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ONE To Watch Me (The ONE Series, Part 1, Book 1)

Page 4

by Alicia Maxwell

  I take a look at him from top to bottom, thanking my shades for covering my eyes. Hopefully he can’t detect my eye movement, and won’t catch me ogling him. What I see is beyond pleasant. He is about six-foot-something and well-built, solid, with defined muscles, not over-bulging, just perfect. His abs are well-defined too, a sharp V at the border of trunks that hang dangerously low, especially since he’s running. He’s got a deliciously tan body and his hair is a wild mess of chocolate brown with an occasional dirty blond wave. His eyes are covered by the black shades of his wraparound sunglasses. I can’t see where he is looking, but I can feel his eyes on me. My cheeks are hot and pink from running, but I feel them getting even more flushed. I am not used to being this underdressed and stared at all at once. I lick my lips as I contemplate what to say.

  “Hello Eline!” he says, giving me an intriguing smile.

  "Hello Alex! Having a good run?” I ask, while I wonder how long he’d been following me.

  “Indeed,” he smiles. “The views here are amazing.” His trademark smile suggests a double meaning. I can't help but wonder if he was smirking at me, or if this is just my self-consciousness talking. I’ll bet he was referring to watching my butt all the way up here.

  “So I guess you did see me around.” I extend my hand and wave it around. He steps closer, takes my hand in his and placing a soft kiss on my knuckles. A jolt of electricity hits my body, and I flinch the slightest bit. He seems to take note of that as well. I can see it in his smile; it deepens on one side. The corner of his mouth is raised, as if he finds it amusing to have such an effect on me. He speaks again, and his voice soft and sexy.

  "I promised you would see me again, Eline." So confident, and not a bit ashamed of following me.

  I feel his gentle touch as he runs his thumb over my knuckles, and it sends another jolt of electricity through my body that culminates in my core. I inhale sharply and realize he’s watching me. I try to exhale as slowly as possible so he wouldn’t notice my reaction to his touch, but it seems nothing escapes his attention. He chuckles softly, and that's when I realize my hand is still in his. His touch is gentle and comforting, and he seems to have no intention of letting go.

  I’m dying to see his eyes, to get a bit of insight into what he’s thinking, but the damn wraparounds hide them completely.

  Debating if I should claim my hand back or let him hold it, I decide on the latter. It feels too good to let go. This is so not like me.

  "Well, this was a nice run. Would you like to take a walk with me back? Care for swim first?" He smiles and asks casually.

  I feel drawn to him, as if by magnet, and before I even have time to consider anything, I nod and agree. I’m still at a loss for words, just looking at him and smiling a full-on smile.

  "So which one is it? Swim or walk?"

  I blink, still mesmerized by this beautiful man standing next to me.

  "Ok, then swim it is!" He grabs my hand tightly and pulls me forward before even finishing his sentence.

  "Let's go!" He drags me towards the water and the next thing I know, I’m waist-deep in the ocean, the waves crashing at us. The cold water hits my hot skin and I gasp, my lungs filling with air. A strong wave hits us at the same time and I would have fallen, were it not for his strong arms catching me and lifting me to his chest. I look up to his chiseled chin and slightly opened mouth covered in drops of water. The thought runs through my mind: I want to kiss him.

  I slide down his body and he puts me back on my feet.

  "Ok there?"

  "Yes, thank you for catching me."

  "Any time, you're a nice catch," he says, the corner of his mouth curving up again.

  "Ha-ha, very funny! I guess I walked right into that one. I could have fallen, you know."

  "I wouldn’t have let you, unless it was for me." The corners of his mouth twist up and he gives me an open smile. So cocky! I can't see his eyes, so I have no idea what's behind the smile. The pause is a second too long, and I feel a pang in my heart, as if wishing this wasn’t just a joke. I can't let myself go on thinking like that. This is Miami, and people here are used to short-lived vacation romances. He’s probably just another tourist looking for a good time. Then it hits me: so am I, in a way. I’ve never had a carefree, short-term relationship, but maybe that’s exactly what I need right now—just some fun.

  We’re in the water, just floating around, letting the waves carry us up and down. It feels much warmer now, and I'm finally capable of catching my breath and talking.

  "So, big guy, do you fall often?" I ask, smiling at the double meaning of the question.

  "What do you think? Do I look like a guy who falls easily?"

  "That would depend on a lot of things, things I don’t know about you." I'm flirting and loving it.

  "Like things you would like to learn about me?"

  I take just a second too long before I reply, to enjoy the moment.

  "Certainly not a bad idea." There, I let him know I’m interested, and it felt great.

  "We could make that happen. Ask me something."

  "Do you live here?"

  "What do you think? Do I look like a local?"

  "Let’s see. You have a great tan, but that could work both ways, either living here or just vacationing. Then you have this British thing going, which could imply you’re just visiting, although Miami is known to attract people from all over the world. I don't know."

  "You’ve certainly done a good job observing me; this is kind of fun." He smiles and continues: "Let me guess, you’re not a local, probably just vacationing." I nod and he continues.

  "How long are you going to be here?" He looks at me through his shades, and I really want to see his eyes.

  "I got too tired of everything and decided to take a few weeks to reenergize, three weeks actually. Just have some fun, you know?"

  "You’re lucky we met. I know the area pretty well, and we can make your stay a fun one. On second thought, I think we’re both lucky."

  I look at him and I can’t take it anymore. I have to see his eyes. As the old saying goes, they are the mirrors to the soul…

  "Do you always wear those shades? They’re so dark, I bet you miss out on half the world." I try to make a joke out of it, since I feel awkward asking. He seems to read right through me.

  "I can say the same about your polarized ones. I would love to see your eyes too. How about we keep the mystery going for a little longer, just for the kicks?"

  I look at my reflection in his lenses and it dawns on me that we’re both hidden by our shades, and bothered by it.

  "Oh, so you like mystery huh? I can do mystery, Mr. Mystery Man."

  He laughs hard and grabs my arms tight, pulling me deeper into the ocean. I know how to swim, but if I didn't, my life would be completely at his mercy. His touch feels so good that I don’t let go, I just float next to him.

  We turn in the water so I'm facing the shore. His face is lit up by the sun behind me and I can admire his masculine beauty. His hair is all wet and in disarray. Some of the locks fall to his forehead and eyes, and I can't help but touch them and brush them back. I feel my cheeks blushing again from the boldness of my actions. I barely recognize myself. I just went swimming while holding hands with a stranger, and now I’m touching him. Weird! This must be what the hot tropics do to people.

  My thinking is interrupted when he grabs me by the waist and lifts me up, as he is jumping himself. His touch sends thrills down my body yet again, and I gasp and realize a strong wave just passed us. He was making sure it wouldn’t cover my head. The wave is gone, but his hands still linger at my waist.

  "Are you cold? You're shivering." He runs his palms up and down my sides, touching my ribs just below the bikini top and going all the way down to my hips. The gesture is innocent, yet so sexy. My mouth opens in an 'o' to say something, but I’m frozen in the moment, just looking at him and imagining his hands touching me.

  "Ok, there, dreamer, let’s get you to dry land,
then maybe we can catch some morning sun before it gets too hot." He lifts me and turns in the direction of the shore. Hugging me at the waist with one hand, he guides me out of the water, making sure the waves don’t knock me off my feet.

  I smile and follow him, as though it’s the most natural thing. It amazes me how effortless it feels to be around him. Although, it’s probably because we don't know each other. It’s easy when it’s just a casual encounter, two people looking for a little fun away from home. Is he away from home? He never really answered my question. I should ask again, but then again, should I? Does it even matter? I guess not.

  "What are you thinking about? Your facial expression just went from dreamy to concerned and then back, all in a matter of seconds. I know women think a mile a minute but that was just too much. Did you realize you forgot something? Someone?" He looks at me with an amused smile.

  I grin at his clever attempt to find out if he's got any competition around here. Got to give him credit, that was a rather creative way to ask. I wonder if he really did see all that on my face. I’m not used to people actually being interested in my emotions, let alone reading them.

  "Nope, didn't forget anyone, not around here or anywhere else for that matter; and I know where my stuff is, assuming it’s still there. Weren't you saying something about catching some morning sun? My building is that way. They might even have the beach chairs available by now. This city sure likes to sleep. Nothing is alive in the morning; it’s like a ghost town.” I catch myself blabbering on and on. I feel too out of my element inviting a stranger for, what should I even call it? We’re outside, so I guess it's ok, right?

  "Great, lead the way." I heard that last time, when we walked together to the parking lot. Although it doesn’t seem Alex needs directions, neither now nor back then. We walk side by side, our hands brushing on occasion. I love every minute of it. I don't know what to say, but the silence isn’t uncomfortable.

  "Is this your first time in Miami?" He asks, looking straight ahead.

  ”No, I've been here a few times before."

  "So, you know the area then?"

  "I guess, but not that well. I usually stay around here."

  "What's your favorite place?"

  "Hard to say, probably the beach." I laugh, because that sounds silly.

  "How about at night?" He asks with a smirk, and I spot the half-smile on his face again.

  "I still like to be by the water, South Beach is pretty cool, a little too loud though." I turn my face to watch his reaction as I continue. "What's yours?"

  "The beach is great. I know just the place on South Beach right by the ocean that is pretty quiet and serves great food and drinks." He’s looking straight at me now.

  "Would you like to go down there tonight?" He asks me so casually, as though he does it all the time. Maybe he does. What if he does? So what? I don't let myself wander to those thoughts. Betrayal is a feeling I know too intimately. Betrayal? Did I really just think that? Where did it even come from? This guy does not owe me a thing. I bite my lip and try to push these thoughts away.

  "There, you’re doing it again." He stops and turns to me, putting his thumb on my bottom lip to release it. I look up at his eyes, then lower, to his lips, wondering what a kiss would feel like. Oh god, is that me thinking? I don't recognize myself. Must be the sun around here…”

  "Your face just went from happy to almost tortured, and now you’re dreamy." I look up in his face and wonder how a stranger could read me so well.

  "What's going on in that beautiful head of yours? Relax, you're on vacation, right? Enjoy it!"

  His comments are right on the mark, and his observations are unbelievably accurate. Mind-reading capabilities—unbelievable. I’m on vacation. Isn’t this what I just told myself? I’m blushing, so I look down and become really interested in the shells scattered across the sand. I look up at him once and smile sheepishly. "I must have really needed the vacation after all. Things have been pretty rough lately."

  Suddenly my skin feels all too hot, either from the sun, or maybe it's from him. I know I just need to move forward before I spill too much of my personal stuff. As it is, he reads me all too well.

  We’re walking side by side again and no one says anything; it’s as though he senses I need the silence. Soon my bag is in sight, sitting on top of a chair with an umbrella. I point to it.

  "Here, that's me. I'm going to ask for another chair." I walk up to the beach service booth and see Adrian there.

  "Hi Adrian, could you get me one more chair for my friend?"

  "For you, anything!" He smiles and walks out of the booth to the stack of chairs. When I turn around Alex is on the phone, looking irritated. I wonder where he got the phone from—I don't remember stopping anywhere near his things. That's strange at best. My thoughts are interrupted by Adrian.

  "Did you run today? I didn’t see you come out."

  "I came out right after seven. Perfect time for a run, not too hot."

  "I start at eight. I saw your things and decided to set you up."

  "Thanks! Very thoughtful of you."

  "No biggie, I said I'd take care of you." Adrian drags the chair across to the front row by the water, next to mine.


  Once everything is settled, I grab my bag and plop down. I need some sunblock pronto. I’m lucky if I haven't burned yet. I start rubbing it on over my legs, from ankles to the knees, to my thighs, working the lotion in circles. I raise my leg straight up to get to the back of my thigh and then I feel it. Alex's eyes are burning holes in my body. I feel on fire again. I tighten my stomach, instinctively lowering my leg and crossing it over the other. I clench my muscles and try to rid myself of the sexual tension that is building inside me again. He can't do this to me. Why am I feeling this way? Like a horny teenager.

  Alex walks up to me slowly and says, without any question in his voice,"Let me help you with that." His voice exudes confidence, and I hand him the lotion without a second thought. He squeezes a generous amount into his palm.

  "Turn around." I do, completely hypnotized.

  He rubs the lotion between his hands and touches my shoulders. I shiver and feel goosebumps all over my skin. He chuckles and starts working the lotion into my skin. His hands feel strong, yet gentle. He massages my shoulders, and I feel the muscles relaxing. He spreads the lotion over my upper back, then goes lower. I feel his hands on my lower back, thumbs gliding along my spine. I try to keep still and not show him the effect he’s having on me. Then I feel his hands moving to my waist and up my ribs, passing my most ticklish point at the bottom rib. He stops just under my breasts and I take a sharp inhale. I feel his breath on my neck as he whispers into my ear, "Relax."

  His voice is raspy. I turn my head around to see him and end up with my lips almost touching his.

  "Thank you." I say it quietly, as if for his ears only.

  "Do you need help with your back? I can return the favor…" I really want to touch him now, run my hands up and down his wide shoulders, exploring every curve of his muscles.

  "I think I'm ok. Maybe later I will call on that favor." This sounds more like a promise, and I want to dare him to do it.

  "You still need to finish your arms. Need help there?"

  Yes, I want his hands on me again, touching and massaging me, but I have to control myself. So instead I say, "I think I can handle it."

  I try to finish applying lotion as quickly as possible without getting distracted by him ogling me. All of a sudden, I feel super self-conscious touching myself in front of him, although rather innocently. It still feels seductive. Finally, I'm relieved to be done. I lie on my stomach and make a pillow out of my palms. I’m wearing only my swimming suit, so lying on my chest makes me feel more covered.

  Alex is on his side, facing me, elbow propped under his head. His arm muscles are rippling. I use the benefit of the sunglasses covering my eyes and take time exploring his body. If I can’t see his eyes, he shouldn’t be able to see
mine. I look lower at his chest. There is a light dusting of dark hair in the middle. His pectorals are perfectly defined. Looking lower, I see a thin trail of hair under his belly button that disappears into his trunks, right along the V of his muscles. Even when he’s lying down, I can see the trunks are sitting low and seductively on his hips. I look lower, to his sculpted legs, with well-defined muscles. He reminds me of a Greek god, with this chiseled body and a perfect face. I look back up at his face and can't help but wonder what his eyes are like. I bet one look and I'll be gone.

  He’s looking back at me. I’m pretty sure he’s studying every curve of my body while letting me study his. It should feel beyond awkward, but somehow it doesn’t. I want him to know me better, to like me even. His self-confidence doesn't intimidate me, it excites me.

  After what seems like long a time, he is the first one to break the silence.

  "Tell me something about yourself." His head is no longer tilted downward, as though to let me know he’s looking at my face and eyes, rather than being distracted by my body. I lift my face and look straight at him.

  "I live in Chicago. It's cold and windy there now, so I’m super relieved to be here. How about you? Do you live here, or is this a vacation?" I want to know who he is, so I use the chance to ask questions. Normally, I’m rather reserved and don’t like to pry.

  "You could say both. I spend a lot of time here and run a business, but it feels too much like a vacation."

  "I hear a hint of British accent and something else? Where are you from?"

  "It's a long story, but I did study in London. What do you do?"

  "I'm in the real estate business, working for a family company. What do you do around here?"

  "I own a luxury boat rental company. Mixing business with pleasure. Boating is my biggest hobby."


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