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Keeping the Biker's Oath (Dogs of Fire: Savannah Chapter Book 5)

Page 10

by Piper Davenport

  “Everything looks good,” he decreed, and let me go back to getting ready.

  “How did the clinic set-up go?” I asked.

  “Good. Gina had a lot more done than I expected. She had a couple pieces of equipment she wanted to buy, but they’d just be a waste of money, so I gave her some other options which will work better and’ll be more cost-effective.”

  “Minus will appreciate that,” I said.

  He sat on the toilet lid and watched me put on my makeup. “Definitely.”

  “How’s Sweet Pea?”

  “He’s doing better than he should be, but it’s a miracle he’s alive.”

  I met his eyes in the mirror, and he immediately shook his head.

  “No way in hell I’m gonna stop riding, sweetness, don’t even ask.”

  We’d had this conversation before. Honestly, I’d always hated motorcycles. Knew the statistics, knew how many people walked away from accidents, and it was one of the reasons I’d hesitated in committing to him. But the heart wants what the fucking stupid heart wants, and I fell in love. But it didn’t mean I didn’t worry every time he walked out the door and climbed on his Harley.

  “But it’s so dangerous, honey, and now we have the twins to think about.”

  He stood. “Is this gonna be a fight, Liv? ’Cause if it is, I’m gonna tell Hatch to leave without us.”

  “It doesn’t need to be a fight,” I said, focusing back on my makeup. “I guess you have to decide whether or not your family means more to you than your motorized bicycle.”

  “Why the fuck do you pull this shit right before we have to go somewhere?”

  “What’s the alternative?”

  “The alternative, always, is to discuss it at a later time.”

  “Okay.” I faced him. “Are you willing to have a calm, adult conversation about it at a later time?”


  “This is why,” I snapped. “What if I decided to go back into counseling, maybe doing group sessions at Coastal State?”

  “At the prison? No way in hell.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because, one, that’s not something you’d ever want to do. It’s also not who you are. Being a Dog, being a biker, riding, it’s who I am, Olivia. Take the bike out of the equation, everything else disappears.”

  “You’d still be you if you didn’t ride,” I argued.

  “No, baby, I wouldn’t. And you know it.” He dragged his hands through his hair. “I am not having this argument with you right before a club party. I’m gonna go wait for you downstairs. Text me if you need me.”

  He left me and I sighed, sliding my hands over my belly. “Well, now Daddy’s uber pissed at Mommy, and I don’t think it’s the good kind that ends with multiple orgasms.”

  To be fair, the conversation had escalated a little further than intended, but as always when that happened, I dug my heels in. I wasn’t good at seeing his side if it differed from mine. And, yes, it terrified me every time he got on a bike, but that fear had lessened the longer I’d been with him. He was a phenomenal rider and no one in the Dogs had had an accident, outside of Dash, who was distracted and shouldn’t have been on the road anyway.

  I let out a frustrated grunt. He was the president of an MC and his life was bikes. God, I was a class-A bitch to even suggest he give it up. And, if I was being honest, I didn’t want him to. I just wanted to cover him in bubble wrap so he was always safe.

  I dressed quickly and headed downstairs, finding Doc drinking beer with Hatch in the kitchen. They were alone, but all conversation stopped when I walked in, so I had a feeling they were discussing club business.

  “You look beautiful, Liv,” Hatch said.

  “Thanks.” I stepped to Doc who wrapped an arm around me, even though I could tell he was still pissed. “Can I steal you for a minute?”

  “Can it wait?” he asked.


  “I’m gonna go check on Maisie,” Hatch said, and left the room.

  I slid my hands up Doc’s chest and looped them behind his neck. “I’m sorry.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Yeah?”

  I nodded. “It was a momentary lapse in sanity brought on by Sweet Pea’s accident. I just want you safe, and sometimes, you walk out the door and I’m scared to death I’m going to get a call from Alamo or Doom telling me you’re being scraped up off the sidewalk.”

  “Nothing’s gonna happen to me.”

  “You can’t promise that, honey. I get it. And most days, it’s fine, but days like today, it’s scary.” I stroked his neck. “I will figure out a way to work through it. Somehow.”

  He smiled. “I appreciate that, sweetness, because if I had to choose between the club—”

  “And me, I know, the club would win.”

  “No. Honey, it wouldn’t be a choice. You’re my number one. If you really wanted me to give up the life, I would. In a heartbeat. I wouldn’t look back.” He cupped my face. “So, you need to be really careful what you ask of me, because I will give you anything, even if it means giving up all of me.”

  “Oh my god, Tristan!” I burst into tears and dropped my face to his chest. “I will never ask you to give this up. Ever. I promise. I’m sorry I even mentioned it.”

  He chuckled. “Forgiven, baby. It’s okay.”

  “It’s not okay. I’m the worst person on earth.”

  “Well, I think that’s a little harsh. There are at least ten people ahead of you on that list.”

  I snorted and smacked his chest. “You’re going to hell.”

  “No doubt. But it won’t be after a bike crash.”

  “Oh, I know. It’ll be after I murder you.”

  He grinned, leaning down to kiss me. “Jesus, you make life… interesting.”

  “You were going to say crazy.”

  “If I was going to say crazy, I would have said crazy.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Look, you were freaked after Dash’s accident as well, it’s just magnified because you’ve got massive amounts of hormones rushing through your body. I get it.”

  “That’s because you have the patience of Job when it comes to me.”

  “Well there is that,” he said with a chuckle. “I’m assuming you bought what you’re wearing today?”

  “Yes. You like it?”

  I wore a brand new pair of maternity skinny jeans, a pair of black peep-toe booties, and a cold shoulder, V-neck floral top that tied at the bottom of my belly.

  “Love it. You look sexy as fuck.” He slid his hands to my ass. “But it means I want to take you back to the bedroom and fuck you.”

  I grinned. “Can you keep your dick in your pants for a few hours, or do you want me to relieve you right here?”

  “Sorry I’m running late,” Maisie said, breezing into the room. “We can go anytime.”

  “Put a pin in that,” Doc whispered, kissing me quickly.

  I grinned and we followed Hatch and Maisie out to their SUV and headed to the club.


  “OH MY GOD, you are the cutest fucking pregnant woman on the planet!” Payton, Hawk’s woman, decreed as we walked into the clubhouse.

  I laughed as she pulled me in for a hug. “Well, you would know, you picked this.”

  “Yes, yes, I did. And you tried to argue that it wouldn’t look good on you.”

  “You’re right, that was shortsighted on my part.”

  “Yes, it was.” She hugged Doc. “Welcome to the insanity.”

  He gave her a chin lift. “Hey, Payton.”

  “I’m going to steal your woman for a few, okay?”

  Doc didn’t look overly happy with that, but I kissed him gently, and went with Payton anyway. Maisie followed, linking her arm with Payton’s. “I wasn’t sure Doc was going to let you out of his sight.”

  I grinned. “Well, I was kind of a bitch to him earlier, so we were in the middle of making up from that.”

  “Uh-oh, what happened?” Payton asked.
/>   I filled them in on the conversation and Maisie smiled gently. “Oh, lovey, I hear you. It can be terrifying at times, but I’m glad you pulled your head out of your arse.”

  I burst out laughing. “Doc is too.”

  “We all go through some level of it,” Payton said. “And Sweet Pea’s accident has put us all on edge.”

  “Yeah. I remember feeling like this after Dash’s crash as well.” I sighed. “I hate it.”

  “We all do, love,” Maisie said.

  “Mummy, you’re late,” Maisie’s daughter, Poppy, admonished as she walked over and hugged her mother, her belly twice the size of mine, so she must be close to delivering.

  “I know, love, sorry. Where’s Devon?”

  “Finding me pickles.”

  “Let me guess, we ran out of Clausen and we only have Vlasic?”

  “Yes. Baby wants what baby wants.” She rubbed her hands over her stomach, then pulled me in for a hug. “Sorry, Liv. I should have said hi first. I’m a basket case of rudeness right now.”

  “Aw, honey, I get it. Growing a human’s hard work.”

  She giggled. “Seriously. This child might kill me. Well, no, Devon. I’m catered to twenty-four, seven. He’s the one being run ragged.”

  “As it should be,” Maisie said.

  “Found them,” Devon grumbled, walking over to us, a jar of pickles in his hand. “It was in the outside fridge, and it’s the last one, so remind me to add it to the list for whoever goes shopping next.”

  “Thanks, honey.” Poppy stood on tiptoes and kissed him, then turned to Maisie. “I’m going to chow down on a few of these, then I’ll come find you.”

  “Okay, love,” Maisie said.

  We walked outside and found Cassidy and Darien, Ace and Mack’s wives, respectively, setting food out on the picnic tables. “Can we help?” Maisie asked.

  “No, we’re all set,” Cassidy said. “Ace and Knight are at the grill, but they’re not quite ready for us to grab the meat. Kim and Dani are getting the kids settled, so if you want to hit the bar, I’ll take a margarita.”

  “You got it,” Maisie said.

  “Oooh, Flea’s pouring,” Payton said. “I love it when he’s at the bar. He’s always generous with the alcohol.”

  “I’m going to need to come back after the babies are born,” I said.

  “Yes, you are,” Payton said as we walked over to the bar that had been set up outside. “Or we should all come out to Savannah.”

  “Oh my god, that would be amazing,” I said. “Y’all are welcome anytime. Although, I have to admit, shopping with no sales tax was pretty amazing.”

  “Right?” Payton said. “We usually drive over the bridge for our bigger purchases. Saves us a ton.”

  Hawk and Payton lived in Vancouver, Washington, just over the Columbia River from Portland, as did Hatch and Maisie, but the girls took me into Portland to shop and it had been a blast.

  “What’ll you have?” Flea asked, just as his wife, Grace, popped up from under the bar.

  “Whatya doin’ down there?” Payton asked in a sing-song voice.

  Grace laughed. “Not what he just dared me to do.”

  “Chicken,” Flea said.

  Grace held up a bottle of Patrón. “Figured you’d like the good stuff.”

  “You figured correctly, precious girl,” Maisie said.

  My mouth watered and I groaned. “I’ll just take a water.”

  Booker and Dani walked in just as Grace handed me a water, and Dani made her way to us. “What are we drinking?”

  “Tequila,” Payton said.

  “Oh, hell, yes, make that a double,” Dani ordered, and we all chuckled.

  Grace poured shots while Flea made margaritas, and I stood there feeling sorry for myself as I sipped my water.

  Doc and Hatch walked outside and made their way to us, and Doc pulled me against him, leaning down and whispering, “Why do you look like someone stole your Oreos?”

  “More like my tequila,” I said with a sigh.

  He smiled, reaching for a shot, downing it, then kissing me deeply and I slid my tongue into his mouth, practically devouring any essence of the alcohol I could.

  “Right, I think we’re gonna head to our room for a few,” Hatch said, Maisie laughed.

  “You can wait an hour.”

  “No, I don’t think I can,” he said, taking her hand and tugging her away.

  “At least he takes her to his room,” Payton said. “Hawk just pulls me under the stairs.”

  Flea raised an eyebrow toward Grace who shook her head. “No public sex. No offense, Payton, but if anyone caught us, I’d be mortified.”

  “Well, you shouldn’t be. You’re married, you’re fucking your man in your second home. It’s fun.” Payton grinned. “Excuse me, I’m gonna go find Hawk.”

  “I think we just started something I’d like to finish,” I whispered.

  Doc grinned, taking my hand and leading me back inside. Bikers and their women milled around, and we got stopped a few times as we made our way through the building, but then Doc pushed open a door to what looked like a bunk room and guided me inside. He closed and locked the door, pulling me to him and covering my mouth with his.

  “How much time do you think we have?” I panted out as he pulled my shirt off over my head.

  “As much as we fuckin’ want, baby.”

  “It’s not our club.”

  He stopped stripping me and cupped my chin. “It is our club, sweetness. Just as much as Savannah’s theirs.”

  I let out a deep sigh. “Oh, right. I keep forgetting.” I smiled. “Can I just say, I really like all of this? The camaraderie, the fact I feel like I have sisters here and in Savannah, and the oneness with the whole club.”

  Doc chuckled, unbuttoning his jeans. “Fuckin’ finally.”

  I removed mine as well, dropping all of my clothes on one of the bunks. “Kinda took me a while, huh?”

  “Little bit,” he said, grinning. “But I knew you’d come around.”

  I ran my hands over my ever-expanding belly. “Ready to get creative?”

  He laid his hands over mine. “What did you have in mind?”

  “I want you on your back.”

  “You don’t want me to rile you up first?”

  I laughed. “No foreplay needed, sir. I’m already swampy and ready.”

  “Jesus Christ,” he choked out. “That’s a visual.”

  He made his way to the bed and stretched out, crooking a finger.

  I followed and straddled his hips, settling my hands on his chest and bending to kiss him, but my belly got in the way. “Okay, this is not quite what I had in mind.”

  He smiled. “We don’t need to do this.”

  “No, I want to,” I said, letting out a frustrated huff. “I feel so good today, honey, and I want you to fuck me like I deserve.”

  He chuckled as he sat up, kissing me, then rolling me so he was behind me in spoon fashion. “Let me lead,” he suggested, sliding his hand between my legs and slipping a finger inside of me.

  I slid my top leg behind me and over his thigh, opening for him, and he guided himself inside of me.

  “Yes,” I rasped.

  He pressed on my back, repositioning himself slightly, then he was moving, slowly at first, then faster, burying himself deep inside of me as I kept my leg over his and moved with him.

  “Fuck,” he hissed, then his body locked, and I felt his dick pulse inside of me. “Sorry, baby.”

  “Don’t move,” I ordered. “I want your fingers on my clit.”

  He did so immediately, and I came almost as hard and fast as he did, gripping his hand between my legs and pressing it harder against my sensitive nub. “Holy crap, that’s so good,” I whispered, grinding down against his hand.

  “Jesus, you make me so fuckin’ hard,” he growled, rocking against me.

  I moaned as he worked my clit and buried himself deep. “Harder, Tris.”

  “On your knees, Liv.

  He pulled out long enough for me to shift onto all fours, then he slid his finger through my wetness and pressed it against my dark hole as he buried his dick inside my pussy again.

  “Yes,” I hissed. “God, yes.”

  Fucking both my ass and my pussy had me screaming his name as my walls gripped his dick like a vice, coming so hard, I almost fell onto the mattress. He was faster than me, though, and lifted me so I was on his lap, reverse cowgirl, and I slid my legs onto either side of his, giving him access to my clit.

  Which he took delicious advantage of.

  “Watch your head,” he warned, and that was when I realized just how close we were to the bunk above us.

  “Shit.” I reached above me and grabbed the slats.

  “Baby, I got you. Just didn’t want you to get too excited and slam your head.”

  “I was so close,” I complained.

  “I’ll get you back there,” he said, and rolled my nipple between his finger and thumb.

  I dropped my head back and let him get me back there, still holding onto the slats, this time for balance as I rode him like a good southern cowgirl should.

  * * *

  After getting dressed and cleaning up, we made our way back out to the party to find Payton was back as well, her hair a little messier than before, much like mine. Doc kissed me quickly, then headed out back where the men were grilling.

  “How ya feelin’?” Payton asked.

  “Much, much better,” I said. “How about you? Did you count any stairs?”

  She laughed. “No, he took care of me behind closed doors this time.”

  “What can I do to help?” I asked.

  “Nothing. You can go sit down and relax,” Payton ordered. “Let those babies recover from whatever debauchery their daddy just did to you.”

  I burst out laughing. “Oh my god, now I’m going to be obsessing over what the babies will be telling their therapist when they’re old enough to speak.”

  “It’s all good. We tell our kids we’ve put aside a psychiatric fund for them. Just start early.”

  I grinned and went to find my man. He was sitting on the top of a picnic table, his feet on the bench below him, drinking a beer while he chatted with Ace and Knight, Cassidy and Kim’s men, respectively. I sat between his feet and he wrapped an arm around my shoulder, scooting me closer. “Hey, sweetness.”


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