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Love 101: Box Set (Love 101 #1-4)

Page 14

by J. Nichole

  “No, you weren’t. I think the anticipation of a break got the best of me. I couldn’t focus long enough on my books.”

  “Are you really excited to go home?” His smile seems to be fading.

  “I am excited to see my family. It’s crazy because I think I will miss being at school more than I am ready to go home.”

  “I understand. You’ll get used to it eventually. The people you meet at school become like family, and the friends you left at home grow further apart from you. But no matter what, it probably won’t ever be easy going home or coming back to school.”

  As he mentions friends at home, I think of Tanya. Our friendship over the years has remained consistent. I hope her having a baby will not change things.

  We are finally pulling up to his apartment and I let my thoughts about Tanya subside. I glance at Chris and see his smile has returned. He almost looks excited.

  “Excited to be home?” I say with a grin.

  “I’m good.” He says nonchalantly. We step out of the car and walk up to his apartment. Chris pauses for a minute before we walk through the door. He glances down at me, then kisses me on the cheek. When Chris opens the door, I step through and stop, “Wow.” I blink my eyes a few times to keep the tears from rolling down my face.

  Chris takes me by the hand and pulls me into him for a hug. There are candles lit all over the living room, the table is set, and on it are a bottle of wine and red roses. Chris steps back and says, “Are you surprised?”

  “Surprised would be a subtlety. Thank you.” I lean in and give him a kiss.

  “Anything to make you smile, Laila.”

  “I was wondering why you hadn’t asked me if I was hungry yet. I have gotten used to you feeding me.”

  Chris laughs. “I hope you like what I’ll be feeding you tonight.” I know he is being serious and referencing the dinner, but my mind is in the gutter.

  “I’m sure whatever you have, I’ll love.” We sit down at the table. Chris pours me a glass of wine, then pulls the plates out of the oven. The food looks delicious. Roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, and vegetables.

  “You haven’t had the chance to try any of my good home cooking. My mother has taught me well.”

  “I’m glad you know how to cook. I was beginning to think you only ate fast food.”

  “My mom wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  I take a bite of his chicken while he anxiously watches for my reaction. “Not bad. Not bad at all.”

  He smiles. “I’m glad you like it. I would hate to tell my mom her recipe didn’t come out that great.”

  “You can tell her you followed directions and it’s a good recipe. How old were you when you learned how to cook?”

  He looks in the air, then looks at me. “I can’t remember. I think I was in elementary school though.”

  “You were pretty young. That’s good.”

  “My mom has always told us that we needed to be able to take care of ourselves and not depend on a woman. She had us washing and ironing our own clothes too.”

  I nod my head. “I’m glad she taught you that. You shouldn’t depend on a woman. I assume you can hold down the manly things too, right?”

  He jerks his head back. “Psshh, of course. My dad wouldn’t have it any other way. We had to fix the cars and do yard work.” His eyes sparkle when he talks about his family.

  “I can tell you have a lot of respect for your parents.”

  “I do. My parents mean a lot to me.”

  “Your parents raised an outstanding son. You will make some woman a proud wife one day.”

  “I hope so. My parents have been married for over twenty years. I value marriage and want to make my wife happy.”

  I smile and start daydreaming about the future and having Chris as a husband. The thought is refreshing.

  He places his fork down and stares in my eyes. “Before I can take a wife, I’ll need a girlfriend. Are you ready to make that commitment yet? Or are you going to make me wait until next semester?”

  “Next semester isn’t that long from now. How patient are you?”

  He looks surprised. “For you, I can wait.”

  “You don’t have to wait. I’m ready if you are.” I grin as I feel my heart flutter.

  Chris leaps up and grabs me. He caresses my head and kisses my neck, then leans in for a kiss.

  He stops kissing me and pulls away. “Before we celebrate, I want to feed you dessert.”

  I glance up at him, then stretch my neck towards the kitchen. “Dessert too? Are you sure you took your exams today? Seems like you have been pretty busy.”

  “Don’t get too excited. I didn’t make the dessert. I had to stop by The Cake Shop and pick up a few cupcakes.”

  “You are simply amazing. What am I going to do over the break without this all-star treatment?”

  We both sigh at the realization that in a couple of days we will be apart for a few weeks.

  “You know I have to pass through your hometown to get back to Tennessee. I’m leaving on Sunday and could drop you off on my way.”

  “That’s sweet but I have to clear out my dorm, and my parents are already planning on making a trip down here on Friday. I should probably stick to the plan. When are you coming back? Maybe you can pick me up.”

  “I’ll be back a few days before the first day of classes.”

  A few days of uninterrupted time with Chris? “That works for me.” Now I just need to tell my parents about him.

  Chapter 19

  Chris places frosting on my lips, then slowly kisses it off. Leaning into my ear he whispers, “How do you like your dessert?”

  I’m speechless. I can only say, “Ehmm...”

  “I have something better. C’mon.” He stands and I follow him to his room. As I step closer to the door, I can hear R. Kelly in the background. I peep through the door and see rose petals spread across the bed with candles flickering on the nightstand.

  Chris picks me up and lays me gently on the bed. He leans down and removes my boots. After removing his shoes and pants, he lies down on the bed beside me.

  Leaning on his elbow, he looks at me. “Laila, I want you to know I’m very happy to have met you this semester. I’m even more happy that you have finally decided to be my girl. I planned this night to be memorable for you, but we won’t do anything you aren’t ready for. I’m going to lie back and let you take control. If you want to hop on it and ride me, do it. If you want to lay your head on my chest, do that too. The choice is all yours.” He lies on his back and rests his head on a pillow.

  With a speech like that, how can I resist him? I know better than to tease him. Tonight is too special to leave him horny with a hand job. Instead of hopping on him or kissing him passionately, I lie beside him and put my arm across his chest. He closes his eyes and inhales deeply.

  “Laila, you don’t know how badly I want to be inside you right now. But lying beside you will bring me just as much pleasure...for now.”

  I remain silent and caress his chest as he strokes my hair.

  We lie beside each other for a few minutes before he starts a trail of small kisses from my nose to my chest. I feel my passion rising and I try to calm my breathing. He places his hands on the small of my back, then places his head on my stomach.

  I reach down and begin caressing the back of his neck. Chris begins to sing along with R. Kelly. I can’t remember the last time I was this happy.

  He looks up at me. “If I sleep in here with you tonight do you think you can control yourself?”

  As if we haven’t been sharing the bed for the past few weeks, I say, “We may need to put a pillow between us to be sure.”

  “As long as you don’t grind yourself to sleep tonight. You like to gyrate your hips against my manhood as you fall asleep.”

  “I do no such a thing. I believe that’s you who likes to rub against my ass as you doze off.”

  “You might be right. That ass is just so tempting. But before we go to
bed I have one more thing I want to do.”

  Tonight has already been perfect, so what more could he have up his sleeve? I look at him cautiously as he slides off the bed. He disappears into the bathroom. When he returns he is wearing only his blue boxers. He catches my glance and smiles.

  “Are you just going to stare at me or are you going to join me?”

  I climb off the bed and squeeze into the bathroom. We can barely stand side by side in the small space, forcing us to be extremely close.

  He tugs at my shirt. “Do you usually take a bath with all your clothes on?”

  I look at him nervously, then glance at the bathtub filled with bubbles. I’ve never been completely nude in front of Chris. I turn my back to him and slowly pull my clothes off.

  As I step into the warm water, Chris is still wearing his boxers and I say, “Aren’t you joining me?”

  “Not now. I just want to bathe you. Just sit back and relax.”

  I sit back and close my eyes. The water is warm but the heat between my thighs is steamy. Chris begins massaging soap over every inch of my body, leaving no part untouched.

  Besides the music in the background, Chris and I are silent. He is focused on my body as if I am a textbook and there is a quiz at the end of the chapter.

  After rinsing the soap from my body, he stands up and takes my hand. I follow his lead. He dries my body off then guides me back to the bedroom. He hands me a shirt and I slip it over my head.

  “My shirt has never looked better.”

  “My body has never felt better. We’ll definitely need that pillow between us tonight.”

  “Lie down and relax. I’ll be right back.”

  I hope Chris doesn’t have any more surprises. My body may give in to the temptation soon. As I get comfortable and resist the urge to touch myself, I hear the shower.

  My eyes get heavy as I wait for Chris to come back in the room. R. Kelly’s voice suddenly stops. I open my eyes and watch Chris climb into bed beside me. He grabs a pillow and positions it in front of his body.

  “Sweet dreams, Laila.”

  “Good night, Chris.” We kiss then fall asleep.

  Chapter 20

  “A pillow? A pillow? That man wined and dined you, bathed you... and you made him sleep with a pillow between you?” Nicole gives me a disgusted look.

  Jennifer gives me a sympathetic look. “At least you told him you want to be his girlfriend.”

  Nicole interrupts, “But a pillow?”

  I snap my neck around to look at Nicole. “Calm down, Nicole. Shit. I wasn’t ready to have sex with him. Anything more would have been a tease.”

  “I’m just saying, he is a good one if he can wait around until you’re ready.”

  Jennifer shakes her head. “You did the right thing, Laila. Teasin’ him would have been worse.”

  I look at Jennifer and say, “Thank you for understanding, Jennifer.”

  Jennifer pouts. “Aren’t you going to miss him these next couple of weeks?”

  “Of course I am. I’m ready to see my family and get out of the dorm for a while, though.” Being away from Chris for a few weeks may be harder than I want to admit. Our last couple of nights have been unreal. He has been attentive and patient with me, giving me romance and passion without demanding pleasure. I couldn’t ask for anything more.

  “Our parents should be pulling up soon. I better finish throwing this mess in a bag.” Jennifer stands up and opens her suitcase.

  “I’ll text you after I get everything in the car. Then we can decide where we will go for lunch.” Leaving them to finish packing, I head back to my room.

  Jennifer’s mother looks at each of us and says, “I’m very proud of you girls. You’ve just completed your first semester. Many girls don’t have the privilege of attending college, especially black girls. Now, only three-point-five years left. It will be over before you know it. Take the time out to enjoy every minute of it.”

  We all smile and acknowledge the truth Mrs. Kelly just spoke. For me it definitely hits home. I’m here and Tanya is at home. Although she is attending community college, her experience is not the same. Her life will forever be changed.

  Not wanting to be outdone, my mother speaks up. “I’m proud of you girls also. I hope that you continue to build these friendships you have started. Don’t let anything or anyone get between you. I’d like to be here in 2017, wishing each of you well as we attend your graduation.”

  Nicole’s parents, more conservative than I’d imagine them to be, sit back with humble smiles. I’m sure they’d be horrified to know how wild Nicole has been this semester.

  Nicole’s dad stands, getting ready to leave. “Girls, we’d love to chat more, but we should all get going. We each have a nice little trip down the road.”

  We all follow behind him. Jennifer, Nicole, and I give each other hugs. “See you girls next semester.” I pinch Nicole’s arm and say, “Remember you’re coming back a changed girl next semester.” Nodding towards her parents, I say, “This apple fell far from the tree.”

  Nicole’s jaw drops. “Hush Laila.”

  With a downturned smile, Jennifer waves. “I expect to hear from you two over the break.”

  Before pulling out of the parking lot, my dad turns around to look at me. “Are you okay, Laila?”

  I slightly smile. “I am dad, just a little sad. It’s weird. Coming down in August I would have never guessed I would have become this close to Jennifer and Nicole. They have become my family away from home. This has been a great semester.”

  My mom turns to face me as my dad pulls off. “Do you think it’s weird because you didn’t want to start school without Tanya, but now you have found really good friends?”

  “I think about Tanya every day. I always wonder how different things would be if she wasn’t pregnant.” Of course, I’ll miss Jennifer and Nicole, but mostly Chris. I should tell my parents about him.

  “Last time we were here visiting, you said you hadn’t found a church to attend. We need to change that next semester, Laila. There isn’t any reason you shouldn’t be in the Lord’s house.”

  “Yes ma’am. I know. I do need to find a church.”

  “You have no problem finding shuttles to the parties. I’m sure you can find a shuttle to the church.” Oh Lord, she’s on her soapbox.

  My father glares at my mother, interrupting her rant. “We aren’t even home yet and you are already starting in on Laila. Let’s give her a break and find out how school is going. Laila, tell us about your classes.”

  Thank God for my daddy. “Thanks, dad.” I laugh. “My classes were interesting. Much different from high school, as I’m sure you can probably remember. I did okay throughout the semester, but I need to do better studying for finals next semester.”

  My mother turns to me with a gaping look, but before she can speak, my father responds. “You’ll get the hang of it soon. You just need to remember to focus on your goals. You are in school to get your degree, not to socialize.”

  “Yes sir. The last weeks of the semester were difficult. I was just ready for, and in need of, a break.” Staring out the window, I half listen to my mother as she describes Christmas plans.

  “And we’ll be having a few families from the church over for dinner this year. I’ll need your help baking.” Yes, I need to get those recipes memorized.

  “Sounds good, mom. I can help.”

  “I need to make a list of desserts that we will have. Definitely cookies, pound cake, and sweet potato pies.”

  I hear my phone vibrating, a text from Chris.

  Missing you already. Wish you could have stayed with me a few more days.

  Grinning at my phone, I reply.

  I miss you too. I’m in the car with my parents getting the third degree about not going to church. I’d much rather be with you.

  I look up from my phone and see my mom is staring at me, wide-eyed. “Laila, you seem excited. Who are you texting?”

  Guess it’s time to tel
l them about Chris. “Since you asked, I’m texting my boyfriend ... Chris.”

  Both my parents respond at the same time. “Boyfriend?”

  My mother elaborates. “This is the first we are hearing about a boyfriend.” She raises her voice. “When did all this happen and why are we just hearing about it?”

  “Actually, it just became official this week.” I smile confidently. “I’ve been talking to him for a while now. I didn’t want to tell you guys until I was sure he was going to be around.”

  My mother seems happy, surprisingly. “Give me all the details ...where is he from, what’s his major, how old is he, what does he look like.”

  “He’s a business major, planning to take over the family business one day. He’s cute-”

  My father clears his throat. “Laila, I don’t think you need a boyfriend right now. You just said you didn’t do well on your exams. Probably because you were too focused on this... Kyle character.”

  “Dad, his name is Chris.”


  Laughing, my mom says, “Honey, ignore your father. He still thinks you are a little girl. He should be happy you have moved on from Travis. Now give me more details.”

  I laugh at my mother’s persistence to find out about Chris. “He’s from Tennessee, he’s an Omega.”

  “He’s Greek? How old is he?”

  “Umm... He’s a senior.”

  My father sighs and my mother loses her enthusiasm. “A senior? Okay. And you are okay with dating a guy who will be graduating and leaving school soon?”

  “He’s a senior, but he will be at L.U. for an extra year. He’s going to get his master’s degree.”

  With an approving smile, my mom looks at me. “Ambitious. Laila, you know I’d rather you date someone your age. But this Chris sounds like a decent guy. Once I’ve had the chance to meet him I’ll let you know if I still approve.”

  “I agree, Laila. If you are going to get serious, I’d much rather you be with someone your age. But like your mother said, I am happy you are with someone who has goals … unlike Travis.” When will they stop bringing up Travis?


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