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United (The United Trilogy Book 1)

Page 13

by Wheeler, Jaci

  He stood there looking at me like I was insane.

  “You’ve got to be joking.”

  “Not at all.”

  “You honestly want me to not only let you tour the prisons, all of the prisons, but you want to see the inmates?! No bloody way.” I knew I was going to have a fight on my hands. The fact that things had gone so smoothly up until this point surprised me. But I have to draw a line and this is where it is being drawn, if I have to throw some weight around to do it for the better of the country I will.

  “Masters, I understand that you aren’t used to working for someone as young as me and a female at that. I know you are going to worry more about my safety and wellbeing than you did about Vaughn. I appreciate that, but I refuse to let the fact that I am a young female get in the way of running this country and making it better. The only way I can try to improve upon a situation is if I see it firsthand. I wouldn’t respect any president who didn’t run things in a hands-on manner, and neither should you. If you feel that I’m stepping on your toes, move them. I am who you are stuck with and I am going into those prisons next week. I wasn’t asking your permission just so we are clear. The President is telling her Head of Defense that she is requesting two escorts and to inform all of the people that need to be aware of my arrival. However, I do not want the wardens knowing ahead of time.”

  There, I got it all out and he is free to hate me or quit, but it needed to be said. He sat for a long time in silence, I could tell he was livid, but he held his tongue. After a few more seconds with us staring each other down, he gave a slight nod of his head. “I will clear my schedule for the next two weeks and will accompany you myself, as well as have two escorts.” Victory! I made sure to keep the smile off of my face and stood.

  “Thank you very much for your time Masters, and I appreciate your cooperation. I will have Judy send you a copy of my itinerary when it’s finished.” He nodded and stood up.

  “Please, you don’t have to show me out, I will be fine.” No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t just walk out, I didn’t want to leave things on bad terms with Masters. I’ve seen firsthand how good he is at his job and I really do respect him, and I just laid into him pretty badly. I stopped at the door and turned around. I looked deep into his cold hard stare. “This is the right thing to do Masters. I know Vaughn leaving and me taking over isn’t ideal for you, but it’s the hand we are dealt. I’m just trying to put everything aside and do what needs to be done, and this needs to be done.” He nodded and I gave him a smile and left.

  Chapter Thirteen

  I found my way back and headed towards the Presidential house, “home”. Looking down at the G.P.S, I saw that even though the house was very close to the Ministry, it was a bit hidden and off the path. Good. The walk from the Ministry building to the house was beautiful. I am surrounded by trees and I take a moment to let myself get lost in the feeling. I approach the house and my mouth falls open. Where all the buildings in the Ministry are all open and light, this is a fortress. It is made out of logs and I would call it a cabin if it wasn’t for the size of it. The house is enormous and so very beautiful sitting here among the trees. Excitement wells up in me; this is home, my home. I’m the President now.

  I look down at my watch and see I only have about twenty minutes before the seamstress will be here so I better get in and settled. I feel weird just walking in. I know this is my house now, but it just seems so odd. I see the scanner and put my hand up to it. Immediately I am scanned and let into the house. “Welcome home Roz, I hope you had a wonderful day!” I jumped and turn in a circle trying to see who is here. I don’t see anyone, but there is no way I imagined that. I know I am being a silly girl, but how am I supposed to relax now? So I go back outside and let the door lock behind me. I stand on the porch and weigh my options. Maybe I’m so tired I’m hearing things; I haven’t gotten much sleep lately, so that’s a huge possibility. As I’m sitting there trying to figure what to do I see Molly and Wes heading my way! THANK GOD! I stand up to greet them. Now do I tell them I’m going crazy or just make sure they don’t leave my side once inside? Wesley will panic and refuse to live here if I tell him there is a ghost, so I square my shoulders and pretend I was waiting for them all along. “Hi guys, Did you have a good day?”

  Molly nodded and Wes started in on all the amazing things he saw and did. “This place Roz, it’s huge! And it is so far away from people. Are you sure this is where you want to live?”

  Molly gives him a scathing look. “You are joking right? Hmm let’s see, live in a dorm room with hundreds of other people, or live in a nice secluded mansion, however shall she pick?” This makes me laugh, and life seems normal again. Thank God for these two amazing friends to always keep me grounded.

  “Well are we going to stand out here all night or go check this place out?” Molly asked already heading towards the door and scanning her hand. The door opens and she walks in with me and Wes on her heels. “Welcome home Molly, I hope you had a nice day at work.” HA! I’m not crazy after all. That sounds so realistic, how cool is that?!

  “WOW! I feel so welcome! Sucks to be you guys!” Molly laughs and takes off to check the place out. Wes is still standing in the door way in awe of our new home.

  I look at him and motion with my arm, “shall we?” He nods and we take off to explore the house.

  The entry way opens up to a beautiful sitting area. The walls are painted a beige color and the couch area is set up a lot like my office. The only difference is instead of being yellow the couch and chairs are a very calming green. There are vases of flowers everywhere and a fire going in the fire place. It is so welcoming and homey. I instantly love it and I haven’t even seen the rest of the house yet. I notice a picture window with a book reading nook to the left of the fire place and know that in my off time this is going to be my favorite spot! “Roz come check out this kitchen!” I follow Molly’s voice and find her in the biggest kitchen I’ve ever seen.

  There are two ovens, a huge stove, two refrigerators and a large island. The kitchen table however, is a nice smaller table set for six. There is a joining dining room table that on the other hand could easily fit twenty. I doubt I’d ever use it, but then an Idea sparks. Maybe I should throw a dinner party and invite all the heads of the different departments. Hmmm, I’ll have to run it past Judy. “Wow, Mol, this is amazing!”

  She nods her head in agreement, “It sure is, and check this out.” There is a note sitting next to a vase of flowers on the kitchen table.

  Hello Rosaline, Wes & Molly,

  I hope you find the house to your satisfaction. The fridge and cabinets are fully stocked. Your cook Miriam will be there to start dinner at 5:30. Please set up a schedule with her that works for you. You have two girls who will take care of all of the cleaning, Martha and Marie, they should be gone before you ever get home, but if you need anything their contact information is in your office. If you need anything please let me know!


  Well that was very sweet of her. I’m still trying to get used to this type of treatment. We were able to look around a bit more before the cook was announced. There was a chime followed by the voice from earlier. “Miriam Johnson is here, please answer the door.”

  Wes looks at me with that raised eyebrow. “That’s a bit creepy.” I agree, but I go to answer the door.

  Standing there is a very tall woman. I am shorter than most people but I really have to crane my neck to look at her. She has blonde hair pulled back into a bun and soft green eyes. She smiles warmly at me. “Hello, you must be Miriam, I’m Rosaline it’s nice to meet you.”

  “Hello Miss. Yes, I will be your cook.”

  “Please, call me Roz, and do come in. I’m guessing you know your way around here?”

  She smiles widely and follows me into the kitchen. “Yes Miss Roz, I’ve been here a few times to make sure everything is stocked and ready to go.”

  “Well thank you, this kitchen is amazing, but unfortunately it
would go to waste on me; I’m not much of a cook.”

  “Oh nonsense Miss, anyone can cook, you just have to be taught. I’m happy to do all the cooking, I greatly enjoy it, but if you’d like lesson or two, I would be happy to give them to you.”

  I smile widely, Miriam is a sweet heart and it wouldn’t hurt to know how to cook. “I would like that very much Miriam, thank you. Also, the dining room gave me an idea earlier; do you think it would be possible to host a dinner party here with the heads of all the departments?”

  Her face lights up instantly and she is frantically nodding her head. “Oh yes Miss, I think a dinner party would be a fabulous idea. It would give you a chance to meet everyone and be so much fun. I would be happy to organize one for you.”

  “Thank you, I’ll talk to Judy and make sure she helps you out.”

  “That sounds wonderful. Now if you would let me know of any food allergies and dislikes I will make sure to avoid those. Would you prefer planned meals? I can meet with you once a week and you can let me know what you want each day.”

  “Oh heavens no Miriam, whatever you decide to make is fine with me. You will find that I’m not a micromanager and I’m also very easy to please when it comes to food…Wes, however is going to keep you on your toes, but don’t you let him bully you. He doesn’t eat tomatoes and is pretty particular about how he eats his food, but if he doesn’t like what you make he can make something himself. We don’t want to turn him into any more of a diva than he already is by catering too much to him.” She let out a belly laugh.

  “Yes Miss. I don’t mind talking to Mr. Sanders and getting instruction.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Please call him Wes, he will be fine I promise you, but if you feel more comfortable sitting down with Wes and Molly and getting their particulars that’s fine, I am going to be meeting with a seamstress in a few minutes and they can sit down with you then.”

  She nods and begins to tie an apron on. “Very good, I will just get started on dinner then, does pasta sounds alright?”

  Oh my favorite! “It sounds divine! Thank you Miriam.”

  Just then the doorbell rings and the seamstress is announced. On my way to the door I say over my shoulder to Miriam, “Oh and for future reference Miriam, you should be in the system so you are welcome to just scan yourself in whenever you come.” She smiles and gives me a nod.

  I walk to get the door but it looks like Molly has beaten me to it. “Roz this is Rose, she is going to be fitting us for clothes.” My goodness this lady was older than the hills. Not to be rude but I am worried how she got here by herself. Why on earth is she still working?

  “Well let’s get to it, no reason to be standing around wasting time, let’s get to it shall we?” Ah, still has a lot of spunk and life left in her I see.

  “Of course, where would you like to work Rose?”

  “There is a huge room on the second floor which I’m guessing is to be your room Roz, there is a platform in front of several mirrors that would be perfect.” Of course Molly would have checked out the entire place by now. I’m glad one of us knows what they are doing. I look to Rose and she nods.

  “Well let’s get to it then.” Rose says pushing her way through.

  Well oookay we will. We follow Molly up the stairs and into apparently my room. It is so beautiful. The room itself is almost as big as my house at home. It’s more of a suite than a bedroom. I have my own bathroom with a huge tub that looks like it has jets and other controls I would have to figure out soon. The bed was huge and had a canopy of light blue fabric and the bed spread was the same color blue with golden swirls throughout. It was breathtaking. There are so many pillows I am almost afraid I’d be swallowed up. Payton outdid herself in this room. Rose clears her throat behind me, as my warning to take in my surroundings later. She motions for me to stand on the platform so I do. After a few minutes of her taking very efficient measurements she asks me the colors I prefer. I tell her to stick to muted tones or light shades of color. It is then Molly’s turn to get fitted and I take the opportunity to continue looking around. I notice I have a fire place in here as well, and a large picture window. I look out the window and see the amazing view. Maybe Payton isn’t as good at her job as I thought, I’m never going to want to leave this room, so who is going to run the country? I make a mental note to myself to ask Judy to put together a few thank you baskets. I can’t resist throwing myself on the bed, I instantly sink into the mattress, oh yes, pure bliss. It’s official, I’m never leaving.

  I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know someone is jumping on me and Rose is gone. The room is almost in complete darkness now and if it weren’t for the person lying across me and one perked on the end of the bed I might just roll back over and go to sleep.

  I flick on the light by my bed and push Molly off of me. “Geez, what time is it? How long was I asleep?”

  “Not long, only a half hour or so. It’s time for dinner, let’s go eat!” She jumps off the bed and takes off toward the kitchen I assume. I groan and flip over, not wanting to move.

  “Do you think being the President means I can have dinner in bed?”

  “Sure, why not. But it would be a shame to get food on this wonderful bed now wouldn’t it?” Leave it to Wes to be perfectly practical, but he is right, it would be a terrible shame.

  “Is your bed as nice as mine?” I ask him, realizing I still have seen Wes or Molly’s rooms yet.

  He looks around my bed careful taking in all the girly froufrou things and says, “Well it’s definitely much more practical. Really Roz you could clothe an entire zone of little girls with all of this fabric draped all over the place.” Oh Wes thanks for bursting my bubble.

  “Well, the next time you happen to see a little girl running around naked you have my permission to wrap her up in my canopy.” As hoped Wes pales.

  “Come on lazy bones, get up, I’m starving.” I let him pull me up and we head down the stairs.

  “You didn’t harass Miriam too much, did you? She seems far too accommodating for the likes of you.”

  Wes scowls at me, “of course I didn’t harass her. She wanted to make sure everything she cooked was going to be satisfactory, so I gave her a detailed list of the best items to cook, and those not to bother with at all. You’re welcome.” Like he did ME the favor.

  Just as we reach the bottom of the stairs an amazing smell hit my nose. I actually moaned out loud. My goodness if it smells this good just imagine how it will taste! Even Wes was picking up his pace as we went into the kitchen.

  “My goodness Miriam, this smells fantastic! You have out done yourself.”

  Miriam glowed with the praise. “Oh it was nothing Miss, I just hope it tastes as good as it smells.”

  “I’m sure it’s going to be amazing, and please call me Roz, I have to fight people enough as it is at work, but at home I really do insist.” Miriam nods her consent but I know instantly that she isn’t comfortable doing so. Again, it gives me the feeling that President Vaughn was much more formal with the staff.

  “Will you be joining us for dinner Miriam?” I ask her as I take my seat, noticing that Molly and Wes have already started helping themselves. Miriam looks completely taken back by this question. In fact she is now looking at me like I just asked her if I could murder Wes and have her cook him up. Her mouth is wide open and her eyes are about ready to pop out. Molly notices as well and let out a quiet chuckle under her breath. I continue to look at Miriam expectantly and she continues to stare at me. Finally she seems to snap out of her trance. “Oh, um, no Miss Roz, thank you but I would never intrude on your meals.” I stand up and walk over to her and touch her arm, I really do wish people would be more at ease around me. How threatening can I be, I’m barely over 5 feet tall and only sixteen?

  “Miriam, Please, you are a part of our family now. I don’t wish to make you uncomfortable, but anytime you choose, you are welcome to stay and eat; alright?” She nods, not saying anything. I take my spot at th
e table again and dig in. I moan out loud again. “Geez Miriam this is seriously the best thing I’ve ever tasted. You really must stay and eat with us.” Wes and Molly nod their heads but don’t stop eating to comment.

  She smiles again at my compliment. “I’m so happy you like it. Thank you for the invitation, but I have my family at home waiting for me. As soon as you are finished I will do the dishes and be on my way.”

  Oh of course she has a family, why didn’t I think of that. “Well then off you go Miriam, we really appreciate all your hard work. We will take care of the dishes. We don’t want to get lazy, so putting a couple of plates and pots in the dishwasher is no problem.”

  “The pots are all done, it’s just the plates and bowls, but I don’t mind waiting.”

  “Nonsense, we will do our own dishes or my mother would have my head!”

  At this Miriam chuckled and nodded along. “She raised you well Miss Roz.” The thought of my mother made my chest hurt. I missed my parents so much, but have hardly had time since I’ve gotten here to think about just how much. I would make sure to call them tonight.

  “Thank you again Miriam, you have a wonderful night. Don’t worry about making breakfast or lunch during the week. We have plenty here for breakfast and will all be gone at lunch. I’m going to make sure everyone sticks to business hours so they can all go home to be with their families, so we should be home by 6 every night.” She beamed at me, apparently she likes this plan. I think back to what the Council said about how hard Vaughn was pushing himself and others. I refused let myself fall into that. Whatever can’t be finished by 6 can be taken up again in the morning.

  “Wonderful. I will have dinner ready by 6:30 every week day but how about the weekends?

  Weekends? My heavens how is this woman going to have any family time if she is here every day? I shake my head, “absolutely not! You are not coming to cook for us on the weekends as well. The three of us are perfectly capable of throwing something together. It might not taste as amazing as your cooking, but we will figure it out. I want you to spend time with your family on Saturday and Sunday.”


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