Tell Me Now_Show and Tell Duet_Book 1
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“I promise you. I know you didn’t want me involved, and you wanted to do something for yourself. Trust me, okay?”
“Okay. Fine. Do you think it’s weird, though? The interview went horribly. I was ten minutes late because of traffic.” Our apartment is in Oak Park, but the commute to Chicago isn’t too bad. It’s a two bedroom with lots of space and located in a safe area. Hopefully, we’ll move to downtown Chicago in a few months. I groan when I think about the interview I had to get this job. “And I knocked papers off his desk.” Major embarrassment. I didn’t think they’d call me as soon as they did.
Kaylee waves me off. “Who cares? Obviously, they don’t, so you shouldn’t worry.” She laughs. “But in all seriousness, you’re so smart. You made an impression during your interview, or they wouldn’t have hired you. Believe in yourself!”
Once we’re on the sales floor, Kaylee and I head over to our supervisor, Glenn. He smiles brightly gives us a pep talk, making sure we know to always smile and never ever give our clients attitude. Even if we’re busy with someone else, we need to ensure we treat everyone in our area well.
“Okay, team. Go make me proud!”
Before I’m able to follow Kaylee, Glenn pulls me aside. “Is everything okay?” I question, wondering if I have already done something wrong.
“Yes, yes. Of course. I don’t normally do this to new employees, but you impressed me with your assessment. I love your ideas and your vision, so that’s why you’ve been assigned as Bryce Hunter’s personal stylist. Mr. Hunter spends a lot of money here, so we treat him with extra love and care. You’ll be going to his place of work to meet with him, and you’ll be at his disposal. I will warn you; if he hates you, then I will have to let you go. So please … impress him with your vision.”
Holy. Fuck. What?
“Glenn, I really appreciate this, but are you sure you don’t want to give this client to Kaylee? She’s been working for you for three years, and she’s so much better at this than I am.”
Unlike me, Kaylee didn’t connect with the college vibe. Once she decided college wasn’t for her, she looked through the papers, social media, and even Googled businesses around the area until she landed this job and has loved it ever since.
He shakes his head. “No. You. I need you to please Mr. Hunter and always, always make sure he’s happy. Madison, when I tell you he spends a lot of money here, it’s an insane amount. Plus, he requested you. Personally.”
My eyes widen in shock. “Excuse me? How does he know me?” I point my finger at my chest.
“We made an announcement on the website welcoming you to our team.” Glenn sighs and rolls his eyes. “Do you not check the website?” He throws up his arms and adjusts his glasses. “Okay. Regardless. Whatever Mr. Hunter wants, Mr. Hunter gets. It’ll be your job to make it happen. If that man wants something absurd, I don’t care how far out there it is, you will make it happen. Say it with me. Make. It. Happen.”
I don’t say it with him.
“So he’s extremely rich, demanding, and a slightly pompous ass?” I try hard not sound sarcastic. Who does this man think he is to personally request me? I should feel honored and happy, but something about this whole thing isn’t sitting well with me.
“Very. He needs to always look his best, and when he needs to attend events, we ensure his date gets the same care as he does.”
He sounds like a diva. Great. An adult frat boy living off Daddy’s money. “Thank you for trusting me with Mr. Hunter’s account. Where should I go?”
Glenn gives me the address and keys to the company car. Mr. Hunter’s office is close but not within walking distance. I grab a few magazines, my portfolio, and my purse before heading out.
Jumping in the dark blue Acura, I replay Glenn’s instructions, well, his warning too, in my head. I’m not looking forward to this meeting at all. I avoid men like Bryce Hunter at all costs. He sounds like a pretentious ass. I mean, first, why can’t he come to the store like everyone else? I get that he spends a lot of money, but what about our other clients? From what Glenn said, it seems as though Mr. Hunter expects people to bow down to his feet. He’ll say jump, and we’re expected to respond with how high? Oh, no. Not this girl.
Chapter 4
I swipe the pass Glenn gave me to get into the garage for Hunter Continental Holdings. Finding a parking spot next to the elevator, I take it and pull down the visor. I reapply my gloss and fluff my hair a little before getting out and getting on the elevator to the twenty-second floor.
The ding alerts me of my arrival. The elevator door opens, and I walk out to find a tall and extremely scary looking man greeting me.
“Madison Smith?” His tone is gruff and tight.
I clear my throat and hide my flinch. “Yes.” I don’t phrase it as a question and keep my gaze on Big and Scary, who is wearing a very nice fitted black suit with a crisp white shirt and a black tie. Simple yet appealing. If Big and Scary looks like this, I wonder what Mr. Hunter looks like. I should’ve done a Google search on him instead of walking in blind.
I’m way out of my element, and there’s no way he’s going to want me. As soon as I get back, Glenn’s going to fire me, and I’ll have to beg my dad to use his connections to get me a job. Or worse, he’ll have to hire me to work for him.
For being twenty-two and a college graduate, I should be able to find a good job with my own connections. In life, we can only rely on one person, and that person is you.
The walk toward Mr. Hunter’s office gives me a chance to check out the décor. His office is contemporary with a blue and white color scheme. The abstract rugs boast different shades of blue, which give an alluring and welcoming feel. I wonder if Mr. Hunter gives off the same vibe.
People work quietly in their cubicles. Some look up and some ignore that big and scary man leading a woman somewhere. They probably think I’m their new employee or something.
When we reach the glass doors, he opens it for me, gesturing with his hand for me to enter. As soon as we’re inside, I hear the door close and see the windows tinting.
Ah. Interesting.
I don’t see anyone else in here and look at my tour guide.
“He’ll be here in a few minutes,” he rumbles, and I can’t tell if he’s annoyed or bored.
“Okay.” I keep my voice light and look around Mr. Hunter’s office. The design of this space is the same as the rest of the floor.
The sound of a door opening catches my attention. I look up and freeze. Locking eyes with the man who I can’t stop thinking about nearly pushes me down on my ass. His dark brown eyes are hypnotizing. Now that I’m sober, I can fully take him in. As my eyes devour him, our night of our sexcapades comes back to me, and I have to tighten my thighs to ignore the ache.
“Cal?” I didn’t mean for that to come out so loudly. I’m shocked, and I have no idea what to think. “Wait, you’re Bryce Hunter?”
“Sophia?” He looks at me genuinely confused, and then it turns to slight annoyance. “You left without leaving me your phone number.”
“I know.” I take him in, and wow, he’s gotten better looking since I saw him a few nights ago. “This is insane. I can’t work with you. I’ll have Glenn send someone else. Sorry for wasting your time.” I want to shove my foot in my mouth.
Wait. He wants my phone number?
“Are you going to tell me why you left without saying goodbye?”
Goose bumps rise on my arms, and suddenly, the room feels hot. My heart’s beating like crazy, and I’m pretty sure I’m not breathing. My eyes widen a little. I’m taking him in, and my jaw opens a little. This man is hot. No. Handsome. So handsome and beautiful. Seeing him again is causing my cheeks to warm and our night together is playing in my head.
He walks with confidence in his dark gray three-piece suit, crisp white shirt, and abstract gray tie. Silver cufflinks pin his cuffs in place, and a silver watch peeks from beneath, resting on his tanned wrist. I drag my gaze fr
om his wrist, taking in his trim waist and defined body again until I reach his face.
But he’s not looking at me either. He’s taking me in the way I took him in. The way he’s studying me sends prickles of heat through my body, and all I can do is wait for him to say something because my mouth goes instantly dry.
“Mr. Hunter, if there’s anything you need, I’ll be outside.”
I’m watching him put something down on his desk. He stands straighter, taller, and his dark eyes settle on me once again. The same feeling from our first encounter rushes over me.
When I got out of bed after I knew he was fast asleep, I immediately felt sore. The ache returned quickly, though, and I wanted more. Selfishly, I watched him sleep for a few minutes before leaving the hotel room. While I was in the elevator, I kept debating if I should’ve stayed.
Then when I woke up the next morning in my own bed, I still felt him. He was everywhere.
And now, he’s the one I’m supposed to help with clothes?
“I don’t like to wait for a response, Madison.”
No man has ever had this effect on me. It’s crazy! I’m literally speechless. There are no coherent thoughts going through my head. The heat in his office heightens, and I can’t take my eyes off him.
“Madison.” He pauses. “I won’t be using Sophia anymore, and you won’t use Cal. You’re Madison, and I’m Bryce,” he croons, and I’m pretty sure my panties are drenched. Bryce rounds his massive oak desk and slowly walks toward me. I’m praying my hands aren’t clammy because if we shake hands and he feels the sweat, then I’ll die. It’s so embarrassing how this perfect man is getting to me. There is no other word to describe Bryce Hunter.
His dark brown hair is styled nicely. The memory of grabbing his hair with my fingers and tugging tightly flashes in a slow pace.
No! Get that image out of your head.
It looks good on him, and his eyes are pulling me in. He exudes dominance in the way he walks and commands the room. Like a predator approaching their prey. I’m taking him all in, and I still can’t believe men who look like him exist in this world.
“Madison.” He says my name again. “I’m Bryce Hunter.” He extends his hand toward me, and I stand there not moving. His brow kinks, and he absolutely knows what he’s doing to me. “It’s nice to meet the real you.”
Taking a studying breath and keeping a firm stance, I say the only thing I can manage to say. “It was one night. Why would I leave you my phone number?”
His full lips quirk into a smirk. A very sexy, panty-dropping, how do you want me smirk. “You may think it was one night, sweet girl, but I don’t let things go so easily.”
I straighten my shoulders and keep a stoic expression. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
A flash of surprise covers his beautiful face, but he replaces the expression quickly, as if it never happened. “I like you better in dresses and skirts. The dress pants and blouse look very nice on you, but you’re too covered.”
I’m not sure what to make of what he just said. “Well, I’m not sure what you want me to say. I think we should get down to business. I have other appointments. You aren’t my only client.”
Shut up, Madison. Bryce Hunter is your one and only client, and you need to make him happy or bye, bye job and hello Dad’s company.
We face each other in a silent standoff. I try to lighten the mood and bring him back to why I’m here. “These are the latest fashion trends for a man of your status,” I explain while opening my folder to show him pictures from our catalogue.
“A man of my status?” he repeats with that damn smirk again.
“Have dinner with me. You owe me that much. I’d like to take you out. Seven this evening. I’ll pick you up.”
I scoff. “I owe you nothing, and no, we’re not going out to dinner.”
As if Bryce thinks I’m joking, he steps closer to me, reaches for my hand, and brings it to his tempting lips. His mouth is soft and warm against my trembling hand, causing my body to tense. Is this real freaking life? The speed of my pulse hits an all-time high, and I’m positive he can hear it. This is completely inappropriate. I have to snap out of this.
“If you won’t have dinner with me, then at least come sit down and we can talk. I’d like to get to know you.”
“Okay.” I steady my tone and wait until he moves before I do. “We’re only going to talk about clothes and fashion. I have a job to do, and I can’t mess this up.”
“I understand.” He winks. “Don’t be nervous around me,” he insists. My skin prickles with his commanding tone and stare. “In case you’ve forgotten, I’m very well aware of your body and how it responds.”
Like I can ever forget.
His hand is on the small of my back as we walk to the L-shaped leather couch and he guides me to sit down. Taking off his suit jacket, he lays it over the back of the couch, before joining me. I’m watching his movements, taking them all in and praying I don’t look like a hot mess peeping stalker. Leaning back, he stretches his arm across the back of the couch and pulls his leg up so that his ankle rests on his knee. The way his white shirt stretches across his chest and how the veins in his hands are popping out steal my attention. Memories of our night together hit me hard. Remembering his muscular forearms and biceps has me internally moaning. If there’s such a thing as arm porn, then Bryce Hunter is the star because his arms are … simply wow.
I’m back to being an idiot.
“Are you okay, Madison?”
I love how he says my name. “Yes, of course. Today’s my first day, and I didn’t expect to see you. If I can be honest, I didn’t think I’d see you again, and here you are. Here I am. We’re in your office about to discuss your wardrobe. You don’t think this is weird?”
“I like your honesty. I don’t think this is weird. You said in your note If it’s supposed to happen, then we’ll meet in the middle,” he says, pausing to stare at me, before continuing. “I want to know more about you,” he presses.
Bryce watches my face closely, and the veins in his neck pop. He brings his fingers to stroke his chin. His deeply tanned and smooth chin. Sweet Cheez-its.
“You’re thinking about that night with me.”
“I’m not thinking about that night.” Liar! “How do you know what I’m thinking?” I blurt out, and I want to stab my eye out. “And why did you request me? I’m confused as to how you knew about me.”
“I just do. I’m good at reading people. In my position, reading people helps me weed out the imposters, those who want to tear down my empire, and anyone who isn’t worth my time,” he explains, as one side of his mouth lifts into a sexy smirk. “So that’s how I know, Madison. The mention of that night is making you breathe heavier. Your lips are trembling a bit, and you aren’t making eye contact.”
“Can we please discuss what I’m here for? Glenn said he’d fire me if you aren’t happy with how I conduct this meeting.”
“Please, don’t worry about that. I know you’ll do a good job or else Glenn wouldn’t have sent you.” He points at the folder sticking out from my purse. “Can I see what you have in there?”
“Yes. Of course.” I reach for the folder, and then hand it to him. “These are some ideas I put together. Most are women’s fashion, but I do have a few men’s options in there.”
“Madison.” The way my name slips out from his mouth as his tongue darts out to wet his bottom lip makes me want to jump up and straddle this man’s toned body. I need this meeting to be over before I do or say something highly inappropriate. “These are great. I appreciate the way you complement the colors and they aren’t clashing.”
“Thank you. I like fashion. My philosophy is a man and woman should always take pride in what they’re wearing. It doesn’t matter where you buy your clothes if you know how to put your look together. You can make a fifty-d
ollar outfit look like you spent hundreds, if not thousands. Fashion is an allure. Something that brings people together.”
He’s staring at my lips, and I don’t know if I should keep talking or stop.
“Why do you need me here? And why do you demand that one stylist attends to you?” I feel my face heating. My pulse quickens as heat rises across my chest and covers my cheeks. Did those questions really just come out of my mouth? I should leave and head back to my apartment, pack my things, and move back to my dad’s house because there’s no way Glenn will keep me since I’m acting like this. Realization hits me, and I can’t believe I never thought of this before. “Wait. You saw my picture then called Glenn and told him you wanted me because we had slept together and you were hoping for more? Is that it?”
“And what if that’s the case? I heard a new stylist was starting, and I wanted to see what the fuss was about, so yes, I looked on the site and saw your face.” He reaches over and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. “Sweetheart, does that upset you?”
“Y-yes! You only want me because you want me.”
He laughs, and I hate it. “Yes.”
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re a pain in the ass?”
“I’m sure they have, but I’m used to being called an asshole.”
“Same thing,” I mutter.
Bryce smiles, and I notice the sexiest dimple in his cheeks. I’m not sure if a dimple can be sexy, but when Bryce does it … wow, just wow. “I’d like to know more about you.”
I let out a breathy sigh. No matter how much I try to direct us back to the conversation about work, he steers it right back to me. “There’s not much to tell. I grew up in Lake in the Hills then went to Columbia for college. After I graduated with my BA degree, my best friend, Kaylee and I, moved to Oak Park. Now, I’m working as a personal stylist since I didn’t hear from any potential employers.” Those wicked, smoldering, caramel-colored eyes are drilling into me. I make the mistake of glancing down at his lips. Those lips were on my skin, burning a trail of fire down my body and making me moan and shiver with need. I’m craving his touch again. I’m craving those dirty words that make my pussy clench, and I’m craving his monster of a cock to fill me completely.