Book Read Free

Illegal Contact

Page 3

by Becky Harmon

  She started to jog but her bare feet rubbed the inside of her running shoes. She considered herself a runner but she had never been able to go without socks. Anxious to return to the duplex and get her plan together she ignored the blisters starting to form on the back of her heels. She took the four stairs leading up to the duplex in one leap but slammed to a stop when she turned the doorknob. It was locked and she didn’t have a key. She took a deep breath and then checked all of the normal key hiding places on the porch. Walking around the house, she found the only window open was on the second floor.

  The old-fashioned latticework lining the back of the house went right past the open window. Jamison shook her head and looked around to see which of the neighbors had a view of this location. She didn’t want to have to explain her actions to the police. She walked around the house again and shook the thin white wood. Unfortunately, this seemed to be her best option so she began to climb. When she reached the window, she wrapped an arm through the lattice so she could use both hands to remove the screen. It was a standard screen easy to remove from the inside but not so easy from the outside. Missing the knife she usually carried, she pushed the screen to one side and stuck her fingernails inside the edge. She growled as her fingernails were pulled backward but she became more determined with each tug. Finally the screen popped loose and fell to the ground. She swung one leg over the windowsill and pulled herself inside.

  She was standing in Shea’s bedroom. She turned all the way around taking in the room. Shea’s comforter was a light blue and green with a matching lamp and plush study chair in the corner. There was one picture on her dresser of Shea, Mel and their mother, standing on a beach with sparkling blue water behind them. Jamison stared into Shea’s dark eyes and then turned away with a sigh. Another time. Another place. And someone else’s sister, and she might be in luck.

  She ran downstairs and retrieved the broken screen. Putting it back in place, she closed and locked Shea’s window. She would have to replace it today but for now it would give the façade of being secure. She quickly showered and pulled on clean shorts and a T-shirt. Shea’s Windbreaker had been comfortable and it would help her blend in so she pulled it on over her shoulder holster. Digging through the kitchen drawers, she found a ring of keys and tried them all until she found one that fit the front door.

  She shoved the key in her pocket and jogged back to the classroom where she had left Shea. Students were pouring from the open door as she arrived so she leaned against the wall several doors down, hoping she looked more casual than she felt after her morning adventure. Shea spotted her as soon as she came into the hallway, gave her a smile and then walked in the opposite direction. Jamison followed her. Two buildings down and up a flight of stairs, Shea entered another identical classroom. Jamison waited until the professor began to talk and then she hurried to the security office. Carlton sat at his desk with a stack of paperwork in front of him.

  “Hey, how’s things going?” he greeted her.

  She raised her eyebrows, not really wanting to relay her morning to anyone. “I’ve had better days.” She smiled. “Can you get me a copy of Shea’s class schedule?”

  He chuckled. “Ducking out on you already?”

  “No one said she’d be cooperative.”

  “That’s for sure.” He picked up the phone and dialed. “Eleanor, can you email me a copy of Shea Carter’s class schedule?”

  Jamison looked at the pictures on his wall as he talked sweetly to the woman in the registrar’s office. There were several football pictures of The Hammer in action and a large aerial view of the Tallahassee Tigers football stadium.

  Carlton’s printer roared to life and he handed a single piece of paper to Jamison. “Here you go.”

  “Thanks. I really appreciate this.” She turned to go and then spun back to him. “Is there anywhere near campus that sells hardware supplies? Shea needs a new screen in her bedroom window.”

  Carlton raised his eyebrows and picked up his phone, punching in a number. “I can take care of that too. It’s a rental,” he said as he waited for someone to pick up on the other end. “Hey Johnny, I need a window screen replaced in the duplex on Macomb Street.”

  “Upstairs bedroom,” she added.

  “Yeah, yeah, the upstairs bedroom.” He paused and listened. “Great. Thanks, man.”

  “I really owe you now,” she said. “I need to run before Ms. Carter gets out of class, but I really appreciate your help.”

  “No problem at all. I’ll see you this afternoon at practice, right?”

  “Yep, I’ll see you there.”

  * * *

  Shea glanced across the faces waiting in the hall outside her class. There was no sign of Jamison and she felt a little disappointed.

  “Shea?” Mindi bumped her as they walked.

  “What?” Shea growled. She hated to be pushed and Mindi knew it.

  Mindi laughed. “I was asking if you wanted to hit the sub shop and you weren’t answering.”

  “Yeah, sure. That’s fine.” She searched the faces on the stairs as they exited the building. Maybe Jamison was waiting out here. Her gaze locked on Jamison still wearing her Windbreaker and leaning against a building pillar. Jamison was talking on the phone but their eyes met and she gave Shea a nod.

  “Why are you smiling?” Mindi frowned. “What’s with you today?”

  Mindi wasn’t much more than a superficial friend and though she might suspect Shea was a lesbian it wasn’t a conversation Shea would ever have with her. Telling her she was being tailed by a security agent was not on Shea’s agenda either. Or that she thought the security agent was hot. She smiled at Mindi. “Well, I don’t know…maybe I’m distracted by the biggest game of my life coming up.”

  “Oh right,” Mindi said apologetically.

  Shea felt a little guilty about making Mindi feel bad but it was partially true. She was more than a little anxious about the game this weekend but currently her focus was on the woman following her across campus.

  * * *

  Jamison left a voice mail message for TPD Officer Cannon asking her to meet with her tomorrow while Shea was in class. Then she dialed the Flagler office in Pensacola while she followed Shea away from campus.


  “Hey Todd. You’re just the man I needed.”

  “Wow. I bet you don’t get to say that often.”

  “Nice, buddy. That’s really nice.”

  Todd laughed. “What do you need, Krews?”

  “I need a couple outdoor surveillance cameras installed. Today preferably.”

  “Everyone always wants things now,” he grumbled. “What city are you in?”


  “Okay. I’ll let you know when they’re installed and send you the password to access the video.”

  She gave him the address as she watched Shea enter a sub shop on Gaines Street a few blocks from campus. She leaned against the wall outside the entrance with a clear view of Shea inside. Glancing at her watch, she dialed Mel’s cell phone.

  “Give me some good news, James,” Mel said, not bothering with a greeting.

  “Good news…well let’s see. She almost got the pizza boy shot last night, she snuck out this morning and I had to tail her in my pajamas.” She paused dramatically. “And then she locked me out of the house and I had to climb in her bedroom window.”

  Mel laughed. “Shit, James. You must be loving my little sister.”

  Jamison laughed with her. “It’s going fine so far. She’s not happy so we’re still working through a few things but she’s safe.” Jamison made eye contact with Shea through the restaurant window and their gazes held. “Seriously though, I’ve reviewed the file and hope to meet with the TPD officer tomorrow. Flagler is setting up some surveillance cameras around the house today.”

  “Thanks for the update. You have no idea how much it means to me that you’re there protecting her. It looks like Nikki and I’ll be back in the States for the game on
Saturday but I don’t have our schedule yet.”

  “Nikki, huh? Still holding on to that one?”

  Mel was silent for a second and Jamison thought they had lost connection. Her voice was soft when she finally spoke. “Oh yeah, I’m gonna be holding on to this one for a while.”

  “That sounds serious. I look forward to grabbing a beer with you and getting all the details.”

  “Sounds like a plan. Oh and I talked with Mrs. Bowden. Vince had already briefed her so she’s on board with your assignment. Call her if you need anything.”

  “Thanks. Hopefully I won’t need to.”

  “Yeah, I hope that too. Take care, James. Of you and my little sister.”

  “I will.” Jamison hit disconnect with her thumb.

  Chapter Four

  Jamison’s stomach growled as the smells from inside the small shop wafted through the open door. She kept her focus on her phone as Shea and her friend walked past, and then fell into step behind them. They parted when they reached the edge of campus and Shea turned north toward Tennessee Street. Jamison lengthened her stride to match Shea but said nothing as they walked side by side. Several times she noticed Shea glance at her as if she wanted to say something and Jamison waited, remaining silent.

  Finally as they approached the red brick building dominating the corner and stretching several floors above them, Shea stopped and turned toward her. “I was going to come back to the house at eleven after class.”

  Jamison said nothing and Shea began walking again.

  “I wasn’t trying to ditch you,” she continued, an edge of anger in her voice. “Are you just not talking or are you really that mad at me.”

  “I’m not mad.”


  Jamison looked at Shea and grinned. “Anymore.”

  Shea smiled back at her and Jamison enjoyed the glow it seemed to cast on her. She liked it when Shea smiled.

  “Well, I just wanted to apologize. I’m not used to checking in with someone.”

  “I understand but I can’t really keep you safe if I’m not with you.”

  Shea nodded and they walked the rest of the way in companionable silence. When they reached the building for Shea’s class she said, “I’ll go straight to the locker room after this class. Practice is at two.”

  “I’ll wait for you here.”

  Shea nodded and entered the red brick building.

  Jamison watched her disappear through the doors before turning toward the duplex. She had located an organic market on her phone earlier but needed her truck for the drive. She jogged lightly, trying to ignore the blisters that had formed on her feet. At the market, she grabbed ingredients for a few meals and then loaded the cart with fruits and vegetables.

  Back at the duplex, she quickly stored the food and returned to the campus. Again she was reminded that she needed to bandage her blisters tonight.

  She arrived on the steps as Shea emerged from the building. Shea was quiet as they walked toward the stadium and Jamison didn’t disrupt her concentration. For the moment, at least, they seemed cohesive and she relaxed as Shea shortened her steps to match hers. It almost felt like they were walking together. Jamison had always been considered tall for a female but Shea had more than a couple of inches on her. Each time Shea punched a crosswalk button, Jamison studied her hand. She couldn’t believe she hadn’t noticed before how large her hands were and the length of her fingers. An asset for football. Jamison had a sudden urge to thread her fingers with Shea’s and feel the strength in her hand. She pushed aside her rambling thoughts and concentrated on watching the people around her.

  There were no security measures during the week to keep people out of the stadium. She made a mental note to talk with Carlton about the positioning of the cameras in and around the stadium. In the locker room, she sat on a bench in the corner and tried to stay out of the way. She watched Shea switch to a moisture resistant T-shirt and her eyes roamed the muscles in her back until she pulled her shoulder pads, already covered in her practice jersey, over her head.

  She didn’t know much about preparation for a football practice or game but apparently today was a light day as Shea didn’t exchange her shorts for football pants and pads. She tied the laces on her cleats and moved toward the door. Jamison followed her. Shea turned, stopping inches from Jamison.

  Shea put her hand on the center of Jamison’s chest. An electrical shock charged through her system.

  “I am headed to the men’s locker room and you might not want to follow me.” Shea gave her a wink. “It can get really smelly in there.”

  Her chest burned where Shea’s hand rested. She stared into Shea’s face, enjoying the relaxed attitude and hint of flirting. She hadn’t seen this side of Shea before and if they weren’t about to join the entire Tallahassee Tigers football team she would bask in it. Instead she rolled her eyes, grasping Shea’s hand and dropping it from her chest. “I’ll take my chances.” She nodded to the door. “Lead the way.”

  “I always do.”

  She shook her head and followed Shea through the men’s locker room door, hanging back while Shea announced their presence. Shea took a seat facing the whiteboard and away from the men’s lockers where they were still dressing. Jamison remained near the door, shielded from the locker room by the coach’s office. She watched the guys joke with Shea as the chairs in front of the whiteboard slowly filled.

  At exactly two p.m., Coach Sutton stepped out of his office, directing a nod at Jamison as he walked to the front of the locker room. Dead silence filled the room as everyone waited for him to speak. He briefly praised the team for their win on Saturday and moved immediately on to the upcoming game. Time moved slowly as he drew play after play on the board, moving the x’s and o’s from one spot to another. After about an hour, another coach stepped forward, gave a short prayer and then sent the team to the field. Jamison waited until everyone had exited and then slowly made her way down the tunnel and onto the field. She had never attended a Tigers game but she felt the years of tradition surrounding her.

  She walked slowly into the sunlight-filled stadium and she could almost hear the roar of the crowd. She turned completely around looking at row after row of seating. How would she ever protect Shea during a game? She looked out across the field and saw Carlton Hammer sitting in the stands alone. She climbed the stairs and crossed to midfield, taking a seat beside him.

  She searched the field and located Shea before leaning back in her chair.

  Carlton’s focus was on the field as he watched the players run through drills. “They do the same thing every time they come onto the field. Same drills. Same stretches. On game days they come onto the field and they do these same exercises. It’s just another day for them. Coach Sutton has really molded them into a fine team.”

  She watched Shea pull out of a three-point stance and sprint twenty yards, her long legs carrying her past the teammates on either side of her. “Every game I’ve seen they appear so relaxed,” she said. “Even now you can’t tell by their behavior that they’re about to break a thirty-year losing streak. There’s none of the cockiness you normally see with winning teams.”

  “That’s Coach Sutton. He doesn’t tolerate the crap. They’re each here to do a job and that’s what he expects from them.” He leaned back in his seat and stretched out his legs. He looked at her with a devilish grin. “Except for your kitten.” His grin grew bigger and his teeth were almost fluorescent in the sunlight against his dark skin. “Coach babies her like she’s royalty.”

  Jamison laughed. “Kitten?”

  “We need a code word for her don’t we? You know like the President is the eagle.”

  “I know what you mean, Carlton, but you do know what she’d do if she heard us calling her kitten?”

  “How about cub then? Like a tiger cub.”

  Jamison laughed again. “Are you trying to piss her off?”

  Carlton laughed too. “I’ve seen her pretty angry a time or two. She can shoot
fire out of those dark eyes.”

  They both watched Shea take the snap from center, pivot and release a long spiral downfield to her receiver.

  Carlton shook his head. “But she sure can throw that ball. I was here the day she arrived as a walk-on.”

  Jamison glanced at him. This was a story she wanted to hear. “You were?”

  He nodded. “She was real quiet. Didn’t talk it up with the other players. She just waited her turn to perform and then she put on a show. Offensive coach back then didn’t want her to make the team but Coach Sutton could see the talent. After that I’d find her on the field every morning working out. When Coach Sutton finally asked her to step into a game and carry the team, I think I was as proud as her father would’ve been. She was good when she tried out but she’s really good now. If she was a boy, the recruiters would be all over her.”

  Jamison frowned. “But they aren’t?”

  “Oh they’ve been here, but mostly scouting the boys though. I don’t think anyone has shown an interest in her.” He shook his head. “Best arm in college football.”

  Jamison could see the confidence that had replaced the cockiness she remembered in the younger Shea. She strolled across the field like she owned it. There was no hesitation when she stepped behind the center and barked out the cadence to put the ball in motion. Silently they watched Shea take snap after snap and run each play like a maestro conducting her own orchestra. It was clear that Shea was the leader on the team and she had earned the respect of the other players. When the players headed back into the tunnel, Jamison was shocked that several hours had passed. She had been drawn into the beauty of Shea’s reign over the football field.

  Jamison stood and patted Carlton on the shoulder. “Thanks for the company.”

  “I’m here every day. I never miss a practice.”

  “Then I’ll see you tomorrow,” she called over her shoulder. At the stairs she turned back to him. “Cub, huh?”


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