Federal Paranormal Agency 6 - Leannan
Page 12
“One-two cha-cha-cha…three-four cha-cha-cha…” Axel took the lead, showing Toby the steps, and Toby followed along, dancing with the other shifter.
“You’re a great dancer,” Toby told him.
“Listen, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell anyone.”
“Your secret’s safe with me.”
“What can I do for you tonight, Toby?”
“What makes you think I need anything?”
“Answering a question with a question.” He raised a brow. “That’s never a good sign.”
“I can’t share anything about this particular case.”
“It’s top secret, huh?” Axel’s tone of voice told Toby that the lion shifter didn’t necessarily believe him, but the other man didn’t call him a liar to his face.
He nodded. “I was heading to the armory when I heard you.”
Toby didn’t want to lie, but he wasn’t ready to share anything with anyone. He needed to confront Duncan alone and deal with his mate one-on-one.
“At this hour, I’m usually alone.”
“When do you sleep?”
“I don’t.” He shrugged.
Toby merely nodded. He understood perfectly. He rarely got a full night’s sleep. In fact, the only time he slept was when he passed out from sheer exhaustion after staying awake far too long.
Duncan. His mate’s name whispered through his mind, bringing him back to the present and the real reason he was at FPA headquarters.
Toby dropped his arms and gave Axel a little bow. “Thank you for the dance.”
Axel smiled. “Anytime.” Toby had turned and started toward the door when a warm hand touched his shoulder, stopping him. “I know being the new guy can be tough. If you need a friend, I’m here.”
Axel dropped his hand. “Take care of yourself.”
“I will.”
Toby grabbed his duffel bag from the ground, leaving Axel inside the tech room. As he strode down the hallway, the stress he’d been feeling only moments ago flooded back.
When he reached the armory, Toby filled his bag with as many weapons as it could hold—machine guns, flash-bang grenades, handguns, and plenty of bullets. He might be going overboard, but truthfully, Toby wasn’t sure what he was facing, and it was important to be prepared.
* * * *
Toby stood across the street from Duncan’s house, staring at the brownstone. The interior lights were on, beckoning him to come inside. Somebody was home, but was it his mate? Although he wanted to walk over and ring the doorbell, Toby needed to think like the well-trained agent he was. He couldn’t afford to act naïve. Toby crouched down beside his bag and unzipped it. He pulled out the 9mm and put a bullet in the chamber, tucking it in the back of his pants.
Toby stared down at the arsenal of weapons he’d brought and frowned. He couldn’t storm the house with flashbang grenades and guns blazing. Not only would it draw unwanted attention from the police but Toby didn’t want to kill anyone. He couldn’t abandon the bag on the side of the road either. Toby put the straps over his shoulder and stood. He jogged across the street, alert and cautious.
Making his way along the side of Duncan’s house, Toby stayed close to the brick wall, carefully creeping forward. He went toward his usual entrance, hoping the window was still unlocked. With each step he took, Toby’s heart pounded wildly, adrenaline making him practically shake. He hid the duffel bag under a nearby bush since he wouldn’t be able to haul it inside the house.
Taking a couple deep breaths, Toby rolled his shoulders, trying to ease his nerves. After a couple of minutes, Toby reached up and tested the window. The glass slid open, surprising him. He pulled his body up, climbing inside. When his feet hit the floor, Toby jerked upright. He pulled his weapon free from the waistband of his jeans, holding the 9mm at the ready. Toby scanned the room, looking for an immediate threat.
He crouched down behind the sofa and lifted his face, scenting the air. A mixture of fresh scents told him that Duncan was inside the house with about a half-dozen other men. It was now or never. He had to make a decision and be quick about it. Keeping low to the ground, Toby was silent as he moved forward.
He spotted a human standing by the front door, peeking out the window, with his back to him. Standing up, Toby rushed behind the human and pressed the barrel of his 9mm against the back of the man’s head. The guy froze instantly.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” Toby said. “I only want Duncan. Where is he?”
“I’m right here, love.”
Toby spun around and came face-to-face with his mate. He was momentarily stunned as he stared into Duncan’s icy blue eyes. The other man looked exactly like the picture inside Toby’s mind—tall, dark, and incredibly handsome. He took Toby’s breath away with a single look.
Toby instantly lowered his weapon, pointing the barrel at the floor. He opened his mouth but quickly closed it, unsure of what to say. He’d been waiting so long for this moment, and now he couldn’t seem to say a single word. I’m sorry. I love you. God, I’ve missed you so damn much. The words sat on his tongue, unmoving.
Without warning, something slammed into the back of his head, and Toby crumbled to the floor. Why did I trust him?
“You didn’t need to hit him, Danny,” Duncan chastised.
“He put a gun to my head.”
Duncan knelt down and picked Toby up, cradling him against his chest. Toby struggled to stay awake, but his eyes closed without his permission, and his world turned black.
Chapter Seventeen
Toby came back to consciousness slowly. He opened his eyes and flinched at the bright light. Groaning, Toby turned his head, wanting to burrow back under the covers and go to sleep.
“Hello, Thomas.” Duncan’s voice washed over him.
Toby’s eyes flew open. He blinked rapidly, clearing the fog from his mind as his memories came flooding back. He quickly took stock of his current situation. Toby was sitting on one of the overstuffed chairs in the living room, and his mate was standing before him, his tattooed arms crossed over his chest.
“Oh wait, Thomas Doyle is dead, isn’t he?”
“I was only doing my job,” Toby confessed.
“So, you’re just a weasel with a badge, huh?” Duncan asked, dropping his arms to his sides.
Toby jerked back as if he’d been slapped. He tried to scent Duncan’s emotions, but he couldn’t quite figure out what his mate was feeling at this moment. He might’ve only been doing his job, but he didn’t believe that Duncan would ever forgive him. This moment was both a blessing and a curse. He was finally in the same room with his mate, but he didn’t think they were going to have a pleasant conversation.
Toby’s lower lip trembled as fear gripped his heart. He wasn’t going to fight his mate. If Duncan wanted to destroy him, Toby would comply. He’d been torturing himself for years, alive but not really living. There was no way he’d be able to endure without his mate. His fox was already on the brink of breaking and turning rogue. Any more of this and Toby knew he’d fly over the edge of sanity. Duncan moved closer to him. He leaned down and wrapped his strong hands around Toby’s neck. Toby didn’t move. He merely stared into Duncan’s eyes, waiting for the man to squeeze the life right out of him.
“They chose the perfect man to go undercover as bait. God”—he shook his head—“you’re so beautiful. How did they know that you’d be the perfect choice for me?”
“When I was recruited, they said I was your type. That’s why I was chosen.” It was the truth.
Duncan smirked. “Tell me, love, where’s my ring? Or was it all just a game for you?”
“It’s under my shirt,” he whispered.
Toby didn’t wear it on his finger. He couldn’t, not since the day he’d left Ireland. Instead, he kept it on a long chain around his neck, so that the ring would always be close to his heart.
“Are you going to kill me?”
Duncan shook his head. “No.”
/> A small noise slipped past his lips. It was pitiful little cry from all the pain he’d bottled up over the years. “Do you hate me?”
He shook his head once again. “I’ve hated plenty of people, but I’ve never loved anyone, not until you came into my life.”
“It was real for me.” Toby tried to remain strong, but his damn lower lip kept quivering. “I love you. I never stopped loving you.”
Duncan pulled Toby to him. He ducked his head down and smashed their lips together. The kiss wasn’t sweet or gentle. It was frantic and wild, Duncan claiming him. At least, that was what Toby was hoping anyway. The familiar press of Duncan’s lips eased the pain in Toby’s heart. He nipped Toby’s bottom lip and then swiped the tip of his tongue along the seam of his mouth. Toby opened to him, welcoming Duncan’s tongue. Toby reacted instantly. Their tongues twisted and turned, dancing together.
Duncan’s hands dropped from Toby’s neck. He hauled Toby up against him, wrapping his arms around Toby’s waist. Duncan pulled him against his chest, holding him close.
Toby reluctantly pulled away. He took a few steps back, distancing himself from Duncan. Toby would love to get lost in the touch and feel of his mate, but he couldn’t afford to think with his dick right now. He needed to be logical. Duncan was being hunted by quite a few agencies. The man was wanted for questioning in the murders of three agents.
“Toby, I would never hurt you.” Duncan took his hand, leading him toward the couch. “I’m here to protect you.”
“What about the other agents?” Toby asked. “They’re dead.”
Duncan sighed. “I know, but I didn’t kill them. A lot of things changed once I was taken into custody. Someone in my organization tried to take over. In order to get me to cooperate, he started searching for you. The Interpol agent that you worked with, Griffeth Moor, he gave you up. He said you were an American agent named Toby Winters sent undercover to gather evidence against me.”
“Who tried to take over?”
“Niall.” Duncan sneered the man’s name. “And it’s my fault he’s coming after you. I knew you weren’t dead. I just…I couldn’t believe it. Anyway, I told him to find you, but I never thought he’d kill those other agents. And I definitely didn’t think that he’d try to take over.”
“Why would he come after me?”
“You’re my only weakness.”
“Do you know which agency I work for?”
“No.” He shook his head.
“FPA.” Or at least he had worked for the agency until he left his badge behind.
Duncan’s eyes widened slightly. “You’re a shifter?”
Thomas nodded. “I’m a fox shifter.”
“Wow,” Duncan muttered. “I guess I didn’t need to worry about you after all.”
“I can take care of myself,” Toby confirmed. “But I’m still glad that you’re here. I’ve missed you.” He sighed. “God, I’ve missed you so much.”
Duncan smiled. “Me, too.”
“How did you know that I was in New York?”
“After I was taken into custody, a few of my employees left Ireland. Danny, Liam, and Miles came to New York. They’ve been watching the house, and when you started coming around, Danny got word to me. I had to get here before Niall found out.”
“When you left Ireland, an international alert went out. That’s why I came here tonight. I was hoping you’d be here. But you should know that they’re searching for you.”
“The FPA sent you to arrest me?” Duncan’s brows furrowed.
“No, I’m here because I want to be. You’re a human. There isn’t any reason for the FPA to be involved in this case.”
Duncan stared at him, his piercing eyes assessing Toby closely. “Are we mates?”
“But you didn’t mark me.”
“I couldn’t claim you, not when I was lying.”
“Was everything between us a lie?”
“The moment we met, I knew you were my mate. I wasn’t honest about who I was, but the emotion was real.”
Duncan leaned forward. He wrapped his arms around Toby’s shoulders and lifted the chain away from his skin. Duncan unlocked the necklace, removing it completely. Toby watched as Duncan dumped the ring into the palm of his hand before dropping the chain onto the coffee table. He grabbed Toby’s left hand and slid the ring back onto his finger, where it belonged. Toby’s eyes filled with moisture, blurring his vision, as he stared at the silver band.
“I don’t want you to take it off again.”
“I won’t.” Toby shook his head.
Duncan picked Toby up and sat down, placing Toby on his lap. He leaned back against the sofa, enveloping Toby in his warmth. Toby cuddled close to him. He pressed his nose against the base of Duncan’s neck and inhaled, pulling his mate’s scent deep into his lungs. The smell was already firmly imprinted on his brain.
Being this close to his mate brought him more joy than he could express. As the heavy musk surrounded him, Toby’s entire body tingled with need.
His fox whimpered and whined, pushing him to mark and claim. His sharp canine teeth punched out from his gums, lengthening inside his mouth. Instinct took over, and Toby straddled Duncan’s hips in one quick movement.
* * * *
Duncan placed his hands on Toby’s thighs. He looked up into the young man’s brilliant blue eyes as they flashed, turning wild and slightly unfocused. Toby’s gaze was on Duncan’s shoulder, and he knew the shifter wanted to claim him. Pulling the collar of his shirt to the side, Duncan tilted his head, granting Toby access to the meaty part of his shoulder. He expected Toby to strike, but the young man merely whined pitifully.
“Are you going to bite me, love?”
Toby licked his lips, staring at Duncan’s shoulder as if it was the juiciest steak he’d ever seen. The sharp points of his white teeth peeked out of the corner of his mouth, and Duncan grinned.
“Mark me, Toby,” he ordered.
The young man didn’t need to be told twice. He struck fast, sinking his teeth into Duncan’s shoulder. The sharp points pierced his skin, and Duncan groaned as pain turned into overwhelming pleasure, and he thrust his hips up. He moved his hands, gripping Toby’s hips in a tight hold as his cock filled, pressing against the front of his slacks. Toby moaned, and the sound vibrated against Duncan’s flesh. A potent dose of bliss shot through his system, and Duncan was instantly on the verge of coming.
Duncan pushed his hands up Toby’s shirt, running his palms against the man’s hot skin. Using his fingertips, Duncan traced the muscles along Toby’s lean chest. He tweaked Toby’s nipples, pinching each nub between his finger and thumb. Toby moaned, rolling his hips, grinding their erections together.
“Ah…God…I’m gonna come,” Duncan told him. In response, Toby moved faster, dry humping him, giving Duncan the friction he needed.
Throwing back his head, Duncan yelled out as he came under Toby’s sensual movements.
“Fuck,” Duncan breathed out. His muscles twitched from the aftershocks of an intense orgasm.
Toby lapped at his shoulder, licking the wound. When Toby finally pulled back, Duncan’s eyes widened. He watched in awe as Toby’s canines shrunk back down into his mouth. The young man’s appearance seemed to change as well. His face grew softer, the dark circles under his eyes disappearing. The color returned to his cheeks, making him look like his old self, young and healthy.
It seemed they had both been suffering from the long separation, although Toby wore his pain for everyone to see. Guilt stabbed Duncan’s heart, the organ twisting painfully within his chest. He wished he could wrap Toby up and erase the last three years. He wanted to protect the young man from the world.
“What’s wrong?” Toby whispered.
“I’m not sure what the future holds for us.” With the mess that Niall had made, Duncan wasn’t certain of anything. He couldn’t plan a future with Toby, not right now.
“As long as we’re together, it doesn’t r
eally matter.”
“Niall’s after you, and I’m the prime suspect in the murders of three agents,” Duncan said, reminding Toby of their current situation, which seemed incredibly bleak at the moment. “We can’t run away from this, but I’m not sure how we can beat it either.”
“You’re my mate. I couldn’t do anything before because I didn’t mark and claim you properly, but that’s changed now. They can’t separate us again. I won’t let them. I’ll take you to FPA headquarters in the morning. Whatever happens, we’re in this together.”
Duncan nodded. He hated the idea of Toby getting wrapped up in his mess, but it was unavoidable. Toby moved back, sliding off Duncan’s lap.
“I don’t want to think about this anymore. Right now, I need you. It’s been too long.”
Duncan pushed himself up off the couch. He grasped Toby’s hand, intertwining their fingers as he led him toward their bedroom.
Chapter Eighteen
As soon as they reached the bedroom, Duncan closed the door and clicked the lock into place. He grabbed Toby and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him in for a deep kiss. Duncan’s lips were hard and insistent, telling Toby without words how desperate he truly was. Lifting his hands, Toby grabbed hold of Duncan’s shirt, clinging to him. He knew they still had obstacles to overcome, but at this moment, it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered more than touching his mate.
“Off,” Duncan growled, ripping and tearing Toby’s clothes in an effort to get him naked.
Toby responded in kind. He tore the shirt from Duncan’s body, revealing the man’s powerful chest. Running his hands down the length of Duncan’s abdomen, Toby groaned. He needed Duncan. He couldn’t wait to have the man buried deep inside him, marking him with his seed. It had been too damn long.
“Get on the bed,” he ordered.
Turning on his heel, Toby practically ran. He kicked off his jeans and jumped onto the bed, situating himself in the center. He stared at Duncan, waiting impatiently for the man to join him. Duncan went over to a nearby dresser. He pulled open the top drawer and grabbed something before walking toward Toby. He stood at the foot of the bed and removed the rest of his clothes. Toby watched with avid interest, outlining each tattoo Duncan revealed with his eyes.