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Britain's Royal Families

Page 21

by Alison Weir


  He surrendered all claims to the throne of Scotland on 20 January, 1356. He probably died between May, 1363, and September, 1365, perhaps in January, 1364, at Wheatley, near Doncaster, Yorks., but one source at least hints that he was still alive in 1370. His place of burial is not known. He was succeeded in 1336 by David II ( see here), who was in turn succeeded by Robert Stewart.


  The House of Stewart

  Robert II

  * * *

  FATHER: Walter

  He was the son of James, 5th High Steward of Scotland, by Cecilia, daughter of Patrick, 7th Earl of Dunbar and March. He was born in 1292, and in due course succeeded his father as 6th High Steward of Scotland, from which title derived the royal surname of Stewart, adopted by his successors. Walter married firstly, it is said, Alice, daughter of Sir John Erskine (although there is no proof of this), by whom he is said to have had issue:

  1 Jean; she married Hugh, 6th Earl of Ross (d.1333), and had issue.

  Walter married secondly Marjorie Bruce in 1315, thus founding the Royal House of Stewart. He married thirdly Isabella, daughter of Sir John Graham of Abercorn, and had issue:

  1 John of Railston or Cunningham, a knight; he married and had issue.

  2 Andrew; a knight.

  3 Egidia (d. by 1406); she married firstly Sir James Lindsay of Crawford (d.1358), and had issue. She married secondly Sir Hugh of Eglinton, and thirdly Sir James Douglas of Dalkeith (d.1420).

  Walter died on 9 April, 1326/7.

  MOTHER: Marjorie

  She was the daughter of Robert I, King of Scotland, by Isabella of Mar, and she was born in c.1297. She died on 2 March, 1316, at Paisley, Renfrewshire, in childbed, after falling from her horse, and was buried in Paisley Abbey.

  SIBLINGS: Robert II did not have any siblings.


  He was born on 2 March, 1316, at Paisley, Renfrewshire. He was created Earl of Atholl on 16 February, 1342, and Earl of Strathearn around 6/13 November, 1357/8. He resigned the earldom of Atholl on 31 May, 1367, and either resigned, or was deprived of, the earldom of Strathearn on 18 April, 1369; he was formally deprived of it on 16 September, 1369, although he was restored in blood to the earldom of Strathearn around 4/7 April, 1370. He succeeded David II as King of Scotland – the first Stewart King – on 22 February, 1371, and was crowned either on 22 February or 26 March, 1371, at Scone Abbey, Perthshire.

  Robert II married firstly, in 1336, and again after 22 November, 1347 (date of dispensation), perhaps in 1349 (because the first marriage ceremony was uncanonical) (although no record exists as to where):


  She was the daughter of Sir Adam Mure of Rowallan, Ayrshire, by Joan Cunningham, his first wife, or Janet Mure, his second wife. The children of this marriage, most of whom were born before the second ceremony of marriage, were looked upon by many as not quite legitimate, although one of the sons succeeded his father as King. This uncertainty surrounding their status led to bitter conflict in after years between them and the unquestionably legitimate children of their father’s second marriage ( below). Elizabeth Mure died before 1355.

  Issue of marriage:

  1 John, who styled himself Robert III ( see here).

  2 Walter

  He was styled Earl of Fife in right of his wife before 14 August, 1362.

  He died between 14 August, 1362, and 10 January, 1363.

  Walter married, before 1362 (although no record exists as to where):


  She was the daughter of Duncan, 10th Earl of Fife, by Mary, daughter of Ralph de Monthermer, Earl of Gloucester, by Joan, daughter of Edward I, King of England, and she was born before 1332. She succeeded her father as Countess of Fife in 1353, and was so styled from 1359. She married firstly Sir William Ramsay of Colluthie, Earl of Fife (d. after 1360). Walter Stewart was her second husband; there was no issue of the marriage. After his death, she married thirdly Sir Thomas Bisset of Upsetlington, Earl of Fife (d.1365), between 10 January, 1363, and April (?) or 8 June, 1363. She married fourthly John de Dunbar, Earl of Fife (d. by 1371). She resigned the earldom of Fife to Robert, Duke of Albany, her brother-in-law ( below), on 30 March, 1371, but was again created Countess of Fife before 6 March, 1372. She died after 12 August, 1389.

  3 Robert

  He was born in c.1340/41, and was created Earl of Menteith on 28 February, 1361, pending his forthcoming marriage to the heiress of Menteith. He was created Earl of Fife between 4 December, 1371, and 6 March, 1372, following the resignation of Elizabeth, his sister-in-law ( above), but resigned the earldom to her on 6 March, 1372. He was created Duke of Albany on 28 April, 1398. He was created Earl of Atholl for life on 2 September, 1403, but was never so styled, so it may be that he resigned at once. He was created Earl of Buchan before 20 September, 1406, following the death of his brother, Alexander ( below), but resigned it the same day. Robert died on 3 September, 1420, at Stirling Castle, and was buried in Dunfermline Abbey, Fife.

  Robert married firstly, after 9 September, 1361 (date of dispensation) (although no record exists as to where):


  She was the daughter of Sir John Graham by Mary, Countess of Menteith, and she was born before 1334. She married firstly Sir John Murray, Lord of Bothwell (d.1352) (son of Christina, sister of Robert I), after 21 November, 1348 (date of dispensation). She married secondly Thomas, Earl of Mar (1330?–1374), between 15 August, 1352, and 29 May, 1354, but he divorced her in c.1359, on the grounds that she was barren. She married thirdly Sir John Drummond of Concraig (d.1360/61) in c.1359. She succeeded her mother as Countess of Menteith on 29 April, 1360. Robert Stewart was her fourth husband. She died between 20 July, 1372, and 4 May, 1380, and was buried in Inchmahome Priory, Perthshire.

  Issue of marriage:

  (i) Murdoch

  He was born in 1362 (?), and succeeded his father as Duke of Albany, Earl of Fife and Earl of Menteith on 3 September, 1420. He forfeited all his honours on 25 May, 1425, and was executed the same day on Castle Hill, Stirling. He was buried in the Church of the Black Friars, Stirling.

  Murdoch had the following illegitimate issue:

  1 Daughter (name not known) (?); she is said to have married Archibald Campbell (d. by 1440), son of Marjorie Stewart (daughter of Robert, Duke of Albany by his second wife), but the evidence for her existence is unsatisfactory.

  Murdoch married, between 17 February and 8 November, 1392 (although no record exists as to where):


  She was the daughter of Duncan, 8th Earl of Lennox, by Helen, daughter of Gillespic Campbell of Lochawe, and she was born in c.1370. She was styled Countess of Lennox in her own right from 12 May, 1437. She died between 7 October, 1456, and 4 May, 1458, at Inchmurrah Castle, Loch Lomond.

  Issue of marriage:

  (a) Robert

  He was known as the Master of Fife. He died between 1416 and July, 1421.

  (b) Walter

  He rose to the rank of knight. He was executed on 24 May, 1425, on Castle Hill, Stirling, and was buried in the Church of the Black Friars, Stirling.

  Walter had the following illegitimate issue:

  By a lady surnamed Campbell:

  1 Andrew Stewart, Lord of Avandale (d.1488) (?); he married a lady about whom no information exists.

  2 Arthur.

  By an unknown mother:

  3 Mariott (?); she is said to have married Colin Campbell, Earl of Argyll (1406?–1475), but there is little evidence to support this.

  By Janet, daughter of Sir Robert Erskine (Walter was granted a dispensation to marry her on 24 April, 1424, but there is no evidence to show that the marriage ever took place):

  4 Walter of Morphie; he married and had issue.

  Note: All Walter’s bastards were legitimated on 17 April, 1479.

  (c) Alexander

  He rose to the rank of knight. He was executed on 25 May, 1425, on Castle Hill, Stirling, and was buried in the Church of the Black
Friars, Stirling.

  (d) James

  He died before 18 May, 1451, in exile in Ireland.

  James had the following illegitimate issue:

  By an Irish lady surnamed MacDonald:

  1 Andrew, Lord of Avandale (?).

  2 Arthur.

  3 Walter.

  4 James Beg.

  5 Matilda; she married William Edmonston of Duntreath.

  6 Son (name not known).

  7 Son (name not known).

  (e) Isabella

  She married Sir Walter Buchanan, and had issue, although no details are recorded.

  (ii) Janet

  She was contracted in marriage on 20 July, 1372, to David de Loen, but no evidence exists to show that the wedding ever took place. She probably died unmarried.

  (iii) Mary

  She married Sir William Abernethy of Saltoun (d.1420), and had issue:

  1 Son.

  2 Son.

  3 etc. Other children.

  (iv) Margaret

  She married Sir John de Swinton of Swinton (killed in battle in 1402) in c.1392, and had issue, although no details are available. She perhaps married secondly Sir Robert Stewart, Lord of Lorne and Innermeath (d.1449), but she may have been confused in the records with her sister Joan ( below). Details of the issue of this possible marriage are not recorded.

  (v) Joan

  She married Robert Stewart, Lord of Lorne and Innermeath (d.1449), after 27 September, 1397 (date of dispensation), and had issue:

  1 John, Lord of Lorne (killed 1463).

  2 Walter, 1st Lord Innermeath (d. by 1488/9); he married Margaret Lindsay (d. after 1481), and had issue.

  3 Alan (d.c.1463).

  4 David.

  5 Robert.

  6 Daughter (name not known); she is said to have married Robert, 8th Lord Erskine (d. by 1452), but there is no evidence for this.

  (vi) Beatrice

  She married James Douglas, Earl of Douglas and Avandale (d.1443). She died in c.1424.

  (vii) Isabella

  She married firstly Alexander Leslie, 9th Earl of Ross (d.1402) ( see here, under Euphemia, Countess of Ross) before 1398, and had issue:

  1 Euphemia, Countess of Ross (d. after 1424); she became a nun at North Berwick, and renounced her inheritance.

  Isabella married secondly Walter Haliburton of Dirleton between 1402 and 2 February, 1408, and had issue:

  1 Walter (d. by 1447); he married Marjorie ( see here, under Robert III), daughter of Archibald Douglas, 3rd Earl of Douglas, and had issue.

  2 Christina; she married George Leslie, 1st Earl of Rothes (1417?–1490), and had issue.

  Robert married secondly, after 4 May, 1380 (date of dispensation) (although no evidence exists as to where):


  She was the daughter of Sir William Keith by Margaret, daughter of John Fraser. She died shortly before 1 June, 1449.

  Issue of marriage:

  (i) John

  He was born in 1381 (?), and succeeded his father as Earl of Buchan before 20 September, 1406. He was killed on 17 August, 1424, at the Battle of Verneuil, France.

  John married, in November, 1413 (although no evidence exists as to where):


  She was the daughter of Archibald Douglas, 4th Earl of Douglas and Duke of Touraine, by Margaret, daughter of Robert III. She married secondly Sir Thomas Stewart (d. by 1435), and thirdly William Sinclair, 3rd Earl of Orkney (d.1476/82), by whom she had issue:

  1 William; he married Christina, daughter of George Leslie, Earl of Rothes, and had issue.

  2 Katherine, Duchess of Albany ( see here, under James II).

  Elizabeth died before 1451.

  Issue of marriage:

  (a) Margaret

  She married George Seton, 1st Lord Seton (d.1478), before 1436, and had issue:

  1 John, Master of Seton (d. by 1478); he married Christina (d.1496), daughter of John, 1st Lord Lindsay of the Byres, and had issue.

  2 Dougal (?).

  (ii) Andrew

  He died before 1413.

  (iii) Robert

  He is said to have been killed on 17 August, 1424, at the Battle of Verneuil, France, but this is impossible as he was recorded as alive in 1431.

  (iv) Marjorie

  She married Duncan, 1st Lord Campbell of Lochawe (d.1453), and had issue:

  1 Archibald or Celestine (d. by 1440); he married Elizabeth, daughter of John, 3rd Lord Somerville of Carwath. He is said to have married secondly a daughter of Murdoch, Duke of Albany ( above), but this is improbable.

  Some sources name Marjorie as the mother of Colin, 1st Earl of Argyll (1431?–1493), and state that she died, possibly in childbed, before August, 1432. Colin was almost certainly the son of Lord Campbell by his second wife whom he married shortly after Marjorie’s death in c.1406.

  (v) Elizabeth

  She married Sir Malcolm Fleming of Biggar and Cumbernauld (executed 1440) before 28 June, 1413, and had issue:

  1 Malcolm (d. after 1432).

  2 Robert, Lord Fleming (d.1491); he married firstly Janet, daughter of James Douglas, 7th Earl of Douglas, and had issue. He married secondly Margaret, daughter of John Lindsay of Covington.

  3 Margaret; she married Patrick, Master of Gray.

  4 Alexander

  Known as ‘the Wolf of Badenoch’, he was born in c.1343, and created Lord of Badenoch on 30 March, 1371. He was created Earl of Buchan on 22 July, 1382, and was styled Earl of Ross in right of his wife from July, 1382. Alexander died before 1406: a possible date is 24 July, 1394. However, he may have died as late as 25 March, 1406. Other possible dates are 20 February, 1395 (but here there is possible confusion with the date of his wife’s death), 1 August, 1405, or any date between August, 1405, and March, 1406. He was buried in Dunkeld Cathedral, Perthshire.

  Alexander had the following illegitimate issue:

  By Margaret Atheyn:

  1 Alexander, Earl of Mar (1375?–1435); he married Elizabeth, Countess of Mar (1360?–1408).

  2 Duncan.

  3 Andrew of Sandhauch, Banffshire; a knight.

  4 Walter.

  5 James.

  6 Robert of Atholl.

  7 Margaret; she married Robert, Earl of Sutherland (d.1427), and had issue.

  Alexander married, on or before 22/24 July, 1382 (although no evidence exists as to where):


  She was the daughter of William, 7th Earl of Ross, by Mary, daughter of Angus Og, Lord of the Isles, and she was born after 1342/5. She married firstly Sir Walter Leslie, Earl of Ross (d.1382), between 1357 and 13 September, 1366, and had issue:

  1 Alexander, 9th Earl of Ross (d.1402); he married Isabella Stewart, daughter of Robert, Duke of Albany ( above), and had issue.

  2 Mary, Countess of Ross (d.c.1435); she married Donald Macdonald, Lord of the Isles (d.1423) (son of Margaret, daughter of Robert II), and had issue.

  Euphemia was styled Lady of Ross from 9 February, 1372, following the death of her father; she was styled Countess of Ross during her second marriage to Alexander Stewart. She died between 5 September, 1394, and 20 February, 1395, and was buried in Fortrose Cathedral, Ross and Cromarty. There was no issue of her marriage to Alexander.

  5 Elizabeth

  She married Sir Thomas de la Haye, 7th Lord of Erroll (d.1406), before 7 November, 1372, and had issue:

  1 William, a knight (d.1436); he married Margaret, daughter of Sir Patrick Gray of Broxmouth, and had issue.

  2 Gilbert of Dronlaw, a knight; he married Elizabeth Reid, and had issue.

  3 Elizabeth; she married Sir George Leslie of Rothes (1350һafter 1412), and had issue.

  4 Alice; she married Sir William Hay of Locharret.

  5 Daughter (name not known); she married Norman (?), son of Andrew Leslie, and had issue.

  6 Isabella

  She married firstly James Douglas, 2nd Earl of Douglas (1358?–killed 1388), after 24 September, 1371 (date of dispensation), perhaps in 1373 (?), and had issue:
  1 Son (name not known) (d. young).

  Isabella married secondly Sir John Edmondston of Duntreath in 1388/90, and had issue:

  2 Son (name not known).

  Isabella died in c.1410.

  7 Jean

  She married firstly Sir John Keith (d.1375) on 17 January, 1373/4, and had issue:

  1 Robert (d. by 1404).

  2 Robert, Lord of Strathkyn (d.1430); he married the heiress of Troup, and had issue.

  Jean married secondly Sir John Lyon of Glamis (killed 1382) between 27 June and 4 October, 1376, and had issue:

  3 John, a knight (d.1435); he married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Patrick Graham of Dundaff and Kilpont, by Euphemia, Countess Palatine of Caithness and Strathearn ( see here), and had issue.

  Jean married thirdly Sir James Sandilands of Calder in c.November, 1384, and had issue:

  4 James of Calder, a knight (d.c.1426); he married a lady called Janet, and had issue.


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