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Legion of Shadow

Page 63

by Michael J. Ward

  You stride past him, lifting your shadow mark to drink in her essence, denying her a second chance to heal. Nyms shivers and looks away.

  ‘I hate it when you do that.’

  You close your eyes, feeling yourself drifting away on the euphoric currents of magic, losing yourself to a void of darkness . . .


  You hear a voice but it is distant, distorted. It belonged to someone you once knew – but perhaps that was another life. You see others now, bodies shimmering like stars against the backdrop of night. Other Nevarin. Other faces. They slide past you, blurring into streaks of light. You try and focus but they are moving too quick, eluding you. All except one . . . standing alone, burning brighter than the rest. A man. His eyes widen with surprise as he turns to face you. You catch a scar running down his left cheek and a circlet of gold resting on his brow.


  You feel something tugging at you. Pulling you back.

  With a gasp, you lurch forward, your eyes snapping open – to find Nyms’ gaunt face inches from your own. ‘Woah, you’re back!’ The rogue rocks back on his heels, surprised. ‘What happened?’ he asks, looking you over with concern. ‘You just passed out cold.’

  You try and remember, but the gossamer images are already fading from memory. ‘The mark . . .’ You look down to see its swirling runes humming with energy, their bright glow shimmering across your body. ‘It. . . it was nothing,’ you state hastily, clambering back to your feet. ‘We need to move.’

  Nyms snorts, nodding towards the corpses of the shadow spawn. ‘Wouldn’t be surprised if the whole mansion doesn’t know we’re here now.’ He flashes you a crooked grin. ‘So much for the stealthy approach, eh?’

  ‘Agreed.’ You spring over the balcony, dropping into the hall below. You land in a crouch, your mark blazing with fire. ‘The time for skulking in shadows is over.’ Turn to 936.


  You clamber to your feet, keeping a wary eye on the mage. He regards you with interest, fingers drumming against the rod of his staff.

  ‘There won’t be a peaceful outcome to this, will there?’ you sigh, drawing your weapons.

  Lorcan shakes his head. ‘I need your magic. To power the staff.’

  ‘Then I can’t give you what you want.’

  There is a tense silence as you both eye each other – knowing that the next minute, the next few seconds, may decide both your fates.

  You spring forward. The mage raises a hand, sending a concussive blast of air in your direction. It hits you in the stomach, blowing you back into one of the glass cases. You smash through it, tumbling over in an agile roll to land back on your feet.

  ‘Agh! My magic is weak,’ snarls Lorcan. ‘I should have foreseen this . . . so ill-prepared. An oversight . . .’ He continues muttering to himself as he aims the staff towards the nearest row of statues. Swirls of white mist drift from its flower-like head, settling around several of the alabaster figures. ‘Defend your master!’ cries the mage. He swings round to watch your next move, his shadow mark glowing with purple light.

  You advance, crunching through the broken glass, aware that the stone figures are coming to life, staggering forward through a cloud of age-old dust. It is time to fight:

  Special abilities

  Enduring spirit: At the end of each combat round, Lorcan heals 4 health. Once Lorcan’s health has been reduced to zero, he cannot heal. (This ability cannot take him above his starting health of 100.)

  Stomping statues: At the end of each combat round, each surviving statue inflicts 4 damage to your hero, ignoring armour.

  Magic of the makers: When each statue is destroyed, their magic returns to the staff. For each statue destroyed, Lorcan’s speed, magic and armour are increased by 1.

  Enchanted stone: The statues are immune to all passive effects, such as bleed, burn and venom.

  If you win a combat round against Lorcan, you can choose to direct your damage towards the mage or one of the statues. If you defeat Lorcan, all remaining statues immediately crumble into dust.

  If you manage to defeat this deranged opponent, turn to 870.

  Glossary: Special abilities

  The following is a list of all the abilities associated with special items and hero careers.

  The letters in brackets after each name refer to the type of ability – speed (sp), combat (co), modifier (mo), passive (pa).

  Unless otherwise stated in the text, each ability can only be used once during a combat – even if you have multiple items with the same ability (i.e. if you have two items with the piercing ability, you can still only use piercing once per combat). The same rule applies to passive abilities (i.e. even if you have two items with the venom ability, you can only have one venom effect in play at a time).

  Acid (mo): Add 1 to the result of each die you roll for your damage score, for the duration of the combat. (Note: if you have multiple items with acid, you can still only add 1 to the result.)

  Adrenaline (sp): Use this ability to increase your speed by 2 for two combat rounds. This ability can only be used once per combat.

  Ambidextrous (pa): You can equip main-hand swords in your left hand, and vice versa.

  Avenging spirit (co): When you take health damage from your opponent’s damage score/damage dice, you can inflict damage back to them equal to your armour. This ability ignores your opponent’s armour. (Note: you cannot use modifier abilities to increase this damage.) You can only perform Avenging spirit once per combat.

  Backfire (co): Instead of rolling for a damage score when you have won a round, you can use the backfire ability. This automatically inflicts 3 damage dice to your opponent, but it also does 2 damage dice to your hero, ignoring armour. You can only use this ability once per combat.

  Barbs (pa): At the end of every combat round, you automatically inflict 1 damage to all of your opponents. This ability ignores armour.

  Beep! Beep! (pa): Whenever you discover gold on your travels, you may automatically double the amount. Gold that is given to you by another character (for example, as a reward) cannot be doubled.

  Black rain (pa): (requires a bow in the left hand). Instead of rolling for a damage score after winning a round, you can use black rain to shower your enemies with dark magic. Roll 1 damage die and apply the result to each of your opponents, ignoring their armour. You can only use black rain once per combat.

  Bleed (pa): If your damage dice/damage score causes health damage to your opponent, they continue to take a further point of damage at the end of each combat round. This damage ignores armour.

  Blood rage (mo): If you win two consecutive combat rounds and cause health damage in both rounds, you automatically go into a blood rage. This increases your brawn by 2 for the remainder of the combat.

  Bolt (co): Instead of rolling for damage, you can ‘charge up’ your wand. When you win your next round of combat you can then release the charge. This allows you to inflict 3 damage dice to one opponent, ignoring their armour. Bolt can only be used once per combat.

  Brain drain (mo): You may spend magic to increase your damage score. For each magic point you spend, you may increase your damage score by 1. You can spend up to a maximum of 5 magic points (increasing your damage score by 5). Your magic is restored at the end of the combat. You can only use this ability once per combat.

  Brutality (co): (see Overpower). You can only use brutality once per combat.

  Bull’s eye (mo): You may fire an arrow/bullet at your opponent before combat starts, automatically inflicting 1 damage die, ignoring armour. Bull’s eye will also inflict any harmful passive abilities you have, such as venom and bleed. (Note: An assassin using first strike cannot use this ability.)

  Burn (pa): All opponents who have suffered health damage from ignite automatically lose 1 health at the end of every combat round. This ability ignores armour.

  Cat’s speed (sp): This ability allows you to roll an extra die to determine your attack speed for one round of comb
at. You may only use this ability once per combat.

  Cauterise (mo): This ability can be used any time in combat to remove all venom, bleed and disease effects that your hero is currently inflicted with. You can only use it once in combat – and once used, your hero is again susceptible to these effects.

  Charge (sp): In the first round of combat, you may increase your speed by 2.

  Charm (mo): You may re-roll one of your hero’s die any time during a combat. You must accept the result of the second roll. If you have multiple items with the charm ability, each one gives you a re-roll.

  Chill touch (sp): Use this ability to reduce your opponent’s speed by 2 for one combat round. You can only use chill touch once per combat.

  Cleansing light (pa): Automatically heals the hero for 2 health at the end of each combat round.

  Cleave (co): Instead of rolling for a damage score after winning a round, you can use cleave. Roll 1 damage die and apply the result to each of your opponents, ignoring their armour. You can only use cleave once per combat.

  Click your heels (sp): Raise your speed by 2 for one combat round. This ability can only be used once per combat.

  Clymonistra’s adornments: If your hero is wearing both pieces of Clymonistra’s set (necklace and ring) then you may use the vampirism ability (see Vampirism).

  Command (co): When an opponent wins a combat round, use the command power to instantly halt their attack, allowing you to roll for damage instead, as if you had won the combat round. You can only use command once per combat.

  Corruption (co): If your damage score causes health damage to your opponent, you can inflict corruption on them, reducing either their brawn or magic by 2 points for the remainder of the combat. You can only use this ability once per combat.

  Courage (sp): Use this ability to increase your speed by 4 for one combat round. You can only use this ability once per combat.

  Cripple (co): If your damage score causes health damage to your opponent, you can also cripple them. This immediately lowers their speed score by 1 for the next three combat rounds. You can only use this ability once per combat.

  Critical strike (mo): Change the result of all dice you have rolled for damage to a. You can only use this ability once per combat.

  Curse (sp): (see Webbed). You can only use curse once per combat.

  Dark pact (co): Sacrifice 4 health to charge your strike with shadow energy, increasing your damage score by 4. This ability can only be used once per combat.

  Deadly poisons (mo): If you have the venom special ability, its damage is increased by 1 (causing 3 points of damage instead of only 2).

  Deceive (mo): (see Trickster). You can only use deceive once per combat.

  Deep wound (co): You can use the deep wound ability to roll an extra die when determining your damage score. You can only use this ability once per combat.

  Deflect (co): (see Overpower). You can only use deflect once per combat.

  Demolish (sp): This ability reduces the number of dice your opponent can roll for attack speed by 1, for one combat round only. It also lowers their armour by 1 for the remainder of the combat. You can only use demolish once per combat.

  Disease (pa): If your damage dice/damage score causes health damage to your opponent, they continue to take 2 points of damage at the end of each combat round. This damage ignores armour.

  Disrupt (co): If your damage score causes health damage to your opponent, you can also disrupt them. This immediately lowers their magic score by 3 for the remainder of the combat. You can only use this ability once per combat.

  Dodge (co): Use this ability when you have lost a combat round, to avoid taking damage from your opponent. (Note: You will still take damage from passive abilities such as bleed or venom).

  Dominate (mo): Change the result of one die you roll for damage to a. You can only use this ability once per combat.

  Ebony and ivory: If your hero is equipped with both swords (ebony and ivory) then you may use the cripple ability (see Cripple).

  Embers (pa): Your burn ability now does 2 damage to each opponent (instead of 1).

  Ensnare (co): If your opponent has used a dodge ability (such as evade, vanish or sidestep) you can immediately ensnare them, allowing you to win back control of the round and roll for damage as normal (as if their ability had never been played). Ensnare can only be used once per combat.

  Eureka (mo): Use any time in combat to raise your speed, brawn or magic score by 1 for one combat round. You can only use this ability once per combat.

  Evade (co): (see Dodge). You can only use evade once per combat.

  Execution (sp): (requires a sword in the main hand). Once an opponent’s health is equal to or less than your speed score, you may automatically ‘execute’ them at the start of the combat round, reducing their health to zero. (Note: You can only execute a single opponent in each combat round.)

  Expertise (mo): If, after winning a round, your opponent uses an ability that would strike back at you (such as sideswipe, retaliation, riposte, overpower, deflect and brutality) you can ignore the damage. You can only use expertise once per combat.

  Fallen hero (mo): Use this ability to raise your brawn by 3 for one combat round and heal 10 health. This ability can only be used once per combat.

  Fatal blow (co): Use fatal blow to ignore half of your opponent’s armour, rounding up. This ability can only be used once per combat.

  Fearless (sp): Use this ability to raise your speed by 2 for one combat round. This ability can only be used once per combat.

  Feint (mo): You may re-roll some or all of your dice when rolling for attack speed. You may only use this ability once per combat.

  Feral fury (co): You can use feral fury to roll an extra die when determining your damage score. You can only use this ability once per combat.

  Finery of the fallen: If your hero is wearing both pieces of the fallen set (gauntlets and chest) then you may use the fallen hero ability (see Fallen hero).

  Fire aura (pa): You are surrounded by magical flames. All opponents take 1 damage, ignoring armour, at the end of every combat round.

  First cut (pa): This ability allows you to inflict 1 health damage to your opponent before combat begins. This ability ignores armour. (This ability cannot be used by assassins.)

  First strike (pa): (requires a dagger in the main hand). Before combat begins you may automatically inflict 1 damage die to an opponent, ignoring armour. This will also inflict any harmful passive abilities you have, such as venom and bleed.

  Focus (mo): Use any time in combat to raise your magic score by 3 for one combat round. You can only use this ability once per combat.

  Fortitude (mo): Use any time in combat to raise your brawn or armour score by 3 for one combat round. You can only use fortitude once per combat.

  Good taste (pa): Each time you use a backpack item to increase your magic in combat, roll 1 die and add the result to the item’s benefit.

  Gut ripper (mo): Change the result of all dice you have rolled for damage to a. You can only use gut ripper once per combat.

  Hamstring (co): If your opponent has used a dodge ability (such as evade, sidestep or vanish), you can immediately use your hamstring ability to cancel their dodge, allowing you to roll for damage as normal (as if the dodge ability had never been played). Hamstring can only be used once per combat.

  Haste (sp): (see Cat’s speed). You can only use haste once per combat.

  Haunt (co): Instead of rolling for a damage score, you can cast haunt. This summons a vengeful spirit to attack a single opponent. They will take 2 damage, ignoring armour, at the end of every combat round, until your hero rolls a double (for speed or damage). Then the spirit is dispelled. You can only cast haunt once per combat.

  Head butt (co): Use this ability to prevent your opponent from rolling for damage. This automatically ends the combat round. You can only use head butt once per combat.

  Heal (mo): You may instantly restore 4 health during a combat. This ability c
an only be used once per combat. If you have multiple items with the heal ability, each one can be used to restore 4 health.

  Ice shards (co): If you win a combat round, instead of rolling for a damage score, you can shower a single opponent with ice shards. This automatically does damage equal to your magic score, ignoring your opponent’s armour. Ice shards can only be used once per combat.

  Ice shield (mo): Use this ability to add 1 die to your armour score for one combat round. This ability can only be used once per combat.

  Ignite (co): If you win a combat round, instead of rolling for a damage score, you can cast ignite. Roll 2 damage dice and apply the result to each of your opponents, ignoring their armour. It also causes them to burn. Ignite can only be used once per combat. (Note: You cannot use modifier abilities to increase this damage.)

  Immobilise (sp): (see Webbed). You can only use immobilise once per combat.

  Impale (co): A penetrating blow that increases your damage score by 3. In the next combat round, your opponent’s speed is lowered by 1. You can only use impale once per combat.

  Iron will (mo): (see Might of stone). You can only use iron will once per combat.

  Judgement (co): When you take health damage from your opponent’s damage score/damage dice, you can inflict damage back to your opponent equal to half your speed score, rounding up. This ability ignores armour. You can only perform judgement once per combat.

  Kick start (pa): When you lose your last point of health, a magical shock automatically brings you back to life, restoring you to 15 health. This also removes all passive effects on your hero. You can only use kick start once per combat.


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