Legion of Shadow

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Legion of Shadow Page 20

by Michael J. Ward

  Special abilities

  Dervish: This fighter’s deadly attacks ignore your armour.

  Whirlwind: Each time Nasareim rolls afor damage, he may roll an extra die for damage. If Nasareim rolls anotherthen he may roll another die – and so on.

  If you defeat Nasareim, turn to 370.


  You lead the way down the tunnel, with Shay following behind. You make slow progress, as the narrow passage is choked with thick roots. They break out of the walls and ceiling, filling the tunnel in crisscrossing patterns. Shay stops several times to take samples.

  ‘These roots seem healthier,’ she comments, holding up her latest sample in its glass bottle. ‘Interesting.’

  As you struggle onwards, weaving between the roots, you finally emerge in a huge bowl-shaped cavern. A narrow ledge leads around the dip to another tunnel opening, covered in more snaking tree roots. However, your attention is drawn instantly to the bottom of the crater-shaped hole, where a series of stone ruins are protruding from out of the soil.

  ‘Dwarf ruins,’ gasps Shay, her hand going to her mouth. ‘I never thought we would stumble on those down here. How utterly fascinating!’

  Will you:

  Investigate the ruins? — 380

  Leave via the tunnel? — 393


  You’ve almost caught up with the boy, when he suddenly swerves to the side, dodging your grasping hands. ‘Don’t give up, do yer,’ he shouts, darting into a shadowy alleyway. You follow him in – realising a moment later, the foolishness of your hasty pursuit.

  You skid to a halt, facing a rag-tag crowd of children, all armed with clubs, knives and other dangerous-looking weapons. Afty stands in the middle of the group, grinning at you. ‘Sorry friend, but I can’t lets yer catch me. No one catches Artful Afty.’ A couple of the children nod in agreement, their small hands tightening around their makeshift weapons.

  As you ponder your next move, a soft, well-mannered voice breaks the silence. ‘Well, well little ones. What we caught in the net today then, eh?’

  You look round, to see a scruffy-looking man standing in the mouth of the alleyway. He bows to you, his mud-flecked coat opening to reveal the hilts of several daggers, tucked into his waist band.

  ‘Now, under normal circumstances, I’d be a gentleman,’ says the stranger, rubbing his stubbly chin. ‘But as it is – you have some nice gear there. And, as you’re new to town, no one will miss yer, will they?’

  In a flash, he has drawn two daggers and is lunging towards you, his weaselly eyes full of greed and envy. You must now fight this thief:

  If you defeat this desperate vagabond, turn to 309.


  From glancing at the other people gathered around the statue, it is clear that the boy is cherry-picking those from the group who look like they can handle themselves. The man opposite you has the appearance of a blacksmith, with broad shoulders and thick muscular arms. Next to him is a stern-faced woman, dressed in a thick riding cloak and leather armour. You see an empty scabbard and knife-holder hanging from her belt.

  The boy suddenly appears, sweating heavily. You imagine it must be hot underneath the thick, black coat he is wearing. ‘Listen,’ he says, leaning in towards the group. ‘Now don’t show alarm to the others. We can’t have any . . . panic. Do you understand?’

  A few uncertain looks are passed around the circle, then everyone nods.

  ‘Good.’ The boy proceeds to unfasten his coat, then, with a flourish he holds it open. To your surprise, you see a veritable armoury of items tied into the lining of the coat. ‘I want you all to take what you need. What we are going up against . . . well. . . you’ll soon see.’

  ‘What possible use are these?’ asks the blacksmith, wrinkling his brow. He points to a string of garlic. The boy gives him a wry smile – suddenly looking much older than his years.

  ‘You don’t get it, do you? The count is no ordinary man. And his . . .’

  The boy is interrupted by the creak of the double doors at the end of the room. Two servants enter. One is holding a small brass gong, which he proceeds to hit. The room echoes with the resonating boom.

  ‘Ladies and gentlemen,’ the other servant announces. ‘The Count Kristoe cordially invites you all to his banquet.’

  A wave of excitement washes across the crowd as people start to make their way through the double doors. The boy turns back to your group, his face looking panicked.

  ‘Come on, there isn’t much time. Arm yourselves and keep them hidden from view. You’ll know when the time is right to use them.’

  One by one, the members of the gathering choose from the odd assortment of items in the boy’s coat. At last, it is your turn to choose. Turn to 405.


  You follow Bern and Talandra deeper into the forest. Solandris, now freed from her bonds, walks beside you, occasionally casting a dark glance at yourself and Bern. Her fingers are continually tapping the pommels of her daggers, tucked into her garland belt. It is clear that her defeat in the clearing has only served to intensify her desire for revenge.

  The thin, almost invisible trail meanders south, taking you across streams and over steep, muddy banks. At last, you pass beneath an archway of blossoming roses, to find yourself in an area of forest more beautiful than you could ever have imagined.

  Golden light streams through the tree tops in brilliant beams, casting an otherworldly hue over the hills and glades. From a rocky cliff-side, carpeted in climbing roses, a marvellous waterfall plunges down into a wide, crystal-blue pool – its many rivulets and streams sparkling in the sunlight.

  Everywhere you look, there is something that steals your breath away, from the ancient trees that soar impossibly high to the intricate marble statues bedecked in garlands of red and gold. You walk through this paradise as if in a dream, the fragrant air and melody of cricket song and cascading water, making you feel both relaxed and light-headed.

  ‘Come, the unicorn is this way.’ Talandra leads you to a cave, its entrance almost hidden from view by trailing foliage. Pulling the vines aside, she gestures for you and Bern to enter. Turn to 342.


  Legendary monster: Barkrot

  On the edge of the withered glade, a single rotting tree stands alone, surrounded by a blackened patch of blighted earth. As you approach, the tree springs into life, its immense black branches forming themselves into gnarly fists.

  The creature’s mouth falls open, belching clouds of green, noxious gas. ‘Back! Go back!’ chokes the tree. ‘I have suffered enough! I will not suffer anymore!’ Before you have a chance to act, the tree’s roots wrap themselves around your legs, their barbed thorns puncturing your armour and digging painfully into your skin.

  Rooted to the spot, you have little choice but to defend yourself against the corrupted tree’s flailing branches:

  Special abilities

  Tangled roots: Roll a dice at the start of every combat round. If you roll aoryou automatically lose 5 health from the deadly thorns. This ability ignores armour.

  Air of corruption: You cannot use any special abilities in this fight. You may still use potions and other backpack items.

  If you defeat this mighty opponent, turn to 341.


  You barely have a moment to recover before the giant queen is upon you, the thunderous beat of her immense wings whipping up a tornado:

  Special abilities

  Wing buffet: You must reduce your speed by 1 for the duration of this combat.

  Venom sting: Once you have taken health damage from the queen, at the end of every combat round you must automatically lose 2 health.

  If you defeat the hive queen, turn to 314.


  The arena echoes with the beast’s final bellow of pain . . . then there is silence. A heartbeat later and the stadium erupts into wild applause.

  ‘The king is dead!’ cheers the announcer, spinning through the air on his magic carpet. ‘Long live our new champi
on!’ You may now take one of the following as your reward:

  Winter pelt

  Diamond of the Tundra

  Simian crown




  +2 speed +2 armour

  +1 armour

  +1 speed +2 brawn

  Ability: savagery

  Ability: piercing

  Ability: chill touch

  Bart is waiting for you at the entrance to the tunnel. ‘You did it! You did it! I never thought I’d see this day! We’re in the final!’ He flings his arms around you and gives you a big hug. ‘Here! Take this. You deserve every shiny golden penny.’ He places a bulging money pouch in your hand. (You have gained 100 gold crowns.) ‘Now, let’s get you ready for the final show. I suggest you stock up on some potions – you’re going to need all the help you can get. Trust me!’

  When you are ready to take on your final opponent, turn to 386.


  You race over to help Spink, pushing your way past the snapping vampires and their frightened, bewildered victims. As you near, you see that two of the vampires have wrestled the boy to the ground. One of them has bitten deeply into his arm, forcing him to cry out in pain. As you pass a table, you grab a silver platter, tipping the leftover food onto the floor. Raising it like a club, you hurtle into the two vampires, swinging it with all the force you can muster. There is a satisfying clang, as the platter connects with one of the vampires, knocking it away. The other suddenly explodes in a ball of fire, sending black ash showering across the hall. Spink leaps to his feet, magic crackling in the palm of his hand.

  ‘Just a little trick I learned from my master,’ he grins. ‘Come on, cover me. I need to get the holy water.’ He runs over to the bottle, snatching it up into his hands.

  The surviving vampire is groggily getting back to its feet. It is an elderly woman, dressed in a plush black velvet gown. With a hiss, she advances towards you, raising her long, pale fingers. In horror, you watch as her painted nails begin to stretch – becoming animal-like claws.

  You toss the platter aside, and ready the special equipment that Spink gave you. Screeching like a banshee, the woman springs at you, her claws reaching for your throat:

  Special abilities

  Piercing: This opponent’s attacks ignore your armour.

  Vampire: You can use your stake and reflect abilities (if you have them) against this opponent.

  (Note: You cannot heal after this combat. You must continue this quest with the health that you have remaining. You may use potions and abilities to heal lost health while you are in combat.)

  If you defeat this vampire, turn to 460. Otherwise, turn to 424.


  The passageway winds through the earth, eventually ending in a wide cavern.

  Again, the ceiling is covered in a tangle of withered tree roots, which leak a thick green smoke into the air. You spot several black beetles scuttling amongst them, chewing at what is left of the rotted wood.

  Underneath this smoky canopy, you see a group of grey, hairless humanoids seated around a camp fire. They are licking their lips hungrily as they watch a line of skewered beetles slowly cook over the flames.

  As you enter the cavern, one of them looks up, sniffing the air. Quickly, it grabs a flint-tipped spear and starts towards you, its companions following suit. Although spindly and slow-moving, the creatures are clearly accomplished hunters. They spread out, cautiously forming a circle around you. Then they attack, jabbing at you with their spears:

  If you defeat the trogs, turn to 327.


  The elderly woman looks up as you approach. ‘Care to take a look at my wares, young one?’ she asks, gesturing to the bundles of mushrooms and other fungi packed into the wheelbarrow. ‘All of these are fresh – oh yes. Picked them myself only yesterday.’

  You may purchase any of the following for 40 gold crowns each (Note: You can only use one glittercap mushroom and one mottled marshstick per combat):

  Glittercap mushroom (1 use)

  Mottled marshstick (1 use)



  Use any time in combat to raise your magic score by 3 for two combat rounds. Afterwards, you must reduce your magic by 1 for the remainder of the combat.

  Use any time in combat to raise your speed score by 3 for two combat rounds. Afterwards, you must reduce your speed by 1 for the remainder of the combat.

  When you have made your purchases, you return to the main square. Turn to 348.


  ‘Cornelius?’ the leader stops, her eyebrows raised. ‘What do you know of Cornelius?’

  Suddenly, a foot slams into your back, knocking you forward onto your stomach. ‘Enough!’ snarls the woman behind you. ‘This one must have seen something. Let me get the truth out of them – my way!’

  You roll over onto your elbows, to see another of the green-skinned females standing over you, a curved knife held in each hand. From the cold-hearted glare she is giving you, you suspect her method of interrogation is not going to be pleasant.

  ‘Hold! All of you!’

  To your surprise, it is a man’s voice. You turn your head, to see a warrior in forest green leathers emerge from the trees. He has long blond hair, braided with feathers and cords, and about his neck hang a number of beaded charms. ‘Since when do the dryads hunt so openly,’ he scowls, ‘and without judgement or mercy?’ He starts forward into the clearing, a yellow glow cascading down his arms to gather along the tips of his fingers.

  ‘Bern Farstrider,’ sneers the knife-woman. ‘This is none of your concern. Stand down or face the consequences.’

  From around the circle, there is the creak of bowstrings as the archers nock arrows and take aim at the warrior.

  He shakes his head sadly. ‘Has it really come to this – that my return is welcomed with an arrow in the back. Well, so be it.’ Turn to 474.


  Legendary monster: Snapjaw

  A wet mist rolls in across the forest, coating the tangled trees in a sheen of glistening dew. As you stumble blindly through the haze, you suddenly become aware of a creaking, scraping sound coming from behind you. In a flash, you are thrown forwards as something whips across your back. Rolling onto your front, you turn to see a giant vine thrashing through the air. Another is slithering out of the undergrowth and begins to wrap itself around your feet. Within moments you are being lifted up and carried through the air, towards a hungry pair of snapping jaws.

  Frantically, you bash and tear at the vine, severing it in two. You fall to the ground, landing heavily on your side. Looking up, you see a gigantic plant towering above you, its bulbous head splitting open to reveal two sets of spine-like teeth. All around you, more vines are sliding across the boggy earth, seeking to entrap you in their deadly embrace.

  You must now fight for your life against this fearsome carnivorous plant:

  Special abilities

  Strangle vines: Your hero automatically loses 2 health at the end of the first combat round from Snapjaw’s constricting vines. As the combat continues, these deadly vines wind tighter and tighter around your hero – increasing their damage by 2 each round. (Your hero takes 4 damage at the end of the second round, 6 damage at the end of the third and so on.) This ability ignores armour.

  If you manage to defeat the mutated plant, turn to 346.


  You take a long run up, sprinting towards the edge of the ledge. At the last possible second you launch yourself into the air, kicking your legs to power yourself across the yawning chasm. It is a miracle, but you make it to the other side, grabbing hold of the hive wall to stop your fall.

  After taking a moment to catch your breath, you begin to explore the strange hive. You discover that the honey-combed holes are actually narrow tunnels that lead deeper into the structure. You duck down into the nearest tunnel and begin crawling into the clammy darkness.

  After several minutes you find
yourself entering a large chamber, lined on all sides with glowing green eggs. At the centre of the chamber is a gigantic bee, with immense diaphanous wings that glitter with magic. You guess that this is the queen – and she isn’t happy that you have invaded her hive. The queen beats her wings and immediately, as if in answer to her unspoken command, a swarm of drones sweep towards you from out of one of the tunnels. You must fight this deadly swarm as a single enemy:

  Special abilities

  Stingers: The bees’ stingers can punch through anything. Your armour is useless in this fight.

  If you manage to defeat the drones, turn to 358.


  Instead of following Bern, you make a bee-line for the escaping wreekin. You guess that the stolen horn could be inside the sack that it is carrying. As you get closer, a ball of golden light whistles past your ear, slamming into the ground ahead of the wreekin. Suddenly, a wall of thorns rises up out of the boggy earth, cutting off its escape route. A quick glance over your shoulder confirms that it was Bern – the palm of one hand flickering with yellow magic.

  However, before you can catch the stunned creature, a barbed net whips around your legs, slicing into your skin. As you desperately try and cut it away, there is a warbling cry as one of the wreekin pounces on you with its pronged trident:


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