Book Read Free

Legion of Shadow

Page 19

by Michael J. Ward

  Not wishing to waste time searching for a book, you ask him if he can direct you to where Cornelius lives.

  ‘Where he lives?’ he asks, looking surprised. ‘Well, I’ve never actually met the man. I know his work, as does every scholar worth their salt. So, he lives around here? Gosh, if you do happen to cross paths with him . . .’ he puts his hands together pleadingly. ‘Could you get his autograph for me? Please?’

  You give him a reassuring nod, trying your best to hide your disappointment. Finding Cornelius is not going to be as easy as you first thought. To speak with Totsvig further, turn to 310. Otherwise, return to the quest map to continue your travels.


  Legendary monster: Vesuvius

  The column of flame moves quickly across the scorched earth, leaving a blazing trail of smoke and embers in its wake. The creature is headed straight towards you, gaining momentum as it blasts through the withered trees and shrivelled ferns that litter the crater basin.

  Two angry molten eyes form within the column, narrowing to slits of rage as it closes in. ‘All will burn by my hand,’ hisses the elemental, spitting sparks and flame. ‘I am Vesuvius – and nothing stands in my way!’

  You brace yourself, as the infernal monster slams into you, plunging your surroundings into a searing maelstrom of fire and sulphur:

  Special abilities

  Molten armour: At the end of every combat round, your hero automatically takes 4 health damage from Vesuvius. This ability ignores armour.

  Body of flame: Your opponent is immune to sear, fire aura and bleed.

  If you defeat your fiery opponent, turn to 377.


  You awake to find yourself lying in a patch of long grass, your pack and belongings resting beside you. As you stumble groggily to your feet, you try and remember what happened. You were talking to the queen in the dryad grove and then . . .

  ‘I see you’re awake at last.’

  You spin round, readying your weapons – then relax, when you see it is Bern. The ranger is sat watching you, chewing on a stem of grass. ‘The queen asked me to do her a little favour,’ he grins, standing. ‘To take you to Cornelius. Are you ready?’

  Looking around, you see that you are both standing in a meadow, surrounded by the dark trees of Mistwood. There is no sign of the dryads or their peaceful, idyllic grove.

  ‘Was I dreaming?’ you ask, scratching your head.

  Bern gives a snort of laughter. ‘Don’t worry, the queen has that effect on most people. Now, do you want my help, or not?’

  Still a little befuddled by what has happened, you find yourself agreeing to the ranger’s kind offer. Turn to 430.


  As you start to wade across the pool, you are suddenly thrown off balance by something pulling at your legs. You quickly realise that the entire mud pool has started to move – sliding past you at great speed. Within moments, you are standing on dry, stony ground, as the thick sludge is sucked up towards the centre of the pool.

  Then, in one fluid motion, the sludge rises up, moulding itself into a humanoid shape. The objects that were once lying in the mud are now sticking out of the creature’s body at various angles.

  With a wet-sounding roar, the mud golem slithers towards you, clearly with the intention of smashing you to pieces with its enormous, sludge-dripping fists:

  Special abilities

  Mud pie: At the end of every combat round, the golem flings a mud pie at you. Roll 2 dice – if the amount is the same as or less than your speed then you take no damage. If the amount is higher than your speed, you take 2 damage. This ability ignores armour.

  If you defeat the mud golem, turn to 283.


  (You must pay a fee of 5 gold crowns to enter the guild.) The thieves’ guild has the following items for sale for 40 gold crowns each:

  Boots of swift flight

  Footpad’s cover




  (main hand: club)

  +1 speed +2 brawn

  +2 brawn +1 armour

  +3 brawn

  Ability: slam

  As a pickpocket you may return to the guild at any time. (Make a note of this entry number on your hero sheet). If you wish to leave the guild and explore the rest of the town, turn to 348.


  Still shaken by your encounter, you warn the woman to be more careful when using the roads. Lady Roe attempts to look serious as she listens to your heated speech, but you notice the corners of her mouth twitching, as if she is restraining herself from laughing.

  ‘Oh I know – it was awful!’ she says at last, her eyes twinkling mischievously. ‘We should have taken more care. I was just so excited at the thought of seeing Papa again. I’ve been east, visiting my cousin at Fairwater View. I do so love the country – such simple ways . . . but Papa’s grand occasion, well I couldn’t miss it for the world. He promised me it will be the best ever!’

  The woman places a hand on your arm. ‘Please, I would be honoured if you would join me.’

  Will you:

  Accept the invitation? — 284

  Explain your mission? — 268

  Ask the whereabouts of the gypsy camp? — 276


  Ignoring the woman’s grief-stricken howls, you continue onwards through the swirling fog. Roll a die. If you getor less turn to 457. Otherwise, turn to 438.


  You cleave through the tree’s rotten trunk, releasing more of the noxious green smoke. With a final gasp, the tree creaks and shudders – then becomes still, its branches drooping by its sides. The pitiful creature is dead. You may now take one of the following as a reward:

  Dryad’s band

  Barkskin greaves

  Sprig of corruption



  (left hand: wand)

  +1 brawn

  +1 speed +2 armour

  +2 speed +3 magic

  Ability: thorn armour

  Ability: steadfast

  Ability: corruption

  You also find a pouch of 30 gold crowns nestled within the creature’s decaying wood. Return to the quest map to continue your adventure.


  As you enter the cave, your eyes widen further in amazement. Instead of being a damp, gloomy space, the cavern is filled with colour and light. From the holes and spaces in the rocky ceiling, amber columns of sunlight stream down across a carpet of rose petals and woven reeds. They form a natural pathway, leading up to a bed of purple blossom at the centre of the cave. And there, lying on top of it, is a magnificent white stallion. The beast’s eyes are closed, as if in sleep; its ragged breathing the only sound in the still, silent cave.

  ‘Follow me,’ says Talandra, leading the way up the path. ‘The queen is here, also.’

  At first you wonder who or what she is referring to – then, as you get closer to the horse, you see a woman lying perfectly still next to it, her eyes closed and her own breathing stilted and irregular. She is like all the other dryads you have met – green-skinned with mottled patches of grey and brown. But her beauty surpasses all. As she lies in slumber, her blond hair cascades around her thin body like spun gold, mirroring the delicate leaves that adorn her robes.

  ‘My queen,’ gasps Bern, rushing to her side. ‘What happened here? How long has she been like this?’

  ‘Since the unicorn’s horn was lost to us,’ says Talandra. She walks over to a carved wooden table set beneath a natural overhang of rock. From it, she takes an arrow and hands it to Bern, who studies it with interest.

  ‘That was the arrow that brought down the unicorn,’ says Talandra, her face hardening. ‘The hunters took the horn. Without it, the grove will lose its magic. The queen already weakens . . . trapped in a slumber from which she cannot awake. Their magic, their fates, are intertwined. Without the horn, the unicorn will pass away and our dear queen will . . .’ She stops, taking a deep breath to compose herself. �
�Bern, can you help us?’

  The warrior studies the arrow. ‘This is not the work of goblins. The wood is weak – marsh wood from the mangroves. And look, this fletching is oiled. The wreekins are responsible.’

  ‘No!’ gasps Talandra. ‘But they are a peaceful race. They honour our borders as we do theirs. Why would they take the horn? They know it is precious to us!’

  Bern gets to his feet. ‘I intend to find out. Can you take me to where you found the unicorn? I can pick up the trail from there.’

  As you are led out of the cave, Bern stops beside you. ‘I’m afraid the answers you seek will have to wait. The queen’s life is now in the balance. Unless we find the horn, everything you have just seen will be gone forever.’ Turn to 328.


  Quest: The sunken city

  You come to the shores of a vast blue lake, where a camp has been set up within the shadows of the mountains. There are over a dozen rich pavilion tents, arranged in a rough circle, with armed guards patrolling the perimeter. Each guard is wearing a blue tabard over their chain mail, with a circle and a white rose emblazoned at the centre.

  On seeing you approach, several of the guards head over in your direction, drawing swords from their sheathes. Behind them, you see inside an open tent, where a woman in similar getup is leaning over a table, scrutinising a map.

  ‘What you sniffing around ’ere for?’ growls one of the guards, his scarred face visible beneath his helm.

  ‘Perhaps we got another deader,’ grins one of his companions. ‘Coming ’ere thinking they gonna get some treasure.’

  The scar-faced guard raises the point of his sword. ‘Shall we see if this one’s got anything to show?’

  ‘Gentlemen, please.’ The woman from the tent strides over. She has long brown hair, tied back in a ponytail. From her trappings and the way she moves, you can tell she is an accomplished warrior.

  ‘Stand down, Merik,’ she snaps, addressing the scarred-face guard. ‘Back to your duties. All of you.’

  The guards oblige, leaving the two of you alone. The woman folds her arms, her eyes fondly appraising your gear and weapons. ‘Well, well. You don’t look like the ordinary kind of treasure seeker we get down here. I’m Sahna.’ She tilts her head back, gesturing towards the ring of tents. ‘I work for Raolin. So, let me guess – did old Marcus at the Pisa’s Rest send you down here?’ She arches an eyebrow. ‘We are kind of desperate for volunteers, if the truth be told.’

  Will you:

  Ask if she has heard of Jenlar Cornelius? — 427

  Ask why the guard referred to you as a ‘deader’ — 440

  Ask about Raolin? — 448

  Ask why she needs volunteers? — 476


  The guardian places a branch on your shoulder, the twig-like fingers curling round to grip it tightly. ‘Thank you,’ says the tree, its eyes misting with sap. ‘I had given up hope . . . but perhaps, I was wrong to be so hasty. See, over there.’ The tree gently turns you to face the far side of the clearing. Ahead, billowing out of a deep crater, is a plume of green smoke.

  ‘That is where the dark splinter landed,’ explains the tree. ‘It was the black rock that brought the evil and menace to this land. I have seen things . . . the creatures of the forest, corrupted and mutated by its power. I fear that it was one of these creatures – a parasite – that has eaten away at my brothers’ and sisters’ roots. Even now, I feel my own magic seeping away. Soon all my magic will be gone and I, the mighty Woad Brightbough, will cease to be.’

  The tree gives a shaky, wavering breath. ‘If you would investigate the black rock for me, then the forest would forever speak your name.’

  You promise the tree that you will do all you can. Turn to 409.


  You turn to leave, having had enough of this foolish charade. Suddenly something strikes you from behind, sending you toppling forward onto your knees. The room starts to spin as white flashes of pain explode across your vision. You try and turn, to see what hit you, but your muscles are no longer doing what you ask.

  ‘Sorry, but I can’t let yer leave,’ growls the coach driver, his face swimming through the dizzying, white haze. ‘Lady Roe picked you out specially, and she ain’t one to have her evening ruined.’

  ‘Yeah, you said it,’ chuckles the guard. ‘She got quite an appetite on her for one so young. That’ll be a real treat . . .’

  The voices fade, replaced by a roaring white noise in your ears . . . you can feel your limbs stiffening, growing numb. Then you lose consciousness, falling into a deep dark sleep. Turn to 312.


  You sever the stem in two, sending the plant’s snapping head flying across the clearing, to squish against a nearby tree. The creeping vines give a shudder and suddenly start to recoil, winding their way back into the marshy ground.

  You have defeated the deadly snapjaw plant. You may now take one of the following as your reward:

  Spine tooth

  Wreath of woe

  Barbed bracers

  (left hand: dagger)



  +2 speed +2 brawn

  +1 speed +3 magic

  +2 brawn +2 armour

  Ability: critical strike

  Ability: barbs

  Ability: barbs

  (requirement: rogue)

  If you are an alchemist, you may also take a corrupted seed pod from the base of the plant. Make a note of this item on your hero sheet (it doesn’t take up backpack space). When you have made your choices, return to the quest map to continue your adventure.


  ‘Gosh, yes how rude of me!’ she gasps, her cheeks suddenly flushed with colour. ‘If you’re going to be risking your life for me, then I suppose it is the least I can do. Here . . .’ Shay fishes inside various pockets and after several minutes of feeling around, manages to gather together a small handful of dirt-covered coins. She hands them over, chewing her bottom lip nervously. ‘I do hope that is OK.’

  You have gained 20 gold crowns. After pocketing the money you offer out your hand and shake on the agreement. ‘How splendid!’ she grins excitedly. ‘Shall we get started then?’ Turn to 353.


  You find yourself standing on a wide promenade, which cuts through the centre of the town. To your left you see a lop-sided building, its lower-storeys sloping backwards into the murky swamp water. A sign outside the crooked front door reads, ‘Pisa’s Rest’.

  To your right, street vendors are touting their wares to the steady stream of passers-by. One in particular catches your eye – an elderly woman selling mushrooms from a squeaky wheel-barrow.

  Finally, ahead of you, rising high into the pale mist, looms a large wooden amphitheatre, its lofty heights glowing with lantern-light. Outside, crowds of people are pushing and shoving to get through the open doors.

  ‘Come on, move it!’ shouts one of the mob. ‘The first fight of the season is about to begin!’

  Leave the town – return to the map.

  Will you:

  Visit the tavern? — 404

  Talk to the mushroom seller? — 362

  Enter the amphitheatre? — 373


  The door opens out onto a steep, spiral staircase. You follow it down into a torch-lined passageway. Turn to 317.


  Legendary monster: Hydra

  Having lost your way in the murky fog, you find yourself wading through a treacherous quagmire of mud. Every step you take becomes an effort of will as you struggle to lift your feet out of the clinging, boggy earth.

  With your attention focused solely on your predicament, you don’t see the huge swamp monster until it is too late. Three snapping heads lunge out of the pale mist, each attached to a long scaly neck. In horror, you realise you have waded into the den of a hydra. You must now fight for your life against its many, snapping jaws:

  Special abilities

  Many heads: If the hydra is still alive at the
end of three combat rounds, it automatically heals back to full health at the start of the fourth round.

  Venom: Once you have taken damage from the hydra, at the end of every combat round you must automatically lose 2 health.

  If you defeat the hydra, turn to 389. (Special achievement: If you defeat the hydra before it can heal, turn to 418.)


  As you approach the dark line of trees, you see that they are growing alongside a brown, stagnant pool. Their thick, gnarly roots creep out like fingers into the muddy water, forming a makeshift bridge that leads across to a small island. There, crouched on the bank, is an old grey-haired woman huddled in a black shawl. She sobs and wails, as she gazes upon her reflection in the still waters.

  Will you:

  Cross to the island? — 462

  Leave and continue your journey? — 340


  The crowds are chanting your name as you stride out into the arena, ready to face your next opponent. ‘Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to our quarter-final match-up!’ The announcer zooms overhead like a bright, trailing comet. ‘Facing our challenger today, is one of the deadliest fighters ever to set foot in the arena. From across the scorching sands of the dune sea, I bring you Nasareim!’

  The stadium shakes with the roar of applause as a tall figure steps out from the tunnel. He is dressed in a loose-fitting poncho and flared silk leggings, decorated with embroidered suns. Most of the man’s face is hidden behind wraps of cloth, leaving only his dark eyes and curved nose visible. You notice that he moves with a quick-footed grace, his sandalled feet barely making an impression in the wet earth. Drawing a black-bladed scimitar from his belt, the silent assassin stalks towards you. It is time to fight!


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