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Love 101: Box Set (Love 101 #1-4)

Page 8

by J. Nichole

  “What is all that noise?”

  “Let me call you right back, Tanya. I need to go check.”

  Opening the door, I look down the hall and see a few guys stuffing flyers in doors. I look down and see a Homecoming 2013 flyer.

  Chapter 11

  Nicole stands in front of Jennifer and me while we gather pamphlets from the fitness booth. “This health seminar was fun.” Nicole rolls her eyes. “Let’s get to the mall.”

  “Don’t look at me.” I roll my head towards Nicole. “Jennifer was the one who suggested we make an appearance at each and every homecoming event.”

  “Hey, it’s our first homecoming.” Jennifer’s face shines with excitement. “We need to embrace it all.” She flails her arms in the air. “Take it all in.”

  “Like I said, let’s go.” Nicole covers her face and quickly pulls Jennifer’s arms out of the air. “So embarrassing,” Nicole whispers.

  As we wait for the bus to take us to the mall, I see a girl from the bathroom fight. I tap Nicole and Jennifer to get their attention. “That’s her. The girl who snatched that chick’s weave out last weekend.”

  Nicole turns to look at the girl. “She doesn’t even look like a fighter. What did the other girl do again?”

  I lower my voice as the girl gets closer. “Apparently she kissed her boyfriend.”

  The bus pulls up and we hop on, moving to the back to sit next to each other.

  Nicole leans back in her seat. “Speaking of boyfriends, I had to leave that man of mine alone.”

  Jennifer swats at Nicole’s arm. “I was just thinking you were starting to like being in the room with me, but no… you ain’t got nowhere to go. What happened?”

  Nicole groans. “He was starting to get clingy.” Her face curls up like she caught a whiff of funk.

  “Guess you’ll be in the dorms with us more.” I wink at Nicole.

  Nicole laughs, “I guess so. At least until the next cute dude with an apartment comes along.” She leans over and high-fives me.

  We all laugh. Unfortunately, I haven’t had the luxury of staying off campus yet. I’ve tried to avoid guys altogether. Being a virgin, I don’t want to give a guy the wrong impression and end up on the wrong end of a bad situation.

  Nicole looks at me defiantly and says, “Laila, the real question is when are you going to get off campus? Still giving guys the cold shoulder?”

  I hunch my shoulders. “I haven’t had any interesting guys approach me yet. I’m definitely not opposed to getting out of the raggedy dorms.”

  Jennifer laughs. “That attitude you gave that dude in front of the cafe has probably spread around campus. Dudes are too afraid to approach you.”

  “I doubt it. But if it keeps guys like that away, I still win.”

  As we pull up to the mall, we all get off, half skipping and laughing. I’m glad my parents dropped off funds while they were here for parent’s weekend. Now to find a hot outfit for this party.

  Each store we hit is packed with girls rummaging through the racks. We squeeze in where we can fit in and start searching for what we need. I’ve been wearing sundresses to the parties, but this party is known for being reckless, and a dress might provide too much access.

  At Forever 21, I find a ruffled aquamarine halter-top that will go perfectly with my jeans and brown open toe heels. Now my outfit is complete, I just need accessories. I turn to look for the ladies in the crowd. “I’m going to head down to Macy’s to look for accessories. I’ll text you when I’m finished, to find you.”

  Nicole looks frustrated. “Your little titty ass would find something that fast.”

  On my way to Macy’s I people watch. The young and old are all over today, decked out in their maroon and gold. Then I spot him. My eyes must be playing tricks on me. I have to take a second look. As I look his way again, our eyes meet.

  It’s him...finally...Mr. Sexy. I will myself to keep walking, although my legs feel like they have gone numb and I’m suddenly out of breath. Slow down, give him time to catch up.

  With each step I take, my heart pounds harder. Pull it together. I don’t even know this guy.

  As I approach the entrance of the store, I hear a voice say, “Excuse me.” Thank God, he doesn’t say something that would immediately get him dismissed.

  I take a breath and turn around with a small smile. Instead of Mr. Sexy, standing in front of me is a guy about a foot taller, a few shades darker, with a bright white smile. I try to compose myself and wipe any disappointment from my face. “Yes.” I look beyond him to look for Mr. Sexy but I don’t see him.

  “I hope I’m not bothering you. I’m Sean.” He reaches out to shake my hand. I kindly smile and shake his hand.

  He continues, “I guess you don’t recognize me.” He turns his head to the side to show his profile as if I’d recognize him. I laugh.

  “No, I’m sorry. I don’t think we’ve met.”

  He shakes his head and laughs. “I’ve noticed you in class and have been waiting for the right time to talk to you.”

  Giving him a harder look, I realize I still don’t recognize him. He must be in one of my larger classes.

  “I didn’t imagine you would have so few words.” He smiles, trying to coax another smile from me, and then he continues looking me directly in the eyes. “Do you mind if I give you a call sometime?”

  I can’t keep avoiding guys. I rattle off my phone number and smile. “By the way, my name is Laila. But maybe you know that already.”

  Looking up from his phone he says, “Actually I did know your name. But now I sound creepy because you don’t even recognize me.”

  I nod my head. “Maybe a little. You could be some crazy stalker and not even a student at Lee.”

  He laughs. “I assure you, I’m definitely not a stalker. You looked like you were on a mission. Let me guess, shopping for this weekend?”

  “Absolutely, and you? I assume you are in the mall doing the same?”

  “Actually no.” He grabs my arm and moves us out of the middle of the walkway. “It’s packed in here. But I was actually just grabbing lunch. I’m going home this weekend.”

  I narrow my eyebrows. “Missing homecoming? That’s like skipping dessert. Homecoming is the best part of the semester.”

  He smiles, showing all of his teeth. “Interesting comparison. I’ll call you next week and you can fill me in on everything I missed.”

  “Sounds like a plan. It was nice meeting you, Sean.” I wave, and then turn and walk away. I feel his eyes beaming on my back and I smile to myself.

  While I sift through the jewelry collection, I recall my classes and try to figure out which class Sean is in. Nothing comes to mind. I pick out a pair of earrings and a bracelet, and then text the girls to meet with them.

  I hurry to the food court and meet them at Cajun Cafe. The smell of grilled chicken and bourbon sauce brings an instant smile to my face. A trip to the mall is not complete without a bourbon chicken fix.

  Before taking my first bite I blurt out, “You won’t believe who I spotted.”

  Jennifer’s eyes perk up. “You saw him? Mr. Sexy?”

  “And we made eye contact! But just when I thought he was approaching me a different guy pops up.”

  Nicole claps. “Laila, girl this is your weekend. It’s about time. I was starting to wonder about you. Either you were shooting for the other team, or you oddly love the dorms too much not to want to escape!”

  Jennifer stares at Nicole. “Shooting for the other team?”

  Nicole laughs. “In other words, a lesbian.”

  “Nicole, I’m glad you had two alternatives.” I roll my eyes at her. “I’m not shooting for the other team, definitely strictly dickly. But what about Jennifer? She stays in the dorm as much as I do.” I glance at Jennifer.

  Jennifer turns to me. “Don’t pull me into this. Even with my past situation, I still would escape the dorm if given the opportunity.” She shrugs. “All the guys who approach me stay on campus too.
Hell, I’ve even considered staying in the guy’s dorm, just for a change of scenery … until I found out their dorm was worse than ours.”

  We all burst into laughter. I take a few bites of my chicken, and then wrap my food up to go. “We should probably be leaving soon so we can catch the next bus.”

  On our way back to campus, we make plans for the homecoming concert, game, and the party. When we make it back to the dorm, we sit in front and people watch.

  Girls are leaving out of the dorms like the stairs are the red carpet at the BET Hip Hop awards.

  “As much as I’d like to sit out here and watch these chicks strut past like celebrities, I have a paper due on Monday.” I stand up and wave to the girls. “Have fun, talk to you later.”

  After researching homecoming traditions at Lee, I wrap up my three-page paper. I call my parents. I’m sure I’ll be too busy this weekend to catch up with them. My mother tells me about her visit with Tanya. It sounds like she is almost in tears while we are talking.

  “You all right, ma?” My mom is taking Tanya’s pregnancy hard.

  “Just please be careful, Laila. If you are having sex, use condoms and take birth control. But you should only be worried about school, and not boys.” Okay, buzz kill.

  “In other news, you know this weekend is homecoming. I just finished a paper on homecoming traditions. You and dad should try to make it down here one year.”

  My mom laughs. “Okay, young lady, I see you are changing the subject but I’m serious. And before you graduate I’m sure we will make a visit for homecoming.”

  “Kiss dad for me, I’m going to call Nick. I love you.”

  “Love you too dear. Good night.”

  When Nick answers, I can tell he isn’t his jovial self. He actually sounds serious.

  “What’s going on? You sound like the world is ending and you don’t have your life right. What’s wrong?” I laugh, trying to lighten his mood.

  Nick releases a long sigh. “I guess you haven’t heard yet?”

  “Heard what, Nick? What’s going on?”

  “Travis went to court. They found him guilty of all charges.” He pauses. “They haven’t had a sentencing yet but they are talking at least ten years. I didn’t like Travis for you but I didn’t want to see him locked up for so long. You know I hate that so many guys from our community get their lives taken away from them.”

  “Wow, that’s terrible Nick. I had a feeling he was going to get at least a few years, but ten years is a long time.”

  “Are you okay, Laila? I hate that I am telling you this over the phone. I just wanted you to hear it from me rather than from anyone else.”

  “Oh Nick, I’m fine.” Travis hurt me to the core, I have to move on, but I can’t tell Nick those details because he’d freak out if he knew I was going to lose my virginity to Travis. “I appreciate you passing the info to me though. Keep me posted on the sentencing and let me know where he ends up being placed. I’ll consider writing him.”

  “Damn Laila, I thought you loved the boy. You don’t really sound like it’s phasing you. What’s up with that?”

  “To be honest, I’ve been through a lot with Travis. As much as I loved him, and still do, I know it’s time for me to move on. Being away has helped me keep him off my mind.”

  “In other words, you see all those dudes up there, right?”

  Laughing I say, “Something like that.”

  “Do you have big plans for the weekend?”

  “You know it’s homecoming week. There have been all types of events. This weekend is one of the biggest parties of the semester. I’m relaxing tonight so I can have some energy.”

  “I’m sure I don’t have to tell you to be careful. Call me if any of those dudes try anything crazy. Be safe, Laila, have fun and call me next week to tell me all about it. Love you.”

  Catching up with everyone has me tired. After a surprisingly warm shower, I fall fast asleep.

  Homecoming Friday...go to class or not? I don’t think the professors will miss me much.

  Nicole looks up at the maroon and gold balloon arch as we find a place to sit on the quad. “After this week, I won’t be mad if I never see maroon or gold ever again.”

  “C’mon Nicole, where is your school spirit?” Jennifer looks at Nicole as she waves her spirit fingers in the air.

  “Jennifer, enough with these fingers. You should have been a cheerleader for the school. You obviously miss cheering,” Nicole says, turning away from Jennifer.

  While Jennifer and Nicole banter back and forth, I scan the quad. Music is blasting from the DJ and a few groups of people are dancing while others are walking around aimlessly. Who could be in class with all this going on out here?

  As the DJ pubs the concert, Nicole looks at us. “Am I the only one not excited about the concert tonight?”

  “I’m not sure who is on the planning committee, but 2 Chainz as the headliner?” I curl my lips.

  Jennifer looks at us, shakes her head, and says, “You two should stop being a Debbie--”

  Nicole gives Jennifer a cold stare that stops her in the middle of her sentence, and Jennifer rolls her eyes.

  “It’s not like we have anything better to do.” Jennifer hops out of her seat. “Let’s go.”

  We head down to the stadium and check out the vendors lining the streets. As we walk, Nicole whispers, “I should have found a new boo before homecoming. I didn’t realize I was rooming with Ms. Lee University. All this school spirit is killing me.” Jennifer hears Nicole and looks back at her with a dirty look.

  Walking around, we see everything, from books, school, and Greek paraphernalia, to purses. We grab lunch from the Italian sausage truck and head back to the dorm to get ready for the concert.

  “I’ll meet up with you in about an hour.” I wade through the halls filled with girls shouting through open doors. Obviously, there are a few people excited to see 2 Chainz tonight. Back in my room, I throw on a printed maxi skirt, black tank, and black sandals and head out to the concert.

  I wake up to the sound of drums, and with a pounding headache from the concert; it’s the last thing I want to hear. Only during homecoming will it be acceptable for the band to parade through campus this early in the morning.

  Rolling over, I slide each foot out of the bed and let them dangle for a few minutes before I convince myself to get out of bed. Like a zombie, I drag myself to the bathroom, and as expected, it’s packed and messy. These nasty ass girls. I shake my head and find a space in front of a sink.

  Thank God the game is early. I’ll need a nap before the party tonight. After my freezing cold shower, I throw on my maroon dress and gold scarf. I head to Jennifer’s room and beat on the door. While I wait for her to open it, I hear the school song playing in the background. Nicole probably hates life right now. I laugh to myself.

  Jennifer opens the door. “Thank God, you have school spirit.” She glances back at Nicole and shakes her head. “This one here is so lame with her pink shirt on.”

  “What can I say? I like to stand out. In the crowd of maroon and gold, finding you two will be like finding Where’s Waldo.”

  Nicole is absolutely right. Walking to the stadium, the maroon and gold is overwhelming. It’s nice to see everyone in unison though. By the time we finally sit down, the game is already five minutes in and we are winning by a touchdown. Not that anyone cares; we are all here for the band, which is already rocking out in the stands. We join in with the crowd to do a stand dance. The energy in the stadium is exhilarating.

  The crowd goes wild as the band begins to take the field for half-time. I peek at Nicole as she sits back in her seat, while Jennifer has been on her feet the entire time. “Nicole, are you going to stand for the halftime show?”

  “If I want to see anything I guess I better because this chick here won’t sit down,” Nicole says, pointing at Jennifer.

  As the band begins to play, the crowd becomes silent. The first few songs are a tribute to the ’90’
s - Juvenile Back That Thang Up brings Nicole out of her funk and she begins to bounce her ass.

  The drum majors begin twirling their maces while the band plays Don’t Drop that Thun Thun... and of course, not a single mace is dropped. The Negro National Anthem Lift Every Voice and Sing starts to play, and the crowd sings along. The cheers are unbelievable as the band marches off the field. Thank God my head isn’t hurting anymore.

  Hampton’s band takes the field and everyone on the home side and half of the people on the visitor’s side take their seats. Nicole looks at Jennifer and says, “Finally, Ms. School Spirit takes a seat.”

  I ignore Nicole and look at Jennifer. “Are we staying till the end of the game? I need some pillow time.”

  “We can leave. I could use some food. I’ll pick up something on the way back to the dorms.”

  After a refreshing nap, I blast Beyoncé` and Lil’ Wayne on the radio while I get dressed. I have to get my head in the game for tonight. Beyonce`s Get Me Bodied helps me get in my sexy state of mind while Lil Wayne’s 6 Foot 7 Foot helps me get in touch with my ratchet side.

  Before I head out of my room, I check the mirror. I take a second look. I’m sexy! I stroll out of my room, passing a few girls dressed in their homecoming best. I can’t help but laugh to myself. These girls dress like it’s ninety-eight degrees outside and they are going to a theme park. Their shorts make my panties look modest.

  As I approach Jennifer’s door, I hear laughing from inside the room. Before I can knock, Nicole opens the door and runs past me towards the bathroom. “Go on in Laila, I’ll be right back.”

  “Y’all good in here?” Jennifer is still laughing as I enter the room.

  “Nicole almost pissed her pants, literally. Her ex called, trying to tell her how much he missed her.” She giggles. “I guess he knows she would be going out tonight and would be open to meeting new dudes. This man said if she would just take him back things could go back to normal...” She grabs at her chest. “And she could come wash clothes at his house tomorrow.” Thank God, I pissed before coming down here or I would be running to the bathroom right behind Nicole.


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