Book Read Free

Illegal Contact

Page 15

by Becky Harmon

  Shea crossed the room dressed in jeans and a long sleeved T-shirt. “Coach keeps his office in arctic temperatures year round. He says he’s hot-blooded but I think he does it so no one will stay long.”

  “I remember that from the first day I was in there. I thought the cold was left from your exit.”

  Shea bumped her shoulder. “Nice one.”

  Together they walked down the hall. Returning to the administration portion of the stadium, she noticed Coach Sutton’s door standing open.

  “Good,” Shea said softly. “Some of the cold is escaping.”

  Jamison laughed. “How long do you think you’ll be here?”

  “Probably an hour or so.”

  “Okay. I’ll be back for you.” She tapped her pocket. “If anything changes call me though.”

  Shea gave her a slim smile and walked into the office.

  Jamison watched her until she took a seat on the leather sofa along with two other players, then turned to quickly cross the campus to the security office. The look Shea had given her before she left was piercing but there was something else in it. Something that made her feel warm inside and a little uncomfortable at the same time. She knew she was interested in pursuing more than a one-night stand with Shea but until now she hadn’t really been sure what Shea was thinking.

  Mel had told her during training that someone being protected could attach intimate feelings to their protector and she had even experienced such situations herself. However, remaining professional had been easy and had kept the situation clear. She had crossed too many lines to count with Shea and Mel was going to kill her. Mel! She hadn’t briefed Mel today. She might be ready to kill her on more than one count now. Jamison’s thoughts churned as she tried to think about how she would tell Mel how she felt about her sister. She climbed the steps to the security office thankful to find the meeting already in progress. There would be plenty of time later to think of the talk she needed to have with Mel.

  Jamison followed the sound of voices coming from the rear of the building. She was surprised to see such a large number of people crammed inside the office. She leaned against the wall inside the door and Carlton gave her a nod. She counted over fifty men and women squished into every available chair and leaning against the walls. Several people glanced curiously at her but their attention remained on Carlton.

  “If you have any question whatever about their intentions, detain them. Do I make myself clear?” He looked around the room at the nodding heads. “Shifts will run the same as they normally do for game weekends. Double coverage starting at midnight. Any questions?” When no one responded, Carlton gestured toward Jamison.

  “This is Flagler Security Agent Jamison Krews. She’s responsible for the personal safety of Shea Carter. She and her team will also be on site tomorrow starting at nine a.m. If you have any issues concerning Ms. Carter please take them directly to her. She’ll have a radio and will be monitoring our frequency.” He stepped aside motioning to the podium. “Jamison.”

  She looked around the room as she approached the podium. She needed these officers to feel the responsibility of campus safety on their shoulders as normal. She didn’t want them to think they were being replaced by all the extra officers that would be in attendance.

  She spoke as loud as she could, keeping her voice clear and firm, “Please don’t forget that this is your turf to protect. You know how things are supposed to work. We aren’t asking you to do anything different than you would during a regular game. There’ll be a lot of uniforms and plainclothes officers and agents milling through the crowds. They’re here to back you up and to keep issues from distracting you from your job. If someone is causing you a problem pull in an unassigned officer or agent so you can return to your specific duties. Does anyone have anything to add? Something we might have missed.”

  A hand rose from the back row and Jamison was thankful she remembered his name. “Yes, Jeremy.”

  He blushed slightly from being identified by name but stepped forward. “What about the press? Are they still going to be allowed in the same areas?”

  “Good question. Chief?” Jamison stepped aside to let Carlton answer the question.

  “Yes, they’ll be allowed in the same areas. However, we’re doing a more in-depth background check on all of them. We asked the media earlier this week to submit projected reporters’ names they planned to have onsite so all of the checks will be done by tomorrow morning. The officers working the press gate will hand out new press passes to the individuals that have been cleared. Old passes will no longer work so anyone that shows up with one that has not been cleared on the new list won’t get in.”

  “They no longer have free run,” Jamison added. “They’re only allowed in their designated area. If you catch them in a restricted area or trying to access a restricted area, immediately call for backup and we’ll detain them. There’s going to be a lot of plainclothes officers hanging around so don’t be afraid to use them.”

  “How will we identify the plainclothes officers?” a female voice called out.

  Jamison looked at Carlton.

  “All law enforcement passes will have a special fluorescent yellow TU lanyard.”

  “And don’t be afraid to make them show identification even if they have a yellow lanyard,” Jamison added. “Any more questions?”

  When no one stepped forward, Carlton addressed them again. “Day shift go home. Get some sleep and come back fresh. It’s going to be a long day tomorrow.”

  Carlton joined her as the officers filed out of the building.

  “I think that went well, Chief,” Jamison said as they watched the last of the stragglers leave the office.

  “Yes, but I’m still worried about tomorrow.”

  Jamison raised her eyebrows.

  “My staff of sixty-five officers handles about forty thousand students and that number can double on a normal game day. This is not a normal game day. Then we add to that number with another fifty armed officers and agents.”

  Jamison nodded. “I see what you’re saying but I think you need to look at the upside. We have a plan and if everyone follows it we should be in good shape. Flagler officers will mingle with fans and walk the edges of the seating area. TPD will split their time but mostly they’ll remain in the areas where you already have officers. With TPD there your officers can focus on their tasks and TPD can handle any problem cases. If a Flagler officer needs backup for an arrest, they’ll have to call TPD or one of your officers.”

  “I’ll have thirty officers assigned to specific posts and the rest will be roaming too.”

  Jamison thought for a second. “I think I’ll assign sectors so they don’t all bunch up.”

  “There are four wings. It might be easier to assign a team to each wing and not break it down any further.”

  Jamison glanced at her watch. She needed to get back to Shea. “I like that idea. I’m going to need copies of the map of the stadium. Can I get them now?”

  “Sure.” Carlton led the way back into his office and pulled open a filing cabinet drawer. “We keep these on hand year round for contractors.” He handed her a stack.

  “Great. I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Jamison jogged back across campus watching the crowds of people milling around. She could see that a lot happened on campus the night before a big game. Along with some motor homes, there were cars parked everywhere. She was more than a little pleased to find the stadium doors secured and the halls inside empty. Coach Sutton’s door stood open and she slowed her pace as she approached. His deep voice came through the opening but Jamison couldn’t identify any specific words. She paused in the doorway when she saw Shea, alone on the couch, with her head in her hands.

  Coach Sutton met her eyes and motioned her inside. “Come in, Jamison. I was just giving Shea a pep talk.”

  She glanced at Shea who looked up with tears in her eyes.

  “That’s some pep talk, Co
ach,” Jamison said hesitantly.

  Shea smiled up at her. “Coach has a way with words.” She stood and joined Jamison at the door.

  “Ready?” Jamison asked. Shea nodded. She wasn’t sure what she had walked in on but she knew how important Shea was to him and not only as a star quarterback. “Good luck tomorrow, Coach.”

  “Thank you, Jamison.”

  As they stepped out of his office, she noticed Shea’s unaccustomed empty hands. “Do you need anything before we head home?”

  “Nope. I’m ready to reduce myself to a vegetative state.”

  Jamison smiled. Shea deserved a long break and she would get one after football season. They walked to her truck with little conversation and were headed toward her apartment when she finally asked. “Do you want to talk about why you were upset when I walked in back there?”

  Shea shrugged. “Coach was just reminding me how far I’ve come since he met me.” She paused before continuing. “And that the outcome of tomorrow’s game doesn’t matter,” she said with a slight quiver in her voice.

  She didn’t need Shea to elaborate any further on the pep talk. Clearly Coach Sutton had reminded her how proud he was of her. The impact of this possibly being Shea’s final game of her college career hit Jamison. They should do something special tonight. She glanced at Shea, remembering her elevated temperature earlier. “Hey, how are you feeling?”

  “I’m fine. Why?”

  “I was thinking we should do something special tonight but then I remembered you were running a fever earlier.”

  “Oh. I told you that was only a lack of sleep. I felt better after my nap and I feel fine now.” She glanced at Jamison. “I’m a little drained, though. What did you have in mind?”

  “Did you eat with the team?”

  “Not really. I had one slice. Too many men and too little pizza.”

  “Good. What’s your favorite food? And don’t say pizza.”

  Shea smiled. “Well, it is pizza but a homemade lasagna with pepperoni and lots of cheese ranks near the top too.”

  “Would you settle for a mediocre restaurant version? There’s a little place beside the grocery store on Magnolia Street.”

  “I know where you mean. Can we get fried ravioli too?”

  Jamison shook her head in resignation. “Pasta is good carbs for tomorrow but you can’t resist adding something fried, can you? You probably will want to drink wine too?”

  Shea laughed. “I better skip the wine or I might fall asleep during dinner but ask me again tomorrow night.”

  Jamison dialed the restaurant and placed the order. A few minutes later, she parked illegally in front of the small plaza. She hurried into the restaurant, quickly paid the tab and stepped back outside to wait for their dinner. She was surprised to see Heather’s car parked behind hers. Heather was dressed in matching black cargo pants and shirt with black boots. Her blond shoulder-length hair was pulled back in a ponytail and even in the dim light from the parking lot Jamison could see the excitement in her blue eyes.

  “It’s illegal to park here,” Heather said with a grin as she approached.

  “And you needed to park illegally to tell me that.” Jamison returned her smile as she watched Heather lean against the side of her truck. Shea was watching the two of them, and Jamison opened her door so Shea could be included in the conversation.

  “I was headed to your place when I saw your truck.”

  “What’s up?” Jamison asked.

  “I’m meeting Sheldon in about ten minutes and we’re headed to the compound.”

  Jamison nodded and glanced at Shea to see if she had heard.

  Heather continued. “We decided not to take any backup. Too much firepower might give the wrong impression. Sheldon alerted the Atlanta FBI office in case we need them, though.”

  Shea leaned farther across the seat. “It’s going to take more than four hours to get there. They’re gonna be asleep.”

  “Right. We’re going to do a little surveillance until everyone wakes up in the morning and then we’ll ask sweetly for them to send Georgie out.”

  Jamison nodded. “Keep us posted, okay?”

  “And be careful,” Shea called.

  Heather returned to her car as the server from inside the restaurant brought out Jamison’s order. Jamison climbed into the truck and handed Shea the carryout bag. Shea immediately dug into the bag and found the ravioli. Pulling a piece out with her fingers, she broke it in half and blew on it until it cooled enough to eat. She stuffed half into her mouth and reached across the cab waving the other half in front of Jamison’s nose as she drove. She opened her mouth and Shea slid the piece inside. She felt an immediate spark as Shea let her fingers linger on her lips. Her body went from relaxed and comfortable to on fire in less than a second.

  “Wow,” Shea said softly, pulling her hand away from Jamison’s face. “I suddenly have a craving that food won’t satisfy.”

  Jamison chuckled. “Me too, but I’ve already decided to sleep on the couch tonight.”

  “Who said anything about sleeping,” Shea mumbled.

  Jamison was surprised that Shea didn’t object more to her suggested sleeping arrangements. It certainly wasn’t what she wanted but she needed to do what was best for Shea. Tomorrow’s game was too important and she had tampered enough with Shea’s normal routine.

  She parked and stepped around the truck to open Shea’s door. She kept Shea close as they walked into the lobby and boarded the elevator. When they entered the apartment, Shea immediately began arranging the food. She dished pasta from the carryout containers onto plates, sharing both dinners between the two of them. Pouring salad into small bowls, she set them on the table along with dressing.

  Jamison watched her move around the apartment as if she belonged. She couldn’t help smiling when Shea finished and turned to find her watching.

  “What?” Shea asked.

  “I like that you seem at home here.”

  Shea shrugged. “I feel at home here.” She put a finger to Jamison’s chest. “But I’m going to need some clothes soon.”

  Jamison laughed, pulling her close. Holding Shea in her arms felt natural. Like they were made for each other. She wasn’t sure how long the embrace lasted but the groan of her stomach reminded her about the food waiting on the table. She kissed Shea lightly on the lips, savoring the taste of Shea and fried ravioli. The fire she had felt earlier raced through her again and she pushed it aside. There would be plenty of time to show Shea how she felt about her after the game.

  “Let’s eat before it gets cold.”

  She glanced at Shea several times during dinner, noting the lines were back around Shea’s eyes. She hoped they were caused by tiredness and game stress rather than her situation with the militia. Though Heather and Sheldon were not far from her mind, she enjoyed the quiet time with Shea. As usual the silence was comforting so she waited until they were almost finished with their meal to lift her glass of water. “It’s not wine but can I make a toast anyway?”

  “Of course.” Shea raised an eyebrow as she lifted her glass.

  “To the Tigers and a wonderful season with an amazing quarterback.”

  Shea smiled. “And to winning a National Championship.”

  She stared into Shea’s eyes, searching the depth of the darkness. “And to your future.”

  “To our future.”

  Jamison had never wanted anything as much as she wanted Shea at that moment. Throwing aside all of her talk about no touching and sleeping in separate rooms, she walked around the table and pulled Shea to her feet. She tucked a stray hair behind Shea’s ear and played with the curls at the base of her neck. Her desire was reflected in Shea’s eyes. She pulled her close and kissed her. As they deepened the kiss, Shea tried to maneuver them toward the living room but Jamison held her ground.

  She wanted to give in to Shea’s demands but in the back of her mind she knew it wasn’t the right time. The last week had been an emotional roller coaster for
both of them and tonight Shea needed to rest. As much as it pained her to, she broke the kiss and rested her forehead against Shea’s shoulder. When her breathing slowly returned to normal and she could feel Shea’s slowing as well, she stepped away and began clearing the table.

  She could see Shea wanted to say something but instead she began helping Jamison with the dishes. Standing side by side at the sink, she bumped Shea with her hip.

  “Are you upset with me?”

  Shea stretched the silence until Jamison glanced at her and then she smiled. “Not at all. It’s clear how you feel about me. I’m touched that you care so much about me getting enough rest.”

  Jamison dried the last plate and placed it back in the cabinet, turning to lean on the counter. “Once all of this is over we can explore us.” She grimaced. “I guess it’s a little late to say that after last night but you know what I mean, right?”

  “You’re concerned I have Stockholm syndrome.”

  Jamison laughed. “I haven’t exactly held you captive.”

  “So you say.” Shea laughed and walked toward the living room.

  “Should we go to bed?” Jamison asked as she followed her.

  Shea pushed her onto the couch and lay down on top of her. “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Jamison pulled the remote from under her body and flipped on the television. “Game footage it is, then.”

  Shea laughed and rolled over, snuggling her back into Jamison. She finally gave up the remote as Shea guided them through each play, stopping, starting and rewinding.

  Jamison’s phone vibrated in her pocket. “Shit,” she said. “I totally forgot about your sister.” She quickly disengaged from Shea and moved into the kitchen.


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