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United (The United Trilogy Book 1)

Page 7

by Wheeler, Jaci

  Another man speaks up, his name plate says Simon. “Yes, Amira is right. However, Rosaline, this is not to be taken lightly. Some of the things you will hear will be for your ears only. If at any time something is said or done that you feel uncomfortable with we want you to come to us immediately. Judging by this conversation I don’t think that will be a problem for you.” Several people laughed at this statement. “After you come to us and we discuss things, if you still don’t agree or support whatever it is, you are welcome to step down as President. This position isn’t like most careers. You need to believe 100% in what you are doing, which in turn means you need to believe 100% in the ministry for this country to be successful. If at any point you don’t feel comfortable with being President you are encouraged to step down.” An eerie silence filled the room and I took in the looks on many people’s faces, this has happened in the past, I could feel it. “However,” Simon continued, you will still be held to your confidentiality contract. Do you understand what that means Rosaline?”

  Yes, in fact I did know all too well. That means once I sign, they could murder my parents in this very room and I was powerless to say anything about it. I hardly doubt they would do such things, but still. As if reading my very mind, Annabelle spoke up. “I think it would be most helpful to Rosaline if we explain our list first.”

  A very strong and powerful voice reprimanded her instantly. “Annabelle!” I look to the man who has been silent until now. He was a very stern looking older gentleman with dark hair and darker eyes which at the moment were scowling at Annabelle as if she was a misbehaving toddler. His nameplate read Peter.

  “I’m not suggesting we read her our list Peter, calm down. I’m only saying that letting her know that we have standards and morals that we must abide by as a Council as well.” This seemed to barely pacify Peter. Annabelle seemingly not fazed by his outburst continued on. “I must apologize Rosaline, it has been quite some time since we have had a new President and in all honesty the last one didn’t bring up any points at all besides nodding and following instructions. Not to say you are doing anything wrong, I find you to be a breath of fresh air. Let’s start over, shall we?”

  “As you know,” Annabelle continued, “after we won the Rebellion all those years ago, our founders came up with their ideal America. In order for this to continue and not revert to the mess it had become, they made very detailed laws and rules. Not wanting the country to be under dictatorship they decided it would be best to have a Council. But the founders still saw a need for leadership, which is why after much debate, they decided to keep the president position. As seen in past history, that position of power can easily go to one's head and turn someone into something they aren’t, so the founders decided that they would come up with a list of qualities that they wanted this person to possess. However, in their experience, someone can easily hide their true self. In order to make sure this person was in fact the right one, they decided that a council was in order. This board was to be the foundation of the country, thus our name, ‘The Foundation Council’. It is up to this board to not only choose a president but do it correctly, which meant it had to be done from birth. Children are our future; this was something all of the founders agreed on. A child’s spirit can easily be destroyed or uplifted. You can turn a child into a monster by treating them horribly, or you could turn them into a strong, compassionate person by doing the same. In other words, we need to treat children how we want them to become. This was the first rule.”

  “Annabelle!” Peter warned again.

  “I know Peter, but one of the reasons we chose her is because she always makes a calculated decision. She only does something she knows is right. We can’t expect her to sign anything until she understands why it’s so important, and she won’t understand until we explain everything to her.” Wow, if I thought Blondie knew me well Annabelle, just blew her out of the water. Everything she said was true. I wasn’t going to sign anything until I understood why, but they seemed very happy to keep their secrets.

  “I have an idea.” a very small, almost frail woman spoke up. She had dirty blond hair cut short, she looked to be in her later 50’s or so and her name plate read Clarisse. “What if we have two contracts for Rosaline instead of the usual one? We can have one for her while she is training and then once she decides this is the right fit for her, she can sign the actual contract. The contract she will sign now just states anything she is told in this room regarding history and rules she must keep to herself. Once everything is open and on the table, she can then make the decision to begin working, and once she does, she can sign the original contract.” If she wasn’t so tiny I would have squeezed her. I thought her idea was brilliant.

  I looked at her and smiled. “Thank You Clarisse, I think that’s a fabulous idea.” She gave me a small smile. Slowly one by one everyone nodded.

  “Alright, give me one moment.” A man named Lucas began to tap on the table frantically at the screen that appeared. Within moments he was finished. “There, it's done. Alright Rosaline, when you are ready you can sign below stating anything we tell you will be kept to yourself.” I look down at the table and there is a screen that has appeared before me with the document. I look up expecting a pen or something and a man whose nameplate said Samuel motioned with his finger as though he were writing, and then shot me a wink. Ah, I get it. So I signed my name on the contract and everyone seemed to let out a breath.

  “Annabelle, you were doing a fantastic job before you were interrupted, why don’t you continue.” A woman whose name plate said Nadine stated with a smile. This earned a dirty look from Peter but luckily that was all.

  Annabelle started up again. “Yes, where was I? The founders, right. So one of the founder’s goals was to find a president that was worthy, in order to do so they all agreed that the person picked must be watched as a child. We must learn their deepest thoughts and desires to know the true nature of every child. So they created the Career Board. This was a perfect solution to not only finding a president, but also to encourage people to do what they love and are gifted in. Before the Rebellion, very few people worked at the job they were made for. Some chose to do what they were naturally talented in of course, but many others chose jobs based on money, power, or fame. Also, people would choose jobs based on whatever they could find so that they could take care of their family. None of this seemed to work, so the founders thought they could kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. This way they could watch for potential presidential candidates, and they could make sure that a person’s job was something they were good at. Use their strengths to better the country, and not just themselves. The only way to do this properly is to make sure that things like money, fame, and power were no longer a factor. By everyone being provided for equally and all jobs being seen as part of the system this ensured that everyone would be doing what they were best at and appreciated for it. So far, this has been a most brilliant discovery.” I soaked up everything she said. I knew most of this from my father, but I agreed with her, I think it was brilliant of the founders.

  “So once they had a way to find a president, and a job system set up, it pretty much went from there as you know. I’ll spare you the setup of the zones and job markets; although I’m sure you will hear plenty on that later. Not only did the founders know that they needed a council to find a president, they also knew that they had to somehow be able to keep the President accountable. Even though the President may make the same amount of money so to speak as everyone else, they are honored and revered. Most people find strength in that feeling and with that comes pride, and pride is usually a person’s downfall.” As she says this there is that hush around the room again. Ten pairs of eyes all somehow lower and you can tell this has been more than an issue with some of the presidents.

  “So the best way to find someone is to take the person who will least likely want the job.” She says this with a smirk because she knows this is exactly how I feel. “Pride is a huge downfall Roz
. It can take a great and honorable man and turn him into a power hungry monster. Our greatest quest is to find someone who is the very opposite of prideful. Our second greatest quest is to monitor them to make sure they don’t become that way. Do you understand?”

  I think about this for a moment then nod. “I think so. What you are saying is you find someone with the traits that you are looking for, and during their term as President they are being monitored and watched to make sure that they are in fact staying selfless, honorable and putting the people and country first. Correct?”

  She smiles and nods. “That is very right Roz.”

  “I have a question though. What happens if you start to notice that they are starting to slip, or they begin to show unfavorable signs? Are they forced to step down?” As soon as I asked her this question I instantly wished I could take it back. If I thought there was an awkward silence before, it was downright uncomfortable now. Everyone was talking at once with their eyes, but nobody was actually saying a word. I wanted to blurt out that she didn’t have to tell me, that it wasn’t my business, but I knew that I had to know. I had to know for several reasons. “You don’t have to tell me who, but I need to know Annabelle.”

  She looked around the table at everyone and then she slowly nodded. “Yes, I guess you do.” She reached for my hands and grasped them in hers. “Understand this Roz, we don’t expect perfection. People are human, and they make mistakes. We all know that. The founders know that. Nevertheless, there are a few things that we have to look out for. Pride, dishonesty, disloyalty, cruelty, there are many things on the list. It’s not all bad things either. Since we don’t have a set term, sometimes the main reason most presidents' term is done is because they are just plain tired. They aren’t as fresh as they once were. They don’t get as excited about things as they once did. It’s not always a dishonor to step down; in fact, most of the time it’s celebrated. It’s time to get new blood, new ideas. The list isn’t all just to watch the P’s & Q’s. The reason we don’t have a time limit is because some people have a ton of fresh exciting ideas, they are full of passion and hope and can give you years and years. Others may only have a short time in them, but the things they come up with in that amount of time are just amazing. I just want you to know we aren’t the bad guys looking over your shoulder waiting for you to make a mistake.” I’m very glad she said this because that’s indeed how I felt.

  “Now with that being said, sometimes good people get worn down, the job becomes too much and they start showing signs that they are nearing the end of their time. When that happens we make a note of it and start the selection process. As you know we have a huge staff that is in charge of selection. Every child in every zone has someone who looks after them from the time they are born until age sixteen. They will get into the details of that with you at a later time. The Career Board also has a list. If you haven’t figured it out yet, we are big on lists. They have one that gives them things to look for and one that gives them a list of things to look out for. If a child shows signs of the latter they are immediately put on the discard pile. If they show signs from the first list they are put in the potential pile. It doesn’t really start to narrow down until around age ten or so. By twelve, the potential pile is very slim. We usually have a handful of files by around fourteen and by fifteen, the team makes the pick. We have our top three. This is very important to know Roz; just because you were chosen at sixteen, does not mean all presidents are. Some are chosen just as young, but many fall into the role. We don’t get rid of the person's file just because someone else is chosen. The potential list of people stays ongoing. Do you understand?”

  It’s starting to get a little annoying that they continue to ask me, but I know they just want to make sure I’m following, not that they are calling me incompetent. I nod again. “So what you are saying is that once a president is chosen, the people on the potential list are continually watched and evaluated?” I ask.

  She smiles, happy that I am, in fact, following. “Yes they are. We don’t have a vice president for a reason. We don’t want conflict; we try to avoid telling a person they are in fact second fiddle. In case of emergency, or a president needing to step down, we have a file already to go of people we can ask to step up. None of them know they are on this list, and it is very important it stays this way.” I nod at that, I completely understand how that could get out of control once people realize.

  Another question burns at the back of my mind. “You said it was my choice if I accept the role of President or not correct?”

  Up until now Annabelle has been open and all smiles and understanding. This question obviously caught her off guard and her eyes narrow slightly. “Yes, it is. We don’t force anyone.”

  “And If I don’t accept, then what happens?” At this panic is clearly spread across everyone’s face.

  “Are you saying you don’t accept?!” Simon asked sounding very flustered.

  “No, that’s not what I’m saying. I just want to know what happens if I don’t, that is all.”

  “With all due respect Miss. Thatcher, that is none of your concern. If you don’t accept you may choose a different job and that is all you need to know.” Peter informs me very briskly.

  I wait for Annabelle to smooth the situation over, but she doesn’t. The room is very quiet and feels like something is going to combust, there is so much tension. When all else fails I always go with honesty. “I didn’t mean to bring up a sore spot and cause tension. I guess I like to know all variables of a situation before I come to any conclusion. I blame Wes for this.” That earned a few smiles and a chuckle here or there but not much.

  A woman, who has been almost silent until now, named Patience speaks up, “Miss Thatcher, if you try to understand everything today you will only be over whelmed, confused and will walk out of here with a nasty headache. We are here to help you, guide you, and be there for you, as well as to keep you on the right path if you so choose to keep this position. But since you have been very upfront and frank with us, I am going to do the same with you. Time is of the essence here. We won’t be able to answer all of your questions to your satisfaction, and I’m sorry about that, but I will say that all ten of us feel deep in our guts that you are the one. We feel that you will lead this country into the future with grace and purpose. We think that if anyone can continue on with the founder’s vision, it’s you. However, now that I’ve said that I am going to just come out with it-”

  “Patience”, Peter warned.

  “Oh relax Peter. I’m saying what needs to be said. She has been perfectly honest with us and has signed the confidentiality agreement. It needs to be told Peter!”

  “Not now!” he shouts back. I am becoming increasingly more uncomfortable as the seconds pass. There is obviously some sort of battle of wills going on that I can only watch.

  They continue to stare each other down for a few more seconds until the lovely Amira speaks up again. “Enough!” she says to both of them, and then she turns to me. “I’m sorry Roz, but you see with this many people, we all have our own views, and when it boils down to it, it’s a good thing. It can become heated at moments. The only thing of late that we easily agree upon is you. Take that how you will, but in this situation I agree with Peter. We have our reasons for not being able to tell you further, but time is of the essence here as Patience has said. We don’t need your answer now, but what I would like to ask you is do you agree to stay on and train for a while? Do you feel comfortable enough to move forward with this?”

  Everyone leans towards me slightly while waiting for my answer. I sit quietly for a moment and think about everything I was just told. So far from what I have been told I agree completely with our founders. There are so many questions rolling around in my head but she is right, today is still the first day, so with time I’m sure all of them will be answered. with this I make my decision. “Yes, I do feel comfortable moving forward.” They all sigh in relief, which is about to be turned into frustration. “I
’m not saying I need this today, but before I accept anything I am going to need a list of the rules we must follow, as well as the entire list the founders made.” Nobody seemed upset by this, which I assume to mean they were going to have to give them to me anyway, but this next part was going to be tricky. “I know you aren’t going to like this but I also need to know what happened with President Vaughn.”

  Instantly, the room erupted into mad chaos. Yelling and raised voices, whispers and hisses. Samuel raised his hand for silence. The earlier traces of humor completely erased from his face. “Why is it you need to know? If it’s to fulfill your curiosity then I’m sorry, you don’t actually need to know. That would mean you want to know, and the two are very different.” I appreciate his response. He was very right in everything he said, so I told him so.

  “Yes, you are very right Samuel. There is a huge difference between the two, and if I’m being honest, I would say I both want and need to know, the need winning out over the former. I’m not going to play games or beat around the bush with you. I know something is up. I am coming into a hot situation here. I get that. You don’t have to be able to read people well to know that. However, as all of you I’m sure are already aware, I can read people very well. I have an uncanny talent for reading people and situations where most people can’t.” Nobody disagreed with me, in fact, they were all nodding in agreement.

  “I’m not sure how many if any of you were at my Career Ceremony or if you watched it afterwards, but I’m assuming you at least watched it later, correct?” Again, everyone nods.

  “Then you all witnessed the President’s reaction to me. It wasn’t very welcoming, in fact, it down right terrified me. I’m also going to go out on a limb here and say that Kevin, excuse me, Mr. Masters doesn’t normally have to come up and stand next to the President when he is speaking, correct?” They all nod again.


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