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Love 101: Box Set (Love 101 #1-4)

Page 47

by J. Nichole

  Chapter Nine

  “Where have you been, chick?” Timmy leans against my cube and says, “We only have two more weeks of this wonderful internship left and you’ve been missing in action.”

  The past six weeks have been a whirlwind. The work itself has been fulfilling, and I believe I may get an offer. Not sure I'd want to return to Jacksonville. I'm still not sure where I want to be after graduation.

  Being unattached has been fascinating; the drama with the guys, not as much. I still hide from Isaiah when I see him around the office. Dante has been blowing my phone up since my night at his house. The one time I did answer he explained to me how the drama began. With his celebrity status growing, he gained a few haters in the city. They wanted to expose him, and nothing better to do that with than an underage sex scandal. I just happened to be caught up in the whirlwind. It didn't take long for me to vow to stay away from anyone in the spotlight.

  “Laila? Out of mind too?”

  “Sorry. I can’t believe we only have two weeks left in this internship.” Timmy’s face turns up and he flips his hair that has grown longer in the front since the start of the internship. “What’s that look for?”

  "I may miss you when this is over. Maybe I'll have to visit you at L.U." He stretches over the cubicle wall and looks up and down the hallway. "Back to my question. Where have you been? After you left Isaiah looking like a sick puppy I can only assume you've been hanging with someone else."

  "I hung out with Dante a few times. Then I went back home and hung out with an old friend." Seems strange to call Josh a friend. Our night in the hotel doesn't describe a typical friendship. Friends with benefits would be more appropriate. Although Josh would push for something more committed.

  “Wish I could have a steady flow of men.” He pouts his lips and crosses his arms. “I wish I could have a man in general. A flow would be generous.”

  "Any plans for getting work done today? Or are you done with your next assignment?"

  Timmy rolls his eyes at me and says, “I know when I’m not wanted. See you at lunch.”

  I laugh as Timmy walks away. Our next assignment isn’t our last but we’ve heard from a few employees that this is the assignment that will determine whether or not we get an offer to return. The assignment is an inspirational based on our volunteer event from the Hubbard House. We did a toiletry drive to collect items for their emergency shelter.

  The magazine won't publish all articles and the selected article will get the author high praise with the editor. We haven't been a competitive bunch throughout the internship and Timmy doesn't seem to be phased by the implications of not doing well. I, on the other hand, would love to rock the shit out of this article and have it published in What’s Happening Jacksonville.

  Just as the words begin to flow, a tap on my desk interrupts me. Looking up, I expect Timmy to be back to bother me, but I see Isaiah. He looks around my cubicle and I whisper, “Hello.”

  “I haven’t seen you in a while.” He smirks. “You wouldn’t be hiding from me. Would you?”

  “Why would I be doing anything like that?” I avoid eye contact with him. “Not like we used to date or anything.”

  Isaiah laughs. “I’m glad you still have a sense of humor.” He sits on my desk. “I didn’t come by to discuss our situation, but funny how that’s the first thing that spewed from my mouth.” He shrugs. “Forgive me?”

  “Sure.” I cock my eyebrow. “What did you want to talk about?”

  "There's an L.U. Alumni picnic this weekend. Although you aren't an alumni yet, I thought you'd want to check it out." He raises his hands in the air. "You know, in case you end up back in Jacksonville."

  “Thanks for the invite. Unfortunately, I can't make it this weekend. I’ll be back in Tallahassee.”

  “Wow. I didn't think that was possible.”

  I look at Isaiah with my eyebrows bunched. “Didn’t think it was possible for me to go back to Tallahassee?” I shake my head. “It’s not that long of a drive. Do you not go back to Tallahassee often?”

  “I do go back often enough. But I didn’t think it was possible to be turned down twice.” He rolls his eyes. “Wait. I didn’t get turned down twice. You were lured away from me the first time.” He grabs his heart. “Still hurts the same.”


  “No, but really. Before you leave for good we should do lunch. Dinner maybe.”

  Just when I successfully thwarted Dante and thought I could concentrate on Josh, Isaiah tries to sneak back into my life. I take a long breath. What the hell, I'm supposed to be unattached. "Sure. When I get back from Tallahassee let's make it happen."

  “Are you sure?” He looks at me sideways. “A third time would not be a charm in this situation.”

  “Yes. I’m sure. We’ll do dinner in fact. I totally miss being treated out to the best restaurants Jacksonville has to offer.”

  "I should leave before my confidence is destroyed." Isaiah walks away and waves his hand over his shoulder.

  “I’m home bitches!” Nicole bursts into the living room laughing. “I’m sure you have all missed me intensely this summer.” Jennifer, Monica, and I stare at Nicole stone-faced. “Damn. What’s up with the mood in here?” She throws her bags on the ground and plops next to Jennifer on the couch. Leaning over to hug her tight she whispers, “Has Monica convinced you both you have to practice being civilized in public.”

  Monica throws a pillow at Nicole and we all laugh. "We were trying to see how long it would take you to feel awkward in a quiet room." Monica laughs. "We heard you coming up the stairs."

  Nicole sits back further on the couch. "Guess I didn't last long."

  “Okay drama queen.” Jennifer wraps her arms around Nicole. “Welcome back.”

  Monica and I wriggle ourselves between Nicole and Jennifer. Being here with my roommates reminds me how much I’ve missed these girls. “I’m glad you guys are here. Even if it is only for the weekend,” Jennifer says with a wide grin on her face.

  "She's only saying that because I've been driving her insane with my to-do lists." Monica pushes herself off the couch. "I think my hips have widened over the summer." She looks at Jennifer and says, "I'm pretty sure diet and exercise planning is on one of your to-do lists."

  Jennifer groans. “Nicole looks like she wants to inherit the rest of my lists.” She jabs Nicole in the side. “Right, Nicole?” I started on my list for Monica, and I finished the majority of the list when I realized being friends with the future junior class president is for the birds.

  Nicole sits up on the couch and says, “Can’t we catch up first? I mean before Monica monopolizes our time for the greater good of the junior class?”

  I rummage through the kitchen cabinets in search of snacks to eat while we share the exciting happenings of the summer. Much to my surprise, I don't find much. "What have you two been surviving off of the past few weeks?" I hold up a half-eaten bag of Cheetos and a box of fruit snacks. "When's the last time you went to the store?"

  Monica moans and before she can respond Jennifer says, “I’m sure that was on a list somewhere too.”

  “Guess it’s Cheetos and fruit snacks for now.” I bring the snacks to the living room and say, “Who wants to share first?”

  Jennifer speaks up first. “Well, since my summer has been uneventful I’ll go first.” She lays her head back against the couch. “Where should I start? Home was boring beyond measure. My friends who were home were all working. I should have gotten a job.” She laughs. “I just can’t win. Boredom and to-do lists have defined my summer.”

  Nicole smirks. “When are you ever not bored though?” She lies across Jennifer’s lap. “Me next.”

  “I might as well go next.” Monica interrupts Nicole before she can start spilling her sexcapades. “My summer hasn’t been much more exciting.” Monica’s phone rings and she answers. After listening, she excuses herself.

  “Guess it’s my turn,” Nicole whisper-shouts.

  Monica squeals out, “Wait for me.”

  Nicole sighs and says, "Anything for you madam president." Nicole rolls her eyes and says, "Is our junior year going to be like this?"

  Monica sits back on the couch. “No, it’s going to be our best year yet. My summer has been filled with classes and prepping for next year.” She shrugs her shoulders. “Who is next?”

  “You two have junior and senior year to do better. I thought I was rubbing off on you.” Nicole smiles. “I know you all think I’ve been working my way through a few more guys, but I haven’t.” We all sigh. “And no, I don’t have a love interest.” She shakes her head. “Well, one of the two of those statements is true. I’ve had a few guys on my roster.”

  "What else have you done this summer, Nicole?" I lean on my arm and wait for her to give us something new. We are all used to her being wild and free.

  Nicole pauses and then says, “It seemed like a good summer. Men always excite me.”

  Jennifer grunts. “Really? What are we going to do with you when you are out in the world alone?”

  “Fine. Laila, you’re up. Tell us about your whimsical summer as an intern.” Nicole grabs the bag of Cheetos and acts like she’s ready to listen intently.

  “I channeled you this summer in my quest to remain single.” Now that I’m telling my story I feel bad for calling Nicole out about having a summer filled with sexcapades. “I conquered my internship like a boss.” I wink at Monica. “I’m still waiting to know if I'll be invited back next summer.”

  Nicole stops me. “Wait. I need to know more about the dudes this summer.” She smiles wide. “Especially since you say you were channeling me.”

  Monica and Jennifer both agree. “Isaiah came back around after ditching me for being in an Internet scandal.” I laugh at myself. “Dante and I shared a passionate kiss, but I can’t do the celebrity thing.”

  “Can’t do the celebrity thing?” Nicole smacks her lips. “That wasn’t channeling me at all. If it were me I’d be all over him.”

  “The kiss happened the night before I went home to visit Josh.” I slump my shoulders. “Since that weekend, I couldn’t handle both of them. Ignoring Dante seemed like the best option.”

  “Guess you still have more to learn.” Nicole stands up. With her hands on her hips she says, “I’ll put together a game plan to teach you ladies how to embrace your spirit animal.”

  Jennifer ignores Nicole and looks at me intently. “Are you still single?”

  “I am. Being single isn’t too bad after all. But I pass on being wild, and free like Nicole. Free… but not wild.” Nicole looks at me concerned. “It’s just too stressful juggling multiple dudes.”

  “I’ll add that to the agenda. ‘How to juggle more than one guy.’”

  “I don’t know about y’all but I’m over these snacks. Who wants to go out for dinner?” Monica stands up, collecting the snacks. “I should probably get back to eating decent meals.”

  While I freshen up, my phone rings. “Hello?”

  "Hey, Laila." I almost drop the phone and even feel like throwing it.

  “Chris?” It’s been months since the last time we spoke. And our last conversation involved him telling me he loves me but that he didn’t want to be with me anymore; some bullshit about enjoying my college years.

  “Are you busy?” Going to dinner with my roommates constitutes being busy as much as I want to stay on the phone and hear him out. I just can’t.

  “Actually, I am. Maybe try to catch me later tonight.” Chris takes a deep breath and before he responds, I hang up. I sit on the bed and fight the tears that are pleading to assault my face. When Monica walks in the room, the smile on her face causes me to crack.

  "Laila, what's wrong? What just happened?"

  Wiping the tears as they fall one by one I say, "Chris just called."

  Her eyes bulge and she takes a seat beside me on my bed. "What did he say? You haven't talked to him since the breakup, right?"

  She rattles off a few more questions that make me laugh. "I miss you youngin'." She curses under her breath. "It's okay. I was about as shocked as you are. I am not crying because I'm sad." She looks at me with her eyebrows raised. I point to my face. "These are angry tears. Feel like punching a wall tears."

  "Because it took him this long to call you?" She gazes at me with understanding.

  "I was finally at a point where I was okay. Moving on, even. Now he has the audacity to call me as if he has the right to do so."

  Nicole and Jennifer walk into the room and announce they are ready to leave. When I make eye contact with Nicole she says, "Is Monica in here putting you to work? We told her we have this weekend free. Then we'll start her laundry list of tasks next week."

  Jennifer slaps Nicole's arm. "Laila's crying. What happened?" Nicole looks at me as if she just realizes the tears glistening from my cheeks.

  "Chris just called." Monica rubs my leg. "But Laila is strong. Fuck him, let's go eat."

  Nicole shakes her head. "Did he explain himself?" I shake my head. "You should hear him out."

  I do want to hear him out. I do feel he owes me closure. "That can wait. Let's go eat."

  Chapter Ten

  "It's been a pleasure having you all here at What's Happening Jacksonville for this summer internship program. Each year we strive to bring in the brightest, most capable, and creative group of students." Lisa makes sure to look each of us in the eyes. "For eight weeks our goal is to impart to you the skills needed to become a great journalist, and I can proudly say that any company should be happy to have any of you."

  We have yet to hear about our fate here at the magazine and the suspense is killing me. Timmy, on the other hand, is sitting calm, cool, and collected after his inspirational article not only made it in the magazine but has also been featured in a few newspapers around the city. His perspective on the gay community made my eyes water. More importantly, it made me want to be more active in the community.

  “Our farewell dinner will be at Copeland's tomorrow. Bring your appetites!" Lisa dismisses us back to work, but Hailey interrupts our departure.

  "Lisa, what will we be doing on our last day tomorrow?" Timmy starts mumbling under his breath but I can't make out what he's saying.

  "Excellent question, Hailey. Thanks for the reminder. When you return to your desks you'll have an email regarding your last day and the next steps. If you have any questions after reading that email feel free to find me."

  After Lisa walks out of the room I look at Timmy and ask him what he was mumbling under his breath. "I was saying she better not ask too many questions. I get hangry when I haven't eaten by noon." He looks at his watch. "And it's almost one o'clock."

  He walks out of the room and I follow him, trying to match his long stride. "And what's hangry?"

  He laughs over his shoulder and says, "Oh, Laila. It means I'm getting angry because I'm hungry."

  We sit down with all the interns during lunch and make promises to keep in touch. Timmy looks at me and says, "When can I come for a visit?"

  "You're welcome to visit whenever you like." I avoid eye contact with the rest of the group because the open invitation only applies to Timmy. I'll certainly friend them on Facebook, probably follow them on Twitter, but that's about as far as it goes unless we are all back here in Jacksonville in the future.

  When I make it back to my desk I log in to my email and scan my inbox for the email promised by Lisa. Before reading it, I close my eyes and say a prayer that it contains good news. I just know my dad would be overly excited if he knew I had an offer to return.

  The email starts out with details about our last day; how to return our press badges, intern activities, and final checks. Then it includes praise for my diverse and intentional perspective. As I continue reading I re-read the same line, being involved with an interviewee is never acceptable. I slide back from my computer and place my head on the desk. The situation with Dante was a mistake, and it shouldn't have happened. I
hate that it will plague me for longer than he'll remember my name.

  "You can make it. Only one more day then you'll be back at school where you can party all night, sleep most of the morning, and take mid-day naps." Isaiah is smiling down at me as I peep around my arm. "Are you okay?"

  Considering he is not a Dante fan, I don't want to rub it in his face that I am facing the repercussions of the Dante interview. "Yeah, I'm good." I rise and continue reading the rest of the email as Isaiah reminds me that he'll be taking me out to dinner tonight. "What time should I be ready?"

  Isaiah looks at me and says, "Let's go with seven." I agree to seven and he lingers.

  I look awkwardly between my computer and him. "Alright, I'll see you then."

  "I was hoping to hear the news before I left, but guess I'll wait until tonight." I nod my head and smile.

  After being chastised via email I can sense good news won't be found. But I'm surprised to see the words, 'We'll be glad to have you back next summer.' My anxiety fades, and instead, a wide grin spreads across my face. I open the instant messenger and send a message to Timmy, "I'll be here with you next summer!"

  Timmy doesn't respond but shows up at my cubicle a few minutes later. "Laila, congrats!" He slaps me a high five then chuckles as he gathers me in a hug from behind.

  "I was nervous. But I'm so relieved the Dante situation didn't get me caught up."

  Timmy looks at me with his eyebrows raised and says, "Especially since it was only a kiss with a little hand action." He pauses as if I'll confess anything different. "Right? Just a kiss?"

  "Timmy, the journalist in you is showing." I wag my finger at him. "It was nothing more than a kiss."

  He winks at me, "I was hoping I could break a story before I left." He turns to exit my cubicle and whispers, "After your dinner with Isaiah call me and we'll have dessert."

  I call after him, "How'd you know?" I can hear him chuckling down the hall.

  In our email we are given one last article to write before tomorrow. It will not be published, but instead, it will be archived with the internship department. We have to write an article about our experience here at the magazine. I reflect on the writing opportunities, events, and people I've met; I decide to focus my article on the lessons I learned. I highlight my experience while collaborating with Timmy, and the lowlight of the consequences of getting too close to an interviewee.


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