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Phoenix Rising

Page 12

by Cara Carnes

  “I was found in the woods. Jacob’s pack took me in.” What more was there to say?

  Tears glimmered in their gazes.

  “They should know it all, Riles. They’ll want to know,” he whispered.

  I couldn’t. Not now. Probably not ever. Their suffering was too deep, too real for me to compound it with a past I’d already written off. None of it mattered since I was with Macen now.

  “You are mated to an Alpha wolf,” Xandra commented. “Uncle Lucian won’t appreciate that.”

  “Who she mates is hardly Uncle Lucian’s business,” Macen growled. “Continue with that judgmental tone, and this is over before it starts. She’s been through hell because of all this. I won’t have my heart mate hurting.”

  “Amen,” Vira said. “I’ll show them out.”

  “You befriended a demon vampiress. Interesting.” Xandra prowled toward my friend. “How did that happen?”

  “That’s not your business,” Vira said.

  “I’m a shifter?” The obvious shift in conversation worked.

  Xandra returned to her spot on the sofa, and Vira was shoved back to her position against the desk by a glaring Lane. Macen chuckled and kissed my shoulder.

  “Based on what we’ve been told, you are like Xandra, a blend of phoenix and angel. It is a rare and quite powerful beast. Once we have you back at home, we will be able to train you on how to communicate and work with your animal properly.” Savan smiled. “You are from two of the strongest bloodlines of our kind. Our mating was a shock within our land. Angels didn’t mate with phoenixes.”

  Macen tensed beneath me. “Rewind that a bit. Once you have her back at home?”

  “Of course. We can’t condone her existence here until she’s been properly trained and educated. It is for your safety as much as hers,” Betina said.

  “Not happening,” Macen growled.

  “It isn’t up for discussion,” Savan replied.

  “I agree. It isn’t.” Lane crossed his arms. “You are here by invitation. She is the heart mate to an Alpha within one of the largest, fiercest packs around. She isn’t going anywhere.”

  “Men,” Xandra sighed. “If it is okay with you, Macen, I will remain here and train your Riles myself. It will give us time to bond.”

  “You have a wedding to plan,” Betina said.

  “I had no say in the groom. Why should I have any say in your grand merger?” Xandra retorted.

  “You seek sanctuary with my pack?”

  “Yes, in exchange for my training your mate. My sister.” Xandra ignored the startled gasps of her parents. “Please.”

  “Xandra. This is hardly the place to air your concerns with your destiny.” Betina reached for her daughter.

  “My destiny is a sixty year old, pockmarked, freak of nature who thinks I look good in bondage chains. I think this is the perfect time to air my concerns since I’ll hardly get the chance when we leave.” Xandra crossed her arms. “So? Do you agree?”

  “It’s your call, Riles.” Macen’s voice was a husky whisper against my neck.

  My parents were forcing my sister to marry an old man? How was that possible? I didn’t know any of them. How could I take a side?

  I sighed and stood, placing myself between my newfound sister and the two people who birthed me. “I refuse to take a side and get dragged into whatever is going on between you. Xandra, I would love for you to be a guest of my mate’s pack, but I will not have him protecting you from whatever you are running from.

  “Betina and Savan, I would love the opportunity to get to know you two, but I will not risk my new pack. It sounds as though there are many things at play I am not aware of. This might sound harsh, but I don’t care. Macen is my family. I will have my own children—hopefully, soon. My heart is filled with love for the people in this room. I want you to be part of that, but not at their expense.”

  Betina’s eyes filled with tears. Savan nodded as he stood. “You are as fierce as your mother.”

  “I’m looking forward to seeing that for myself.”

  “As am I.” Savan looked over at Xandra. “Daughter of mine, you have never once revealed your thoughts about this impending marriage to me. It is my fault for not asking. Forgive me. I will speak with your uncle and address the issue. I believe your training your sister and remaining here in the Earthen realm is a perfect temporary solution. I am proud of you for taking a stand even though it was far from the appropriate time.”

  “Thank you, Father.”

  “Never thank me for being your father.” He looked at me. “We look forward to getting to know you, Riles. Your animal has chosen its mate wisely. Macen is a fierce protector. It will be an honor for our family to be aligned with such a strong pack.”

  Although I wanted my newfound family to stay, this was a process. I wanted to know more, learn about my animal and the world I’d been ripped from. I wasn’t ready. I wanted to cement my place within Macen’s pack, my new family, first.

  My mind shut down as we bid them goodbye. Xandra would be returning soon to train me. I looked forward to it even if I had no clue what to expect. I figured it couldn’t be much worse than what Vira had been putting me through.

  Macen dragged me up the stairs. I laughed softly when he tugged me into our room and slammed the door. The lock fell into place. I sighed, inhaling the musky scent of my mate. I recognized the arousal now, the flare of need which hung between us.

  He flipped me around until my face was pressed against the wall. I groaned at the brush of cool air when my skirt was hiked up. “Gotta say, mouse. Your sweet little talk about kids, our family, made me hornier than hell.”


  Deft fingers plunged into my pussy. “I love how wet you get for me.” He nipped my neck. “I love you, mouse.”

  “Riles. The mouse is retiring.”

  “Mmm. Gotta say, sweetheart, I’m loving your animal. I can’t wait to see you training, learning to defend our family. But I’ll always have your back. You’re mine.” He thrust into me.

  I gasped as pleasure swirled within me. His hands grasped my hips, held me in place as he pounded into me. His arousal excited me, made my pulse race and my body tremble.

  His hands commanded my body, grazing my clit and then maneuvering under my top to tease my hard nipples. He pinched until I emitted the soft groan which made his wolf growl in response.

  God, I loved this man.

  “Macen, please.”

  “Please what?”

  “I need to come. Please.”

  “I’ve got you, Riles.” He thrust deep into me and flicked my clit once more. I fell apart in his arms, drifting in the riptide of sensations rushing through me. He growled in my ear and relaxed against me, his labored breaths mingling with mine. “Fuck, that was hot, sweetheart.”

  I sighed. “Yeah, it was.”

  He kissed me tenderly when I turned around. His mouth was a registered weapon as far as I was concerned. I focused on my mate.

  “Can’t do this much longer, Riles. They’re expecting us up north.”

  Oh, yeah. Up north. “Mmm. Does that mean I can play with you on the way?”

  “Those hands of yours kill me when you’re on the back of my bike, babe.” He nibbled my ear. “We have an eternity to play.”

  Yes. We did.

  “Are you going to tell them about your plan?” I drew away and studied his face. “I know you’re worried how they’ll react.”

  “They’ll accept it. I’m their Alpha now, but I’m not ready for that pack. It’s too big, and it’s in the middle of a lot of shit because of my father’s rein. Gramps is a damn good Alpha. He stepped down before he should’ve. He’ll do right by them.”

  “You’ll be ready soon. I have to admit I love the fact you’ll be here at the university, but I was serious. I’ll be just as happy up there as I am here. I go where you go. You are my life. My family.”

  “And you’re mine. I won’t have you sacrificing what you want. I kno
w how much these classes mean to you.”

  “I forget how well you know me.”

  He grinned. “Then I guess I need to remind you tonight. Repeatedly.”

  “Promises. Promises.” I squealed when he tickled my sides. “Okay, okay. I’m at your mercy.”

  “Mmm, you will be tonight.” He kissed my throat. Tingles shot through my core. “And every night. You’ll never be alone again, Riles.”

  I didn’t know what to do with that. The impact of his words, the security they offered, terrified me almost as much as they thrilled me. Losing him would destroy me. Even though he’d been in my life for a short time, he meant more than anyone else had.

  “Come back to me, Riles.” He cupped my cheek and feathered his lips against mine. “No one will ever hurt you again, and I will track down every single one who has—starting with that prick Alpha, Jacob. Then the dean.”

  “No, please.” I didn’t want him at war with Jacob. The pack was fierce, and Dean Sandusky wasn’t worth worrying about. “I don’t want to look back when you’ve given me life.”

  And he had. I had plans, friends. A real pack. Things to do and a reason to be. More importantly, I was learning me. I snuggled into his warmth and sighed. “You spoil me.”

  “That’s the plan.”

  He made no comment about Jacob. I knew asking an Alpha to turn away from protecting his mate was impossible. Mate. This beautiful, gorgeous man was mine. I swallowed as the emotion overpowered me. “Make love to me, Macen.”

  He grinned and settled his hand at my hip. “Now, that’s a plan.”

  ~A Letter From Cara Carnes~

  I was thrilled to have the opportunity to write this ROAR story.

  Riletta’s journey from the awkward, unwanted and isolated shifter who couldn’t shift to the beautiful, loved creature she was all along was a pleasure to write. I think many of us can find a piece of ourselves in her.

  I must admit I have a special place in my heart for growly, alpha males who can’t help but protect his mate with everything they have. Macen’s harried life and need to juggle his personal desires with duty is a war I think we have all waged at one point or another.

  I look forward to hearing what you think about Riletta and Macen.

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  Coming Soon!

  Book 4 in the ROAR Series

  Imperfect Mate by Lia Davis

  Chapter One

  Where the hell did it go?

  Samira frantically searched the room, tearing clothes from her dresser drawers and ripping the mound of shoes from the bottom her closet, but couldn’t find the damned tablet. She swore she brought it to her room after sentinel training the night before. “Mom.”

  A moment later, her mother’s soft, powder-like rose scent enveloped her, soothing some of the panic. Her mother had a way of calming her by just entering the room. Sam sighed as the tablet appeared in her line of sight, enclosed in its pink leather case. Taking it from her mother’s grasp, Sam hugged her tight. “Thanks.”

  “It was where you left it.” Her mother pulled back and cupped her face, forehead creasing like it did when she worried. The anxiety drifted off her, mingled with Sam’s empathy, and increased her state of nervousness about leaving home. “Are you sure you’re okay? I mean it’s so far away.”

  Sam’s heart warmed even though her tiger within growled in annoyance. Some would think at nineteen, she would have learned how to balance her human side with her tiger. It wasn’t like she didn’t know how to rein in the animal. Sam liked to let the cat rise to the surface. It gave her the edge she needed to be a good soldier. A sense of power she alone controlled. “Yes, Mom. We’ve talked about this. I need to do this. Dev’s been going to Harmony U for four years and is now working on his master’s. The independence will be good for me. And it’s only a five-hour drive.”

  Her mother, Mary Anderson, was an older, wiser version of Sam with the same straight, thick blonde hair and ice-blue eyes. Unlike her mother, Sam was a dominant female with more energy and aggression than most of the males in the pride. She got her dominant nature from her father’s alpha bloodline.

  “That’s five hours too far.”

  Sam groaned, pulled out of her mother’s arms, and shoved her tablet inside her tote bag. She, as well as others in the den, didn’t need to leave the pride to get degrees. Sam already had her AA in Chemistry through online classes, but she wanted the experience of working next to humans, learning their world. “Mom. I’m in more danger staying here and going through Dev’s brutal sentinel training.”

  Sentinels were above the enforcers—soldiers who enforced pride laws—and served as the personal guards of the alpha and his family. Sam would be the first female and the youngest sentinel in the history of the Jasper Springs pride—a duty she didn’t take lightly. She welcomed everything Devon threw at her.

  “Not true, dear. Devon would rather cut his own head off than let anything happen to you.”

  Sam laughed as she led her mother down the hall to the living room. She had a point. Dev might be her cousin, but he loved her like a little sister. He was her mentor and trainer. He was also one of her best friends.

  Even though she wasn’t leaving until the next morning, Sam wanted to be prepared when Dev arrived bright and early. Another reason why she’d packed days before.

  Stopping in the middle of the living room, she scanned the area. Her bags and a single box sat beside the door. That was all she was taking to the university with her. Not that she wasn’t allowed to bring a lot of stuff, she simply didn’t have a need for too many things. Plus Dev had said the dorm rooms were smaller than her bedroom, so she’d decided to pack light.

  Over the gray stone fireplace hung a family portrait. Her sixteen-year-old self sat on a high stool and her parents stood behind her, their hands rested on her shoulders. It was a little outdated, and they’d have to take another picture soon. Right after her sister arrived in a month.

  Glancing over, Sam froze and her heart seemed to stop for a second. Bent at the waist, her very pregnant mother started to lift the suitcase as if to move it. She would give Sam a heart attack one day. “Mom. Put that down. It’s fine where it is. Besides, Dev will get it in the morning. Didn’t Asia put you on bed rest?”

  The stubborn woman always insisted on doing things for herself.

  “Samira, don’t be silly. I feel great.”

  “Listen to your daughter, Mary.”

  The deep voice from the doorway sent a jolt of excitement through her. Spinning, she spied her father entering the small foyer. A burst of giddiness lit her inside. His brown hair was tousled like he’d fallen asleep on the flight, or maybe the car ride from the airport. Maybe both.

  “Dad, you made it!” She rushed over, threw her arms around him, and squeezed.

  He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her. “I wouldn’t have missed your last day home for anything.”

  The anxiety had built up since the day before when he hadn’t shown and made her edgier the closer it got to the time Dev would drive her to Harmony Springs. She considered not going until her father showed. Yes, it was a little childish, but she didn’t care. This was her first time ever leaving the pride. She needed both her parents there to see her go.

  Connor Anderson was the pride’s beta and sometimes assisted his twin brother, Colt, with pride business, such as acting like the alpha when it came to the council. Which was where her father had been for the past week.

  “How was your trip?”

  “Draining. I hate flying.” He released Sam and strode over to his mate. With a swift movement, he lifted her in his arms and bit her ear. Sam blushed and looked away from her parents’ playful display of affection. Their love for one another made her heart swell. They were totally devoted. They could even finish each other’s sentences. It was annoying sometimes.

  Following the
m to the sofa, she smiled wide. “You two enjoy each other, but not too much. There are still things I don’t want to see.” Her dad waggled his eyebrows, making Sam crinkle her nose up at them. “I’m going to fix dinner. You two behave.”

  Sam sighed. She hoped one day she would find a mate she could be that in love with.


  “You nervous, kitten?”

  Samira let out a low, playful growl at her cousin’s question. He knew the right buttons to push her impulsive nature. Taking a deep breath, she watched out the car window as he drove through the university campus toward the dorms on the south end. Harmony University wasn’t a large school, but she wouldn’t describe it as small either. It was about four city blocks with three main academic buildings, several smaller buildings in between, and groups of dorms that were either apartments or houses randomly placed throughout the campus.

  “I don’t get nervous.”

  “Of course. I meant, are you excited?”

  Seriously? “Why do you have to be so irritating?”

  A deep chuckle rumbled through the car. “You know you love me.”

  “Not today.” She bit her bottom lip to hide her smile.

  Nervous was an understatement. She was terrified. Mixed feelings on whether she should leave home played over and over in her mind the past few months. She’d established a solid position as a junior soldier, working her way up to a sentinel. Yet, a part of her felt guilty for leaving.

  Everything will be fine. Stop being a baby.

  Devon pulled into a parking lot next to a large three-story brick house. Sam exited the car, mesmerized by the simple, yet beautiful home. It was not at all what she pictured for a dorm. Black shutters accented the windows against the two-tone red brick. A wide porch ran the length of the front of the house with white railing that matched the columns at each end.


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