The Crush

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The Crush Page 6

by Jordan Silver

  Pulling my head away from between her legs, I bit her inner thigh as I held her eyes with mine. She was barely there; her eyes already glazed over, and I intended to send her into orbit. She was ready for me when I loomed over her, dick in hand. I teased her plump pussy lips with my swollen cockhead before easing into her.

  I loved watching the way my cock sliced into her, the way it looked like I was splitting her in half; she was so small. Without any prompting, she arched her back and planted her feet firmly on the bed. “Stay just like that, yeah. Cock that pussy up at me.” She tilted her pussy up at an angle that allowed me to drive down into her. This little girl had done her homework. She wasn’t intending on just lying there and watching me work, she was gonna get hers. Let’s see how hard she was willing to work for my seed.

  I got into my plank position and fucked hard and deep. “Fuck yeah.” I don’t think I’d ever been that deep in anyone’s pussy before, wasn’t meant to be, wasn’t meant to ever have this feeling with anyone else. It was always supposed to be her; that thought came from out of nowhere and grabbed me by the short ones.

  It was like hitting a switch; everything in me went into overdrive, and before I knew it I was fucking her not like a newly awakened virgin, but like she had been under me forever. For her part, she didn’t complain once, but instead kept throwing that pussy up at me. And when she got too tired to hold herself up on her feet I used one of my hands to hold her in place for my dick’s drilling.

  After I’d made her cum all over my dick for about the third time, I pulled out and turned her onto her hands and knees. I didn’t miss the silent tears of fatigue that rolled down her face, and rewarded her with a sweet kiss to her cheek. I couldn’t resist another tongue fuck while I had her this exposed, and put my mouth back on her, eating her out from behind.

  I’m thinking her pussy juice is going on my daily menu from now on. Breakfast, lunch and dinner if I have anything to say about it. I wouldn’t be surprised if I started panting, it would be embarrassing as fuck, but I wouldn’t be surprised. I lapped at her pussy before sinking my tongue back in and eating her for all she was worth. Her bucking and screaming let me know she appreciated my efforts.

  “Head down.” I helped her into position with my hand on the back of her neck after I’d had my fill of her sweetness. When she was exactly where I wanted her, I used my other hand in the small of her back to push her hips down. Taking my angry cock in hand I tapped her ass with my heavy meat, before letting it sit between her cheeks like a hotdog bun, until she trembled. Then I ran it up and down her slit, making sure to tease her clit a time or two before slipping into her pink pussy from behind.

  I slow stroked into her, giving her time to adjust to this new position. Reaching around and under her, I felt around for that knot, that bundle of nerves that tells me where her sweet spot is hidden. When I found it with my hand on the outside I went after it with my dick on the inside of her walls. I knew when I hit it because her body did the most amazing fucking thing.

  She locked down on my cock like a vise; her back arched deeply, first one way and then the next. But it was the way she slid her wet cunt up and off my pole until just the tip was left inside, before slamming her pussy back down on my entire length hard that cinched the deal. “Fuck yeah that’s what I like.” I held her head steady with my clasp on her nape, as I pummeled her pussy.

  There was no going slow after that, she was all the way gone and dragging me along with her. I kept after that sweet spot until she flung her head back and her mouth opened in a silent scream. “That’s it baby, cum for me.” I brought her back up level with my front and pawed her tits while nipping her ear with my teeth. My cock hadn’t calmed down one fuck even in this position, I was still driving into her tummy with no let-up and she was still there with me.

  “If I’d known you were this fucking hot I would’ve busted this cherry a year ago.” I took her down beneath me when that clench and release shit she was doing to my dick became too much. I lifted up off her ass and left her lying flat on the bed. Spreading my legs outside of hers I fucked deep into her while grabbing fistfuls of her ass.

  Her pussy was magic, the way she gripped my dick like she’d never let go, the way she massaged my shit with her walls and had me shaking even as I bit into her neck like a fucking animal in the wild. She raised and canted that ass so she could take me in deeper and I fell all the way in love. I’m a simple fuck, a man knows when he’s met his match, and whatever the fuck she’d been up to in her quest to get me to notice her, she’d nailed that shit; mission accomplished.


  “I love this ass.” One hard smack and an answering gush deep inside her told me we were gonna be having fun there soon. “Fuck, your pussy’s so good I wish there was a way to crawl in there and stay.” I couldn’t stop fucking, we’d been at it for what seemed like hours, and because of the sheer fact that I didn’t want to leave her body ever, I was able to fight off my orgasm. But then I remembered why we were here, what had finally brought us to this point. Her words played over in my head and just like that I shot off inside her.

  Her pussy, seemingly knowing what was going on, syphoned my shit until my balls were almost dry. “Take my seed.” I growled into her ear as the last of my essence dripped into her greedy, sucking pussy. I don’t know why I had to say the words just then, or why they felt so profound, but it felt right, felt magical. Did I just breed my stepsister? I was fucked from the word go.

  I must’ve laid on top of her for a good ten minutes before I had the will or the ability to move. We were both panting and trying to catch our breath when I pulled out of her with a loud pop. My dick was a mess of her juices and mine, but thank fuck there was no more blood. Her pussy though, was a red puffy mess. My cock twitched at the sight of one small drop of my cum oozing out of her. I took my finger and smoothed it back in, burying my finger to the hilt. “Can’t let any of it go to waste.”

  She shook her ass at me and giggled. I was more than a little shocked because I was sure she would be out by now. She rolled over and my breath hitched in my lungs. I reached out a hand to brush the hair back from her face. Now that the barriers had been breached, it was as if I couldn’t stop touching her, and why should I? She’s mine. “You’re so fucking beautiful.” How was it possible that a few days could change so much?

  Not just her outward appearance, she’s always been beautiful, she just went to great lengths to hide that shit for some reason. But this new attitude, this confidence, was so damn appealing. I loved my little owl, with an innocent love. This, what I felt now, was miles away from that.

  She was the same girl I’d always known; only now it was as though I were seeing her through new eyes. Instead of an almost little sister, I saw a woman full grown and a desirable one at that. “How did you know that I would want this? What if I had rebuffed you?”

  Her eyes went sad for a minute but then cleared up. “It was the chance I had to take. Mom said you and Dee-Dee were getting serious, I knew if I didn’t so something that I would lose you and I couldn’t bear the thought of that.” She hid her face in the pillow after giving away that much.

  It scared me how close we’d come to almost never having this. If I’d followed my first inclination, or believed that she’d just been testing out her skills on me, I would’ve been giving up so much. “Where do the parents think you are?” I turned her back to me, not getting enough of her face. I wanted to ask her a million questions, things that I needed to know when I went to confront our folks, as I was sure I would have to.

  “They think I’m with Dana for the weekend.”

  “And Dana, where does she think you are?”

  “She knows I’m here.” I played with her hair, as she got all shy beneath me.

  “Good, because you’re not leaving this bed for the next forty-eight hours at least.” I rolled her over onto her back and got between her spread legs. I let my already hardened cock find its way inside her this time, and sank back i
nto her liquid heat, until I was resting at the door to her cervix.

  “I’m thinking I want my son in you by Monday.” No sense in waiting right? I didn’t wait for her answer, but instead pushed my tongue into her mouth for her to suck on. I was looking forward to a slow deep fuck with none of the madness of that last round, but ten strokes in it was a different story. I felt the tight ring of her cervix snap around the head of my cock. Her legs came up and around my lower back and she did some kind of trick with her thighs that made more room for me.

  I slipped out of her cervix and drove back in, drawing a hiss from her lips. The bed rocked beneath us as I fucked her at differing angles, trying to reach the recesses of her dark, moist cavern. She moved her hips beneath me, working for my jizz “Beg me to cum inside you, I want to hear you say it while I’m in you.”

  “Cum in me, let me feel you cum.” No shyness in this one, it was long gone. Her words worked to propel me forward towards another climax, but I wanted more. “Tell me.” I didn’t have to explain, she knew exactly what I was asking when I pulled her head back roughly so I could look down into her eyes as we fucked.

  “I want your baby in me.” She trembled at her own words.

  “Fuck!” Again I wanted to fuck, to stay buried inside her forever. But it was not to be. Lifting her ass into my hands, I fucked into her little pussy so hard I thought I might break my dick off inside her.

  She howled, moaned, and growled as her newly awakened pussy took a beating. I wish I could say I got control of my dick, but that would be a lie. I’d lost all control of the situation and had given everything over to the wild lust that coursed through me. A fierce feeling of complete possessiveness overcame me, and had me pounding her into the mattress to the chant of ‘mine-mine-mine.’

  When I came this time I had such a tight hold on her, I was in danger of breaking her poor little body in half. “We’ll get married as soon as possible.” Her loud screech and her arms and legs coming around me were all the answer I needed, everything else will fall into place. Married, fuck!

  Chapter 6


  After a quick cleanup in the shower and a glass of bubbly which we shared, because women who were trying to get pregnant maybe shouldn’t be drinking this shit, I took her to my bed and held her in my arms until she fell asleep. There was a ghost of a smile on her lips as she drifted off. A look that I hoped would never fade.

  My heart clutched with the realization of all that I held in my arms. How the fuck was I gonna do this? You can start by finding your balls maybe? Yeah easy for you to say, but this shit was way outside the realm of normalcy. Yesterday we were two completely different people. I just spent the last few hours fucking the shit out of someone I had once seen as an almost sister and it blew me the fuck away.

  Twenty-four hours ago I was a free man, what you might call a confirmed bachelor. I guarded my freedom like a sentinel and got as far as fuck away from anyone who tried to sabotage that shit. Now here I am running hell bent for leather into this mess with her. But she was worth it.

  How cruel would it have been to have never have found this with her? How was it possible that fate had brought her to me all those years ago? That all that came before had been leading up to this? I looked down at her perfect face and tested my heart’s reaction. I tried breathing in everything about the moment. The strong pitter-patter of my heart beneath my chest, the elevation of my breathing, the way I had this insane urge to smile at nothing at all, and most of all the heat. So much heat in that place in my heart where she now lived. I trailed a finger along her cheek, as the love grew raw and wild inside me for her. “Thank you.” I kissed her temple and settled down to think.


  When she’d first started her seduction, and that’s exactly what it was I see that now; when she first started I had fought many inner battles. First was the shock of my reaction to her, the girl who I’d come to see over the years as a little sister. I felt like the biggest bastard for wanting her, fought like fuck not to feel the way I was beginning to. But then my body’s betrayal soon became the least of my worries, as I found myself actually having serious feelings for her, and nothing at all like the brotherly type of before.

  I’d tried remembering her, as she had been when we first met, but all I saw was the unhidden beauty, who had somehow kept all that she was hidden so well for so long. I was confused and angry with her for making me feel these things. I didn’t want to want her, didn’t want all the other things she had awakened in me, but in the end there was no fighting what was meant to be.

  I’d broken up with the woman I was seeing because there was nothing left there. It seemed that one look at Melanie, and the others had faded away. That had scared the shit out of me at the time. The doubts had plagued me then, what if I was wrong? What if I’d read something that wasn’t even there?

  I’d been on the brink of heading to the campus after her just before she came home, because whether or not I had read it wrong, something in me had shifted, some integral part of me was gone for her. Now I have her and the reality was so much better than the dream.

  There were still some questions we’d have to face from our loved ones though. I don’t imagine that this new change in our relationship would go over lightly with some. What would they say? I found even as I asked myself that, that I really didn’t give a fuck. I’m sure there’ll be some perverted fucks that might assume that this had been going on all along. As long as they kept that shit away from her it was all good; me they could fuck with all day, I give a fuck. That protective gene was alive and kicking.

  I held her closer and smelt her hair as I thought of all the ways my life was about to change. The fact that I am her sole protector and provider is now first and foremost on my mind. There was no fear there, neither was there any at the thought of the child she said she wanted. In the space of a few hours, she had gone from a distant relation to the most precious thing in my world.

  “I’m going to love you so hard baby.” I know she probably didn’t hear the words I whispered in her ear, but then again I wasn’t so sure, since she sighed and folded herself into me. I held her as close as was possible, not once worrying about the invasion of my space, which has always been a thing. With her, those things didn’t seem to matter, and now that the heat of lust had burned bright and we had fed each other’s hunger, I let myself relax for the first time in weeks.

  When she was in a deep sleep I looked down at her in the moonlight and imagined being lucky enough to have this for the rest of my life. I wanted to wake her up and love her all over again, so that this time I could look into her gemlike eyes in the moonlight as I emptied myself inside her. “Later.” There will be lots of tomorrows in our lives. I drifted off with her weight pressing into me, and the thought of forever floating through my head. Home.


  I came fully awake at the crack of dawn. The first thing that registered was her sweet weight on top of me. Somehow in the night she had found her way flat on top of me. My arms were wrapped tightly around her, keeping her safe. I pressed my hard cock into her morning warmth and got a sigh. I was sure she was sore and tired and that I should maybe leaver her alone until tonight at least.

  Besides, I had to get up soon and head over to dad’s place. I wasn’t willing to let this sit too long, wasn’t about to start a game of hide and seek. I didn’t want even the hint of a blemish on what we had, for her sake more so than mine. Since I knew her heart and knew what the approval of others meant to her, especially her mom.

  But she smelt so fucking good and this was all so new, having her here with me like this, that I couldn’t resist kissing her awake. Pretty soon mere kisses weren’t enough and I found my hunger raging out of control again. “I want you, let me have you.” I had pushed her all the way over onto her back in my bid to awaken her. She opened her legs in silent invitation it was all I needed.

  I slipped my morning wood into her pussy that was soft and wet, and fit me just as tight
as the night before. We fed on each other’s mouths as our bodies strained against each other. I wanted to get all the way inside her and keep going. “I need to get deeper inside you, fuck.” I was balls- deep and still it wasn’t enough. She was struggling to take my dick in her too tight pussy, but none of that mattered, I wanted more. More than want it was a need.

  The mixture of lust and love rode me hard and I wanted to devour, to own, to tame. What started as something soft and sweet soon became wild and uninhibited. She was as passionate as I in her bid to get me deeper inside her. Moving her body this way and that, flexing her pussy muscles around y dick. Holding her luscious ass cheeks in my hands, I opened her up so that there was no hindrance to my cock going in and out of her.

  “Look at us baby.” She looked down, just as I was, at the place where my cock speared her. It was an obscene sight but one that filled my heart with raw emotion. I not only saw that connection, I felt it, with every fiber of my being I felt our life’s force join together in that one moment of pure clarity. It was the most amazing experience of my life so far.

  The wonder of it, of her, was too much. I held her to my heart, taking us both back down to the bed, and took us back to slow and sweet. I whispered soft words of encouragement in her ears as I moved inside her. My marks of ownership stood out against her skin in the morning light and filled me with a sense of pride. Still I added more, I couldn’t help it.

  Her slight form under my much larger frame lifted up and into me, seeking more. “You’re hungry.” I pulled out and made my way down her body, and brought her to my mouth for one more taste. Always it seems, the taste of her calls to me. She moved on my tongue until I held still and let her fuck herself. When she flooded my mouth again I climbed up and over her, feeding her my cock.


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