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Love 101: Box Set (Love 101 #1-4)

Page 39

by J. Nichole

  A slap at my ankle to hit a nipping mosquito brings me out of my daze. The trail is now clear of walkers and joggers. The sun has gone down and I should be leaving too.

  Before driving away from Lake Ella, I promise myself to be more forgiving to those I care about. I pick up my phone, and since leaving it in the car I’ve missed calls and a shit load of text messages. I scan through most until I see Evan’s name and words in all caps.


  I skip to the next messages from the roommates and then I see Chris’ name.

  Chris: Where are you?

  Chris: Is everything okay?

  Chris: If you don’t call me soon I’m going to send out an Amber Alert.

  The last one makes me smile and I click his name to call his number. “Hey, babe.” My attempt to sound chipper falls short, sounding like a faint whisper.

  “Laila, are you alright? Where are you?”

  “I’m fine. Leaving Lake Ella. Probably headed home.”

  The noise in the background seems distant and Chris continues, “Damn Laila. Something is wrong. You are horrible at lying.”

  A lump forms in my throat and I stay silent.

  “Laila? You there?”

  “Yeah, I’m here.” I lean my head against my headrest. Clenching my eyes closed I say, “Professor Douglas. He passed away.”

  “Shit. Babe, I’m sorry.” Chris releases a long sigh. “Stay where you are I’ll come get you.”

  Although I’d rather head home and climb under my covers the offer is tempting.

  “I’ll call you when I pull up.”


  Reaching for the radio knob I inch up the volume and try to drown out my emotions. My phone rings and I glance at the screen and sigh.

  “Hey, Evan.”

  Evan gasps. “Laila. Now that I know your phone is working you must be blatantly ignoring my messages and calls?”

  My lips part as a smile spreads across my face. “Not blatantly. I just needed time before I reached out to you.”

  “So you’ve heard?”

  The somberness returns and my smile fades. “Yeah. I have.”

  Evan begins a rant that I half ignore until he mentions an article. I knew he’d want me to write an article.

  I interrupt his rant, “Evan, I can’t.”

  He groans. “Laila, you are blatantly ignoring me.”

  “Wait. What?”

  “I wasn’t asking you to write an article.”

  “I’m sorry, Evan. My mind is all over the place. What were you saying?”

  “Understandable. I can’t believe he’s gone.” Evan begins another rant and before I tune him out, I interrupt, urging him to get to the point. “Right. The cops came to the department today looking for you. They had a few questions about the girls you interviewed. I guess since he has passed they need to wrap up the case.”

  “Thanks for the heads up.” My phone dings with an incoming call. Chris. “Text me the information for the officers and I’ll follow up.”

  “Will do.” I try to end the call but not before Evan asks if we can attend the memorial service together. I hadn’t decided yet if I’d be going. But having someone with me may make it easier.

  I click over in time for Chris to tell me he’s pulling up beside my car. I glance out the window and feel my mood lifting. I raise my hand and give him a slight wave. Neither of us hangs up and he says, “Your car or mine?”

  I open my car door and Chris climbs out of his car to help me out of mine. He locks up my car and we drive away. When we stop at the red light he speaks, "I'll bring one of your roommates back over to grab your car."

  I nod in agreement. “I knew Professor Douglas was sick. I checked in on him a few times before the news broke about the girls.” Chris continues driving but rubs my leg as I release my hurt. “The last time I was in his office…”

  “Laila, don’t blame yourself for how everything went down.”

  “But I should have visited him.”

  “Do you know when the funeral service is being held?” Parking in front of my apartment he grabs both my hands. “I’ll go with you.”

  “Thanks.” I look out the window. “Let’s go in.”

  Chris leans into my ear and says, “I know something that may make you feel a little better.”

  My heart begins to race and I raise an eyebrow at him. His hands are all over me as we walk into the apartment. Nicole is in the living room and Chris nudges me into my room. “I’ll be right back.” He grins and doesn’t take his eyes off of me as I walk into the room.

  I strip my clothes off and throw my hair up into a hair tie. I let the shower run while I rinse the tears from my face. Once the bathroom is steamy I climb into the shower. Before lathering up I let the water run down my back. I close my eyes and say a prayer for Professor Douglas’ family. Amen.

  The shower curtain opens and Chris is standing before me without any clothes. He gazes at me, not looking at my body but deep into my eyes. I reach for his hand and invite him into the shower with me. He turns me around and massages my shoulders. I drop my head and allow the tension to ease.

  After my body is relaxed Chris cleanses me but keeps his distance. The pain from the loss of Professor Douglas is replaced with a throbbing between my legs aching to be touched. I lean against Chris’ body. Instead of giving into my need he rinses the soap from my body and turns the water off.

  He grabs the towel from the rack and dries my body. Holding my hand he helps me out of the shower before he dries himself.

  I walk into my room and lie on my bed. Chris follows me but doesn't lie beside me. He kneels beside the bed and whispers, "You feeling alright?"

  I nod then stop and say, “No. I want you to touch me.”

  He looks up and snickers. “I’ve been touching you. You didn’t feel me?” He cocks his head and smiles.

  I open my legs and place my hand on my lady parts and say, “Here.”

  He catches my hand and moves it beside me. He runs a finger between my legs and my eyes close shut and I release a sigh. “Now I’m better.” Then he spreads my legs further apart and kisses me. My back arches as he begins to tug on my nipples as he nibbles on my clit.

  Before I can release, he disappears. I continue rubbing between my legs while I wait for him to return, hopefully, strapped with a condom.

  My hand doesn’t have the same appeal and although I know my hot spots my body calms until Chris climbs between my legs. He enters me and my body tenses. After a few strokes I’m panting and between strokes he rubs my clit causing me to moan, “Chris.”

  He kisses my neck and I explode. He climbs off of me and pulls me into his chest.

  “I love you, Chris. Thank you for being everything I need right now.”

  I look up at Chris and see his eyes are closed tight.

  As Chris promised, he was beside me at Professor Douglas’ memorial service. The Douglas family invited a few of the students back to the house after the service, but Chris had to go to class.

  Evan and I glance at each other before walking into their home. “Only a few minutes,” I whisper before the door opens.

  He nods his head as we are led into the house by a man who looks like Professor Douglas, but years younger. Professor Douglas never spoke of kids. I can only assume this man must be his nephew or younger brother.

  The house is filled with flowers, family members, and a few familiar faces from the Journalism department. I spot Professor King, and she smiles as she approaches me.

  “Laila, I’m glad you made it.” She looks around the room. “Mrs. Douglas wants to speak with you.”

  I look around the room in search of the woman whose picture I’d seen many times on Professor Douglas’ desk. Professor King whispers, “Maybe she’s in the kitchen.”

  Nodding my head, I walk towards the kitchen. There are a few women in the kitchen but I notice Mrs. Douglas leaning on the counter, alone.

  I touch her should
er, grabbing her attention. She looks at me without speaking and I introduce myself.

  Her eyes light up with recognition and she says, "Come, let's have a seat." Mrs. Douglas leads me to a table near the kitchen window. I sit across from her and admire her beauty. Her smooth skin makes her appear youthful. Her eyes, although downcast, are a shade of hazel that contrasts with her espresso skin tone.

  "Mrs. Douglas, I'm sorry for your loss." I glance away, then continue, "I'm so sorry I didn't come by sooner."

  Mrs. Douglas reaches for my hand. "Dear, this has been a difficult time for us all. For more reasons than one." A younger lady walks towards us but Mrs. Douglas shakes her head and she turns around. "Ray loved his students and he spoke highly of you." I smile to myself, realizing I didn't know Professor Douglas' first name before today.

  Mrs. Douglas' eyes glaze over and she continues. "Even after your article was published he convinced me you were doing what you had been taught." She wipes away a tear with the back of her hand. "I've always wanted to believe women when they have such accusations, but with Ray..." She pauses shaking her head.

  “Mrs. Douglas, we don’t have to speak about it. I understand.” Standing, I wrap my arms around her shoulders. In her ear, I whisper, “If you need anything please don’t hesitate to ask.”

  I find Evan in the living room sitting uncomfortably on the couch between two elderly ladies. When he sees me he hops up. “Please tell me you are ready to leave.”

  I grin and nod my head. On the drive back to my apartment Evan runs his mouth about the memorial service and his ideas for the paper for the next few weeks, but I listen without providing any input. The closure I was hoping for is further from reality after speaking with Mrs. Douglas.

  “Laila, can you cover the campaign? We at least want to interview the candidates for Mr. and Ms. L.U.”

  I turn away from Evan and say, “Sure. Send me the details.” I conceal my grin as I think about how I can incorporate Monica into the interview.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  With my bag almost full to the brim I throw in another bathing suit. Hopefully, the bag doesn't burst open. My phone rings while I sit on the bag in an attempt to zip it.

  "Hey, babe. Are you almost here?" Chris is coming by before I leave for spring break. Getting out of Tallahassee is exactly what I need. But I'll miss Chris. From the sound of his voice he'll miss me too.

  “I’m pulling up now. Can you come down?”

  Chris is standing outside of his car by the time I make it down the stairs. When I catch his gaze he looks down at his hands.

  I lean in for a hug but he doesn't reach for me. "You could have come up. I was just zipping up the suitcase."

  Chris shifts from side to side before he hunches his shoulders. With a long exhale he finally says, “I was thinking about my sophomore spring break and all the foolery I got into.”

  My eyebrows narrow and I wait for him to continue. “Miami is full of people living in the moment.” He stops and looks at me. “If I’d had a girlfriend that year I’m not sure I would have had as much fun as I did.”

  I shake my head as I realize where this conversation is going. “Chris, what are you trying to say?”

  He grabs my hand. “You should experience Miami without worrying about me.” I pull my hand away from him. “I’ll be leaving Tallahassee in a few months. Maybe we should take a break.”

  Tears begin to sting my eyes. I gasp for air as I try to understand what just happened. “Take a break?” I close my eyes, fighting back the tears, and when I open them again Chris is looking at his hands. I tell him, “I don’t need a break from you to enjoy Miami. And I thought we already talked about what will happen when you leave.”

  Chris finally looks up. He rubs his hands over his head and says, “Laila. I love you.”

  “But not enough to maintain a long distance relationship. So instead of trying, you want to cut your losses now.” The dam of tears breaks and I stare at him, daring him to see how he is hurting me.

  He pulls me into a hug and whispers in my ear, "I love you." Then with a kiss on my forehead he gets into his car and drives away. I watch until the car disappears beyond the parking lot. My eyes are blurred with tears and my legs shake as I try to make it up the steps.

  When I finally reach my room, I slam the door shut and collapse onto the floor.

  My door creaks open and I hear an audible gasp. “Laila.” Jennifer bends down beside me. “Are you okay?”

  My sobs drown out my response.

  “You have to calm down. I can’t understand you.”

  “Chris.” I manage to whisper between my cries. She pulls my shoulders from the ground and wraps her arms around me.

  “What happened?” She rubs my back, calming my nerves.

  “He just broke up with me.” I sniffle as I try to stop the tears from falling. “Just like that. It’s over.” My tears begin to flow again as I hear myself confirm the end of my relationship.

  “Broke up with you… Were you guys fighting? Wait. What?” Jennifer stumbles, and as she speaks I try to calm myself.

  Shaking my head I say, "No, we weren't fighting. His last words were actually, ‘I love you.'" My head begins to throb and I feel my lunch trying to come up. I bend on all fours to crawl to the bathroom but Jennifer pulls me up and walks beside me, gripping both of my arms.

  As she wipes a cold towel on my neck she says, "I wish he were an asshole so I could curse his existence right now." She pouts at me through the mirror. "Up until now, other than his crazy ass ex he hasn't done anything wrong."

  I slam my hand on the counter. “He wants me to enjoy spring break unattached.” I roll my eyes.

  A smile crosses Jennifer’s face before she looks away. “Well you know I’ve been trying to convince you for a while that we should be wild and free before settling down.”

  “That’s just it. I don’t need to be single to have fun. He has to come with something better than that.”

  “Where y’all heffas at?” Nicole calls through my bedroom door. “I thought we were trying to roll out by 1:30.”

  I look at Jennifer through half-lidded eyes. “I can’t. I don’t want to be a Debbie Downer.”

  Nicole walks into the bathroom. “Why would you be a Debbie Downer?”

  I look at her but can’t will myself to explain the breakup again. Jennifer shakes her head and says, “Chris just broke up with her.”

  Nicole pulls my shoulder, forcing me to face her. “What. The. Fuck.” Jennifer fills her in and by the end of the story, Nicole is saying, “If fun is what he wants you to have then the last thing you need to do is mope around. Get your shit let’s go.”

  I exhale and say, “You guys should get going.”

  Jennifer groans. "Laila, really? We can't just leave you here. And Tanya is meeting us tomorrow." Her eyes pleading she continues, "Nicole is right you can't just mope around all spring break."

  I fan them away with my hands. “I’ll be fine. I’ll just head home.”

  “I can’t believe this shit. This negro will be hearing from me.” Nicole stomps out of the bathroom, huffing and puffing like a child.

  Jennifer slumps her shoulders in defeat. “Are you positive?”

  With a smirk I say, “Yeah. I’m good. Have fun for me.”

  Before I can respond to the knock at the door, my mother walks into my room. I lift my head and mumble, “Hey.”

  “Two days in the bed is long enough.” She sprays air freshener in the air. “You are stinking up my house. Please get up and take a shower.”

  Sighing, I roll to the other side of the bed and avoid eye contact with my mom. “I’ll get up in a minute.”

  My mom sits at the end of my bed. “Just when I was starting to like Chris he goes and breaks your heart.” She pats my feet. “But it’s going to be okay, honey. Enjoy being single.” She sprays more air freshener.

  I cough at the overwhelming scent of fresh linen. "Okay, mom." Throwing the covers off, I climb out o
f bed. "I'm going to take a shower now."

  “You’ll feel much better once you do.” She smiles and leaves me rummaging through my suitcase.

  After my shower, I pull a halter dress over my head but don't bother to do much else. Had it not been for my bag being packed for spring break I would lounge around in sweatpants, but I just threw my spring break bag in the trunk and headed home to my parent's house.

  The past two days I’ve been holed up in my room, hardly even coming out to eat. I smell cinnamon coming from the kitchen that can only be from my mother’s heavenly French toast.

  “Ready to eat?” My mother looks over her shoulder, smiling as she places a thick slice of French bread into the skillet.

  "I am. No amount of heartbreak could keep me from your French toast, mom."

  “If that’s all it took I would have made it a couple of days ago.” Looking in the refrigerator she snickers. “But we are all out of orange juice.” Crinkling her nose, she asks, “You wouldn’t mind running out to the store now that you are up, would you?”

  Contemplating breakfast without orange juice, I’m in the car headed to the grocery store without even checking myself in the mirror.

  Strolling down the aisles, I stop to raid the candy. Chocolate always makes me feel better.

  “Laila? Is that you?” I turn to look up the aisle and see Josh standing there with a confused look on his face. “Ugh … what are you doing here?” Josh’s hazel eyes have typically made me warm and fuzzy, but today I’m not phased.

  I look down at my bag of Twix and say, “I was here for orange juice but decided I needed something sweet.” Looking at him, sharing his look of confusion, I say, “Why are you in Fort Walton?”

  “Exactly what I’m thinking. I dropped Tanya at the airport yesterday to meet you in Miami.”

  Explaining my sudden break up to Josh is the last thing I want to do. But I’ll have to convince him I didn’t just randomly ditch his sister. “Right. She’s there with my roommates. I had a last minute change in plans.”


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