The Crush

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The Crush Page 7

by Jordan Silver

  She looked up at me for direction and I was only too happy to oblige. “Tease that little slit at the top with your tongue…gentle, that’s it.” She licked the pre-cum off her lips before going back for more. The way she hummed around my meat I knew she was enjoying it and my hand in her hair grew tighter. I fought hard not to fuck her throat, as she tried to take as much of me into her mouth as she could, without causing herself harm.

  “That’s enough baby.” Her mouth was stretched to its fullest and I pulled back a little and started to slowly fuck her face until she got the hang of it, and moved her head back and forth on her own. “Now use your tongue. Good girl.” I played with her hair and kept her eyes on mine as I went just a little deeper into her throat.

  Through the choking and the drool and laughter, I taught her how to take me into her mouth and make love to my cock. She was a quick learner and more than that, she seemed to like the taste of me on her tongue. “Let go, don’t make me cum…Mellie…shit.” I had to pull out of her mouth after forcing her jaw open, and watched in amazement as she followed my dick’s retreat with her tongue, so that she could catch the string of cock juice that leaked from the head.

  When she laughed and smacked her lips together while looking up at me sexily, I thought I would lose my shit. Instead I fell on her and fucked the shit out of her until we were both grappling at each other as we rolled all over the bed. The more I cum inside her the more my excitement grows. As soon as I’m done shooting off inside her, I want her again, like an addict with his favorite high.

  She was already out cold when I rolled off of her.

  A check of the watch showed that it was just after seven in the morning, dad should be up. She probably thinks she should be there for this, but I didn’t want her dealing with any negativity. I’ll go test the waters and see where everyone stood.

  I’d already made up my mind that we were getting married as soon as possible with or without their approval. I’d just spent the better part of the night and the first few hours of the new day buried inside her, doing my best to breed her, it was too late to turn back now. Add the fact that I was head over heels in love with her ass through no fault of my own, and it was pretty much a done deal.

  Chapter 7


  I had to check myself as I approached my childhood home. Things had happened so quickly between us already, that it was hard to process. Even though it feels like we’ve been doing the dance forever we had only just begun and I know as sure as we are about wanting each other, others might have a harder time accepting. I wasn’t sure what to expect so I cleared my mind as I used my key to get inside. It’s been a long time since I’ve worried about my dad’s approval and this time was no different, except for what I knew this will all mean to her.

  With the haze of blinding lust finally gone, or pushed to the side for now, all that we faced came crashing down. This is what I didn’t want for her, I want to go back to her with a done deal, with everyone’s approval and blessings, and I was willing to do whatever it took to get that for her. Though I’m a fucking realist and shit never goes according to plan.

  “Well now, what brings you here this early son?” I should’ve known he would be in the breakfast nook having his first pot of coffee. I walked over and took the seat across from him. “Where’s Cathy?” I didn’t see his wife around and didn’t hear her either.

  “She should be down any minute, coffee?” He raised his cup but I declined with a shake of my head. I tapped my finger on the tabletop and waited, exchanging small talk about who knows the fuck what. It wasn’t long before she came into the room. “Well good morning Nicholas what brings you out and about this early?”

  She grabbed a cup, kissed dad’s head making him grin, and poured herself some coffee; all in one fluid motion. I wanted that; the realization slammed into me like a freight train. I sat up straighter in my chair startling the two people in the room. I was suddenly in a rush to get it over with and just get back to her. I had come here to ask for their blessing to enjoy what was now rightfully mine; now I find that it doesn’t matter. It’s not going to matter what anyone thinks about us, I won’t let it.

  “I just came by to let you know that Mellie’s with me.” I could tell by their confused looks that they didn’t quite get it. “What happened did she have car trouble on her way to Dana’s?” Cathy seemed a little flustered and I was rethinking my word choice.

  “No love I don’t think that’s what he’s saying.” Dad, who had been studying me, had apparently caught on.

  “Maybe you better start at the beginning son and tell us what you’re trying to say.”

  “I’m saying that her and I are getting married as soon as possible.”

  “Is she…?” Cathy clutched at her pearls and looked like she was about to die. Well fuck.

  “No not yet.” I knew what she was asking without words being spoken, and that not yet felt good as fuck, it meant soon.

  “Not that it’s anyone’s business since we’re both adults, but we’ve only just found each other.” They know what the fuck I mean.

  “Or so you say.” Here we go.

  “Wait now Cathy don’t go accusing the boy of such things.”

  “Well what else am I supposed to think?” I kept my silence because I had prepared for all of this, the anger, the recriminations, but none of it mattered because there was nothing no one could say or do to take her away from me, to wrench away what I had only just found.

  It’s never easy going against the ones you love, feeling like you’re disappointing them, that’s a heavy fucking burden to bear. But I had a lot of time to think about this and the only thing that mattered, was her. I wasn’t gonna let anyone hurt her, not even her own mother or my dad. Strangers I could give a fuck. They have no say in what the fuck I do and everyone knows it.

  The two of them had been going back and forth on the subject of whether or not I’d been fucking an underage Mellie I guess, but I had no time for that shit either. Anyone with half a brain would know I was hardly here by the time they moved in, and when the fuck would I have had the chance? Since we’ve hardly ever been alone together for fuck sake.

  “Before this deteriorates any farther I think I should tell you, it’s not up for debate. I’m not here for your blessing as much as I am here to tell you what is. I have the greatest respect for both of you, but this decision is ours, not yours. I’m asking you to be there for her, this is not going to be as easy as she thinks, people will talk. I need you two to be there for her. I’m going to do everything I can to protect her from this shit but she’s going to need you.”

  I was probably being a selfish fuck but there was nowhere else to go with this. I wasn’t letting her go so what was the point of a long drawn out discussion, that was going to end up the same place anyway? They were both a little taken aback I think, but I’ve never been one to back down from a stance and they know that too.

  In the end we discussed the best course of action. Cathy was more worried about public opinion, which I guess was normal, while I was more interested in protecting my woman and who knows, child, from ignorant ass people. Dad was taking it all in and holding his cards close to his chest. “I’ll move her away from here if it comes to that.”

  That ought to put an end to that shit, since I was sure there was no way she wanted her only daughter moving away from home. She finally plopped down in her chair and took a sip of her now piss warm coffee. “This all just seems so sudden. Couldn’t you two just wait and see instead of jumping into bed together like this? Oh what a mess.”

  I reminded myself that I have always liked this woman and that she was just reacting out of shock, it wasn’t working though. “I’m sorry that your daughter’s happiness and mine causes you this much distress.” I got the words out through gritted teeth as I stood to leave.

  “Sit down son, everyone just calm down and keep a cool head. Now listen, son, you have to expect a little fluster on our part, we never expected this. You
know the society we live in, the kind of people we surround ourselves with, not to mention the business. You know a thing like this could upset the apple cart in a big way, that’s all I think Cathy’s saying.”

  “I’m not about to sacrifice my happiness and hers on account of what people are gonna say. You don’t want to hear this that’s cool, but Melanie and I are getting married as soon as I can arrange it. If you choose not to support us, do not be surprised if in the future when you come to your senses the door is no longer open.” There was nothing else to say after that, so I left.

  That did not go at all like I expected. I don’t recall the last time I had to defy dad or had any kind of strain between us, not since I was a toddler anyway. But I think it’s me knowing how soft she is, remembering the shy introverted girl who had hidden herself away from the world. I didn’t want anything hurting her.

  I snuck back into the house with new purpose. I will tell her that our parents were aware but that we’ll give them some time. If by the end of the weekend they still weren’t on board, I’ll just have to come up with a reason why we needed to move, and if their pride was worth more than her happiness, then they were fucked.

  She was still asleep in my bed, hugging my pillow. I kicked off my shoes and dropped my jeans before pulling my shirt off over my head to join her. “Ummm.” She snuggled in and I felt another little piece of my heart open for her to crawl in. I nuzzled her with my chin as I folded her into me, enjoying the warmth of having her next to me.

  “Wake up.” I wanted to see her in the morning light. Wanted to look into her eyes and know that there were no regrets, that she was happy. Her eyes popped open with a look of surprise before they cleared. And right there, with the very first awareness, I saw it all.

  The smile that broke across her face barely made it halfway before I was kissing it off. She jumped up from the bed and ran for the bathroom making me laugh at the way she held her hand over her mouth. I hadn’t even given it a second thought.

  She came back all shy and pink cheeked before I dragged her back down beside me. “What took you so long?” She squealed with laughter when I tickled her until she was beneath me. I couldn’t get enough of looking at her. It wasn’t that she was so drastically changed, this was all her. I think I was more in awe of the courage it must’ve taken for her to go through all this for me, for us.

  “Are you really sore baby?” I rubbed her tummy easing the shorts that she’d filched from my drawer down around her hips. She lifted to make it easier for me to pull them off and I teased her flat tummy with my fingertips. “No, that cream thing you used worked.” I wonder how long it was going to take her to get over her shyness with me? Thank fuck she wasn’t shy when things got heated, in fact she had far surpassed my wildest imaginings there.

  “Do you know what I want?” The laughter had died down for both of us. The air was heavy with new lust and a need that beat in me like a second heartbeat. “I want to love you all day, I want to stay inside you for as long as it takes.” Either the words, or the sentiment got to her, because no sooner had they crossed my lips than she was attacking them with her own.

  We ended up wrestling playfully all over the bed, another first for me, until I subdued her under me. My dick was hard as fuck and she was soft and warm as she looked at me with those eyes of hers that seems to see so much. I started out slow because I knew where this was going, I could already feel the burn, feel the rising need that will soon be out of control.

  I used my fingers to bring her off slowly, while tongue fucking her mouth. She rode my hand nice and slow, until I strummed her clit and she went nuts. I swallowed her screams and fucked her harder before bringing her down again.

  I placed her gently on her side and lifted her leg high in the air while I laid down flat behind her with my head buried in her pussy. She was sweet as fuck and already full of juice. “This might take a while.” I spread her with my fingertips and pressed down gently until a bead of her sweetness appeared.

  “Ummm, fuck yeah.” I dove back in after licking away that little bit of happiness. With my hand pressed flat against her tummy, I felt the slight movement of her hips, as she couldn’t resist moving against my tongue. She came in my mouth while trying her best to pull every hair out of my head, and still I wasn’t done with her.

  I squeezed her fat pussy lips together like a citrus fruit, while tongue fucking her to climax. My dick thumped against the mattress to the beat of my pulse, and I had to press it down hard to get it to behave. It became too painful not to be inside her. The man once known for his staunch control had none.

  “Come.” I pulled my tongue out of her and teased her clit a little, before kissing the insides of both her thighs as I got to my knees. I stroked my cock up and down while lifting her head and bringing it towards me. “Open.” She opened her mouth and looked up at me with a mixture of fear and expectation. She hadn’t had much practice having me in her mouth.

  I ran my leaking cockhead along her lips until they fell open. “Tongue.” I was pretty sure she’d get it and she did. Her facile tongue came out and licked the first string of jizz off my meat before I held my shit at the halfway point, about six and a half inches, and started the fucking motion in and out of her mouth.

  She played peek-a-boo with my cock slit and her tongue. “Hands behind your back.” She clasped them in the small of her back no question, and eased back on her heels so she could take more of me into her widening mouth.

  “I’m gonna leave your throat alone for now, but get used to having me in your mouth.” I squeezed her throat slightly, making her choke and sputter around my cock, before releasing. I did that a few more times until her chin was covered in my cock juice. My cock wasn’t going to get any harder and I needed inside her now.

  “Lay down and spread for me baby.” She fixed herself on her back and opened her legs wide. The little tease, who had been following my lead up to this point, touched herself while looking into my eyes and I almost came. My eyes followed her fingers as they played over her pussy lips before dipping inside.

  I stroked my cock as I watched the little innocent seduce me effortlessly. Had I not known better, I would be on her ass trying to figure out where the fuck she’d learned this shit, but it was all natural, she was a born temptress. Thank fuck she’d saved this shit until she was older.

  My hand was slipping off my cock from all the pre-cum that now covered it. She was making me hot as fuck by just being. She sped up her fingers as her eyes followed the swift movement of my hand as it slid up and down my length. I was so fucking close, and tempted though I was to spray her tummy with my jizz I wanted to spill inside her more.

  I was ready to pound her pussy, my cock bobbed in the air and settled halfway down my thigh when I let it go. I pulled her fingers from her wet pussy and sucked them into my mouth, while guiding my cock into her heat. She tensed up and hissed when my cockhead stretched her. She’d closed up already from the night before and this morning and her pussy was as tight as the first time.

  “Easy babygirl.” I eased out a little ways, teased her clit with my thumb until her pussy juiced and slid back in until I hit what I was looking for at the end of her. Her body arched and she swallowed more of my cock meat as I slammed into her.

  “Mine.” The most primal growl ever made by man escaped my chest as I reared back and slammed through into her cervix. I was quick enough to catch her scream with my mouth and swallow. Once again her body had a very strong reaction to having me that deep inside her and she came all over my dick before I could even start stroking.

  I had to wait until she stopped shaking and squeezing, though I was about ready to fuck her into the ground. Never in my life have I had this much trouble staying the course when it came to pussy. Whether it was the taboo of the situation, or the feelings I’d had for her always that had now grown into something more, she did something for me that no one else will ever be able to.

  I took her tongue into my mouth as I fed her ju
st a little bit more of my cock when she finally calmed down. I fucked her nice and deep, taking my time, going slow, letting her get used to having me again. When she started grinding on my cock and digging her heels and her nails into my ass, I knew it was time to feed her pussy what she liked. Pulling almost all the way out of her heat, I took her ankles in one hand and pushed her legs back towards her head.

  Her pussy was a thing of beauty as it peeped out at me from between her thighs. “Brace.” it was all the warning I gave before pounding my whole length inside her. Her scream this time, tore through the air.

  “Fuck I love that scream.” I fucked deeper into her, spreading her legs open and grinding my cock into her core. I bit the underside of her jaw as I dropped her legs and lifted her ass cheeks in my palms, so that I could get even deeper inside her hot tight pussy.

  She came like a fountain, pussy juice running down my cock to my balls, warm and sweet. Her poor body was twisting this way and that with the orgasm that had completely taken her over. When she finally calmed down and I could see into her over-glazed eyes, I took her face in my hands and we shared the most beautiful kiss. “Let’s make our baby.”

  We made love after that. It was soft and sweet and everything that was needed to make my son. And when I finally emptied inside her this time, I was almost certain that I had.

  Chapter 8


  It’s been two weeks since I took her cherry, fourteen days in which I’ve spent the better part of each twenty-four hour period buried inside her. Everything I threw at her she took and sought more. Her pussy was the stuff of wet dreams. Tight, hot and silky smooth with that little extra bite that snaps around my cock when she’s about to cum. What’s more she loves having me inside her, even when she’s not just thinking about getting bred.


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