Book Read Free

Illegal Contact

Page 17

by Becky Harmon

  Shea laughed. “No, I’m fine. You walked in on a conversation we hadn’t finished yet.”

  Lynnette raised her eyebrows.

  “Wait a minute.” Shea narrowed her eyes at Lynnette. “Did you know Hammer was calling me cub?”

  Lynnette’s laughter exploded and it took her some moments to regain her composure. “I didn’t know before this morning.” Seeing the look on Shea’s face she shook her head and said vehemently, “I swear I didn’t.”

  “Well, she did.”

  Jamison could see Shea nod in her direction but kept her focus on the map in her hands.

  “Talk to Carlton,” Jamison said under her breath.

  “Oh, I plan to.” Shea smiled despite the tone of voice. “And neither of you should warn him that I know.” She swung her legs onto the table and Lynnette began wrapping an ankle.

  Finally Lynnette finished and gave Shea a pat on her leg. “Good luck.” She gathered her supplies and Jamison pulled the door open for her.

  Jamison glanced up and down the hall, seeing that the media had arrived and were eager for a glimpse of Shea.

  “Everything okay out here?” she asked Jeremy.

  “Yes, ma’am…I mean Jamison.”

  She smiled at him and ducked back inside. Shea, wearing only a black sports bra, had pulled on her padded spandex shorts and was bent over stepping into her shiny black game pants. Jamison leaned against the wall watching as the softness she had felt hours ago transformed into the hard lines of a game-driven veteran. Her back to Jamison, she lifted each foot onto the bench and tied her cleats. Sitting on the floor with her shoulder pads between her legs, Shea pulled her black and teal game jersey over the hard plastic. Then she pushed the shoulder pads aside and lay back again with her feet and legs elevated on the bench.

  Time passed quickly as Jamison stared at the game jersey with Carter stenciled across the back. How many times had she watched this woman on television as she led her team up and down the field? And now here she sat. Jamison swallowed the lump forming in her throat as the magnitude of the day overtook her. She watched Shea’s relaxed breathing and allowed the rhythm to steady her too. Shea was prepared for today and Jamison knew it was up to her to make sure nothing off the field influenced Shea’s performance.

  A knock at the door brought Jamison to her feet.

  “It’s time,” Jeremy said.

  “I’ll be right out, Jeremy. Just give me a minute,” Shea said in a voice Jamison wasn’t sure she recognized.

  Shea pulled a gel pack from her locker and squeezed the contents into her mouth. Jamison watched her as she lifted the shoulder pads above her head and slid them on. She shifted around pulling her rib protector into place, glancing up at Jamison with an evil grin.

  “Think you can stop drooling long enough to help me?”

  Jamison couldn’t help smiling back. “Maybe.” She stepped closer to her. “How can I help?”

  Shea lifted up her jersey and showed Jamison how to secure the pads. Shea grasped the neck of the pads and pulled down, holding it in position. “Tighten it now.” She held her breath until all the straps were secured. Breathing deeply, she picked up her helmet and headed for the door.

  Jamison was captivated by her appearance. With her height, Shea was already an imposing figure but now she looked like a warrior heading into battle. Jamison shook her head to clear the fog of the beauty in front of her.

  “Shea, wait.”

  Shea turned and smiled at her. “I gotta go.” She tapped her wrist where a watch would be. “Team meeting.”

  “Right.” Jamison nodded. “Just let me check the hallway first.”

  She stepped in front of Shea and pulled open the door. Softly over her shoulder she said, “You really are breathtaking.”

  She heard Shea’s laugh as they entered the hall. Jeremy jumped ahead of them and held the door open. Flashbulbs exploded and voices hurled questions at Shea as they took the couple of steps to reach the men’s locker room. Jamison stepped aside, letting Shea enter first and then followed her inside quickly closing the door on the noise.

  She looked at Jeremy. “Is it always like this?”

  Jeremy beamed with pride. “Pretty much. Like you said earlier…” He motioned at Shea as she joined her teammates seated around the whiteboard. “Superstar.”

  Coach Sutton only had a few words of encouragement for them and then they all stood, bowing their heads. Jamison watched as each player reached out to touch another player or coach. When they were all connected, she heard a soft voice from inside the huddle begin to pray. As a child she had been forced to attend church each Sunday and it was a chore she always wanted to escape. This prayer was nothing like Jamison had ever experienced. A feeling of peace quickly engulfed her as she felt Jeremy’s hand touch her shoulder, connecting her to the team. Jamison bowed her head and said her own silent prayer that everyone in attendance today, players and fans, would all be safe from harm.

  Jamison lifted her head and met Shea’s eyes. She crossed the room in two strides with Jeremy at her heels as they joined Shea for the walk through the tunnel. Though they had done this every day for the last week, today felt different. The electricity coursing through the players was different too. There was still joking and some pushing and shoving but there was a seriousness to them all as well. At the edge of the tunnel, the players in front stopped and waited for Shea to join them. She pulled her helmet over her head and her teammates followed her as they jogged onto the field.

  Jamison rubbed the goose bumps on her arms as she listened to the roar of the crowd. She watched Shea stop in the middle of the field and be engulfed by her team. Jamison could see her leaning in to whisper to each player as she passed back through them before they separated into lines to begin their warm-up exercises.

  She followed Jeremy as they joined the coaches and athletic trainers on the sidelines. The roar of the crowd was so loud Jamison could no longer distinguish the voices in her earpieces. She stepped closer to Jeremy as she pulled out the earpiece connected to the TU radio and let it dangle across her shoulder.

  “Remove the earpiece I gave you, Jeremy. Focus only on TU security.” She motioned to her dangling cord. “I’ve got Flagler. Let me know if there’s anything going on.”

  Jeremy did as she asked. They stood silently watching the pregame festivities, their attention focused on scanning the area around the field that could pose an immediate threat to Shea’s safety. The crowd was loud and boisterous. Jamison did her best to blend in with the activity on the sidelines though she did unzip her Windbreaker for better access to her pistol.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Shea’s concentration was completely focused on the game. The threat to her own safety was at the back of her mind now as she walked onto the field for the traditional coin toss. She always picked heads. Her logic was sound as heads was always on top. When the coin fell the Tigers’ way, Shea quickly motioned they would kick off now and receive in the second half.

  As she left the field to the roar of the crowd, she quickly located Jamison on the sideline. She wished she could go to her or even stand near her, but she needed to be ready when the ball was put in her hands. She stopped at the line of coaches and they immediately surrounded her going over the first plays she would run. The kickoff, with the wind to their backs, carried the ball through the opposite end zone for a touchback.

  Shea watched the Tigers defense take the field with confidence and within minutes she was watching special teams fair catch a punt on the twenty-yard line. She jogged onto the field blocking out the roar of the crowd. Her fingers tingled with anticipation to touch the football and she pulled them into a fist and then opened them several times. Placing her hands on the shoulders of her offensive line, she stepped into the huddle and called a pass play designed to give her multiple options. She’d have three receivers down field and a running back beside her.

  Shea touched Josh’s back as she stepped behind him in the formation and began c
alling the cadence. At the impact of the ball in her hands, she spun right, faking a handoff to her running back as her eyes scanned the field. Adrenaline coursed through her and she zeroed in on Jared, a wide receiver. He had a step on his defender and any minute he would cut toward the open hole in the middle of the field. Trusting her receiver to be in the correct spot by the time the ball got there, she pulled back and threw a perfect spiral into the hole. Jared stretched his entire body pulling the ball tight against him as he turned toward the goal line. He managed to gain another ten yards before the Jacksonville defense stopped him but the Tigers were across the fifty-yard line.

  Her insides screaming with celebration, she slapped Jared hard on top of his helmet as he entered the huddle. She called basically the same play again. Her receivers ran different patterns but the play allowed her to decide where to put the ball. As she dropped back from center, she could see the right side of her offensive line caving in so she swung left searching the field and pulling the defense toward her. Across the field, Andy, another wide receiver, cut back toward her a second before his defensive counterpart made the cut as well. Shea arched the ball high, clearing the bodies at midfield. She didn’t like the risk of throwing across the players but Andy had made a beautiful cut and he deserved the ball. Andy made the catch at the ten-yard line as the defense slammed him hard to the ground.

  Shea wanted to throw again but knew she had to put it on the ground this time. She looked at her five-foot-nine running back and smiled confidently as she called the play. She quickly passed the ball to Darren and continued her rollout as if to make another pass. She spun back toward the mass in front of her in time to see Darren cross the goal line. This time she allowed herself to celebrate. Jumping up and down, she joined her teammates in their mass exodus off the field. The extra point was good and the Tigers were up by seven.

  Shea took a seat on the bench bombarded with water and towels. She pulled her helmet from her head and wiped her face. She searched the crowd around her for Jamison. A touch of panic had started to set in when she felt a soft hand on the back of her neck. She knew Jamison’s touch and she let her body relax against Jamison’s thighs. She knew the cameras were probably on her but she didn’t care. She needed to know Jamison was close and touching her made everything right, allowing her to turn her attention back to the game.

  * * *

  Jamison stood behind Shea with her arms folded across her chest. She was awestruck at Shea’s performance. Shea was unbelievable on the field. She had tried not to scream and act as crazy as the rest of the folks on the sideline but couldn’t stop herself. The Tigers had moved the ball down the field like there wasn’t another team out there. Shea had made it all look easy. She knew it wouldn’t continue that way as the game progressed but she took a few minutes to bask.

  The Tigers continued to roll over Jacksonville and the crowd seemed to get louder with each play both on offense and defense. Jamison’s ears throbbed with the noise and she often had to press her earpiece tighter into her ear to hear conversations. According to Jeremy, TPD had made four arrests already and had another five people in custody for suspicious behavior. An FBI drug dog had hit on two people trying to enter the stadium and they were being detained and interrogated. Jamison’s Flagler crew had been fairly quiet.

  At halftime, Jamison gave Liam a welcoming nod as he approached and motioned for him to join them as they followed Shea and the Tigers into the tunnel. Away from the roar of the crowd, Jamison asked, “What’s going on?”

  “I thought maybe you could use some extra eyes today. I didn’t think I’d be able to make it but I called Chief Hammer this morning and he left me a pass at the gate.”

  “That’s great. We appreciate the help. It’s been fairly quiet for us.”

  Shea motioned for Jamison to take the lead. “Can we go? I need to get back in here quickly.”

  Jamison pulled open the door and checked the hallway before leading the way across the hall and into the women’s locker room. Shea danced impatiently as she waited for Jamison to quickly clear the room and allow her access. Placing her helmet on the bench, Shea disappeared into a bathroom stall. A few seconds later she came out holding her pants closed with one hand.

  “Can you tie this and buckle my belt?”

  Jamison laughed. “Of course. Come here.” She pulled the laces tight and tied them, tucking the ends inside Shea’s pants and buckling the belt. “How did you manage all season?”

  “Usually Lynnette follows me. I guess she figured I wouldn’t need her today.” She winked at Jamison and leaned in giving her a quick kiss.

  “Hey knock that off, superstar. People are waiting for you.” Jamison smiled at her. “You were awesome out there. You make it look effortless.”

  “I wish it were that easy. The last couple of plays they were really closing in on me. I’m not sure if my line is just getting tired or if they’re reading our plays.”

  Jamison opened the door and stepped aside, allowing Shea to follow Jeremy back to the men’s locker room. She and Liam brought up the rear. They all stepped inside the chaos of the room and Shea went straight to the table filled with fresh fruit. She grabbed several pieces and then chose a chair in the front row. Jamison, Liam and Jeremy leaned against the wall and listened to Coach Sutton map out the second half of the game.

  As she had been all week, Jamison was again impressed with the attitude and camaraderie of the team. There was no showboating or trash talking. Everyone was zeroed in on the fundamentals of the game and what was required of them to go on to win. Jamison watched Shea’s reactions to what Coach Sutton had to say and then watched the rest of the team follow Shea’s lead. The dynamics were amazing. Shea led by example on and off the field. There was a kind of bond among the team that only developed over time. She had seen military units work the same way. The strong connection holding the team together and allowing them to move as one. Each member focused on performing their portion of the task at hand.

  The team stood, reaching toward the center where Shea now stood. Jamison couldn’t hear what she said but her eyes moved around the group focusing on each player. Several heads nodded in agreement with what Shea was saying. Shea broke the huddle with a loud war chant that was made louder as the rest of the team joined in.

  Jamison and her team followed Shea through the tunnel, hanging back a bit as Shea joked with her teammates. As the team ran through a few warm-ups for the second half, Jamison was surprised to see Heather and Sheldon standing behind the Tigers’ bench. They had changed into jeans and T-shirts. Their shirts were tucked behind the badges fastened to the front of their jeans and they looked like twins. Each stood with an open stance, their arms folded across their chests. Jamison tapped Jeremy and Liam and the three headed over to them.

  As Jamison approached her eyes flicked between the two trying to get a read on the situation. They both looked tired but their eyes were clear. Heather waited until they were close enough to be heard. “We picked McGomery up a little while ago. He checked out his storage unit and house before heading to the stadium.”

  “He didn’t like the police tape we decorated with?” Jamison asked and then made introductions.

  Sheldon shook her head. “He was a bit upset with it all.”

  “Didn’t like that we had his mother in custody either,” Heather added. “Which worked in our favor. We agreed to let her go if he gave us the details of what was being planned for today.”

  Jamison felt her pulse race. “And?”

  “The militia or whoever is running this show was smart enough not to tell Georgie anything.”

  “And you believe him?” Liam asked.

  Sheldon and Heather both nodded.

  “Todd tapped into their vehicle communication system and we were able to listen to their conversation during most of the drive. They didn’t know what else to do, that’s why they were headed to the stadium. They gave up the name of the guy they were supposed to meet and Todd’s running facial recogni
tion on the footage recorded by stadium cameras today.” Sheldon pulled up a picture on her phone and showed it to Jamison.

  Liam leaned over Jamison’s shoulder for a better view. “The name?” he asked.

  “Robert Sullivan,” Heather provided.

  “Krews!” The voice came through Jamison’s earpiece and she held her hand up for everyone to stop talking.

  “I’m here, Tinnes.”

  “I might have something. I’m following a vendor wearing a backpack. He was moving at a quick pace until he saw me and then he started a duck and run. We’re on level two inside Gate G.” His voice grew more excited as he talked. “He just entered the bathroom.”

  “Hold your position, Tinnes. Wait for backup.” She glanced at Liam and then to Shea. Shea had her helmet on ready to take the ball after the kickoff.

  “Go.” Liam had heard the conversation in his headset as well. “Go, Krews,” he said again when Jamison hesitated. “Jeremy and I got her covered.”

  Jamison looked toward the tunnel and then up to level two. Running to the wall behind the Tigers bench, she planted her foot about halfway up and pushed, grabbing the bar blocking the fans from the field. She swung herself over the metal bars and headed toward the ramp leading into the vendor area. With the voices of the agents responding to Tinnes’s call and the roar of the crowd she couldn’t hear the footsteps of Heather and Sheldon but could feel their presence behind her. As they neared Gate G, Jamison slowed to a fast walk and quickly briefed them before turning her attention back to the Flagler agents.

  “Tinnes, set a perimeter and push the fans back,” Jamison yelled into her microphone as she ran the last several feet.

  Tinnes and another agent were attempting to keep the crowd away from the bathroom entrance. Jamison quickly realized they needed a uniform and she grabbed the TU radio at her belt. “Flagler agents have cornered a suspicious individual inside the bathroom at Gate G and we need assistance for crowd control.”


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