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Love 101: Box Set (Love 101 #1-4)

Page 11

by J. Nichole

  The guys can’t help but laugh. They continue to tell us about the girls they ran into who were happy to have attention.

  “But I lucked up and got one girl to give me head after the party.” He half grins and looks at his homeboy, who bursts out laughing. “I saw that chick this morning and wanted to slap myself. I had to be either drunk or desperate as hell. Shit, maybe even both. Ol’ girl was not cute at all.”

  “I’m sure you two had tons of the frat guys hitting on you. Every time we saw you on the dance floor you were surrounded.”

  “The party was packed. Everyone was surrounded.” Jennifer winks at me.

  Chapter 14

  All freshmen should be warned against taking early morning classes. I am, without a doubt, no longer a morning person. College has officially ruined it for me.

  Waking up this early in the morning for Biology class should be considered cruel and unusual punishment.

  Waiting on the professor, my eyes are growing heavy. After a few blinks, I focus in on the two guys sitting in front of me. I don’t recognize them, but then again, many of the folks in my class play musical chairs. I listen carefully and I can hear their entire conversation.

  “Man, that dude is sprung. A few weeks with ol’ girl and he doesn’t have time for us.”

  “Yeah, he is definitely violating the code. How you ditch your boys for some chick?” I’m pretty sure if they were with a girl, they’d want all of her attention. Men are the worst with their double standards.

  Lisa slides in beside me as the professor begins unpacking his bag. She looks at me, slightly frazzled. “Laila, are you ready for midterms?” As Lisa catches her breath, she pulls out her notebook.

  I pat Lisa’s back. “You really should stop running from the dorms to class.” I sigh. “I’m not ready for midterms today, but I will be ready when it’s time. Maybe we should start a study group.”

  Her face eases and she smiles. “You know I can’t ever wake up on time.” She nods her head. “Good idea for the study group. We could probably get help from the Teacher’s Aide if we need it.” Teacher’s Aide? I’m not sure I even know who the TA is for this class.

  “Sure. That’s a good idea. When Professor Kincaid gives us our study guide we can go through it and determine what areas we should take to him or her. Have you seen the Teacher’s Aide before?”

  Lisa raises her eyebrows. “You’re joking right?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He sits in the front of the class. Professor Kincaid references him at least once a week.” I know I hardly pay attention in this class but I must be real bad if I don’t hear a mention of the Teacher’s Aide.

  “Oh, you caught me! I guess I pay less attention than I thought I did.” I laugh.

  “His name is Sean.” She pauses for a few seconds. “Sean Franklin... I think.”

  Lisa catches me off guard, but I manage to keep my mouth from hitting the table. Did she just say Sean Franklin? It’s a small world, an even smaller campus. But this can’t be the same Sean I met at the mall. He did say he noticed me in class. I assumed he was taking the class, not assisting the professor.

  I regain my composure. “Cool. We should probably get on his schedule in advance. If we find we don’t need any help, we can just meet with him for a refresher. Sound like a plan?” I scrunch my shoulders as I wait for her response.

  “Yes, that’s a good idea.” She smiles, then points to the professor, who has started his lecture. I should really be more attentive in class. If only it weren’t so damn early!

  Twenty minutes into the lecture, I begin to zone out. To think, growing up I wanted to be a doctor. The dream of at least one out of every five kids. Who was I kidding? I hate Biology... actually I hate any of the sciences.

  I stretch my neck in the direction of the front row, but unfortunately I can’t spot the TA, Sean Franklin. From the back, most males look the same.

  “By next class you should be finished with Chapter 15 and the study questions. Have a good day.” Finally time to go, like music to my ears!

  I hop out of my seat. “See you later, Lisa.” I dash to the door. As soon as I step outside, I’m welcomed by a cool breeze and sunny skies. I decide to fight my urge to take a nap, and instead, walk over to Professor Douglas’ office, the head of the journalism department. Hopefully his office isn’t swarming with students.

  Walking to his office, I take in the beautiful scenery. Although our campus is old, it could fit perfectly on a magazine cover or postcard. The manicured lawns and brick buildings could definitely compete with those on the campus of a predominantly white school.

  When I reach Professor Douglas’ office, the door is slightly closed. His office door is hardly ever closed. Must be serious. I stand against the wall next to the office and patiently wait. A few minutes pass, and then a young male, looking slightly distraught, leaves his office. He avoids eye contact with me and quickly walks past. I’d love to have been a fly on the wall during that conversation.

  The door is open, but I knock anyway. As always, he gives his same response “The door is open, no need to knock. Come on in!”

  “Hey, Dr. Douglas! How are you? I’m glad you don’t have a fan club today, although I did have to sit outside for a minute while I waited for that guy to leave.” I wink at him.

  Dr. Douglas is an older man, around my father’s age. Unlike my father, a career in education has kept him hip and relevant. He knows about most of the trends in music, fashion, and technology. I like how he understands, but never tries to emulate what he sees on campus. He isn’t a professor I would expect to find at the club on the weekend or in the bed of a student. Although many have tried, I’m sure. He is an attractive man with smooth cocoa brown skin, snow-white hair, and a build like he hasn’t missed a day in the gym in his long years. From the island of Jamaica, with an accent as if he just left yesterday.

  “The fan club should be bombarding us any minute now. You know dem students can’t resist me!” He smiles broadly, showing each of his front teeth, knowingly ignoring my comment. Discretion doesn’t fall short with him. “How are yuh, Ms. Jackson?”

  “I’m better than ever. Business first, then I’ll fill you in on the details of my wonderful weekend.” I pull out my notebook and review my notes. “For our new writing assignment, I have an angle. I think the perspective of the football players would be interesting.” I look up at Professor Douglas to see if he approves, and he nods. “We all know the band entertains the crowd, but I’m sure the football players are energized by the band, too. What do you think?”

  “I agree. That angle should be developed. Make sure yuh points are narrow to ensure the perspective is relevant. Do yuh have anyone in mind for yuh interviews?”

  I look up in the air as I try to recall names from my memory. “I don’t actually. I have a few freshman football players in one of my classes, but I don’t think they play. I would like to interview the older players. They at least had games before the band went on strike.”

  “If yuh go down to the practice field around three -” He looks up at the clock. “I’m sure yuh will catch a few players.”

  “As always, thank you Dr. Douglas.”

  “No problem. Now I think yuh were going to describe yuh eventful weekend.”

  Dr. Douglas always shows a great interest in my personal life, almost as if he is reliving his college life through his students.

  I describe my weekend, making sure not to forget the best details but intentionally leaving out the intimate points. Dr. Douglas listens intently, smiling.

  “To be young, to be young, oh to be young!” Dr. Douglas raises his shoulders in delight. “I’m glad yuh have met a couple of guys, Ms. Jackson. Be careful not to get carried away too soon.” His face is expressionless and he suddenly reminds me of my father when he is stern. “Yuh young ladies always give so much to a guy before he fully commits.”

  “Yes, I agree. I’m trying to pace my emotions. I’m also well aware that both
guys are older, and I know older guys tend to prey on the young, naive, freshmen. I don’t want to get caught up.”

  Dr. Douglas laughs. “I’m suddenly taken back a couple of decades.” He reclines in his chair and rests his hands on his stomach. “I met my wife right here on this campus. I’m actually older than her. Thinking back, I don’t believe I was preying on her. But I did appreciate the fact that I had more experience, and of course yuh always have to play your cards right. I used that to my advantage.” His dark brown eyes glow as he reminisces.

  “On this campus? I didn’t realize you met your wife here. That’s inspiring, Dr. Douglas. Although men these days aren’t trying to meet their future wives on campus. They have other things in mind.” I roll my eyes and sigh.

  “I agree. Dem young guys are missing out on great women.”

  “I couldn’t have said it better myself! I should get going, Dr. Douglas. I’ll let you get prepared for your next class.” I’m glad his fan club stayed away today. Sharing my personal life with Professor Douglas is a no-no in front of the other students.

  As I walk out of his office, I pull out my phone. A few text messages arrived while I was sitting in with Professor Douglas. Sean?

  I didn’t see you in class today.

  Can we meet up sometime?

  Considering I’ve only had one class today, he must be my Teacher’s Aide. Talking to a TA... is that appropriate? Can’t be as taboo as talking to a teacher, but it could be similar.

  I send him a text back as I walk out of the journalism building:

  Where would you like to meet? I’m close to the library now if you are nearby.

  Perfect timing. I’m in the library now on the second floor. Can I meet you at the elevator?

  I see Sean as soon as the elevator doors open. As cute as I remember. Outfit could be better, must be a science thing.

  We duck into a side room to talk. The librarians take their job seriously. Talking in the main area would practically get us kicked out of the library.

  We sit across from each other and I look him in the eyes. “Mystery solved. I couldn’t figure out which class you knew me from, but since I have only had one class today it must be Biology.”

  Sean laughs. “That’s awkward. I assumed you saw me in class before.”

  “Don’t feel bad. Biology isn’t my favorite class, and I don’t pay as much attention as I should.” I smile and shrug my shoulders.

  “Ouch, first you didn’t recognize me and now you don’t like my major.” He looks down, then exhales. “Maybe we should quit while we are ahead.”

  Damn, I guess I did insult him. “Sorry about that. How was your weekend?”

  “It was cool, went back home to visit the folks.”

  “During homecoming?”

  “Yeah, I’m not a freshman. Homecoming isn’t as exciting as it was back then.” He covers his mouth as if he wants to take back his last words. “Ugh... Did you go to Frat Night? How was it? I’ve only been once, and it was a bunch of foolery.” He shakes his head. “The craziest party of the year.”

  “Yeah, it was foolery. Hard to believe they can have that much debauchery at one event. It was a lot of fun though. I really enjoyed myself.” Of course, my ultimate enjoyment had little to do with the party and more to do with Chris. I smile at the thought.

  “Now that the excitement of homecoming is over, what will you be doing with all your time?”

  I twist my lips. “Good question. I should be studying for mid-terms.”

  “You’re right, they will be coming up soon. The rest of the semester goes by pretty fast after that.”

  I stare at Sean for a few seconds, not really knowing what to say next.

  “I should let you go.” He stands up. “I have a few things to finish up before my next class. I didn’t expect you to be nearby, but couldn’t resist a chance at seeing you.” A warm smile crosses his face. “If you have time later maybe we can grab something to eat.”

  I really want to give Sean a chance. “Sure, I have another class today then I’ll be around. Feel free to text me when you have time.”

  Chapter 15

  “Sounds like Mark is growing on you?” I look at Jennifer. She has a soft smile on her face. “Funny how things change. I hope it isn’t the apartment working its magic.”

  “Mark is a good dude. I think his personality makes him more attractive.” Jennifer releases a soft sigh, although her eyes are sad. “I feel really comfortable with him too. After a few weeks of hanging out with him I even told him about my incident.” Her eyes brighten and her face glows. “It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. He didn’t judge me, he listened and cared about how it has affected me.”

  “I’m glad to hear that.” My eyebrows scrunch together. “Did you think he would judge you?”

  Jennifer shrugs her shoulders and bites her lip. “I did, actually.”

  I probably look more shocked than I want to appear. “I’m glad he didn’t.” I smile. “What about Nicole? I haven’t really seen her around much. Is she still kicking it with Jody?”

  “You have to be around to see her.” Jennifer smirks. “I think you disappeared like she did at the beginning of the semester. I’m surprised to see you here now.”

  “You’re right, I haven’t been around much. It may be more of the great sleep I get off campus than the guy, though.” I stretch my arms and say, “My back hasn’t felt this good in a while.”

  Jennifer shakes her head and laughs. “You got that right. Sleeping on concrete would be more comfortable. But you don’t realize it until you sleep in a comfortable bed, then come back to the dorm.” Jennifer’s smile fades and she looks serious. “But to answer your question about Nicole, she and Jody have been kicking it pretty hard. I don’t think he’s in it for a relationship. It seems like he is okay with being fuck buddies.”

  “What makes you think he isn’t trying to have a relationship?”

  Jennifer drops her chin and peers at me through half-closed eyes. “I’ve been at the house and seen Jody bring in other chicks without shame. But don’t say anything to Nicole.”

  I’d rather not be on Nicole’s bad side. I’ll keep my lips zipped! But it’s not like Nicole is innocent, she has a few dudes on her roster.

  Jennifer raises her hand in protest. “Nicole is talking to a few other guys, too though.” She starts chuckling. “I have to tell you about the night I heard Nicole and Jody having sex!” Her laugh gets louder. I wait for her to calm down and finish the story. “Mark and I were lying in his bed watching TV. I was half sleep when I heard a low moan. I perked up and looked at Mark to see if he heard it too. I think he was trying to ignore it.” She smiles. “Then about five minutes later, I guess Jody was giving it to her cause she let out the loudest damn scream, then he grunted! Mark couldn’t hide his reaction. We both burst out laughing!”

  “Oh shit! That’s crazy! I don’t know how comfortable I would be in the room next to someone having sex.” I give Jennifer a sneaky grin. “I think it would be as provocative as watching porno though. You and Mark weren’t all over each other after that?”

  “Actually, it was a little provocative, but I guess knowing it was Nicole made it too funny to turn me on. But Mark hasn’t tried to get with me. The most we’ve done is kiss...and maybe a few rubs.” She looks down at her thighs. “I think he wants to taste my sweetness but I refuse to give him head.” She scrunches her nose up in disgust. “I avoid his attempts each time so I don’t have to return the favor.”

  “Don’t tell me you are against giving head?”

  “Not at all. I need a strong, real strong, sexual attraction to a guy before I can give him head. Otherwise, if I attempt to go down my throat closes up and I gag.”

  “Oh my goodness, you are killing me.” I buckle over, laughing. “Your throat closes up? Jennifer you are a mess.” I wipe the tears streaming down my face. “But I don’t blame you. You really have to be in a special place mentally to let yourself go down. Guys hav
e it so much easier. As long as the girl is fresh, the work is much easier for them. I get lockjaw, and I have to keep myself from choking. It’s so much work.” I shake my head.

  “Right, and don’t let the guy try to outlast you.” She turns away and makes a gagging noise. “Enough of the head talk, my throat is closing up, thinking about it. Who have you been spending the most time with? Sean or Chris?”

  “I was spending time with both of them until midterms. Girl, let me tell you how Sean played the hell out of me.” I wave my hand in the air. “You know he is the Teacher’s Aid for my Biology class?” I wait for her reaction, and she nods her head. “Lisa, a girl from my class, and I scheduled some time with him to go over the few questions we had from the study guide. I decided I would tell Lisa about hanging with Sean before meeting up with him to avoid an awkward situation. When we get to the library to meet with him, he was acting unfamiliar, and he actually had the audacity to flirt with Lisa.”

  “Are you serious? I hope Lisa didn’t play into that shit, did she?”

  “Not at all. She didn’t say anything while we were there, but afterwards she asked me what his deal was, and said he seemed like an ass.”

  “I agree … sounds like an ass for sure. Did you talk to him after?”

  “By the time I got back to the dorm, he called. He tried to explain that he didn’t want his business around campus. Something about it not being acceptable to be dating someone from his class.” I roll my eyes.

  “His bad for trying to talk to you. I think I would have cursed his ass out.”

  “I had to keep my composure, but I did tell him that he didn’t have to worry about anyone finding out about me cause he could consider that the last time we spoke, then I hung up.”

  “Good for you! More room for Chris. I like him more anyway.”

  “I guess it’s about time for him to get more of my time. I’ve been trying to keep a slow pace, but after Christmas I think I can turn it up a bit. Thinking of Christmas, are you ready for this break?”


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