Our Darkest Maze

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Our Darkest Maze Page 14

by Sarah Bailey

  I turned in his arms, dislodging his hands in order for me to hold him. I wrapped my arms around his back and laid my head on his chest. My fingers stroked over his muscles. It took a moment before he curled his arms around me. Something had shifted between us after we’d slept together. Somehow I knew he needed this. And stupid me wanted to comfort him.

  You can’t start having feelings for him.

  It was too late. I’d known it for a long time. This man was going to be my downfall. And I couldn’t bring myself to give a shit about it. Not when I could hear his heart thumping steadily in his chest. Not when I felt like I’d found someone who truly understood what it meant to come from our world. Colleen didn’t have the same pressure to do well from her own parents. They were barely home. But Logan got it. He’d been raised to take over an empire like me.

  “I don’t hate you, Logan,” I whispered.

  “I don’t hate you either.”

  I held him for a long time, feeling his body loosen with every passing second. Only when he kissed my hair did I turn my head up towards him. His eyes burnt with something I understood. The need to lose himself.

  Logan and I stood in the maze we’d created at a fork in the path. One way would lead to heartache and pain. The other back to the life we’d both led before we’d crash-landed together.

  “Show me how to make you feel good.”

  I’ve doomed myself.

  His hand dug into my hair, dragging me closer. I closed my eyes as our lips met, clashing in an unrelenting mess of desire. My hands pulled at his t-shirt, wanting his bare skin on show. Logan let me go so I could discard it. His fist bunched in my hair and he ran his nose up my cheek.

  “Take my t-shirt off and get on your knees.”

  The command in his voice had me shaking. I wanted to do as he said. I should fight him, tell him no and to fuck off. Instead, when he released my hair, I rid myself of his t-shirt, leaving me in little black lace knickers. I slid off the sofa onto the floor, kissing my way down his chest. He let out a grunt when my hand ran over his crotch, feeling him harden under my palm. He raised his hips to allow me to take the rest of his clothes off. I fit myself between his legs, my palms running up his thighs.

  “Wrap your hand around my cock.”

  I did as he said, stroking him like he’d shown me earlier. It didn’t take long for him to get fully hard. I marvelled at the sight of him like this. His arms were resting on the back of the sofa, his ice-blue eyes fixed on me. Logan looked like a king presiding over his kingdom. And I couldn’t deny it turned me on.

  “You want a taste, little masochist?”

  I nodded, leaning closer and flicking my tongue over the tip of his cock. The smirk he wore only made me wetter.

  Where the hell is your fight? Are you just going to let him use you like this?

  Yes, yes I was. I’d agreed to be his toy when it came to sex. And I was pretty sure Logan liked how compliant I was being.

  “Take me in your mouth but be careful with your teeth.”

  I sheathed my teeth with my lips and did as he said. He let out a groan as my mouth enclosed the head of his cock. Then he moved his arm, tangled his fingers in my hair and cupped the back of my head. He applied a little pressure, making me take more.

  “You don’t have to be so gentle… and use your tongue.”

  I let him direct me and as I gained a steady rhythm, he began to let out harsh breaths. His fingers tightened in my hair, making me aware he liked what I was doing.

  “That’s it,” he panted, “Take me deeper.”

  I felt his cock hit the back of my mouth and tried not to gag. My hand was still around the base, stroking in time with the way I sucked him. Logan’s head dropped back against the sofa as he groaned again.

  “Fuck, I never thought I’d have Aurora Knox on her knees with my cock buried in her mouth,” he muttered, “Fuck me, don’t stop.”

  In response to his words, I sucked him a little harder. This felt rather empowering having a man like him putty in my hands. Logan might be directing me, but I was the one giving him the pleasure. It was my mouth wrapped around his dick, making him feel good. My body tingled all over. I’d probably drenched my underwear with how turned on I felt. I rubbed my thighs together, trying to gain some friction between my legs.

  Logan raised his head, noticing what I was doing. His smile set my skin on fire.

  “You like that, do you? Is your pussy wet for me?”

  I moaned against his cock.

  “If you make me come, I’ll take good care of it for you. Did you like it when I had my tongue on your clit, hmm?”

  Why did his words only turn me on further? He took his other hand off the back of the sofa and rested it against mine on his thigh, holding it there.

  “I want you dripping for me, desperate to find a release, but only I will give it to you, do you understand?”

  I nodded, moaning again. Logan’s smile grew deviant, making me want to straddle his lap and sink down on him. I needed his hands on me. I wanted roughness. I wanted to feel. In order to get those things, I had to make him come.

  My hand moved faster in time with my mouth. He grunted, watching me with rapt attention, his hand still directing me. I didn’t think this would get me going so much. Perhaps Logan had been right all those years ago when we’d first met. I wanted someone to be in charge of me in this way. Outside of sex, I would never entertain it, but this right here had me realising I needed it with him. With Logan.

  Give in to what you feel. Let yourself go.

  Logan’s teeth dug into his lip, his body tensing under my hands. His hand shoved me down further on his dick, making me choke and gag on it. Then I felt the first spurt hit.


  I didn’t resist as he pulsed in my mouth, even though I couldn’t breathe properly. It was Logan’s wild expression that had me captivated. I’d always thought him handsome, but here, with him coming in my mouth, he was more.

  A god. He looks like a fucking god.

  He released me a moment later, letting me pull off his dick. I almost spluttered but swallowed before I sucked in air. I’d barely registered the taste of him with the need to breathe.

  Logan moved, standing up the next minute and picking me up off the floor whilst I was still recovering. He carried me into the bedroom and set me down on his bed. His fingers tugged off my knickers, then his head was between my legs. My hands fisted the covers. His tongue was on my clit and his fingers inside me within moments.

  “Logan,” I breathed out, “Fuck.”

  “So wet.”

  My hips bucked as he licked me again, tasting my essence with each stroke. He groaned, the sound vibrating through me.

  “Don’t stop. Please, god, don’t stop. Logan, fuck, fuck.”

  This man had awakened something in me today. A long-dormant part of me. It craved his touch and the feel of his cock inside me. It wanted Logan telling me exactly what to do and making me drown in him.

  I didn’t know how long it would take him to recover after I’d made him come, but I wanted him inside me. To know what it felt like to come when he was buried to the hilt. It hadn’t happened when he’d fucked me before.

  “Fuck me, please… Logan, I need you. Please.”

  The desperate tone of my voice had me feeling all sorts of shit I shouldn’t. How could I be so needy for this man already?

  “Don’t you want to come on my tongue?”

  I trembled, trying not to lose myself completely.

  “I want you to make me come on your cock.”

  He raised his head, his mouth glistening with my arousal, and smirked.

  “Is that a challenge?”

  I nodded, biting down hard on my bottom lip as he continued to thrust his fingers inside me. Seeing him between my legs made me think of a tiger devouring his prey. Logan’s gaze had a predatory glint to it.

  “Get on your hands and knees.”
/>   He pulled his fingers from me and sat up, his hand going to his cock. I could see he was half hard already. I flipped over and rose up on my knees, doing what he said. Logan stroked a hand down my back.

  “Grab a condom for me.”

  I reached over, digging my hand into his open bedside drawer. He took the small foil packet when I handed it over to him. I made a mental note about getting birth control for myself. No fucking way I wanted to get knocked up by Logan.

  He moved around behind me, but I didn’t look at what he was doing because one of his hands was between my legs, stroking my clit. A minute later, I felt his cock against me, pushing into me and impaling me. This position made him feel bigger and longer as he slid deeper. He leant over me, wrapping an arm around my middle and continued touching my clit. Lips peppered kisses over my shoulder, making me shiver.

  “Fuck yourself on my cock, Aurora,” he whispered.

  He held still, forcing me to do what he said. I moved back against him, pushing him deeper inside me. A moan fell out of my lips as I worked myself on his dick. He stroked my clit, applying the right pressure and driving me crazy.

  “Logan,” I whimpered. “Please.”

  “Show me you deserve to come.”

  I went faster, moaning as my pussy twitched around his cock, trying to accommodate every inch. This felt so good. It felt right to do what he said. I let go of all my worries and fears. Of all the expectations and shackles holding me back. I gave myself to Logan as I fucked him. And he rewarded me.

  It was the kisses pressed to my skin. The murmuring of his approval and pleasure. The way he kept stroking my clit, leaving me hanging on the edge. Being with him was all sorts of fucked up, but I revelled in it.

  “Logan,” I whined, nearly coming apart at the seams.

  “Let go. Come for me, little masochist. Come on my cock.”

  Perhaps his words sent me flying. I honestly didn’t give a shit. Not when my body trembled with my release. Not when it felt like magic. I couldn’t hide the way I cried out his name, nor how the experience made me fall deeper into the mess between us.

  Logan took over fucking me, setting a punishing pace as I continued to shake, my hands barely holding me up any longer. It only made me soar higher. I didn’t know if it would ever end. His grunt signalled he was falling with me. I closed my eyes and allowed it all to carry me away.

  The two of us collapsed in a heap on the bed together, him pressing me into the mattress. It took several minutes of us panting before we both caught our breath. Logan got off me and disposed of the condom. He shifted the covers out from underneath me before returning to the bed and pulling them up over us.

  “I need to text my mum,” I murmured.

  I sat up and looked around for wherever my bag had dropped when Logan and I first came in here. It was resting on the chest of drawers where he’d put my clothes. I got up and fired off a quick text to Mum.

  Aurora: Staying at a friend’s place. Will be home tomorrow.

  Mum: Which friend?

  Aurora: Logan.

  I didn’t want to lie to her. As long as she didn’t blab to my dads, it would be okay. I hoped anyway.

  Mum: So, you made up your mind.

  Aurora: Are you going to tell Dad?

  Mum: No. Just remember what I said.

  Aurora: I know. I’ll be careful. Love you.

  Mum: Love you too, sweetheart.

  I dropped my phone back in my handbag before crawling into bed with Logan. He curled his arms around me, kissing the top of my head.

  “Okay?” he whispered.

  “Yeah, everything’s fine.”

  The words were a lie. Nothing was fine. I’d slept with someone I’d considered my nemesis not long ago. I’d willingly come here and found there was more to Logan Benson than met the eye. It terrified me how much I understood him. How much I wanted him to need me. How much I was needing him.

  All of it scared the crap out of me, but not enough to make me run away. I’d never backed down from anything. Logan had taken my hand and dragged me along with him into some fucked up non-relationship. I knew deep in my heart what lay in the middle of our maze was a lonely pit of despair where love didn’t prevail. Where it wreaked havoc.

  I didn’t care.

  I didn’t care because it meant I had him.

  And he was the only thing which mattered to my stupid, traitorous heart.

  Chapter Twenty One

  The words on the tablet I’d been staring at for the past five minutes had blurred together. My mind was distracted with images of the very hot sex I’d engaged in with Logan at the weekend. No wonder I couldn’t concentrate on my homework when my thoughts were occupied with the man I wanted to get naked with again.

  I’d fallen asleep smashed up against his chest that night. He woke me up with kisses and his heavenly fingers between my legs. By the time I left mid-morning after he’d fucked and fed me breakfast, I had a sore reminder of our vigorous workouts between my legs.

  Mum hadn’t asked me any questions when I got in, merely raised an eyebrow. She knew I’d had sex with Logan. It was likely written all over my face. I would tell her eventually, but right now, I wanted to keep it to myself. Luckily, I hadn’t run into Dad before I could take a long hot bath. My muscles had protested all the way home, so it was needed. In fact, Dad had barely said two words to me since the weekend. Who knew if it was a good or bad thing. Maybe his silent treatment was his form of punishment for me acting out.

  “Jesus, Cole, don’t throw the controller,” came Duke’s voice, “Being a sore loser isn’t attractive, man.”

  I looked over at my three brothers and Duke’s best friend, Kira, playing video games on the sofa. We were all in the games room. I had curled up in one of the armchairs to do homework before dinner.

  “Keep it down, nerds,” I huffed.

  “Shut up, Rora,” my brother retorted, flipping me the finger whilst Raphi and Cole ignored me.

  “Make me.”

  “Why don’t you go torment someone else? I’m so not in the mood for your drama today.”

  I eyed him warily. Duke and I had always been at loggerheads, but after everything that happened last year, I tried to be more considerate of his feelings. Only he had turned into even more of a dick and quite frankly, he could fuck off.

  “Don’t antagonise her,” Kira murmured, rubbing his arm.

  I rolled my eyes. How Duke didn’t see what was right in front of him was beyond me. His best friend had been in love with him since forever. I could understand why Kira hadn’t said anything given how my brother could get. But he was fucking oblivious. She didn’t know I knew. A girl can see these things. She put up with his crap and cared for him in a way no one else ever had. I guess my brother was too wrapped up in his own bullshit to notice.

  “I wouldn’t if she wasn’t such a pain in the arse.”

  I chose to let his comment slide. He was clearly in a mood. Unsurprising since the anniversary of the worst event in his life was coming up. I shouldn’t be giving him a hard time. Besides, I had far more important things to be worried about. Like how the fuck had I caught feelings for Logan?

  Maybe it happened after he’d told me he didn’t want to take over his family’s company. I wanted to ask why, but I’d been so wrapped up in my own fucked up feelings towards him, I hadn’t pressed the issue.

  Me being the oldest of my siblings meant I was given way more of a hard time by Dad than anyone else. His whole ‘you need to set a good example’ spiel was getting old. I’d hardly call any of my behaviour reckless. Raphi and Duke were way worse than me with their secret-keeping. Out of all of us, those two were the closest. Cole got left out a lot being the youngest, and I was the only girl. Couldn’t really say I had much in common with my thirteen-going-on-fourteen-year-old brother. He liked cars and wanted to be a mechanic. I hadn’t even learnt how to drive, nor did I plan on learning.

  My dad walked in
to the games room. I stiffened, watching him walk over to me with measured steps.


  His voice was calm for once. It made me nervous. He came to a standstill next to my armchair, staring down at me with a neutral expression. My three brothers had their heads turned towards us. No doubt they were expecting me to get a dressing down by my dad.

  “Hello, Dad, did you want something?”

  “You’re doing homework.”

  It wasn’t a question, but a statement. I gave him a look.

  “Yes. You did tell me to focus on school, didn’t you?”

  His brows turned down.

  “I did.”

  “Well, as you can see, that’s exactly what I’m doing.”

  I didn’t tell him I’d been daydreaming about a certain blue-eyed man who’d taken my virginity. Imagining my dad’s face after dropping that bombshell almost made me flinch.

  My brothers were still staring. Kira was used to our family dynamics since she’d basically grown up in our household. She was leaning into Duke, watching the whole thing play out too.

  Dad did something unexpected. He moved one of my books off the arm of the chair and sat down on it. Reaching out, he stroked my cheek and gave me a smile. I didn’t know whether or not I was in trouble. He wasn’t behaving like his normal self. In fact, this made me downright suspicious.

  “You know I love you very much, sweetheart,” he murmured.

  “I love you too, Dad.”

  “Will you tell me where you were on Saturday night?”

  I stiffened before narrowing my eyes. Did he think being nice to me would get me to tell him I was with Logan?


  “Your mother won’t tell me.”

  I should have known. He was trying to butter me up to make me tell him what I’d been up to. I was glad Mum had kept her word.

  “What makes you think she knows?”

  “I know when Ash is keeping something from me.”

  I shrugged.

  “I was at a friend’s house. It got late, so I stayed. I know you don’t like me taking the night bus by myself.”


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