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Enticed by the Dragon Lord: BBW Fantasy Romance Short (The Dragon Lords Book 5)

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by Lyra Valentine

  She found herself telling her own story, and adding details she always kept hidden even from her own family. “Dragons were the only thing my father taught me. My mother died when I was little, no one knows exactly why. But I think she tempered my father, and without her, he threw himself into making his children the best dragon riders.”

  “Did it work?”

  “You were able to take me hostage, so what do you think?” Her smile was harsher than she intended. “My elder brother still works in the castle, but never bonded a dragon, so my father never speaks to him. He always allowed others to make mistakes where his children needed to be perfect.”

  She covered her mouth with her hand. “I’m sorry. That doesn’t even compare to losing your family.”

  Rory shook his head even before she finished. “You lost your mother. Believe me, learning to cook from mine was one of the few good things that came of my childhood. I suspect my story is closer to yours than you think.”

  “To the castle misfits.” She raised her dented mug.

  They toasted to their misfortunes. A sharp call turned Rory around, and Ishbel followed what he tracked.

  “Ah, Morro is back. And it looks like he brought your girl something to eat. I’m sorry we interrupted her lunch.”

  Ishbel waved away his concern. “Second lunch, more like. Don’t let her fool you into thinking she’s starving.”

  She was surprised to see Darra calmly share the meal with Rory’s dragon. Darra usually hated to be near others when she ate, and was possessive of her catch when anyone but Ishbel strayed too close. Morro tossed one end of the sheep in Darra’s direction, and they gobbled everything down.

  Even the surprise didn’t last long. Ishbel settled down, but shifted uncomfortably. Her skin felt too tight, and an itch centered in her lower spine. She had turned back to the remains of her rabbit when a shrill call from the blue filled the air. Morro answered with a deeper cry of his own. A flock of firestarters in the castle ruins startled into the air, echoing the cries of their larger cousins. As one, Rory and Ishbel turned to the dragons.

  “No!” Ishbel gasped. She stood, and took a halting step toward Darra before freezing. Warnings sounded in her head, and she didn’t dare get closer to a dragon in heat.

  Darra rubbed her scaly head along the gold’s neck. Morro turned into the touch, and rubbed his lower jaw along the top of Darra’s suddenly bright and shining blue head. Both dragons were practically glowing.

  “This is too soon. She shouldn’t be close to her time. No, no, no.” Ishbel whispered.

  “Is it her first?” Rory asked shakily.

  “Yes.” Ishbel’s voice cracked in reply. She swallowed hard, but even that couldn’t clear the rising lust from her body. Most humans felt lust induced by dragon mating runs, and their riders doubly so.

  “These things can sometimes,” Rory swallowed again, “suddenly happen.”

  With synchronized flaps of their wings, the dragons lifted off the ground. The blue called a loud challenge to the only other dragon in the area: chase me, and we will mate.

  Rory couldn’t hold himself apart any longer. He snatched one of Ishbel’s wrists in his own. His eyes were dark with desire when he twirled her to face him and crashed his mouth down upon hers.

  Chapter Three

  Rory pulled himself back and pressed his forehead against hers. This close, Ishbel could see flecks of gold that bled into the green. He was one with his dragon. His pupils dilated as she pushed into his space. She touched her soft lips to his neck, and almost shuddered at the rough stubble she mouthed. She wanted to feel his mouth on her entire body combining warm kisses and rough scrapes over her sensitive skin.

  His lips crashed down on hers again. His kiss curled her toes and opened the floodgates to the lust induced by the dragons racing through the sky above them. He was almost feral. His lips demanded and claimed her own. He caressed and nipped at her lips, then soothed the hurt with a swipe of his tongue.

  Soothing swipe turned into a demanding sweep across the seam of her lips and she opened for him. The gentle invasion soon turned just as wild as before. He kissed her like a starving man at a banquet. His tongue feasted on her mouth, taking her in with deep strokes and lingering flicks. All Ishbel could do was give in to the urge to crowd closer. She needed to touch him, stroke him in all the places that were hard against her body.

  She pulled away to gasp for air. Rory just continued on, and nipped at her jaw before leaving a trail of hot, wet kisses down her neck. He pushed his nose into her throat and inhaled her scent before grazing his teeth over the soft spot. Ishbel whimpered at the touch and clung to his shoulders.

  He kissed upward, and he stopped just below her earlobe. His tongue snaked out to flick against her, and Ishbel let out an involuntary moan. She could feel Rory grinning against her before he did it again.

  “Gods above, Rory.” She whimpered. She pressed her thighs together to try satisfying the ache he’d created. Nothing helped, and she knew only feeling him pushing inside her would soothe the need.

  Suddenly glad he’d started a fire and laid out a blanket, Rory rode her down to the ground. He settled next to her, and turned her face toward him. She could feel the hard length of him pressing against her side, and it sent a rush of liquid heat through her center. Gods above, he was big. She worried if he’d fit. Anticipation hummed through her body.

  His hand stroked down her cheek as he looked into her eyes. His eyes were dark with desire, but questions lingered behind them. He’d tamped down the predatory need for her, and let his fingers play over her cheek. He leaned in and cautiously brushed his lips against hers, almost as if asking for permission to continue the inevitable.

  The dragons raced across the sky above them. Dragon fire grew in their bellies, but the heat hadn’t turned to a desperate inferno just yet. Not while Morro still chased Darra. She and Rory would lose their gentle touches once Darra was wrapped in Morro’s wings, and the dragons fell toward the earth as they mated.

  Ishbel swallowed the lump in her throat. She was familiar with the feelings of dragons mating, but nothing prepared her for the fire that blazed when it was her own. Darra’s need to be chased was overwhelming, and Ishbel had a hard time separating it from the need to be caught in Rory’s arms. His dragon still chased Darra across the sky, but Ishbel was ready to be claimed underneath it.

  She gasped when hands rough from gripping leather reins pulled her shirt out from her pants. His fingers caressed the skin just under the shirt hem, and a shudder ran through her body. The need to feel Rory’s skin on her was all consuming, and she couldn’t ignore it any longer. She looped her fingers around the back of his neck and pulled him into another toe curling kiss.

  His chuckle turned into a possessive growl. He explored her mouth again with brutal thoroughness, sliding and twinning his tongue with hers. Her fingers tangled in the laces of his shirt just as his worked to unbind hers. They raced each other down their shirts, seeing who could uncover the other first. She won, barely, and pushed the light fabric away from his shoulders. Her hands roamed over his strong chest. Hard muscles greeted her fingertips. His solid chest turned to defined abdominals.

  He finished unlacing her moments later, and flayed open the edges of her shirt. She leaned up for him to pull it out from behind her, then settled back.

  Her breasts spilled out into the open air, nipples tightening to sharp peaks in the chill. Her breasts were large handfuls, though it was her still covered lower half that she worried about the most. No matter what she tried, her stomach remained soft. Her wide hips curved into a full ass that had far too much jiggle for her liking. Those worries were brushed aside as Rory gazed down at her. Rory feasted his eyes down her body, and her cheeks flushed. She felt more ravaged from the heat in his eyes than his hands on her. She shivered, knowing that soon wouldn’t hold true.

  A small grunt of approval escaped his lips as he leaned over her again. His rough hands touched her ribs and pressed upwa
rd until he cupped the large orbs he’d released. He brought his mouth down and buried his lips between her cleavage. The stubble of his beard scratched at her soft skin, and Ishbel caught her lip between her teeth to hold in a moan.

  Rory’s wet tongue left a trail from her center, and spiraled a slow circle around her skin until he caught her nipple between his lips. He rolled her other nipples between rough fingers. Fire flared out to her entire body from her captured nipple, then centered in her clenching cunt.

  Her panting breath brought a throaty chuckle out of Rory. Ishbel tried her best to glare at him, but instead arched her back for him to take more of her. He pillowed her breasts in his hands, and laved attention on each peaked pink nipple. He switched from one bud to another, alternating with swift licks of his tongue, and suckling on her skin until she cried out once more.

  Ishbel nearly hummed with the energy pouring in from the distant dragons and the electricity between herself and Rory. She drove her hands into his hair as he drove her tension higher and higher with his mouth alone.

  His fingers found the laces of her pants, and she nearly cried when he took himself away. He tugged at her boots, then swiftly pulled at her pants. She arched her back again, letting him see all of her. She felt like an offering for him and him alone, and had never felt so wanton before. She looked at him through thick eyelashes, and felt another rush of liquid heat dampen her thighs.

  He caged her with his body, and pecked her lips. Instead of kissing her, he trailed kisses down her body. He flit down her neck with nips and licks, then meandered over the full mounds of her breasts. He sucked at her nipples, then moved his mouth to the underside of her breasts. His tongue swept over the bottom curve, and Ishbel moaned. She squirmed against him when he tickled light kisses over her ribs, then moaned again when his teeth grazed over her hips.

  Ishbel tried to keep her hips still, but they behaved with a mind of their own. She arched into him, her body begging for more than his mouth.

  “I wonder how you taste,” he whispered into the space where her leg met her body.

  She choked back a groan as he spread her legs apart. His hands slid down her pale thighs to hold her open. The scent of her arousal filled the air. She caught her lip between her teeth again just as Rory blew a cool stream of air over her glistening folds.

  “You want me to taste you, don’t you?” His voice was low in his throat. He leaned forward, not quite touching her, and let his hot breath wash over her.

  “Yes,” Ishbel ripped an answer from her lips.

  Rory swept his tongue on one long lick from the lowest spot he could reach all the way to her swollen clit. He didn’t tease her like he had with her nipples, but instead sucked her right between his lips. She gasped, back arching into him again. The raging inferno she expected tore through her veins. She weaved her fingers in his hair and ground herself against his face.

  Rory growled, the vibrations skittering over her skin as he drove his fingers deep inside her wet cunt. Ishbel moaned, and her hips bucked into him. She used her purchase in his hair to grind him harder. Rory growled again, and slid his fingers in and out of her clenching passage while he tongued her clit.

  Ishbel keened against the dual force of Rory’s hands and mouth. He drove her higher and higher with each stroke and suck. She braced herself on her elbows, watching him as he worked her expertly. Her hips moved beneath him, riding his fingers and mouth as he pushed her closer to the edge. She felt a great darkness coming to swallow her up, and she dropped her head back to let him gobble her up.

  She screamed his name as she shattered to more pieces than a hatched dragon egg.

  Rory didn’t let up. He slowed his movements, but still sucked and stroked her to carry her through her climax. He took his hand from her, sliding his palms beneath her to grip her ass. He planted his mouth over her cunt, and delved her with his tongue. Ishbel arched again, riding another wave of pleasure as he sucked the last bit from her. The storm consumed her, but the gentle waves washed her back to shore with gentle awareness.

  Rory left her, and Ishbel closed her eyes against the disappointment. A rustle of movement made her look to find Rory stripping himself down. He palmed his large cock, and she caught her lip between her teeth. Trapped in his pants, he had felt big. He was even bigger when released. Her cunt tightened again as her eyes clouded with desire.

  Ishbel made a satisfied noise when Rory returned and positioned himself between her open thighs. He leaned into her, letting his huge cock press into her soft belly as his lips sought her for another kiss. She ground her hips into him, and felt a slick of precum spread over her.

  He sat back on his knees, and took his thick cock in his hand again. He pressed the velvety tip to her cunt, rubbing the slick entrance to tease her. She breathed hard, trying to fight back the frustrated groan that built inside her. She pouted with her lips, and begged him with her eyes. She needed to feel him filling her.

  Her breath caught as he slid into her awaiting cunt. He did it slowly, allowing her time to adjust. They both knew it was far too late to stop, even if they desired. But he wouldn’t purposefully hurt her if it could be avoided. Her heart melted a little at that.

  He was big, bigger than she judged. Thick, too. Their groans mingled as she stretched around him. Her eyes fluttered open to watch him work himself into her. He looked back at her with half-lidded eyes, and sighed deeply.

  Inch by steady inch, he pushed inside her until his sac rested against her ass. Her eyes slipped closed at the sensation. She felt like the embers of a fire just starting to glow. Soon the glow would turn into a raging thing unable to be controlled.

  “Stay still, or this will be over before it’s begun.” Rory breathed hard.

  Rory braced himself against the ground, hands planted at either side of her head. His arms trembled from holding himself in check. Ishbel brought her arms up, running her palms from his wrist to his broad shoulders, then around to his chest. Her mouth dried when her hands ran over the hard planes that made him. She could almost taste the power of his muscles.

  Achingly slow, Rory pulled himself from her only to drive back inside with more force than before. Ishbel gasped again, and her eyes widened. He stretched her apart deliciously. She could almost feel her fingertips tingle with the feeling of being stuffed to the brim.

  Rory buried his face in her neck as he pulled out an inch only to push himself deeper. She moaned when his soft lips found a spot behind her ear. Her hips jumped into him when he tested the spot again, using his teeth. She rode him from below, and he let her take that little bit of control. She bit her lip against another moan, then shivered against the feel of him rasping against her wet cunt.

  “You’re so tight and wet.”

  The dirty talk sent her spiraling again. It was one thing to feel him, another entirely to have him tickle at her mind.

  Rory cursed as her cunt clenched around him. He pulled out and thrust mercilessly into her. It ripped a moan from Ishbel, and her hips jerked upward to meet him as he powered into her.

  Distantly, she was aware of the dragons roaring—Morro in triumph at catching his mate in his wings, Darra in fury at being subdued.

  The inferno from the dragons reached their riders on the beach. Ishbel moaned as the fresh wave of lust washed over her. She cried out Rory’s name as he pulled back, then rocked into her with a force that sent them inching off the blanket. He circled an arm under her, and gripped her shoulder to hold her against him. His other hand dug into her hip. He held on as he powered into her, quick thrusts that left her begging for more. Rory was a man that knew what he was doing.

  Strong hands lifted her ass. He dragged a hand down her leg, instructing her to lock her ankles behind him. Each thrust caught her clit between their bodies, and he used it to his advantage. He drove into her with quick, hard thrusts until the air was filled with panting breaths and the sound of skin slapping skin.

  Ishbel’s breath caught when she felt her cunt abruptly start to
spasm around Rory’s thick cock. A wordless scream left her throat as she milked him. He fucked her fast still, slamming his hips into hers. He started to lose his rhythm, and she could feel his thick shaft throb inside her.

  With a final groan, he drove himself into her one last time. He roared like his dragon, bellowing as he claimed his mate.

  Rory rested his forehead against her shoulder as they both caught their breath. When he could move, he wrapped her in his arms and rolled them so she rested against his chest.

  He smoothed the hair around her face. “You should come back to Castle Glenn.”

  “’Should?’ I’m no longer a hostage?” Ishbel’s lips lifted in a slow smile.

  “I think Morro would eat me if I tried to keep his mate’s rider against her will.”

  He nuzzled her neck, and Ishbel shivered. She was torn. She didn’t want the day to end, and would prefer to stay forever in Rory’s arms. But life existed outside of their abandoned island. She chewed her lip before answering.

  “I think I need to go back. At least for a little while. I can’t just vanish on my family.”

  Rory nodded against her neck. His fingers trailed up her ribs. When he rolled against her, she could feel his cock pressing into her thigh. “Then we better make the most of the time we have left.”


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  About the Author

  Lyra Valentine grew up with the soap opera dramas of her mother and the sports entertainment dramas of her father. She eventually graduated with a degree in Creative Writing, and it was no surprise to anyone she gravitated toward stories involving impossible relationships and sexy people. After starting and quitting The Next Great Novel approximately 18,000 times, she picked up the romance and erotica bug. Short stories aren’t nearly as intimidating as longer pieces.


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