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Our Darkest Maze

Page 35

by Sarah Bailey

  He laughed. What happened between Aurora and me all those years ago had made me realise you needed to find your own path in life. Everyone had an idea of what you should do with yourself, but only you could decide your own fate. Only you knew what truly made you happy.

  I found my happiness in animal conservation and my new wife. A partner who gave me everything. Love, affection, trust and support. The girl had grown up with five parents who had instilled those values in her from a young age. She might not have always had it easy, but Aurora was a truly beautiful person inside and out. Other people may not understand what I saw in her, but no one else would do for me. She was my perfect match.

  “Let me be the first to say welcome to the fold.”

  I eyed Ant with curiosity.

  “What fold?”

  “The married people’s fold.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “No offence, but that is bullshit. We’re not some exclusive class of people. Tons of couples choose not to get married and still stay together.”

  “You think Rora would have been content without the whole marriage thing, then?”

  I shrugged.

  “Her parents never did, so probably.”

  “You can’t use them as an example.”

  I gave him a look.

  “Why not?”

  “There’s five of them. They couldn’t get married even if they’d wanted to.”

  “They made a choice not to, I’ll have you know.”

  Ant stared at me. I’d asked them about it once out of curiosity. Aurora’s parents were very open about their relationship and how it all worked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Ash said they talked about it but decided against any of them marrying each other. They didn’t want to be legally bound in that way. There’s always a choice, Ant, even if there’s five of them.”

  “If you say so.”

  I decided it wasn’t worth arguing over. Ant had nothing against Aurora’s parents but not everyone approved of their unorthodox relationship. If you saw the way they were together, it made sense. It’s as if what happened in the past had forged an unbreakable bond between the five of them.

  I watched Aurora tip her head back and laugh at something Deacon had said. He was her favourite employee and she’d become very close to his daughter over the years. Then I glanced over at our wedding planner, Pete, who indicated the cake table with his head as if to say, it’s time. Aurora had hired him to help her out because the wedding had become so much bigger than we expected. With my family being in the public eye, it couldn’t be helped.

  “I’m going to steal my wife away to cut the cake,” I told Ant, slapping him on the shoulder before I stalked towards Aurora.

  When I reached her, wrapping my hand around her waist and kissing her hair, she looked up and smiled at me.

  “I wondered where you got to.”

  I smiled, adoring the light in her eyes.

  “It’s cake time.”

  “Oh yes! Excuse us.”

  She let me lead her over to the cake table. It had six tiers and each layer had a different flavour of cake. We’d spent a long time choosing them, but I was most looking forward to the chocolate one.

  Our wedding planner announced we were cutting the cake and a crowd gathered around us. Aurora and I held the knife together. She smiled up at me, her beautiful golden-hued brown eyes betraying all of her emotions.

  “You ready?” I whispered.

  She gave me a nod and the two of us sliced into the bottom layer, making everyone clap and cheer. Thankfully, the staff took over cutting up the cake from us, but not before we got a slice out ourselves.

  I picked up a fork and dug into it, bringing it up to Aurora’s mouth. She gave me a rather dirty smile before I fed her it. I was looking forward to getting her alone later. No doubt the two of us wanted to celebrate getting married in private.

  “Oh my god, I forgot how good this is,” she moaned.

  “You going to share?”

  She grinned, taking the fork from me and gathering up a bit before pressing it to my lips. It was fucking delicious, but not quite as tasty as my wife. The two of us continued to feed each other until we’d finished the cake, then I dragged her away from everyone else, wanting a moment alone with my woman.

  She wrapped her arms around me, staring up into my eyes. I held her close, loving the way she always moulded to me so perfectly.

  “Has it been everything you hoped for?” I asked.

  Aurora had spent a year planning this day. She’d wanted it to be perfect for us. All I wanted was her happiness. I hadn’t said no to anything she asked for. Denying her the day she craved wasn’t in me.

  “It’s been more.”


  She reached up, stroking her fingers down my cheek.

  “The best part was saying I do to you, though. The rest is lovely, but I just wanted to marry you.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Mmm, you’re the love of my life, don’t you know.”

  I bit my lip and leant closer to her.

  “Well, it doesn’t hurt to remind me from time to time.”

  Aurora caught my mouth without responding. Her tongue slid into my mouth, making me shiver. Don’t think either of us cared about wantonly kissing each other in full view of our families and wedding guests. It was our day. Besides, I intended to kiss her in very inappropriate ways later. Those we didn’t need an audience for.

  “I love you,” she whispered against my mouth.

  “Love you too, little masochist.”

  She wriggled in my embrace.

  “Don’t call me that right now.”


  “It’ll only get me wet.”

  I grinned, my hand sliding down from her waist to cup her behind.

  “Little masochist.”

  She slapped my shoulder.


  I nuzzled her ear, running my tongue along the lobe.

  “I want you wet, wife… then you’ll be desperate for me to fuck you.”

  “You going to make me beg?”


  Her hand flattened on my chest. I pulled back in time to see her blushing.

  “I’ve always had a fantasy of you fucking me against the sinks in a public place.”

  I almost groaned, wanting to whisk her away now so we could indulge.

  “You have?”

  “After you pinned me against them all those years ago, it just became a thing for me. Maybe because it’s the first time I realised how much I desired you.”

  I glanced around before taking her hand and pulling her towards the doors. No one was looking at us. I wanted to make my new wife’s fantasy come true.

  “Logan,” she hissed. “What are you doing?”

  “Giving you what you want.”

  I tugged her out in the hallway and down towards the toilets. We ducked inside and I locked the door behind us after I found it empty. I shoved my wife against the sinks the next minute, my hands going to her dress and tugging it up. Thankfully, there weren’t too many layers of material so I could gain access to her pussy.

  “What if people notice we’re missing?” she asked even as she helped me tug her knickers down her legs.

  “I don’t really give a shit.”

  I picked her up and placed her on the counter before I kissed her, loving the way she ground against me as I stood between her legs with her dress bunched up against her waist.

  “We have to be quick,” she told me as her hands dived between us and unbuttoned my trousers.

  I had no objections there. Seeing my wife in this dress had me pent up as it was, not to mention how badly I wanted to fuck her into next week.

  When she got me free, I gripped her hips and pulled her to the edge of the counter. Aurora guided me to her entrance, rubbing my cock against her wet pussy. Calling her little m
asochist always got her going. I slid home, grunting at the feel of her encasing me. She let go of my cock. Instead, wrapping her hands around my shoulders and holding me closer. I fucked her in a steady rhythm. She moaned and told me not to stop. As if I could.

  Her fingers dug into my shoulders as I buried my face in her neck, kissing her skin.

  “Fuck,” I groaned, hammering into her harder because she told me it needed to be quick.

  “Yes, fuck, give it to me.”

  Sneaking off with my wife for sex might be questionable but being wrapped up in her like this was definitely one way to enjoy our wedding day. Neither of us gave a shit what anyone else thought. Once we’d got together, nothing could stop us doing exactly as we pleased.

  She dug her hand between us to touch herself. I was pretty close and wanted her to fall off the edge with me. I gripped her hips tighter, using them as leverage so I could give it to her harder. It didn’t take her long to detonate on me, crying out my name with her release. I followed her soon after because her pussy clenched so hard around my cock, it made it impossible to hold back.

  We panted as we came down, knowing we both probably looked like a mess now. I pulled back and stared at my beautiful and very satisfied wife. She smiled at me, biting down on her lip.

  “Suppose we’ve got to fix ourselves up a bit.”

  I nodded. Whilst her hair hadn’t become messy in our little impromptu fuck, her lipstick was smeared. She reached up and wiped at my cheek, making me look in the mirror behind us. The smear of lipstick on my cheek made me grin and shake my head.

  “You happy to have fulfilled your fantasy of us finally?” I asked, stepping out of her hold.

  I knelt down and helped her back into her underwear before straightening myself up.

  “It was perfect,” she told me, giving me a sly smile.

  When we were both presentable again, I grabbed her hand and looked down at her.

  “Ready to go have our first dance?”

  “I was born ready.”

  I laughed and led her out of the toilets. She was right about one thing. It had been perfect. The whole day so far was. I couldn’t wait to enjoy the rest of it with the love of my life.

  Aurora and I had finally found the middle of our maze.

  It wasn’t full of unhappiness and strife.

  There was only love and affection there.

  And the promise of forever.


  I stared up at the ceiling having woken up to find my husband had disappeared from our bed. Not something that came as a surprise considering it was morning and he was usually up before me. Logan had always been a relatively early riser. Today was our second wedding anniversary, which made me wonder where he’d got to.

  I rolled over, opened my bedside drawer and pulled a couple of things out, setting them down on the covers. My hands pushed me up into sitting position before I fluffed the pillows behind me. I checked the time and fiddled with my phone for a few minutes until I heard the bedroom door open.

  Logan walked in with a wide smile on his face, his ice-blue eyes glinting and his dark hair a wild mess on his head. My eyes roamed down my husband’s bare chest, unable to help myself from staring. No matter how many years we’d been together, I was still very much enamoured with this man.

  “Good morning, my little masochist,” he said as he jumped on the bed and crawled over me, “Happy anniversary.”

  He licked his bottom lip before planting them on mine, kissing me without restraint.

  “Morning,” I murmured when he pulled away and sat up in my lap, “I wondered where you’d got to.”

  The twinkle in his eye and the smirk he wore cued me in.

  “Oh, well, I have a surprise for you.”

  “I have one for you too.”

  His eyebrow quirked up.

  “Is that so?”

  I nodded, trying not to smile as I reached over and picked up the things I placed on the bed. Logan took the card out of my hand and opened it. I’d written him a long, detailed message about how much I loved and appreciated him. His eyes flicked up to mine when he was finished, so full of affection and love.


  “Don’t say anything. Just take this.”

  I gave him a small box with a bow on it. He set the card down and took it from me, eyeing me with a wary expression. He undid the ribbon, discarded it before opening the lid of the box. For a long moment, he didn’t say a word, just stared at the contents. I tried not to fidget beneath him nor open my mouth, but it was so fucking hard.

  “We’re having a baby?” he whispered, his voice vibrating with emotion.

  I nodded, biting down hard on my bottom lip.


  A year ago, I’d stopped getting the shot. They said it would take time for my fertility to get back to normal. We had no idea if or when we’d get pregnant. We hadn’t told our families for that very reason. I’d been constantly harassed by Mum asking me when we were going to start a family, but I kept fobbing her off.

  I had got Logan something else as an anniversary present, but four days ago, I realised I’d missed my period by over a week. Telling him today felt right even though keeping it from him had been practically impossible. I wanted to share my excitement with the man I loved and wanted a family with.

  “Are you happy?”

  Logan carefully placed the box with the pregnancy test I’d taken last night down on the bedside table. His hands came up and framed my face, the emotion in his expression almost decimating me.

  “More than I can say.”


  His hand left my face and traced a line down the centre of my chest before he dragged his fingertips over my stomach.

  “We made a baby, Rora, that’s fucking incredible.”

  A smile spread across my face as he stared down at my stomach where he’d laid his hand across it. I placed my hand on top of his.

  “I distinctly remember we had a lot of fun doing it.”

  He snorted, his eyes raising to mine.

  “Hope you don’t think this means I don’t intend to continue having fun with you in that way.”

  I licked my lip.

  “If you think I’m going to put you on a sex ban because I’m pregnant, you really have no idea how much I desire you.”

  He let out a low groan before shaking his head.

  “Fuck, Rora, stop making suggestive eyes at me.”

  “Why not? It’s our anniversary, surely you intend to get naked with me. Especially now we have something huge to celebrate.”

  He dropped his hand from my stomach.

  “Trust me, I want to, but first, I have to show you my surprise. It’s not quite as special as finding out you’re pregnant, but I have a feeling you’ll like it.”

  He got off the bed and tugged me out of it. He made me put on my dressing gown before taking my hand and leading me along towards his office. The door was closed which made me narrow my eyes.

  “What have you done?”

  He grinned and gave me a wink.

  “Close your eyes.”

  I did as he asked, letting him take me into the office. I heard him shut the door behind us before he stood behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and dropping his chin on my shoulder.

  “You can open them now.”

  For a second, I did nothing, but then I opened my eyes and they fell on what Logan’s surprise was. I was at a loss for what to say. How he’d kept it a secret was beyond me. Then again, the man was sneaky as fuck and kept things from me whenever he wanted to surprise me with something all the time.



  “You got me kittens.”

  “I did.”

  The two small balls of fluff were busy fighting each other next to a cat bed. One of them was white with black spots all over its fur and the other, tortoiseshell.

dow and Pumpkin are going to hate them.”

  “They’ll learn to live with them.”

  I turned in his arms and stared up at my husband who had a cautious expression on his face.

  “Thank you.”

  Going up on my tiptoes, I kissed him. Logan held me tighter. I couldn’t believe him. We’d spoken about getting more cats, but I wasn’t sure with our current two it would be a good idea. Clearly, Logan had decided otherwise and I wasn’t going to complain about it.

  When he let me go, the two of us went over to the kittens and sat down on the floor. I picked up the black and white one, whilst Logan took the tortoiseshell.

  “They’re beautiful,” I said, stroking its little head, “Boys or girls?”

  “Girls. Don’t worry, I’ll get them spayed like the boys. Don’t want more little ones running around, especially not now we’re having one of our own.”

  I gave him a smile before turning my attention back to the little kitten who was purring and nuzzling my hand.


  “That’s her name?”

  I nodded. It felt fitting.

  “And this little madam?” he asked, indicating the small kitten who was clawing at his fingers.

  I thought about it for a few minutes whilst I watched Logan play fight with the kitten. Dottie had curled up against me and fallen asleep, clearly tired out from fighting her sister.


  Logan grinned, moving closer to me and wrapping his arm around my waist, leaning his head on my shoulder.

  “Dottie and Trixie it is.”

  I kissed his forehead, feeling contentment wash over me.

  “You sure you’re happy about the baby?” I asked.

  He reached out and stroked my stomach whilst Trixie stayed in his lap, staring up at him with her beautiful amber eyes.

  “I want a family with you, little masochist. You’re my entire world. I love you so much.”

  I turned to him, finding his ice-blue eyes so full of adoration for me.

  “I love you too.”

  There was no one else in this world for me. When I was sixteen, I had no idea I’d meet the love of my life. We’d had so many ups and downs, but Logan and I had forged a solid bond and a partnership. If we could survive everything we already had together, then we’d survive being parents.


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