warning, Willow appeared in front of me, and squeezed my arm. “Maybe now would be a good time not to bail.”

  “Why?” I narrowed my eyes. “What do you know?”

  “Nothing. I swear. But obviously, something’s going on with him, and since you’re the closest one to him, you’re the best one to get to the bottom of it.”

  “Considering the fact he can’t stand the sight of me right now, I don’t actually think that’s true.”

  Willow sighed. “He loves you, Liv. And you know it. Something else is going on.”

  “Well, he won’t talk to me about it, so I have no idea how to help him.”

  “Would he bail on you?”

  I squeezed my eyes shut and let out a frustrated groan, before turning and heading back into the great room.

  Doc caught my eye and scowled. “I thought you were leavin’.”

  “I was. But I heard you freak out. Excuse me for worrying about you!”

  He threw his hands in the air and headed toward the stairs.

  “Oh, hell no,” I snapped and followed him.

  Pushing into his room, I slammed the door and crossed my arms. “What the hell is going on with you?”

  “I think I should be asking you the same question.”

  “Then ask me.”

  He opened one of his bureau drawers and pulled out a manila envelope, shoving it at me.

  “What’s this?” I asked.

  He nodded toward it. “Why don’t you open it and then explain it to me?”

  I pulled the paperwork out and found my old marriage certificate to my ex-husband Walker. We’d been married for just over a year and it was a complete disaster. We’d been divorced for thirteen years now, and it was barely a blip on the radar of my life.

  “Why am I looking at my old marriage certificate, Tristan? I told you about Walker.”

  “What you failed to mention was that you’re not divorced.”

  I scoffed. “Yes, I am.”

  “No, you’re not.”

  “What? I filed it myself.” I rummaged through the envelope trying to find the divorce paperwork. “It’s not here. Why is it not here? Wait. Why the hell do you have this paperwork?”

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  “When did you do a background check on me?”


  “Who did this, then?” I demanded. “And when?”

  “Why? What are you trying to hide, Olivia?”

  “Nothing,” I snapped. “I have never hidden anything from you. I don’t know why the divorce shit isn’t showing up, and I will obviously need to look into that, but believe me when I say, Walker and I have most definitely been divorced for over thirteen years. Is this why you’ve been acting like a psycho lately?”


  “Who gave you this information, Tristan?”

  He shook his head. “It doesn’t matter.”

  “If someone is throwing false accusations around, then it does matter.” I waved the papers in the air. “Who gave you this, Tristan?”


  “Oh my god. It was Bonnie, wasn’t it?” I squeaked. “That fucking cunt!”

  I threw the paperwork on the floor and stalked out of Doc’s bedroom. I had some skank clean up to take care of and I was tipsy enough to make it messy before I did.

  I removed my heels, throwing them aside as I rushed down the stairs, finding Bonnie grinding up against Ozzy, one of our older members, and he looked a little bored, but he didn’t appear to be pushing her away.

  I unhooked my earrings and slid them into my pocket as I approached the couple, smiling at Ozzy, who smiled back just as I wrapped my fist in the bitch’s hair, yanking her away from Oz.

  “Ow! What the hell?” she squealed.

  Since I’d taken her by surprise, I had the advantage, even though she had a good thirty pounds and two inches on me.

  “Today is the last day you try to come between me and my man,” I growled.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Bonnie squea

  “Bitch, you are gone,” I snapped. “If I ever see your face again, I’m gonna make sure it’s permanently disfigured.”

  “Doc!” she squeaked, wrapping her hands around my arm. “Make her stop.”

  Doc crossed his arms. “Can’t do that. Olivia’s my old lady. If she says you’re gone, you’re gone. Should have thought about that before you tried to make trouble.”

  “If you ever try to come back, I will cut you,” I threatened. “You try to contact anyone here, I will cut you. If you breathe my man’s name on the fucking wind, I will cut you. Understand?”

  “You can’t do that,” she said. “It’s a free country. I can talk to whoever I want.”

  “Think again.” Tightening my hold on her hair, I physically turned her to look at every man and woman in the room. “Does it look like anyone here is gonna go against me?” I then addressed them directly. “Does anyone here want to stay Facebook friends with Bonnie?”

  Every single one of them raised their hands as though to surrender, and took a step away from her. Even Otter, who’d fucked her on several occasions, shook his head and walked away.

  “I think you’ve got your answer,” I hissed. “Now, get the fuck out.”

  I released her, shoving her forward.

  “Mouse, make sure the trash gets taken to the curb,” Doc directed.

  Mouse gave him a look of irritation, but like the good soldier that he was, did as he was told. As soon as Bonnie was gone, the men let out a holler, congratulating me, and a few of the braver ones hugged me before Doc pulled me away and dragged me back to his room.

  I snagged my shoes off the floor on the way back and sat in a chair to put them back on as Doc closed the door behind us.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “What does it look like I’m doing?”

  He sighed. “Babe—”

  “No,” I snapped. “We are not doing that.”


  “Again. You do not get to have an exasperated tone with me when you have been nothing but a complete asshole to me the entire day. And all because some fucking, skank, cunt hole, twatwaffle, bitch gave you misinformation.” I stood. “And you fucking believed it!”

  “Those papers seem to be pretty clear,” he countered.

  “Yeah, well, I have stamped, verified, notarized, fucking signed in blood paperwork in my safe at home that says otherwise,” I hissed. “But regardless. If a mistake has been made, it’s a mistake. I have never lied to you about anything! And the fact you think I would, has made me feel more stabby than I ever have in my entire fucking life!”


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