Page 37
Cassie shook her head and laughed. “Once a Marine, always a Marine.”
“Damn right. And where my daughter is concerned, that is one area where I will not be compromising.”
Cassie’s stomach finally settled, and she placed her satiny soft lips to mine. “You ready for round two, devil dog?”
“Oorah!” I yelled before helping Cassie to her knees, and taking my wife for our second round of celebration.
BAH: Basic Allowance for Housing. Allotted to servicemembers not occupying government quarters to aid in rent payments
Boot (Marine): a new, junior Marine
Brig: military jail
Cammies: camoflauge utility uniform
Chevrons: symbols of enlisted ranks above private
Chow: food
Corpsman: an enlisted Navy medical person assigned to Marine units
Court Martial- a judicial proceeding
Cover- headgear (hat)
E-Six (E6): Enlisted rate; pay grade, Staff Sergeant in the Marine Corps
EOD: Explosive Ordinance Disposal
Firewatch: acting as a patrolling security guard
Fit Rep: Fitness Report; a tool used to evaluate the performance for Marines above the rank of Corporal
Fleet: abbreviated term for Fleet Marine Forces; the operational forces in the Marine Corps
Gunny: nickname for a Gunnery Sergeant
Hat: Marine Corps nickname for Drill Instructor
Hump: a long hike
IED: Improvised Explosive Device
Kevlar: protective helmet worn by servicemembers
Knife hand: fingers extended and joined with the thumb along the side of the hand. Used to point at someone or something.
Meritorious Promotion: an early, accelerated promotion earned through an outstanding performance of duties
Name Tapes: a strip of cloth sewn above the left breast pocket, with the last name sewn onto it
NCO: Non Comissioned Officer
Next of Kin: next living relative in your family
NJP: non-judicial punishment
OOD: Officer of the Day
Oorah: spirited cry used to respond to a verbal greeting or to show great enthusiasm.
Oxygen Thief: a worthless individual
POA: Power of Attorney
PCS: Permanent Change of Station (transfer to another base)
Pin(ing): the physical act of putting chevrons onto the collar of the blouse
PT gear: Physical Training gear (green workout clothing)
River City: a temporary restriction on all out-going communication links
Rocker: the lower half of the rank insignia of a Marine Staff Sergeant through Sergeant Major
Seabag- duffel bag used to carry one’s personal belongings
Service Alphas: consists of green trousers, long-sleeve khaki shirt, khaki tie, and green coat
Seven Day Store: a mini mart open seven days per week
Staff NCO: Marines in the rank of Staff Sergeant through Sergeant Major
Theater: geographic region
Unsat: unsatisfactory
Already Missing Alex & Cassie????
Tune in for....
Challenging: Riley and Nat’s story
Untitled Book: Jensen and Adriana’s story
Coming Summer 2014
Our beloved Cruz Family will make appearances in both.
There are many many people to thank for the successful publication of this story. I will try my best to keep it short.
Once again, my husband. Without you, this story loses it’s credibility. Thank you for loving it, loving me, and always showing me the undying support needed to tackle something of this magnitude. I love you!
My book bestie, Nicole Jacquelyn. You’ve helped me more than you know through the deployment and the creation of this story. Someday we will have to get the A&C duos together.
Steph, Michlene, and Katonya... my awesome, wonderful, beautiful group of betas. You opened your minds and hearts to my Alex and Cassie and loved them almost as much I do. Your time and commitment to this story is greatly appreciated.
Jen... we have a great working relationship. Even when the wheels feel like they’re falling off, somehow we manage to pull together and get the train running again. My stories wouldn’t be half of what they are without you. You have a way with words and I’m so glad to have you in my corner.
BLOGGERS!!! THANK YOU a million times over for what you do every single day. This little indie is so appreciative. Without you, my work wouldn’t reach half of the people that it does. I can never truly repay you, but I hope that creating these stories will suffice. J ENA BURNETTE aka SUPER WOMAN! You rock and you know it. I love you, woman. Thanks for taking me under your wing and helping to guide me to where I am now.
Elle... for just being you. So supportive, so helpful, and always lending a shoulder. I don’t what I did to deserve a friend like you, but I’m so grateful to have you.
To Alex and Cassie’s Troops! Best group of women/readers an author can ever ask for. You girls make my job so much easier. Your love of my story and of these characters is incomprehensible, but I love the enthusiasm all the same.
The B.A.B. girls. You know who you are. The virtual shoulder you all provide is priceless. Thank you!
If I missed anyone.... totally not intentional and I am truly sorry. I love you all and thank each and every person who has ever read, recommended, pimped, blogged, written a review or anything else that has to do with Fraternizing and Compromising. Without you, these stories would never have gotten the exposure that they have received.