Book Read Free

Someone Else's Conflict

Page 21

by Alison Layland

  ‘Oh, stop being so melodramatic! Intrigue! I don’t see why you even had to mention it. Jay bumped into an old friend, is all.’

  ‘An old friend called Vinko? Whom the police want to talk to?’

  ‘Just because they want to talk to him doesn’t mean he had anything to do with it.’

  ‘It is him? Christ, Lynnie, I was only winding you up. I suppose you’ve had Daniel Freeman, or whatever his name is, round for drinks too.’

  ‘Never heard of him.’

  ‘I’m sure you haven’t. Your Jay probably has, though. Another one the police are looking for.’

  ‘What’s the connection?’

  ‘They’re hardly likely to tell me, are they? Just asked if I’d heard the name.’

  ‘They never mentioned it to me.’

  ‘Probably only just come to light.’

  He was fiddling with a piece of paper, rolling it up one way, flattening it and rolling it the other. She wished he wouldn’t.

  ‘Oh, what have you got yourself involved in?’

  ‘Whoa, steady. “Involved”? You’re jumping to far too many conclusions.’

  Matt shifted in his seat; leaned forward.

  ‘Because you’re not being straight with me?’

  ‘Straight? I don’t have to tell you anything, OK?’

  Her phone rang. Jay. She glanced from the screen to Matt and turned it off. ‘It’ll wait,’ she said, a silent apology going through her mind. She’d call him as soon as Matt had gone.

  ‘So if you’re being straight, tell me why you appear to be covering up for the little shit who stole your bag.’

  ‘Purse. That was all. Only took the cash at that.’ She shrugged. ‘He needed the money, I suppose. I’m not judging till I know the details. That’s one thing you used to like about me, remember? Anyway, I’m not covering up; I didn’t know he was anything to do with Jay when I saw the police yesterday.’

  ‘And today? I take it you’ve gone to them with all you know.’

  ‘I’m leaving that to Jay. Seeing as he’s the one who knows it.’

  ‘Is that where he is now?’

  She felt like telling him it was none of his business, but knew that was even more likely to make him stir. ‘He’s gone to talk to someone first.’

  Matt laughed incredulously. ‘Getting their story straight, hey?’

  ‘Nothing of the sort.’

  ‘You haven’t lent him our jeep, have you?’

  ‘My jeep. Hasn’t been “ours” for months, remember. Why shouldn’t I? You think I’ll never see it again, is that it? It’s fine. And as for the rest, I’ll tell you when there’s something worth you knowing. Until then it’s… It’s honestly nothing for you to worry about.’

  He gave the scrap of paper another twist. ‘But that’s just it; I am worried. You look worried. I can tell.’ She thought it was a pity she couldn’t remember him showing such insight and concern when they’d been together. ‘You’re getting yourself dragged into trouble. You don’t have to. I understand that he’s your “friend” and you don’t want to do wrong by him, but if he was a decent friend he wouldn’t be putting you in this position. To my mind it’d be perfectly reasonable to ask him to leave until all this is sorted out. If you know nothing you don’t have to cover anything up – or betray him, or however you see it. OK, so he’s helping with your building work, but that needn’t matter – you can stay here as long as you like. Sorry if I gave you the impression it was a problem. It isn’t.’

  He looked slightly embarrassed as his little speech came to an end. And so he should, she thought as the anger rose inside her.

  ‘I thought you and Lucy seemed happy. Or is it just that you can’t let go? I can’t believe you’d stoop to such a blatant display of jealousy.’

  ‘Jealousy? You probably don’t want to hear this, Marilyn, but I still care about you. You’ve fallen for this guy. You’re blinded.’

  She rolled her eyes. ‘And you know, do you? I’ve had enough! I appreciate your concern, but I can assure you I’m – we’re – fine.’ She stood up, waved a hand over the workbench. ‘Now, I’m here because I’ve got stuff to do. Believe me, it’s perfectly safe to leave me here on my own.’

  After he left she stood for a long moment watching the door. She remembered Jay’s call and immediately tried his number. A glance at her watch told her he’d be in the middle of his meeting with Vesna; he must have switched it off. She glanced at the door again. She recalled Matt saying he’d mentioned her to the police, and wondered how much he’d said. What if they wanted to see her again? She’d have to make the choice between lying or betrayal. Would it actually be such a betrayal? If they had nothing to hide, what was the big problem? Not for the first time, she wondered if Jay was as sure as he made out that Vinko wasn’t involved. Perhaps he was the one who was blinded, by the memory of his oldest friend, and whatever else was going through his troubled mind.

  She tensed as she heard the door to the main building bang. Footsteps. Heading up the stairs, presumably to the shop. She let out a sigh of relief. It was no good; she wasn’t going to concentrate on anything. She phoned Sue who said she’d be delighted to see her that evening. Her friend’s voice relaxed Marilyn immediately and she found herself saying more than she’d intended about what had been happening.

  ‘You know, I think Matt’s got a point.’

  ‘Oh, not you as well!’

  Marilyn wished she hadn’t said too much before she’d gathered her thoughts properly.

  ‘It’s no secret that I was never Matt’s biggest fan, Marilyn, but this time…well you’ve got to admit it all sounds a bit weird.’

  ‘I’m not putting it very well, am I?’ She stared at the unfinished design on the workbench in front of her. ‘You can’t judge till you’ve heard the full story.’

  ‘OK, OK. Tell me all about it later. But I might not say what you want to hear. Perhaps I – and dare I say it, even Matt – perhaps we can see things more clearly. I haven’t looked into your Jay’s melting brown eyes, have I, fallen under the spell?’

  ‘They’re green, actually.’

  They both laughed momentarily.

  ‘Whatever; I think it’ll do you good to get away. You’re welcome to come over. Though I’ve got a busy night ahead. Unexpected party booked for dinner; they’ll be arriving in a couple of hours. Listen, hope you don’t mind me asking, but would you be OK to help out behind the bar for an hour or two? We can talk afterwards.’

  ‘No problem.’ A bit of normality. ‘One more thing. Could you come and pick me up?’

  ‘Don’t tell me; he’s gone off in your car.’ She could imagine Sue’s expression. ‘Oh, of course I can. They can hold the fort here for as long as that’ll take. Meet me on the square?’

  As she tidied up ready to leave, Marilyn remembered what Jay had said that morning. Nothing like a bit of work to concentrate the mind. She wrote him a note with details of the pub and was about to tack it to the door when she hesitated, thinking of the prying eyes of Matt, the police or anyone else. She left it in a prominent place in the middle of the workbench, and made sure she left the door to the lobby unlocked. There were a couple of hours to go before Matt usually locked the main building, and in any case she intended ringing Jay again before long. Glad to be away, she walked over to the square to wait for Sue.

  Chapter 24

  Jay made himself slow down. She didn’t have to lend him her car, after all, and he told himself to treat it with respect. He hoped she realised how grateful he was – about that and everything else. The way he’d lost his temper shamed him. Several times he’d got bogged down in his own concerns without a thought for what she must be feeling. He’d make it up to her. When things had settled down, he’d make it up to her. He wished she was with him now. She’d said she’d feel like a spare part, and it was probably a good thing he was on his own. Not just practically – talking on the phone to Vesna, a voice from the distant past, had made him feel strange and he’d inflicte
d enough strangeness on Polly recently.

  They’d gone straight to the workshop from the builders’ merchant, found Vesna’s number in the phone book and reached her, as easily as that. She’d sounded surprised to hear him, and no wonder, but the accusation in her voice and in the things she’d said had saddened him. He told himself that someone going through what she must be experiencing would probably accuse anyone in sight. At least she’d come round enough to agree to see him, alone.

  He’d set off immediately in the hope of missing the teatime traffic and found the tearoom, in a village on the outskirts of Bradford, with no problem. It was a similar kind of place to Polly’s craft centre, in what looked like a collection of solid stone workers’ cottages, except the feel of the area was more urban. He parked up and tried Vinko’s number, still without success. He had about an hour to kill and set out to explore his surroundings. On one side of the main road some interesting-looking old streets led up the hill, and on the other a footpath headed down from the main road into a valley of scrubby fields bordered with dark drystone walls. He chose the solitude offered by the fields. A magnificent viaduct straddled the valley, beyond it glimpses of the outskirts of the city sprawling across its broad basin below in the clear autumn afternoon. The wind was keen on his face and in his hair and he pulled his jacket tight.

  He hadn’t been walking long when his phone rang. The ring tone, chosen with Vinko in a daft moment of closeness, was comforting and he was relieved to see the lad’s name at last on the screen.

  ‘Jay? This is Vinko. You must stop phoning me.’

  The abruptness brought him up short.

  ‘Sorry. I missed your calls this morning and thought—’

  ‘It doesn’t matter. It wasn’t a good time to talk. I…I want to talk now.’

  ‘Sure. Is something wrong?’

  ‘Wrong? Why wrong? I’ll see you tomorrow, all right? Tomorrow evening. Come to my place at eight o’clock.’

  ‘OK. Though I was going to suggest—’

  ‘No, you listen to me. I’ve got something I want to say.’ He paused and Jay thought how hesitant and distant his voice sounded over the phone. ‘I’ve changed my mind.’

  ‘What d’you mean?’

  ‘About…about you, Jay. I’ve had time to think. You lost my money and you gave me bad advice and no help to speak of. You didn’t answer when I phoned. I can’t trust you. Please leave me alone – but first,’ the moment’s pause seemed to last forever, ‘first I want you to bring my money. All that should be mine. That’s why I want to meet tomorrow. Get the money and then come to my house.’

  ‘You’re kidding, aren’t you? Listen, I was going to tell you when I saw you, but—’

  ‘I know…I know what happened to my grandparents.’

  The catch in his voice made Jay wonder if it was shock that was responsible for his sudden rejection. ‘I’m sorry, Vinko, I really am. How did you find out?’

  ‘I saw it in the newspaper. But that’s not important to you. What’s important here is we can’t ask them about my money now. But remember, I know about your house. You can sell it, yes, but you can raise a loan on it now. Try to arrange it and bring the cash tomorrow.’

  Jay’s sympathy evaporated. ‘Is that the only thing that matters to you? I’m not—’

  ‘Shut up, Jay. You must give me my money. If you don’t, I’ll phone the police and tell them you went to my grandparents’ house. I’ll deny we were in Winchester.’

  ‘For Chrissake Vinko, what’s going on? Is someone with you?’

  ‘No! Of course they’re not! I trust no one. Like I don’t trust you. I’ve got to look out for myself. Myself!’

  His voice was rising and Jay thought it wasn’t the first time that something he said had triggered pride expressed as anger in the lad. He took a deep breath. ‘Look, I’ll come and talk. Where are you?’

  ‘Come tomorrow night – and bring my money. If you can’t get it all, bring enough to show goodwill. Or I’ll tell the police about you. And…and I’ll visit Barton Mill.’

  ‘Am I understanding you right?’

  ‘Of course. You always understand me. Your woman can help me persuade you. So you’d be better off bringing my money tomorrow without that kind of persuasion, OK?’ He hesitated again. ‘On your own – you know I’ve got a good view from my window. Don’t bring anyone.’

  ‘I can’t believe—’

  ‘Jay, please do this.’ Vinko’s voice dropped so he could hardly hear him. ‘And don’t keep phoning. I…I’ll send you a message if I need to. Do what it says.’

  He hung up abruptly leaving Jay looking at a blank screen. His hand was shaking. He knew Vinko had been disappointed that he had no magic wand to wave, and that he’d found it hard to trust him or anyone, but this about-face sickened him. Why should it, he thought irritably; what did he know about anyone? Just because he was into his forties didn’t suddenly make him a good judge of character. Especially not kids; what had he ever had to do with kids? He felt a wave of hurt and betrayal, wondering how he’d allowed it to happen, how he’d believed a thieving little bastard brought up to a life of crime could suddenly change just because a figure from his father’s past turned up and showed him friendship. He hated himself for still being such a stupid dreamer, for the fact that Ivan still meant anything at all to him.

  Although he doubted Vinko was anywhere near Holdwick, he tried Polly’s number. She wasn’t talking to him either. He looked at his phone wondering what on earth the things had been invented for if everyone kept them switched off. His hand was in his pocket reaching for his pipe when the ringtone nagged him again. Still thinking of Polly, he answered it eagerly.

  ‘Is that Jay Spinney?’

  The unfamiliar male voice brought him up short.

  ‘Who’s that?’

  ‘Detective Inspector John Abrahams of Keighley CID. Mr Spinney,’ he paused, a question in his voice that Jay refused to answer, ‘we’re hoping you can help us in connection with an inquiry. We need to ask you a few questions. I’m sure you can understand it’s not the sort of thing I want to talk about on the phone. Would it be convenient for you to come into the station, here in Keighley? Or we could arrange to meet – where can we find you at the moment?’

  ‘I’ll be glad to help but… You’ll have to excuse me, the signal’s really bad. If you could—’

  He cut the call and stared at the phone. The crisp autumn air felt cruelly cold and bright. The stone wall running alongside the footpath seemed to conceal a multitude of threats, but at the same time guarded him from them. He switched the phone off completely before it could ring again – would he ever stop needing to run away? – and leaned back against the wall. The sharp stones dug into his back through his jacket, keeping him focussed. A cacophony of thoughts came and went like a badly-tuned radio station. But one thing was clear. Polly must have given them his number without even waiting for him to get back. Perhaps she believed she was acting in everyone’s best interests, including his own. But without even hearing what he had to say? It hurt. It hurt that she didn’t trust him, that he couldn’t trust her. It hurt to feel alone, after he’d begun to think he wasn’t.

  He gazed up at the wide-open sky, washed-out blue with the occasional cloud. Not so different from himself, except his clouds were a red-tinged black. A plane was making its way to a destination he’d never know, leaving a sharp vapour trail. He suddenly saw hundreds, thousands of invisible trails criss-crossing the space. He got his phone out and stared at it. Could the police trace where he was from the stupid gadget? In a burst of pent-up anger and frustration, he threw it down and stamped it into the rough ground. He enjoyed the crunching beneath his boot. He’d never wanted one because he’d never had anyone to keep in touch with. Well, it seemed nothing had changed. He picked it up together with a couple of pieces of shattered screen and stuffed it in his pocket. He walked briskly back up the hill in an attempt to shake off the after-effects of the call. As he left the path and starte
d up a narrow street he dropped the remains of the mobile down the nearest roadside drain. It made a satisfying splash as it hit the filthy water. Feeling strangely cleansed, he headed back towards the tearoom, trying to get himself back into a fit state to meet a woman he hadn’t seen for years and who clearly didn’t relish the thought of seeing him… Ready to talk with a show of conviction about something that was now pointless and a waste of her time.

  Chapter 25

  Jay got to the tearoom early. It felt like a homely place; safe. The atmosphere had a calming effect as soon as he stepped through the door. He quickly took in the other customers – two elderly ladies meeting over tea and scones; three young mothers with noisy toddlers – and established that Vesna hadn’t arrived yet. After choosing a seat by the window he studied a couple of the watercolour views by local artists on the walls. Restless, he ran a comb through his windswept hair, trying to look nonchalant about it, even though the ladies, girls and children seemed unaware of his presence. In the elastic minutes spent staring out of the window at the cobbled courtyard, he wished he hadn’t decided to wait before ordering a cup of tea. The waitress flashed him a look of sympathy as if he’d been stood up by a date.

  He must have been distracted; Vesna was coming through the door before he saw any sign of her arrival. Jay knew her at once as she paused and scanned the room. This smart woman looked different from the girl he used to know, but he’d have recognised her even if he hadn’t been expecting her. He waved and she walked over, smiling briefly. He was unnerved to see a fleeting resemblance to Vinko in her expression.

  ‘You’re early,’ they said together, and both laughed nervously.

  He stood to greet her and as he did so glanced over her shoulder, checking beyond the signs in the windows.

  ‘I’m on my own,’ she said, following his gaze. ‘I trust you are?’

  He spread his hands in a gesture of innocence and she shook her head.

  ‘I don’t know why I’m here. You try anything and I’ll be straight on to the police.’


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