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Getting Rowdy

Page 10

by Drew Sera

  Cathy gave my arm a pat and said she was going to go watch a few male subs in the dungeon. I laughed and wished her well down in the dungeon. I watched Kelsie for a few more minutes before making my way over to her.

  "Evening, Kelsie," I greeted her while standing a few feet from her.

  Her stressed face relaxed as she smiled and she said hello. I sat beside her and made idle chit chat for a few moments before bringing up Brent.

  "He sent me an email this morning saying that he might not be able to make it this evening. I told him I'd go and wait for him just in case."

  While she and I were talking about her last visit, her phone lit up. It was Brent calling to tell her that he would not make it this evening. The frown returned to Kelsie's face as she hung up and slumped against the wall.

  "Damn," she muttered. "Maybe next week," she said in an attempt to sound chipper and not disappointed. “I’ve got a shit ton of other things to do anyhow.”

  "You are welcome to come inside, Kelsie. There aren't any monsters in there."

  I knew she was scared to go in alone. It struck me odd how the girl could walk into Tails by herself, yet afraid to go through my doors. I brought this up to her, and she only blushed and smiled.

  "Tails is probably more my speed," she said. "I'm not sure I belong here. Your club is really nice."

  I sat quietly but smiled at her. Self-esteem wasn't a well-stocked characteristic for her. And perhaps she really was scared to be in there alone.

  "I'll take you inside, and I will stay with you if you’d like." A huge smile spread across her face, and she turned to face me. "Problem solved."

  I took her to the check-in desk and had her sign-in and look over her play card from the last time she was here to ensure it was accurate. I told her I'd give her the owner's tour as I held open the heavy door leading inside Irons.

  While showing Kelsie around and chatting a bit with her, I began to pick up on a slight accent, but couldn't for the life of me place it. It was a cute accent, and I started asking more questions just so I could hear it.

  "Are you originally from Vegas?"

  "No, I came here from New York."

  I nodded and knew for certain this wasn't a New York accent, in any form. She left it at that though, and I noticed she quickly changed the topic of conversation away from her. Clever little girl, but I'm a step ahead.

  "Are you interested in participating in a scene this evening?" I asked her as we strolled around the second level. I knew we had tons to Doms and Tops that would love to play with this girl. Including me.


  "Do you have anything in particular in mind or just want to see where it goes?"

  She shrugged and looked around at all of her options for theme rooms. Just as I expected, she gravitated to the classroom. Standing in the doorway, I watched her bright eyes scan the room. Her fingertips danced along the desktops, and when she saw the chalk sitting in the tray, she ran over to it. With the chalk in hand, she turned to face me with a mischievous look on her face.

  "May I write on the board?"

  I motioned for her to have at it and I sat on top of one of the desks to watch her. She wrote, “I will not talk out of turn.”

  Interesting, I thought. My mind began working, wondering if there is a connection between that and the ball gag hard limit.

  "Are you in trouble for talking when you should have been quiet?" I playfully asked her.

  "Yes. Though, I know I need to be quiet in class while the teacher is teaching. Are you going to punish me, Mr. Principal?"

  Kelsie was quickly pressing all of my buttons, and I felt myself harden, despite her slightly topping from the bottom. Surprised by the quickening of my heart, I stood and moved closer to the front of the classroom. I motioned with my index finger for her to step to the desk. She wore a mischievous expression proudly, and I could see the excitement in her eyes.

  "Yes, Kelsie. I am going to punish you. Lean over and place your forearms on the desk, part your legs."

  She quickly complied, and I reminded her to use her safe word if she felt the need. With Brent's words floating in my head regarding Kelsie saying her safe word after a scene, I tried to hit that head on.

  "If you need to use your safe word, please do. Play will stop, and we will sit and talk about it."

  I stood behind her to the right and lifted her skirt. Damn. The girl had on bright, bubble gum, pink panties. I would enjoy this but at my pace. I slowly let the palm of my hand rub over the lace material. Through the panties, I could tell her ass was shapely, but firm. Slipping a few fingertips between the leg band and her soft skin, I moved my hand very slowly from her hip down her bottom before it curved down to her pussy. I repeated the motions on the other side and smiled when I heard her whimper with need.

  Tracing the outline of the top band to her pink panties with both hands, I flattened my palms against her body and lightly massaged the two dimples above her panty band. Kelsie pushed her ass into my hand, but I stilled her movements. My pace.

  I continued my slow path of rubbing and gently squeezing until I let my hand make the slight curve to cup her pussy. A small gasp of pleasure escaped her lips as my fingertips grazed her soaked panties. They were tight against her mound, and I could trace the lips over the wet material.

  Hooking my thumbs inside the top of her panties, I tugged them down until they were just below her ass cheeks. The sight of this made my cock throb, and I knew I was seeping pre-cum. This was one of my favorite views; a naughty little thing bent over, panties just below the ass, waiting for whatever comes next.

  Usually, I would plug the girl's ass as I spanked her, but Kelsie was very new in this club, and I didn't have a lot of info to go off of yet. I wanted this to be a good experience for her since the last one went south. Kelsie was soaked and worked up yet all I've done was rub my hands on her ass and body a bit.

  With her soft skin exposed, I was able to tell that she was warm. I didn't want to spank a cold bottom as it wouldn't be nearly as pleasurable. I let my hand glide across her cheeks from the left to the right, and on the way back I squeezed. Another noise of pleasure slipped out, and I could hear her need, buried in the moan. I gave her left cheek a swat and rubbed my hand over the spot.

  Kelsie did jump at the slapping of my hand on her ass, but she relaxed almost instantly. I found this to be a sign of a comfortable bottom. If she relaxes easily after being startled or surprised, then I'm doing something right. I also noticed that so far, there wasn't a sign of the mouthy bottom that Brent brought last week.

  In my stern voice, I reprimanded her for being disruptive in class and told her she would get ten swats with the ruler.

  "And if you're a good girl and count, you'll get a little treat afterward, and I'll let you come."

  I heard a giggle, and she replied with an excited, "Yes, Sir."

  Grabbing a heavier and thicker ruler than what is found in actual classrooms, I rubbed it over her ass cheeks before delivering the swats. In that sexy little voice with a slight accent, she counted to ten. By the time she hit ten, she was breathy and wound up.

  "Good girl. You took your punishment, and now you'll get your treat."

  Kelsie started to stand up, but with a hand on her lower back, I encouraged her to stay where she was. I sat down on the chair at the teacher's desk where she was bent over and marveled at the sight. Red, sexy ass with panties pulled down just below the ass.

  "Be a good girl and stay still for me."

  Kelsie didn't move a muscle as I moved closer positioning my left leg in front of hers and my right leg behind hers. With my right hand, I massaged her red cheeks and let my hand eventually slip down to her pussy. I kept my attention on her face and loved to see the feelings I was pulling from her, etched on her face. Her mouth formed an "O", and her eyes closed when I pushed two fingers into her slick pussy. I slowly finger fucked her and watched her enjoy it.

  "That's a good girl, take the fingers. You like this, sweetie?"

  "Ye-esss, S-sirr."

  I reached around to her front, and ever so lightly made a circular pattern over her swollen clit, with my left index finger. The moment my fingertip touched her clit, she tensed. I knew it was a good tense and encouraged it.

  "Come for me, Kelsie."

  Moments later with two of my fingers buried in her pussy and a finger pressed against her clit, Kelsie came undone. Her pussy gripped my fingers for all it was worth, and her hips pushed forward against my finger that worked her clit.

  As her panting and whimpers of pleasure calmed, I moved my left hand to rub her tummy. I dislodged my fingers from her pussy and rubbed her lower back as she began to settle. Now is when I need to keep a closer eye on her since Brent mentioned that she would deliberately say her safe word after a scene to avoid after care.

  "Good girl, Kelsie," I soothed, hoping that I wouldn't hear her say ‘red.’

  She stood slowly, with my hands still on her stomach and lower back. She looked slightly out of it, unsure of what to do next. I didn't want to push her because I knew 'red' was on the tip of her tongue. She wore a smile on her face, and it widened when I repeated "good girl".

  I stood up, and she tilted her head back to look in my eyes. Damn, those big blue eyes staring up at me tugged me in every direction. I moved around her and went to the small fridge in the room. I eyed the options and settled on a little risk. I carried the two drinks with me and sat down on the couch while Kelsie remained standing where I left her.

  "Kelsie," I motioned with my index finger for her to come over here.

  I knew from what Brent said; she would balk and protest and eventually say her safe word. As I gazed at her though, I felt that if she was going to say it, that she would have said it by now. She took a few steps closer but stopped. Fair enough for now.

  Leaning back into the bright colored couch, I unscrewed the lid from the water bottle and took a few sips, but never took my eyes off her. She looked like she wanted to come over and she kept eyeing the other drink that I had on the armrest on the couch.

  "Is that for me?" She asked quietly.

  "It is," I calmly replied and pulled the straw from the juice box and pushed it into the opening.

  I held the juice box in my hand while I sipped from my water bottle. As I was thinking about reasons that may cause a little bottom to avoid after care, my heart jumped as she slowly walked to the couch and sat down beside me. I could tell she had a ton of things going through her mind.

  "Good girl, Kelsie," I praised and handed her the juice.

  I didn't touch her, but I put my arm on the top of the cushion behind her. I realized this was most likely as close as she allowed anyone after a scene; minor or major.

  "Did you build this club on your own or buy it?" she asked while chewing on her straw.

  Pleased that she was engaging in conversation and not running away, I told her that Irons was mine from scratch. We talked some about the theme rooms and play stations in the dungeon as well as outside. As the conversation continued, Kelsie pulled her feet up to the couch and turned to face me. This feisty little one was starting to get comfortable, and the walls were coming down.

  As Kelsie listened to me talk about Irons and asked questions here and there, she let her head lean on my arm behind her. She stared up at me with her big blue eyes, hanging onto every word I said. The slurping noise announcing that she was finished with her juice made me smile, and I couldn’t prevent from laughing out loud.

  "I think you're done with that," I said and pulled the empty juice box from her hand.

  Kelsie smiled and shut her eyes as she leaned on my arm still. I had many things I could have asked her, but I refrained. I wanted her to relax and think about this evening. Brent said she was often mouthy during a scene or topped from the bottom and then flat out refused after care. Sitting as she was with me, sounded like a rarity.

  After sitting together for close to an hour, I asked her if she wanted to walk around with me. I mostly wanted to get her up moving around and ensure she was fully alert before she went home tonight. She smiled, nodded and when she stood she wrapped her hand around my forearm. I drew no attention to it but smiled to myself.

  We made our way to the dungeon and found Cathy fucking a male sub with a strap-on. I had to stop because watching her top a sub was so sexy to me, and I needed to spend more time with Kelsie, rather than pound my wife’s pussy as soon as she finished.

  "Wow," Kelsie whispered.

  I looked at her and smiled.

  When the male sub came, I felt Kelsie grip my forearm a little tighter. Slowly we moved through the rest of the dungeon and then headed back upstairs. I felt confident that she had some time to move around and was alert enough to drive home. And I was happy that possibly for the first time, she enjoyed a little bit of after care, though I would have preferred more for her. We were now in the lobby, and she was putting her jacket on when I handed her my card.

  "Kelsie, I'd like to see you tomorrow. Lunch? Coffee?"

  Her eyebrows shot up, and a small smile spread across her face. I got the impression that she wasn't accustomed to a Dom or Top she played with wanting to see her the next day. It was a good practice that my wife and I kept, no matter who we played with at the club. We liked to check in on the sub or bottom and ensure they were doing ok. Sub drop can be nasty, and we liked to maintain a good grip to hopefully prevent any issues.

  "Ok, coffee."

  We set the time for 11:00 a.m., but I told her to call me if she needed to prior to that. I made sure she got to her car and that she was tucked in safely before heading back inside the club. Cathy was sitting at the bar with the male bottom she had been playing with, and I took the seat up next to her.

  "Hi darling, how was your evening?" Cathy asked me with a bright smile on her face.

  I couldn't hide my smile at all. Kelsie was the first bottom I've played with in a long time that tickled the bone in me that needed to be a disciplinarian and a nurturer. I felt that I received everything that I needed in that short scene with her. I didn't come or even have my dick out, but I felt so satisfied. Granted, I would have preferred her to let me hold her, but I knew she wasn't comfortable with that.

  The entire drive home, I thought about Kelsie. First and foremost, I hoped she made it home ok and that she had remembered to drink some more water like I asked her to. I decided to send her an email when we got inside. I helped draw a bath for Cathy and then began getting myself ready for bed. I pulled my phone out and had an email from an unknown email address. Opening it up, I smiled when I saw that it was Kelsie.

  Thank you for playing with me.


  In her email, there was a cartoon of a cat with pink sunglasses on holding a popsicle. I hit “reply” and typed out a quick message.

  You are more than welcome, little sub. Did you make it home ok?

  Kelsie’s reply came quickly.

  Yes, sir. In my jammies and in bed.

  Good girl. Sleep well, and I will see you at 11:00 tomorrow.


  I set the phone down and finished getting ready for bed, but before I crawled into the comforts of the warm sheets, I glanced at my phone again and saw the email indicator telling me a new email was waiting for me.

  Do I get a treat for being good?

  I leaned against the dresser and stared at her text. This girl could very easily be the perfect play partner for me. She was interested in pleasing me, making me proud and wanting a treat for doing so. Something was telling me that she was naturally and genuinely a “little girl.”

  Perhaps. Go to sleep, Kelsie.

  Kelsie's reply was another cartoon cat with the pink sunglasses, but this one was holding a present. I shook my head and crawled into bed with Cathy. Before she and I called it a night, we talked about Kelsie and the young man Cathy played with. I knew Cathy really enjoyed topping male subs, it always made her pussy soaked. Listening to her talk about using a crop on the young ma
n and then how he ate her pussy only made me ache more. Moments later, Cathy was sitting on my aching erection, riding me to a quick release.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  March 2003

  Morning came quickly, and I enjoyed my wife, as I do every morning. She and I both slept naked so my morning play “needs” were easier to pull off. I pulled the fur lined cuffs from the headboard and clasped them around Cathy’s wrists as she began to stir. I grabbed the clover nipple clamps from the nightstand and gave each of her nipples a pinch before attaching the nipple clamps.

  With closed eyes, Cathy smiled widely. Her hips were slightly moving around in hopes of getting some relief. I rarely denied my wife relief, but I decided when she’d get that relief.

  I pulled Cathy’s body lower on the bed and took hold of her ankles. I kissed each foot and sucked on each toe before wrapping another fur lined cuff around each ankle and attaching it to the headboard. I was getting hard at the sight of her completely bound.

  She was still in her sleepy but turned on stage. I gaze down between her legs and saw a sheen of her excitement, glistening up at me. Her clit was already making its appearance, and her puckered asshole was daring me.

  I lowered my head and rimmed her asshole. I let my tongue dart in and out as it massaged her. Her moans grew in volume, and her hips moved with more urgency. Moving my face, I sucked on my index finger before pushing it up her ass.

  “Oh, Blake, Sir!”

  Cathy and I enjoyed ass play, and I loved making her squeal; which is what I intended to do this morning. One fail safe way to make Cathy squeal was to fuck her ass with a small, almost non-existent amount of lube. Cathy most definitely had some masochistic traits in her and she enjoyed some pain. I always used just enough to get my cock in. She loved the primal feeling of a raw ass fucking, and the way it made me feel is indescribable.

  I pulled my finger out of her ass and gave her entrance one more lick before spitting directly on it. I shoved a pillow under her ass and lined my cock up with the wad of my saliva that covered her entrance I’d soon be piercing. Taking hold of her hips, I impaled her ass.


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