Legion of Shadow

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Legion of Shadow Page 21

by Michael J. Ward

  Special abilities

  Entrapment: You can only roll 1 die to determine your attack speed while you have the net around your legs. If you win a combat round, you can choose to attack the wreekin hunter or the net. If the net is destroyed then you can roll 2 dice for your speed as normal. If the hunter is killed first, then you can simply cut yourself free of the net.

  If you defeat the wreekin, turn to 491.


  ‘Now, here’s the real deal,’ says Bart, his expression turning solemn. ‘The good news is that you’re through to the next round. The bad news is that, from here on in it gets a lot tougher. Knuckles here has been checking out your opposition.’ He gestures to the ogre, who gives a rumbling belch in response. ‘There are some big names in this tournament – best fighters we’ve ever seen. I suggest you get some rest before the next round. You’re going to need it.’

  If you are ready for the next fight turn to 382. Otherwise, make a note of this entry number and return here when you are fully prepared for the next round.


  You slice open the beetle’s stomach, backing away as its gooey entrails pour out of the wound. Hobbling on its spindly legs, the beetle attempts to reach the glowing tree roots, seeking to draw more of the magic into its shattered body.

  ‘Stop it!’ shouts Shay. ‘If it feeds it will heal!’

  You have no intention of letting that happen. Springing onto the beast’s back, you look for a soft spot between the creature’s armoured wing cases. Then you drive your weapon deep into its fleshy skin. The beetle jerks backwards onto its hind legs, then, with a deafening screech, it collapses to the ground, sending a shockwave of dust and soil billowing out across the chamber.

  The beetle has finally been defeated. You may now help yourself to one of the following rewards:

  Bone scythe

  Chitinous carapace

  Sap-filled gland

  (main hand: sword)



  +1 speed +2 brawn

  +1 speed +2 armour

  +1 speed

  Ability: retaliation

  Ability: charm

  Ability: heal

  If you have Lorinwold’s Field Guide to Roots, Herbs and Leaves then you may also pick 4 root grass from this cavern. Make a note of these on your hero sheet. Then turn to 461.


  ‘I ain’t no good at it, as you could probably tell – but Mouse here, he’ll show yer the ropes.’ Afty nudges a younger child standing next to him, who beams at you excitedly.

  If you decide to learn the pickpocket career you will gain the following abilities:

  Patchwork pauper (pa): When replacing an item of equipment in your chest, gloves, cloak or feet locations on your hero sheet, you can keep the special ability from the old item but replace its name and attributes with those of the new item.

  Loot master (pa): If you do not wish to choose a reward when you defeat an enemy, you may award yourself an extra 20 gold crowns instead.

  While you are a pickpocket, you also have access to the thieves’ guild. You can visit the guild at any time, at the cost of 5 gold crowns per visit (the guild likes to take a cut of your ill-gotten gains!). Once inside, you can purchase special items. To visit the guild, turn to 338. Remember, you can only access the guild if you are a pickpocket.

  Make a note of your new abilities on your hero sheet. Thanking the children, you head back into the town. Turn to 348.


  There is wild applause as the speedy, agile dervish is finally brought down. You may take one of the following items as a reward:

  Desert keffiyeh


  Agal of shifting sands


  (main hand: sword)


  +1 speed +2 brawn

  +2 speed +3 brawn

  +2 magic +2 armour

  Ability: ebony and ivory

  As you exit the tunnel, you find a jostling crowd of people waiting for you, all eager to meet the great warrior of the arena. Some are begging for autographs (the quill and parchment already in their hands), whilst others pester you to show off your best moves. Soon, you are surrounded on all sides by a deafening crescendo of voices, all asking or demanding something from you. (If you have a photograph in your possession, then you can sign this and hand it over to an eager fan for 50 gold crowns.)

  You are relieved when Bart and Knuckles finally put in an appearance. The burly ogre pushes the crowds aside as Bart ushers you into a private room.

  ‘Well, well. Getting quite a reputation around here,’ he smiles, handing over your latest winnings. (You have gained 80 gold crowns). ‘We’re through to the semi-finals. Just two more fights and you’ll be crowned the champion!’

  When you are ready for your next fight, turn to 391.


  ‘Yes, yes of course,’ says Totsvig, brightening up suddenly. ‘All donations to the Botany Society will be gratefully appreciated.’ He rummages underneath one of the benches, then reappears moments later with a case filled with flasks and bottles. You may purchase any of the following for 40 gold crowns each:

  Gourd of healing (1 use)

  Elixir of invisibility (1 use)



  Use any time in combat to restore 6 health

  Special Ability: vanish

  ‘My assistant, Tanner, is a promising young herbalist,’ says Totsvig, smiling proudly at the small girl. ‘You might find her skills useful, also.’

  Will you:

  Ask Totsvig a question? — 310

  Talk to Tanner and view her wares? — 421


  As you get closer, you become aware of an irregular humming sound coming from the black rock. On each hum, a green light pulses along the veins that branch through the rock, moving from the top of the stone to its jagged, half-buried tip. Warily, you place a hand against the side of the rock – and snap it back quickly, surprised at how deathly cold it is to the touch.

  Will you:

  Take a sample of the rock? — 415

  Leave the rock and follow the tunnel? — 428


  Inside, you find people milling around a row of booths, where gold is being exchanged for coloured tickets. Next to the booths, a large chalk board provides the odds on the upcoming fight:

  Left Hook Luke 2-1 Samson the Small 20-2

  Taking a nearby set of stairs, you emerge onto a balcony overlooking a circular pit. The floor of the pit is wet and marshy, littered with skulls, bones and other human (and half-human) remains. All around this makeshift arena, people are crowding into wooden stalls and booths – pushing and shoving to get the best vantage points.

  Then, from out of an archway overlooking the pit, a wizard on a magic carpet swoops out over the assembled crowds. ‘Ladies and gentlemen – it’s that time you’ve all been waiting for. Yes, it’s the five hundred and eleventh gladiatorial games!’

  The crowds cheer and holler as the wizard-announcer soars above their heads. ‘Now, please put your hands together for the first of our brave competitors. On the red side, from the exotic pirate islands of Barbica, we have the enigmatic . . .’

  You miss the rest of the announcement, as you are roughly spun around – to face the leering visage of a fat, bald-headed ogre. Standing next to him is a thin man, dressed in fine-embroidered clothes.

  ‘Good day my friend,’ he says, lifting a monocle to his left eye to inspect you better. ‘You look a fine specimen, yes, a fine specimen indeed.’ He offers out his hand, covered in a plethora of sparkling rings. ‘I am Bart Murkrock and this is my business associate, Knuckles.’ The ogre gives an unsettling growl. ‘I noticed you coming in and I hope you don’t mind me pointing this out, but you really should be down there.’ He points to the pit, where two fighters are now entering the circle. The cries and shouts from the crowds are almost deafening.

  ‘Look, I’ll keep this simple. My pr
ize fighter is ill – she’s got the marsh fever. A terrible sickness . . . doubt she’ll make it through. So, if you’re brave enough to step up to the mark, you could make yourself a household name. Not to mention,’ the man licks his lips greedily, ‘substantially richer. So, what do you say?’

  Will you:

  Agree to take part in the gladiatorial games? — 286

  Decline the offer? — 267


  The undead jester has been defeated, his body crumbling into a fine black dust. You may now help yourself to one of the following items:

  Jester’s cap

  Patchwork jerkin



  +1 speed +1 brawn

  +1 speed +1 brawn

  Ability: last laugh

  Ability: evade

  All around you, you see the panicked faces of men, women and children, struggling to defend themselves from the blood-hungry vampires.

  A scream draws your attention to the near wall. You see the blacksmith trying to defend himself from two vampires. Behind him, the family that you saw in the entrance hall are huddled against the wall. It was the mother who screamed, her children’s faces buried in her dress. The blacksmith is trying to protect them but he is wounded and needs help.

  Then, over to your right, you see Spink dodging between the slashing claws and biting teeth of a crowd of vampires. He is headed for a big cauldron of soup positioned between two of the tables. Reaching into his coat pocket, he produces a bottle. Suddenly, two vampires pounce on top of him, knocking him to the ground. The bottle skitters across the floor.

  Will you:

  Help Spink to recover the bottle? — 360

  Help the blacksmith and the family? — 308


  The tunnel broadens out, becoming a huge cavernous chamber filled with giant, peak-topped mushrooms. You haven’t travelled far into this peculiar forest, before you become aware of a drumming, skittering sound coming from up ahead. It sounds like hundreds of fast-moving legs, beating and scuffling against the earth. As you scan your surroundings, your eyes come to rest on something black and snake-like, zigzagging between the mushrooms.

  As it nears, you see that it is a giant centipede – its long, segmented body giving off the same sickly green hue as the black rock and the withered tree roots. With startling speed, the multi-legged creature is upon you, its serrated mandibles clicking together hungrily:

  Special abilities

  Downsized: For every 10 health that the centipede loses, one of its body segments is destroyed, reducing its speed and brawn by 1 each time.

  If you manage to defeat this multi-legged foe turn to 287.


  You sit alone in a lattice-walled gazebo, facing one of the dryads’ quiet wooded glades. It has been an hour since you returned with Solandris and the unicorn’s horn. Since then, you have received no news from the cave. You wonder if, perhaps, you were too late to save the queen and the unicorn after all.

  Tired from your journey, you start to close your eyes, your head nodding forward onto your chest. As you shake yourself awake, you catch sight of a silver-gold radiance at the far side of the glade. In an instant, all your thoughts of sleep are gone as you gaze upon the captivating majesty of the dryad queen and her unicorn.

  You rise hurriedly to your feet, suddenly feeling awkward and ungainly as you bow before them. The unicorn bows its head in answer – its spiral horn glittering in the sunlight.

  Your attention shifts to the queen, who is walking gracefully towards you, her long gown of leaves sparkling in a dazzling radiance of hues. When she stops next to you, her face is impassive and unreadable.

  ‘You have saved my life,’ she whispers. ‘You have protected my sisters and saved our grove. If you wish to become one of our own, then take my hand and the power of nature will be yours. Otherwise, ask of me what you will, shadow walker, and then be gone from our lands.’

  Will you:

  Learn the ranger career (requirement: warrior)? — 417

  Ask about Jenlar Cornelius? — 319

  Ask about the shadow gate? — 425

  Ask about the mark on your arm? — 383

  When you wish to end your audience with the queen, turn to 336.


  The fire elemental is finally extinguished, its blazing form reduced to a pile of smouldering ash. You may now take one of the following items as a reward:

  Flame mantle

  Molten gauntlets




  (main hand: wand)

  +2 speed +1 armour

  +2 brawn +1 armour

  +2 speed +2 magic

  Ability: fire aura

  Ability: fire aura

  Ability: fire aura

  (requirement: warrior)

  (requirement: mage)

  If you are a mage, turn to 407. Otherwise, return to the quest map to continue your adventure.


  ‘Treasure hunter, eh?’ nods the barman. ‘Everyone around here’s looking for treasure. This marsh used to be full of gold and precious jewels, but it’s all been picked clean now. You’ve got about as much chance of finding anything out there as I have of becoming the next king of Valeron.’ He gives a snort of amusement. ‘Look, if you’re really serious about finding some treasure, then there’s an old local legend that might give yer some hope. When the original prospectors came here, they spoke of a cave, out in those mangroves – and inside it, a treasure hoard of gold and jewels; enough to make anyone a king or queen. Only thing is, the explorer who found it never managed to find it a second time.’ The barman shrugs his shoulders. ‘Never heard of anyone losing a cave before. Sounds like nonsense if you ask me, but doesn’t stop the treasure hunters coming in their droves. If it’s good for business, it’s all good by me.’

  Will you:

  Ask if he knows Jenlar Cornelius? — 411

  Ask if there is any work going? — 420

  Turn your attention back to the taproom? — 404


  Your mighty blows silence the beast once and for all. The crowd go wild as you raise your arms in the air, in a victory salute. You may now claim one of the following as your reward:

  Mane of the black lion

  Nalsa’s claws

  Hunter’s hide


  (main hand: fist weapon)


  +1 speed +3 brawn

  +1 speed +2 brawn

  +1 speed +2 armour

  Ability: fearless

  Ability: piercing

  Ability: immobilise

  After the match, Bart hands over your winnings. (You have gained 60 gold crowns.) To face your next opponent, turn to 352. If you wish to return to the arena at a later date, make a note of the indicated entry number on your hero sheet.


  You take Shay’s hand and help her down into the bowl-shaped depression. ‘Look! This is dark age architecture,’ she gasps, hurrying over to the nearest ruined pillar. Along its length are a number of strange runes and symbols. ‘This must date back to the culling. Yes, these markings here – I think they are Illumanti.’ She shakes her head sadly. ‘How a people could destroy such beauty.’

  Will you:

  Ask Shay to tell you more? — 478

  Explore the ruins for yourself? — 465


  ‘Oh is that so?’ A foot slams into your back, knocking you forward onto your stomach. ‘You are a trespasser!’

  You roll over onto your elbows, to see another of the green-skinned females standing over you, a curved knife held in each hand. ‘This one must have seen something,’ she snarls. ‘Let me get the truth out of them – my way!’ From the cold-hearted glare she is giving you, you suspect her method of interrogation is not going to be pleasant.

  ‘Hold! All of you!’

  To your surprise, it is a man’s voice. You turn your head, to see a warrior in fo
rest green leathers emerge from the trees. His long blond hair is braided with feathers and cords, and about his neck hang a number of beaded charms. ‘Since when do the dryads hunt so openly,’ he scowls, ‘and without judgement or mercy?’ He starts forward into the clearing, a yellow glow cascading down his arms to gather along the tips of his fingers.

  ‘Bern Farstrider,’ sneers the knife-woman. ‘This is none of your concern. Stand down or face the consequences.’

  From around the circle, there is the creak of bowstrings as the archers nock arrows and take aim at the warrior.

  He shakes his head sadly. ‘Has it really come to this – that my return is welcomed with an arrow in the back. Well, so be it.’ Turn to 474.


  The portcullis rises and you step out into the arena. The announcer swoops overhead, his flying carpet leaving a trail of glittering stars hanging in the air. ‘And in the red corner, from the blighted coast of Cretaria, we have a mighty gladiator. His savage race know no pain, no mercy, no forgiveness. Put your hands together folks for Zen the Minorian!’

  The portcullis at the opposite end of the arena rattles open. For a moment there is a hushed silence. Then you hear the clatter of hooves as a giant, armoured creature charges out of the tunnel. It has the upper body of a man and the lower-body of a bull. Wielding a barbed spear, the Minorian dashes towards you, sending muddy water showering in all directions.


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