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Fate's Cry

Page 15

by Williby, Jalpa

  Before long, they all were getting along like they had been friends forever.

  For the following week, Kelsey continued her relentless investigation for the killer through the database at work. When she received the call from Captain Jackson one evening at home, she quickly snatched her phone to answer.

  “Officer Taylor? It’s Jackson here.”

  “Yes, Captain. Did the results come back?” Kelsey held her breath in anticipation.

  “I’m not even supposed to be sharing this information with you, Taylor. You understand? I could get in a lot of trouble. But, I’m willing to put my neck on the line for you because I would want somebody to do the same for me.”

  “I understand, Captain. Believe me, I appreciate all you’re doing.”

  “The good news is that we have the killer’s DNA. The bad news is there’s no match. We ran it through our system and there was nothing. So, this mysterious guy doesn’t have a criminal record.”

  Feeling her heart dropping to the floor, Kelsey sat back down on her sofa. She took a deep breath and asked, “How are we going to find this guy?”

  “I have more news. The autopsy results came back. They found a few strands of hair in the victim’s mouth.”

  “What do you mean? Like a lock of hair?” Kelsey closed her eyes as she attempted to get her breathing under control.

  “No, several strands. We think when the victim was fighting him, maybe she pulled his hair by trying to bite him. Either way, the killer’s hair got into her mouth.”

  “How do you know it was the killer’s hair?” She knew Lisa had put up a fight and could picture her trying to leave as many clues as possible to help capture this guy.

  “The DNA from the hair matched the blood under her nails,” the Captain explained.

  “What color was his hair? Could you tell?” She held her breath while she waited for the answer.

  “Yes, it’s dark brown hair, and I can also tell you that they’ve determined it to be Caucasian hair.”

  Kelsey bit her lip, swallowing hard. “So we know it’s a white male with dark brown hair, and no criminal history.”

  “That’s correct. From the shoe print, they also believe he’s easily over six feet tall. I will keep you posted if there’s anything more.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered before hanging up. Wiping the tears that had snuck out while conversing with the captain, she wanted to scream. Lisa had fiercely fought the bastard. She did everything she could, and finally accepting she couldn’t be saved, she at least tried to leave some clues for them. Yet, they were no closer to finding the killer.

  Tom must have sensed how upset she was because he jumped on her lap and rubbed against her face.

  “I couldn’t save her, Tom. I failed her. Just like I failed my family and Sammy.”

  Fury like no other exploded within her. She picked up the vase from the table next to her and flung it across the room, startling Tom.

  “Damn it! It’s not fair! I hate you! I hate you!” she screamed as the flood of angry tears shook her body to the core.

  When Damien arrived couple of hours later, he immediately knew something was wrong. Grabbing her, he forced her to look at him.

  “You’ve been crying. What happened?” he asked, bringing her into his embrace.

  “I feel like shit, Damien. It’s all just too much.” Kelsey then told him what Captain Jackson had shared.

  “Well, we can conclude that this killer is either a human or a gargoyle that can take a human form if they found dark hair in her mouth.” Damien’s thoughts echoed in the room.

  Kelsey shuddered. “But you said there aren’t that many gargoyles who can turn into humans.”

  “Yes, this is true.” Damien was lost in his thoughts. Turning to her, he said, “You can’t do this. You can’t save the whole world. This guy is getting to you, just like he wanted to. You don’t need to be a hero, Kelsey.” Damien held her trembling body tighter in his strong arms. “I’m putting my foot down. We’re getting the hell out of here.”

  “What do you mean? Going where?” she asked, frowning.

  “We’ll move. This place is too crazy. This man is a maniac, and he won’t stop. Don’t you see that? We can just relocate, right? I mean, just move somewhere else. I’m free to do whatever I want once I transform.”

  Kelsey shook her head in frustration. “This maniac will find us. He found Lisa, didn’t he? How did he find her? How would he have known where she went? Maybe he followed me to the airport. Who knows? The point is, running is not going to solve anything. Besides, once you transform, your life will be completely different. We have to have jobs so we can pay our bills. We can’t just roam around like nomads. Have you ever had a job, Damien? Do you even know what kind of job you want to do?” She stepped out of his arms.

  Rubbing his face, he said, “I realize that, and of course, I’ve been thinking about it. I’m sure I’d get a job with whatever. They’ll provide me with certificates and all the valid documents I’d need to survive in your human world. Don’t worry, they’ll make sure I have an awesome college degree.”

  Her eyes wide, Kelsey exclaimed, “What? They’re forging all your documents?”

  “Of course! What did you think? They’ll write my real age?” Damien chuckled. “Hey, what do you think about Damien Stone? Kinda cool, right? I thought of that last name myself.” He turned toward her, smiling proudly.

  “Why do you think everything is a joke? Do you understand how serious all this is? It’s like starting over, from nothing. You’re not used to this lifestyle at all. Are you even cut out for going to work every single day, coming home exhausted, living paycheck by paycheck, and starting over the next day?”

  “I can do anything as long as I’m with you. I’ll do it with a smile.”

  “And what if something happens to me? What if I’m no longer around?”

  “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  “You can’t control everything, Damien! I keep telling you that. We lose people we love all the time. Believe me, I should know,” she said, trying to make him understand.

  “Kelsey, I won’t let anything happen to you. The main reason I’ve chosen to be a human is because of you. If you’re no longer in my world, I’ve got nothing. I wouldn’t be able to go on without you, believe me. You’re my life. Don’t you know that?” Holding her face with both his hands, he whispered, “You die, I die.”

  Kelsey’s eyes filled with tears. “I couldn’t bear if something happened to you, Damien. Please don’t ever say that again.”

  “Well, that settles it, then! Nothing can happen to either of us. At least, we agree on something.” He smirked, teasing her.

  “You’re impossible,” she replied, but finally giggled. “Damien Stone, huh? Actually, that name does suit you. And no, we can’t just relocate. I’m going to find this son of a bitch. Sure, he gets under my skin, but I will find him. Eventually, he’ll come to me.”

  “Stop talking like that. I wish I could just find the ass myself.”

  Slipping back into his arms, Kelsey smiled up at him. “I missed you. Thanks for being here. Sorry, I’m a bit grouchy.”

  “Not at all. You’re under a lot of pressure with this crazy guy running around loose. This is why I hate leaving you all day long. I can’t even help you if you may need me. I want to be there for you day or night, Kelsey. You must trust me when I say that I’ve thought about this long and hard. This is what I want.”

  Kelsey sighed, closing his eyes. “I know, I know. Believe me, nothing would make me happier than to be with you whenever my heart desires. I just worry, that’s all.”

  “I’m leaving in two nights for Canada. I really want you to come with me.”


  “Yeah, Montreal. That’s where all of the Master Gargoyles are getting together for my transformation. You can’t go to the ceremony, but I want you to go with me and stay in a nearby hotel there until everything is done.”

��I thought it takes several days for the complete transformation.”

  “Yeah, but you can stay there for several days, can’t you? I’d rather you’re closer to me. Besides, that way, we can fly back together on a plane. I want to go straight to you once I’ve turned.”

  “I would like that, too,” she whispered before her lips found his. “Let me ask my boss if he’ll give me some time off.”


  As Kelsey was heading out for work the next morning, the doorman said, “Miss Taylor, did you see the package? That box over there is addressed to you.” He pointed to the mailroom where a small box about a foot in length and width lay.

  “Really? Hmm, I wasn’t expecting anything.” Kelsey walked to it and picked it up. When she didn’t notice any return address, she asked, “How long has it been here?”

  “I just noticed it this morning when I came on shift. I assume it came in yesterday’s mail?”

  “I guess so,” she mumbled. Curious on what it could be, she decided to go back to her apartment and open it before work.

  Not waiting for the elevator, Kelsey sprinted the five flights up. As soon as she entered her apartment, she ripped the cardboard box. Flipping it open, she froze in shock when she noticed its content. The room began spinning and her eyes became blurry. Maybe she was seeing things. Maybe she was losing her mind. She shut her eyes tight, shaking her head as her chest tightened and squeezed the air out of her.

  Forcing her eyes open, she slowly lowered her gaze to the box again. The hand was still there with an open note. As her entire body began to tremble, she placed the box on the table and made the call for emergency dispatchers. She didn’t even remember what she said to them, but soon disconnected the call, incapable of explaining anything further.

  She swallowed hard, reading the words on the note that begged her attention: He will never lay his hands on you again.

  “No, no, no!” she whispered, dropping to the floor. Cradling her knees to her chest, she rocked back and forth, trying to make some sort of sense. “What’s happening? Oh my God, what’s happening?”

  Kelsey had no idea how long she remained there, frozen from shock. Somehow, she was able to hear the pounding at her door and her captain yelling, “Taylor, open the door!”

  Still in a daze, she somehow managed to let them in. The team of police officers swarmed in with their guns drawn. Immediately noticing her state, Kevin pulled Kelsey into his arms.

  “Dear God, what happened?” he whispered.

  “Captain, you have to see this,” Officer Garland said.

  Leading her to the sofa, Kevin made sure she was seated before going to the box. “Don’t touch anything. Call the feds right now.” He then approached Kelsey, as she still hadn’t spoken one word. Sitting next to her, he took her hand. “Talk to me, Taylor. What happened?”

  Forcing herself to look into his concerned eyes, realization finally hit her. “Oh my God, it’s Jason! It’s Jason!”

  “What are you talking about?” her captain demanded.

  Grabbing her phone, she dialed Jason’s number with shaky fingers. “Please pick up. Please pick up,” she pleaded, her eyes filling with tears. When there was no answer, she turned to Kevin. “Send somebody out to Jason Kline’s address. Please.”

  “Taylor, who is Jason Kline? Please be more specific. What’s happening? FBI guys are on their way here right now as we speak.”

  “Listen to me! I need you to please send a team out to Jason Kline’s home.”

  “Who is he?”

  “A friend. Oh no, oh no!” Kelsey began to hyperventilate and panic set in. “I think that may be his hand,” she whispered.

  “What?” Without saying anything further, Kevin grabbed his phone. “I need dispatchers to be sent out to investigate a possible victim’s home. His name is Jason Kline. Take extra caution. We don’t know what we’ll find. Killer may still be there.”

  “I have to go there.” Kelsey jumped up, grabbing her coat.

  “You’re not going anywhere,” Kevin ordered. “Tell me what the hell is going on here.”

  “I don’t know what the hell is going on! Some psycho sent me a man’s hand for God’s sake. That means he’s been watching me. That means that could potentially be somebody I know. Jason and I had a confrontation outside my apartment building the other day. If that’s Jason’s hand…” Knowing her voice was now quivering, she turned away, covering her face. “Please let me be wrong on this.”

  “This guy is after you and he’s getting to you. Kelsey, you absolutely can’t stay here. If he’s watching you…it’s just a matter of time before he comes for you,” Kevin said.

  “And where the hell do you want me to go? This is my home. I won’t run.”

  “Be smart about this. What are you trying to prove? You can stay at my place temporarily. At least that way I’ll know you’re safe,” he suggested.

  “No, absolutely not.” Kelsey stood back up and began to pace, waiting for the news about Jason. “I’m not running nor hiding.”

  By then, the FBI team arrived and began their investigation.

  Kyle Brown, one of the lead agents, approached her. “Can I ask you a few questions?”

  “Um, yeah, sure,” Kelsey murmured, her arms folded across her chest as she tried desperately to find her bearings.

  “Exactly what happened? Where was this box?”

  “The doorman from downstairs said I had a package waiting for me. He said he saw it when he started the shift this morning.”

  “Okay, we’ll have a word with him and all the other doormen. Now, is there anybody you know who is capable of something like this?”

  “What? No way! I don’t know that many people, but the few I do know…no, absolutely not,” Kelsey said with a firm shake of her head.

  “Are you sure? He clearly knows where you live. He’s been watching you. Maybe you’ve ran into him somewhere? Maybe at a restaurant? A library?”

  Kelsey continued to shake her head, troubled by what he was suggesting. “No, I’m sure I would know.”

  “How would you know? How could you possibly know? I’m sorry to be upsetting you like this, but we have to find this killer who is becoming obsessed with you. He’s watching your every move and waiting for your reaction. You may possibly hold the key to his identity.” There was no sympathy from him as he coldheartedly continued to drill her.

  “Could you leave her alone?” Kevin intervened. “Don’t you see that she’s already gone through a lot?” Before anybody could reply, his phone rang. “Yeah?” Deathly silence encased the room as people waited for the news. “I understand. I’ll send the homicide team over there.”

  Kelsey’s heart dropped, and she collapsed onto the sofa. This was a nightmare. This couldn’t be really happening. All she needed to do was force herself to open her eyes and wake up to end all this.

  Kevin was saying something, but everything sounded jumbled. “Sorry…yes, the victim is Jason Kline…in his apartment…killer was nowhere in sight…brutally murdered…”

  Kelsey ran to the bathroom just in time for the toilet to catch her vomit. Jason was dead. Jason was dead. It was all her fault. When she finally washed her face and stepped out of her bathroom, Kevin was waiting for her.

  “I’m sorry, Kelsey. They want you at the station. After that, though, I really want you to consider staying at my place until this maniac is caught.”

  “No, but I think I do need to get away for a bit. Can I take some days off? I just need to get my mind cleared again.”

  “Of course, of course. Whatever you need. I recommend you see our psychiatrist, too. All this…it’s too much, Kelsey. You don’t have to put on a brave front.”

  Typically, Kevin didn’t like to show his compassionate side to people, but hearing his voice then, full of concern, broke her. All this time she was fighting off the tears, but she could do it no more. As the sobs snuck up on her, Kevin pulled her into his arms.

  “I’m so sorry,” he whispere
d. “I wish I could take away your pain.”

  When she was completely spent and all her tears had dried out, Kelsey pulled away from him. “I’m sorry about that,” she mumbled.

  “Don’t be.”

  “Let me go wash my face again, and I’ll be ready to go to the station. I know they will have a lot of questions for me.”

  “I’m also going to have you see our doctor. You need to talk to somebody.”

  “I don’t want to,” she quickly replied.

  “Too bad. You’re a mess, Taylor, and you need help.”

  Grinding her teeth, she grabbed her purse. “Let’s go.”

  When they stepped back into the living room, Kevin ordered, “I want twenty-four hour surveillance not only for Officer Taylor’s apartment building, but this entire vicinity. At least now we know he’s keeping a close eye on Taylor. I want this bastard found.”

  The entire day was spent at the station. She was drilled by the FBI and then placed in front of a computer to look at sketches of faces. She was told to pay close attention in case any of the sketches looked familiar. Then, she was asked more questions by the psychiatrist. Kelsey went through it all like a robot, still in a state of shock. By the time she was done, she was utterly drained. Since it was already dark, Kevin insisted on driving her home.

  “I’ve got constant surveillance all over here, Kelsey. But if there’s even the slightest amount of suspicious activity, you’ve got to call my cell phone immediately.”

  “I will. I’m going to take the next few days off. Like I said, I need to get out of here.”

  “That’s fine. Take all the time you need. You need another psych exam before you can return to work. After seeing the doctor today, they felt you’re too unstable to be back on the force right now.”

  “What? Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked, upset at the news.

  “I just did. Where do you plan on going? Are you going alone? Are you going to be okay?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be fine. I just need to go away.” Kelsey had nothing more left in her. She just needed Damien to come home and get her out of here.


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