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Phoenix Rising

Page 10

by Cara Carnes

  “No. I used to watch the training field of my pack from behind a bush. I spent hours watching, trying to absorb the knowledge.”


  “I’d be alone eventually. I needed to know how to defend myself. I didn’t want to die.” The last sentence came out as a soft whisper, a barely audible exposure of my deepest secret.

  I was terrified.

  “You have good instincts and excellent reaction times. Trust your gut and your impulses. Shut down your mind, and you’ll be fine.” She tossed a pair of leather pants and a black top at me. “Change into this. It’s showtime.”

  I changed quickly, ignoring the pangs of unease weighing down my limbs. The dull throb of overused muscles settled my mind somehow. They proved I could handle it.


  I followed Vira and dutifully got on the back of her Harley, grabbing the bar behind me. The ride to Temple took less time than I’d hoped. She wove around the massive swell of parked vehicles and parked beside the side exit.

  I jumped off and removed my helmet.

  “If things go south, we’re heading here and booking it. We need to get notice to whoever from Macen’s pack is here tonight that we may need their help getting out if shit goes down.” She settled her helmet on the handlebar and handed me a knife. “Put this in your boot, just in case. It’s coated with phoenix blood and is fatal to demons.”

  “Phoenix blood?” That was one of the species she’d mentioned earlier. “What are they? I tried to find stuff about them at the library, but there was nothing.”

  “Info about them is restricted because it tends to freak my kind out. It’s an ancient shifter race that straddled the line between the Earthen realm and Demonia. They ensured our races got along. They could kill anyone and anything.”

  “What happened to them?”

  “Some say a higher power believed they wielded too much power and slaughtered them all.”

  “That’s horrible.”

  “Yeah. And to think humans think angels are good.”

  “Wait. Angels slaughtered the phoenixes?”

  “Yep. That’s one of the beliefs.”

  “What’s the other?”

  “That they were equals, both straddling the realms. They grew bored with the foolishness of our worlds and vanished, choosing to deal with more worthy issues.”

  “I like that belief better.”

  “I figured you would.” She looked around. “If we’re done with ancient history, I think we’ve got some demon twins to school.”

  The crowd was thick, a crushing mass of doom. No matter what happened, tonight would end badly. There were too many wolves here, too many demons, and no order within the chaos.

  A barbed-wire cage was in the center of the room. “What is that?”

  “Our fighting arena.”

  “Wait. We’re going to be inside a cage?”


  I shook my head.

  “I didn’t mention that.” It was a statement in an “oops” sort of tone.

  I didn’t do cages. Ever. Not since…. “I can’t do a cage. I have issues with confined spaces.”

  “And I have issues with dying.” Vira poked my chest and growled. “Get over it.”

  Oookay. Sure.

  “You show your thoughts on your face. You want to live through tonight, stop doing it.”

  Alrighty. Easy. Peasy.

  She grabbed my arm and dragged me toward the cage. I ignored the barbs and verbal jibes tossed our direction from the demons. Most of them were directed at Vira. Apparently, siding with me wasn’t earning her any popularity points.

  “Sorry. I didn’t realize they’d hate you for doing this for me.”

  “No skin off me. They hated me to start with. Deciding to live on Earth wasn’t exactly the popular choice.”

  “How did that happen?”

  “My dad was an ambassador.”

  “That must’ve sucked.”

  “Yeah.” She shrugged. “You can’t let the past rule you.”

  True enough. I took a deep breath and stared at the cage. I could do this. I had to. This would help Macen and his pack. Assuming I survived, my slate would be clear with Demonia and, hopefully, the dean. All would be well. I could move on with my new freedom.

  “Riles, what the hell do you think you’re doing?” Lane grabbed my other arm. His hot breath fanned my forehead. “You’re coming with me.”

  “Afraid not, big boy.”

  He vanished before me. I blinked and looked at the mass of man at my feet.

  Vira straddled his prone form. “Don’t touch her.”

  “Ease off, Vira. He’s with me.” Logan crossed his arms and glared at me. “And he had an excellent question. What the hell are you doing, Riles?”

  “What I have to. This clears the slate.”

  “You believe that shit?”

  “He gave his word.” I think. I couldn’t remember the exact words. “Macen had no right to enter a fight agreement on my behalf to begin with. I am not pack. I’m not his to protect.”

  “Oh, really?” Lane grunted from under Vira’s foot. “You don’t let me up, little demon, and I’m spanking your ass all night then spreading your legs and fucking you raw.”

  Vira purred. “Don’t promise what you can’t deliver, big boy. I like it rougher than you do.”

  He growled, and Vira yelped as he dragged her down and flipped her beneath him with a speed which defied my gaze. I blinked. Wow.

  “Don’t promise what you can’t deliver, little demon.”

  “Why don’t we save your energy for the ring?”

  The new voice startled me. I drew closer to Logan as I regarded Prince Drecor, who smirked at Lane and Vira when they leaped to their feet quickly.

  Vira bowed even though she glared. “My Prince.”

  “You honor me with your willingness to champion Riletta.”

  “I do it for her, not you. And the name is Riles, not Riletta.”

  “Whatever the reason, I am grateful nonetheless. I have spoken with my daughters and requested they not draw too much blood.” He shrugged. “I’m afraid that only heightened their bloodlust. They rarely do as I request. My apologies in advance.”

  “And I shall extend mine in advance because I’m honor bound to defend my charge to the death,” Vira stated. “Regardless of the threat.”

  “I would expect no less from Rolanzo’s bloodline. Watching you in the ring will be an experience for us all.” He smiled when he regarded Logan and Lane. “I’m saddened Macen was unable to attend. Riletta is quite the negotiator, though. After tonight, all debts owed by your pack are erased, and a blood debt is now owed to you.”

  Both the men glared at me, their jaws twitching. “Why would you agree to that, Prince?”

  “She was the only one brave enough to dare such a request. Her innocence amused me.”

  “Macen will draw blood when he learns of this fight,” Logan said. “Females don’t fight.”

  “They do tonight.” The prince looked over his shoulder. “It appears my daughters are ready.”

  I looked behind me. Holy shit. Two women with long, black hair in braids shoved their way through the crowd. Towering over the audience, they were easily over six and a half feet. At five foot one inch, I was intimidated by their muscular bodies. Their legs were thick like redwoods in California. Their shoulders rivaled linebackers.

  What the hell had I gotten us into?

  The situation went from bad to worse because Vira was too good. That didn’t make sense, but it was true. Apparently, knocking out one of the twin hellhounds within a minute of the battle’s start was a bad idea.

  Things got real bad after that. Vira had set an ugly, in-your-face tone I lacked the proficiency to deliver. I watched her crush both twins as they changed fighters often. Guilt made me wish I had more to offer, that I could relieve her. I wasn’t stupid. Even exhausted, she was better than I would be.

  Vira kicked one of them into th
e cage’s side, knocking her out, but she tapped her twin in. The other sister slammed Vira against the barbed wire cage and sneered when she slid to the floor, blood oozing down her face. A burst of fiery hellfire engulfed the corner.

  I bit my tongue, swallowing the scream in my throat. Vira’s words of wisdom ran on a steady, calming loop in my mind.

  They’ll fight with hellfire. I can survive it; you might not. If you’re what we’re thinking you are, you’d survive, but they’d kill you anyway. Either way, you die.

  She would be okay. She had to be.

  I gulped and entered the fray. I couldn’t hang back and watch Vira be destroyed because of me. Logan and Lane prowled within my field of vision with a massive pack of wolves behind them. I could do this.

  For Macen.

  I hadn’t bothered learning my competitors’ names. I didn’t care. They were a problem—one I had to handle. My current opponent circled me with a sneer on her face and amusement in her eyes. Once again, I was a joke. Anger rose within me, a slow burn radiating from my belly and fanning out within my blood.

  “You’re going to bleed and hurt so bad you won’t even yelp like the bitch you are.” The hellhound took a few steps forward and brandished a double-tipped sword. Good. I’d practiced fending that thingie off. I could do this.

  Anger keeps them off center. Piss them off however you can. I looked over to the empty corner. Good. She’d moved.

  “I’m not a wolf, you dumb cow.”

  She lunged. I ducked to the side and jumped into the defensive stance Vira had taught me. I kept my weight on the balls of my feet, my limbs loose and ready for the next attack.

  She shot a stream of hellfire toward me. I leaped backward and winced when the edge of her weapon sliced a long, thin path along my forearm. That’d teach me to move faster. I blocked the next attack with my injured arm, shoving her backward.

  An ear-piercing howl thickened the tension. The crowd growled and screamed. The woman fell to her knees and yelled louder, calling out to her father, begging for mercy. What the hell?


  Whatever you do, don’t let your blood touch them.

  Something within me stirred, a persistent rustling along my skin. The second twin appeared in the arena. Her eyes widened when she knelt beside her sister. Rage mottled her features when she stood and faced me. Both her arms rose.

  I anticipated hellfire, but I was wedged in a corner. I couldn’t run. My skin burned, prickled with tiny shards of pain along my spine. My vision narrowed, contorted to an iridescent tunnel focused on the fiery flames surging toward me.

  Growls erupted around me. Pain coursed along my skin, tiny pinpricks followed by crunching pain along my joints. This was it. My death. I’d failed.

  I’m sorry, Macen.

  Chapter Nine


  I’d made a five-hour drive in two and burned out a Harley along the way. Pissed, exhausted, and on edge, I shoved my way into Temple. What the fuck was Riles thinking? Why the hell had Prince Drecor agreed to this bullshit?

  Why had my pack done nothing?

  My wolf growled and snarled at anyone who looked my direction. The clustered crowd parted when I made my way toward the cage. Fuck. I was too late to stop the craziness.

  Riles was soft, sweet innocence. She had no business in any battle, much less this one. A pained howl from within the battle zone rose above the agitated observers. Riles stood in a corner, watching the two twins with wide, confused eyes. I sensed the terror burgeoning within the demon masses but couldn’t figure out why.

  I stopped beside Logan. “What the hell is going on?”

  “No clue. Riles blocked a move, and the hellhound just went down, yowling like she’d been ripped open.”

  “Fuck,” Lane growled as he lunged toward the cage. “Hellfire.”

  I lunged for the barbed wire, tugging and pulling at the locked entry as the other twin stood and focused her rage on Riles.

  “Run, Riles. Get the fuck out of there.” There was nowhere to go. I struggled with the lock, trying to rip it open. Blood ran along my arms. “Get this lock off. Now.”

  Flames erupted within the cage. My heart seized. My wolf raged.

  Fuck, no. This wasn’t happening.

  I’m sorry, Macen.

  Riles. The soft whisper within my mind, filled with anguish and regret, made my wolf howl in desperation as I fell to my knees, forced to helplessly watch the hellfire like a neutered mutt.

  They would all die for this. Every last fucking demon would die.

  Shards of iridescent light fractured the flames until beams of blinding white exploded outward, engulfing the hellfire and the twins. Demons screamed. My pack growled their confusion and shifted. Logan appeared in my peripheral vision. Covered in blood, he undid the lock to the cage. I lunged into the arena, unable to see past the blinding, swirling, white and blue shroud of light.

  It enveloped the area, a thick blanket of power so strong I dropped my head, too weakened to move. Logan and Lane stumbled beside me.

  What the fuck?

  Vira crawled to us, pain etched on her bloodied face. Lane tugged her to us.

  “Get her out of here before the prince summons his army.” She clawed at my arm. “Hide her.”

  “What the hell is going on?”

  “Later. Not here.” She swallowed. “Go. She must be protected. They’ll destroy her.”

  The urgency in her voice strengthened me. Was Riles alive? The light dulled, and the power dissipated enough to expose a pair of white angelic wings with rays of blue and gold wrapped around a blue and gold bird. A patch of white ran along her neck.

  She was beautiful.

  Riles. My heart beat wildly as I waited for proof that what I’d sensed before was true. Heart mate. Speak to me. Please.


  I’m here, mouse. Come back to me.

  W-what happened? What am I?

  We’ll figure it out together. Come back to me, Riles. Vira’s urgency returned to the forefront of my mind when my pack growled from the exterior of the cage. Their surrounding presence would only hold back the demons for so long.


  Imagine yourself calm, safe in my arms. Your animal will release its hold when you are calm.

  I’m never calm in your arms. You ignite me.

  The confession undid me. I got closer until I could brush my hands along her soft down. You’re gorgeous, Riles.

  The light swelled once more. Temporarily blinded, I looked away until it disappeared entirely.

  Riles lay crumped beside me, curled into a fetal position which covered her nakedness. Her ebony hair pooled around her shoulders. I removed my jacket and slowly helped her until I could zip the leather covering closed. Lifting her up, I headed for the exit.

  Secure our exit.

  Most of the amassing demons leaped backward when we approached, their eyes widened. Whatever the hell this was, they knew more than I did, and that didn’t make my wolf happy.

  I set Riles down on wobbly legs, not trusting myself to speak right now. Fuck, she was all soft and innocent sweetness wrapped in my jacket. It enveloped her fully, barely covering her delectable ass and sweet pussy. I didn’t want the bastards here seeing her like this—utterly fuckable. Mine. My wolf prowled too close to the surface, demanding control over the situation. I needed to secure her. Now.

  Straddling Lane’s bike, I looked at her. “Get on.”

  Her warmth against my back calmed me enough to get us away from the threat. I took to the highway with no destination. Concerned about Riles, I stopped at a motel about an hour away. It’d have to do.

  A couple of hundred bucks ensured our privacy in the back of the unit. The moment the door shut, I pulled her into my arms. Her weight settled against me. The heat from her body made my dick harden.

  “Macen, please.” She pulled at my shirt, dragging my face down until her lips feathered against mine. “Please. I need you.”

  I understood
the need. The adrenaline rush of battle mixed with the primal melding with your inner beast did things to a person, made them wanton. The kiss was possessive, the claiming I’d wanted for days. She tasted like ambrosia, a drug I wanted more than air as my tongue dueled with hers.

  Tentative hands swept beneath my shirt, squeezing and flexing until I groaned and shed the unwanted layer between us. I fumbled with the jacket’s zipper, gently caressing her pale, ivory skin as it fell into view.

  My mouth dried, and my body heated when Riles ran her hands along my arms and chest. A sexy, pinky tinge colored her cheeks.

  Looking up at me through half-hooded eyes, she whispered, “I could touch you all night and never grow bored.”

  “We have a lifetime.” The truth settled in my soul. She was mine. I was hers.

  Heart mates.

  My heart thumped wildly beneath her hand. “Make me yours, Macen, even if it’s only for tonight.”

  An eternity wouldn’t be enough. I growled against her neck, inhaling the sweet ambrosia. She tasted like tangy vanilla with a splash of cinnamon. I settled her into my embrace and claimed her lips, sweeping my tongue into her mouth. I kissed each bruise softly, somewhat surprised at how remarkably fast she’d healed since we’d left the battle.

  Her animal was strong, whatever it was.

  I carried her to the bed and settled my weight above her. I wanted to plunge into her, feel her moist heat wrapped tightly around my aching dick. Later.

  The son of a bitch in me would have to deal with blue balls a little longer because I wouldn’t rush this. My vision blurred as my wolf prowled closer.

  “I-I shouldn’t do this, not when I don’t even know what I am. What’s going to happen to me?” The fear-filled whisper made me growl. “I need to talk to Vira. I should’ve listened to her. She was right. I’m something from there, that place she told me about. I need Vira.”

  “Vira is in recovery. We can’t talk to her. I don’t like you afraid.” I feathered kisses along her face. None of what she was saying made much sense, but I didn’t give a rat’s ass what she was or wasn’t. All that mattered was she was mine, and she was safe. “Forget about everything but us, Riles. We’ll figure everything out tomorrow.”


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