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Camden's Redemption

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by L. P. Dover

  * * * *

  Camden’s Redemption

  A Gloves Off Novel

  Copyright © 2015 by L.P. Dover

  Cover design by Regina Wamba of Mae I Design

  Photo taken by Golden Czermak at FuriousFotog

  Cover model: Travis Tardiff

  Editing by Victoria Rae Schmitz, Crimson Tide Editorial

  Formatting by JT Formatting

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products, bands, and/or restaurants referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

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  Title Page

  Note from the Author

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Chapter Forty


  About the Author

  Other Titles by LP Dover:

  Other Extraordinary Authors

  Preview of Here with Me by Heidi McLaughlin

  I JUST WANT to thank everyone who has given my fighters a chance. Camden has definitely been one of the hardest to write. If you’ve read the other books I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. I hope you enjoy his journey from the dark side to the light. All of my fighters are very special to me and I’m happy to be able to share them with you. It wouldn’t be possible without your love and support. For that, I will always be grateful. Thank you from the very bottom of my heart and soul. You all rock!

  IF I HATED my life before, it was nothing compared to the past four months. North Carolina was my new home, but it never felt like it. How could it? I was forced to hide and live a life of solitude. There were several times I wanted to put a bullet in my head. Just end it. The waves were the only thing keeping me sane.

  Gabby’s brother, Matt Reynolds, owned a three story beach house on the coast. He told Mason I could stay there. After I betrayed Scar and helped the police take down the Dark Side, I knew he would have his people hunt me down. They were searching for me even now. I wasn’t afraid of them, but Mason threatened to take away my chances of ever getting back into the UFC if I didn’t. I threw it away that night I didn’t show up for the title fight. I wanted it all back. As soon as I didn’t have to run anymore, I was going to join the UFC again. I was nothing without the fight.

  “Knock, knock,” Gabby announced, opening the door and peeking her head in.

  “Up here,” I shouted, staring out the window. My bags were all packed, but I was waiting on her to give me the package Mason sent. It was time to switch places again. Off to a new city. I had no clue where he was sending me next.

  “You know, you should really lock the doors,” she lectured, storming up the steps. “You’re basically inviting trouble into your house.”

  I looked at her over my shoulder and at Paxton who walked up behind her. They were both dressed for a day at the beach. Why couldn’t my life be simple like that? “Speaking of trouble, look who just walked in.”

  “You got that right,” Paxton agreed, smacking her on the ass. “How’s it going, Jameson?”

  I snorted. “It fucking sucks. The waves are small and I haven’t gotten laid in months. Everyone around here’s ancient as shit. I think they’ve gotten more action than me.”

  Chuckling, Paxton slapped me on the shoulder and took a seat on the couch. “Why do you think Mason sent you out here? It wasn’t so you could get laid.”

  “Yeah, but would it hurt to have something decent to look at other than saggy ass tits?” It’s not like it’d matter anyway. Every decent woman I’d come across looked at me like I was a worthless dirtbag. The scar on my face repulsed them. When I glanced at Gabby, her face softened, pissing me off even more. Pity was the one thing I’d come to despise. I saw enough of it every fucking day.

  “Maybe things will be different when you move,” she said softly.

  “Save it, Gabby. Nothing’s going to change. I’m a fucking monster. I don’t know why I can’t just go back to California and end this. It’s not like anyone would miss me anyway.”

  Gabriella slammed the envelope to my chest. “That’s not true,” she hissed. “I would miss you and so would your brother. You need to stop feeling sorry for yourself.”

  I didn’t feel sorry for myself; I was disgusted. I hated what I’d become.

  “So where am I going now?” I asked.

  Her eyes brightened. “You, my friend, are heading to Charlotte. I’m sure you’ll get your fill of perky tits when you get there. But remember, you’re Cameron James now, not a former bad ass UFC fighter. Keep a low profile.”

  I’d already been warned from Mason. Keep to yourself and don’t get involved with others, especially women. Fuck, the only thing I’d have to work on is not scaring people off with my goddamn mutilated face.

  “I get it Gabby. I don’t need a reminder.” I opened the envelope and pulled out the letter and a key.

  Folding up the letter, I grabbed my phone and headed for the door.

  Gabby raced after me. “Where are you going? I thought we could hang tonight.”

  “Can’t,” I shouted, slamming the door in her face. “There’s somewhere I need to be.” And it didn’t involve spending the night watching these two together. It was a cruel reminder of what I’d never have.

  When I got outside, I dialed Mason’s number and impatiently waited for him to pick up. “Cam, what’s up?” he said, answering the phone.

  “Ready to get the fuck out of here. What are the updates you mentioned?”

  “I s
ee Gabby and Pax made it there okay.”


  He sighed. “I talked to Scar the other day. He’s not letting up on his hunt for you. He said he knew where you were. Of course, he wouldn’t tell me the location, but something about the way he said it bothered me. I would call his bluff, but I don’t want to take any chances. I’m doing everything I can to find out who’s involved. These fuckers are hard to trace.”

  How the hell was Scar finding me? I jumped in my Jeep—the car Mason suggested I drive instead of my sports car—and slammed the door, desperate to be anywhere but there. “Why don’t I just come back home and get this over with? I’m so goddamned sick of running.”

  “Because,” he thundered. “The people in your life are people I care about. And I know you don’t want your niece and nephew used as pawns. We’re getting close to figuring this out. Just give me a little bit more time.”

  I huffed. “All right, but I’m not running forever.” We hung up the phone and I started the car. I had one night left and it wasn’t going to be spent cowering in the shadows. If Scar’s people found me, I’d be ready. I wasn’t going to go down without a fight.

  “WHY HELLO, MASON,” I answered my phone. As soon as I’d watched Camden get in his car, I knew it would ring.

  “Are you all set for the move?”

  I glanced at the floor at my packed bags. “Yep, ready to go. I guess my babysitting duties are still in effect.” The beach would’ve been a nice vacation if I didn’t have to hold hands with a certain fighter. Actually, I hadn’t even been close enough to hold his hand, thank God. It was my job to watch over him and make sure he stayed out of trouble.

  “I thought you wanted this assignment? You’re not only qualified, but I seem to recall you needing this time away.”

  I snorted. “You know I’m qualified, you trained me. But why Charlotte? You’re taking me right back to my problems.”

  “I know you don’t want to go back, but it’s a must. With everything going on, I want to make sure you have protection as well. I know you’ll have that with your brother by your side. I’m half tempted to take you off this mission.”

  “I’m as capable as anyone to keep idiot fighter boy safe,” I growled. My brother was probably the one pushing for Mason to take me off the case. If so, I was going to have a chat with him as soon as I got home. He was none too happy when Mason agreed to let me on.

  Sighing, I opened the front door of my hideout across the street from Camden’s and marched to my car. “This is all I have keeping me sane right now, Mason. You know I need this.”

  “I know you do and that’s exactly what I told Jason. Blake wanted you off this mission too. But running away isn’t going to bring your sister back. You need to go home and move on.”

  Fuck moving on, and fuck Blake. I wasn’t going to listen to a damn thing my ex said. “She was my sister, Mason. My best friend. I’ll never forget watching her slip away. It’s something that’ll haunt me for the rest of my life.” Tears blurred my vision, and I angrily swiped them away. I had to catch up to Camden so I started my car and headed down the road. “I have to go. He’s on the move.”

  “All right, B. Just be careful.”

  “I always am.” I knew where Camden was going to be and I couldn’t wait to get there. I needed a drink . . . or twelve. It was just a shame I couldn’t get wasted on the job; it would be nice to escape.

  Dressed in a pair of really short shorts and a tank top, I was actually overdressed compared to the clientele of the seedy bar Camden liked to inhabit every Friday night. Not to mention, I had a shit ton of makeup on my face, making me look like a two dollar hooker. It was the only way I could get backstage to the action. Camden might tell people his life here on the beach was boring, but it wasn’t true. Knowing tonight was his last one here, I could only assume he wanted to leave with a bang.

  The bar was only two miles away from the rental house and when I pulled up, the parking lot was packed. Camden’s red Jeep Wrangler was right up front like always, as if he was royalty. Locking my car, I pulled out my license and had it ready to show the bouncer at the door. The guy recognized me and smiled, winking at me as I walked past.

  “You gonna let me buy you a drink tonight, baby?” he called in a husky, southern drawl.

  I turned around and giggled even though I wanted to gag. “I’ll think about it, sugar.” Hurrying past, I found Camden by the bar and decided to stick to the shadows, taking a seat at a corner table. It was sticky and I dreaded putting my hand down.

  The back room was where all the action took place. Camden always drank a shot of whiskey before venturing back there. VIP’s were allowed entrance and the only reason I’d garnered admission was because I had caught the eye of Hank, the bouncer. I wasn’t looking forward to our shared drink later on this evening, but I owed him.

  After about an hour of sitting in the shadows, trying not to draw the attention of unwanted guests, the bar owner went up to Camden and whispered in his ear. Camden nodded and followed him until they disappeared around the corner.

  “You gonna be my date tonight?” Hank sidled up, sitting down beside me.

  If he brushed his grimy teeth, combed his greasy hair, and lost the beer gut, he might not look so bad. Well, that, and he desperately needed to take a shower and do some laundry. The odor coming from his pit stained T-shirt was putrid.

  “By being your date, do you mean watching the fight tonight?” I countered. I usually watched the fights from the back of the room, but with Hank by my side I might actually be able to watch up close. He put his arm around my shoulders and I cringed. I had to hold my breath to keep from gagging. My shoulder was going to smell now, I just knew it.

  “If that’s what you want. It’s gonna be a good one tonight.”

  “Oh yeah, how’s that?” I asked, feigning interest.

  He nodded toward the back hallway and got to his feet. “The fight’s between ol’ Ivan and Big John. I have a lot ridin’ on John boy. You ready?”

  Eyes wide, I stared at Hank as he helped me out of my seat. Ivan was the name Camden went by at the bar, but Big John? He was burly and huge, probably in his early forties. He outweighed Camden by a hundred pounds or more. I’d watched him take down every single man who tried to fight him, and he definitely didn’t fight by any set of rules. He was the one everyone wanted to fight, but feared.

  We started toward the door leading into the darkened hallway. “Whose idea was it for them to fight?” I held my breath so when he spoke, I wouldn’t have to smell the rotten combination of stale cigarettes and halitosis.

  “Not too sure. Either way, it’s gonna be one hell of a fight.”

  Camden must want to leave the island in style. I had no doubt it was his doing. The door to the back room was old and falling off its hinges. If it wasn’t for the shouts of laughter and lights coming through the cracks in the door, it’d almost look like something you’d see in a horror movie.

  Once inside, Hank pulled me to the front where Camden sat in the ring, wrapping his hands. His head was down in concentration, but I’d watched him long enough to know he was hiding. For years, I’d watched him fight, being the cocky bastard that he was, but now he was damaged he wasn’t like that anymore. It was almost as if he was ashamed of his appearance.

  “I wonder how he got that scar on his face,” Hank mentioned. Keeping my eyes on Camden, I already knew how he got it. It was hard to feel sorry for him after knowing all the things he’d done, especially to his brother.

  “I’d assume in a fight.”

  “I know one thing. His ass is going to get murdered tonight.”

  My attention never swayed from Camden, even when Big John walked through the room and entered the ring. A sly smirk tilted up the corner of his lips but he never looked up. “I wouldn’t count on that,” I mumbled.

  The people went wild, running toward the ropes with money in their hands. The only thing I gambled on was pool. I was pretty good at it. I never gambled
on things I had no control over. Big John circled around the ring, keeping his stony gaze on his target, who didn’t give him the time of day. As soon as Camden finished wrapping his hands, he stood and cracked his neck to both sides. The owner of the bar, a short, rotund man named Phil, waltzed into the center of the ring with his hands raised in the air.

  “All right, everyone, calm the fuck down.” As soon as he said it, the crowd hushed. Lowering his hands, he continued, “Tonight we have a special treat. I think you’ve all been waiting for Ivan and Big John to clash. Am I right?”

  “Yes,” they all screamed.

  “Well, I’m here to give you what you want.” Phil backed out of the ring and acknowledged both fighters. “There are no rules tonight, my friends. Make it good.”

  As soon as he was far enough away, Big John lunged and rammed straight into the wall after Camden dodged. His face turned red and he growled, barreling toward him again. This time, Camden moved and side-punched the lug in the nose. I heard a crack right before it gushed with blood and splattered all over the floor. John might be a big guy, but he wasn’t as fast as Camden. However, it was going to take a lot more than a broken nose to take that brick wall down.

  Trying to take him to the floor, Camden lunged for Big John’s midsection and wrapped his arms around his waist. The force knocked him back, but it didn’t take him down. John took the opportunity and rammed his fists into Camden’s ribs, over and over. With there being no rules, it didn’t surprise me when Cam pulled his fist back and punched John straight in the balls. Not just once, but twice. Big John fell to the floor with a loud thud and doubled over, shouting obscenities the whole way down.

  I thought Camden would go in for the kill, but he stepped back to catch his breath. Judging by the wince on his face and the way he held his side, I’d say he might’ve cracked some ribs. But once John got to his feet, he went on the strike, his fists knocking the big guy’s head from one side to the other. It was over. Big John had enough and fell to the floor, arms sprawled out to the sides.


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