The Crush

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The Crush Page 8

by Jordan Silver

I’ve been keeping her occupied so that she doesn’t have time to stress the fact that our folks haven’t come around as yet. There was a little bit of drama when I took her home to get her stuff the following day, and even more when her mom made her cry. It was the first time I could ever remember yelling at a woman, and I’d left my dad’s place before shit got worse.

  I was afraid today was going to mark another first for us though, and not in a good way. We were about to have our first fight. She hasn’t left the penthouse in two weeks, not since the day I moved her in in fact. Her mom got in a few jabs before I was able to protect her, and made her feel as low as a snake. The gist of it was something about all the money she had wasted on her for her to drop out of school to have my brats. That one almost cost her and took her down a notch in my estimation.

  By the time I got her out of there after telling our parents to grow the fuck up, she was a blubbering mess. I’ve been going into the office everyday only to come home and find her cooped up on the couch or some shit. The second time I saw that shit I started coming home after half a day to watch over her.

  I knew she needed to process the situation, but I wasn’t about to let her go into a depression. Quite a few people were giving her shit apparently, but she’d stopped rattling off names when she realized I was taking notes. Fuck yeah I was gonna pay some of these assholes a visit. Especially since I noticed they were mostly male, which meant it was probably some yahoo that had been trying to get in her damn pants.

  “Get up.”

  “Hmm, what?” I pulled the covers off of her.

  “I said get up, this is the last time you’re doing this shit. Where’s the girl that went all out to get what she wanted?”

  “I don’t understand why you’re yelling at me what did I do?”

  “This isn’t yelling, you’ll know when I’m yelling. Now get the hell up out that bed.”

  I’d had enough of her shit, watching her like this, looking so whipped and defeated reminded me of the summer I’d had to put one of her bullies in his place. She’d kept it hidden from us at home that some douche was fucking with her at summer camp, but I’d heard that shit through the grapevine and went after the little fourteen-year old deviant.

  The only thing that had saved his dumb ass was the age difference between us, but when I threatened to go get his dad he piped his ass down quick. Now she was doing that shit to me again. I can’t stand to see her hurt or unhappy never could. So I don’t know why the fuck she would think I would be okay with this shit she was pulling now.

  She flounced out the bed and looked like she wanted to give me shit. I’d be fucked if she was gonna take this shit out on me. There’s no arguing or disagreeing in this household she knows the rules.

  “Don’t say shit to me. If you have something to say to your mother I suggest you do that shit, if you’re woman enough that is, but don’t think for one minute that you’re going to take your shit out on me. Now go get cleaned up I’m taking you out.”


  He can be such a frustrating ass. Why won’t he let me take out my frustrations on him? He says it’s not healthy, that I should go to the source, but he doesn’t understand how hard that is for me. He thinks because I found the courage to go after him that I can do anything. He doesn’t understand that when it came to him, it was a matter of life or death. I would’ve simply died had I not done what I did I had no choice. But there was where my bravery ended and my cowardice kicked in.

  I knew I was never gonna let anyone tear us apart, but I just wanted everything to be perfect. I wanted my mom to be happy for me instead of passing judgment and heaping a mountain of fears on top of my head. And the hateful things she’d said to me in front of him and his dad, I will never live it down.

  On top of that, word got out somehow that we were together and people I hadn’t even heard from in years were messaging me with their opinions. Old aunts and family friends, boys I never even knew liked me. I’m not sure anyone except Dana and the two of us were happy about our union, so excuse me if I was having a hard time facing the day.

  I hurried through my second shower of the day and threw on a cute little top and some shorts; it was still summer. I was perfectly happy being alone with him, in fact if I could spend the rest of my life, just us, shutting out the rest of the world, I would do it. But I knew he was right, knew that I needed to stop hiding.

  The past two weeks have been amazing though, everything I’d hoped for and more. Being his girlfriend, or his ‘woman’ as he preferred, was worlds different from being his pseudo sister. Outside of the sex, which was off the charts, mind-boggling good, it was the way he touched me, looked at me, spoke to me. Everything was like foreplay, every move, every wink, and every touch just for the sake of touching.

  He wakes me in the mornings before he leaves, just to love me, and it doesn’t matter if we’d only had two hours sleep because we’d been up all night going at it, each time was more special than the last. The memory of all that helped to settle me down a little. Maybe he was right maybe I am being silly. I’m supposed to be happy, I’ve got what I wanted most in this world, my Nick.

  My heart grew warm even as my eyes grew moist. What am I doing? Mom will come around I know she will. There are way more horrid things I could’ve done, and what was so wrong with falling in love? That final thought gave me a little boost for the first time in days, so I primped myself up and added a little gloss to my lips and felt better about going out to face the world.

  He was waiting for me, leaning against the wall in his hoodie and sweats with his hands shoved in his pockets. A sea of love welled up inside me so strong that my knees almost buckled, and of course he saw that. He left the wall and moved slowly towards me with a questioning look on his face.

  “You lied to me.”

  “Say what?” I could see his jaw ticking already; he so hated to be challenged. I moved in and wrapped my arms around his neck. “You promised to marry me as soon as possible, it’s been two weeks already, you lied.”

  The storm clouds cleared from his eyes and he picked me up and twirled me around while we laughed and clung to each other.

  “I love you Nicholas.”

  “I love you more owl.” Damn he hasn’t called me that in a while I missed it.



  “What’s wrong with you?” I looked at her over the papers I held in my hand as I sat up in bed trying to get some work done. All I’ve been hearing for the past two weeks from both her and her annoying ass mother was due dates and maternity leave and what the fuck ever. In fact it seems that every female in a ten mile radius knew what the fuck I should be doing with my time for the next six months, including the damn doctor, I was out numbered and outgunned.

  Well I can’t really blame her for the doctor that was all my doing. No way no how was some smarmy fuck putting his hands on my pussy, I don’t give a fuck how many credentials he has on his wall. So we’d scoured the city and surrounding areas until we found the best. It was just dad and I in a sea of women who knew every damn thing apparently.

  She had that look in her eyes again, the one that said she was horny and no matter what I was doing I better put that shit aside and service her ass. Pregnant women are freaks. I don’t know what it is, the miracle of what their bodies can do, or the power that comes with knowing they and they alone can succor life, but something went wonky in this one.

  My dick has had many moments of ‘what the living fuck is going on?’ Far from her having to keep up with me, as I had once secretly feared, it was now the other way around. I’m a lucky fuck and I know it.

  I pushed the papers aside and ditched the drawstring pants I had on. My dick, who has been gorging his ass on pussy since the day I brought her over the threshold, was already at a halfway decent ten inches. Her eyes followed the movement as my meat bobbed before settling halfway up my stomach.

  I stroked my cock to fullness as I took in the scene before me. The little see-throu
gh thing she had on hugged her tummy nicely, and I could make out the vee between her thighs in the bathroom light behind her. Her tits all but spilled over the top and my mouth started to water for a taste.

  I was gonna wait for her to come to me, but changed my mind. Instead I got up and walked over to her. Bending over, I kissed the hard mound of her stomach where my kid was behaving himself for once. My hands spanned her middle as I drew her in closer and lifted her off her feet. I love the feel of her pregnant body in my arms. I never thought in a million years I would be so gone over a tummy, but the shit has made me stupid.

  “Is he moving around in there?” I placed her on the bed as gently as I could not for one second letting on to the absolute fucking terror that was running through me. I haven’t had a moment’s peace since she peed on the stick. I’ve run a good race so far, but I knew some shit was coming. I kept getting that calm before the storm feeling.

  I’ve been to every one of her appointments and held her hand through all her fears of the unknown. That’s when I learned what being strong really means. It’s not about how much iron you can bench press, how hard you can knock the other guy out none of that He-Man shit. It’s about getting your shit together enough to convince your woman that shit’s gonna be cool even when you don’t know what the fuck.

  At night while she’s asleep on my chest, I’m reading up on pregnancy and finding out why the fuck the angel I married has turned into a spawn from hades. I’m learning about her fears and inner turmoil and all that happy shit they don’t tell you when you think it’s just a fuck, and that’s the end of your job until the kid shows up. Fuck!

  She had morning sickness and I had to suffer, why? Because my woman was in pain and wasn’t shit I could do to stop it other than hold her hair and wipe her face. She gained weight and was miserable, though on a side note I don’t know what the fuck she thought was supposed to happen, but I was her twenty-four hour cheering committee. No matter what the fuck it was the answer was the same, ‘you look great baby.’ I like my food hot and my pussy hotter, nough said.

  I took my time and caressed the tummy even though I really wanted to get at her tits. She went up to a DD from a C, I’m hoping hard as fuck that they don’t go away, shit. I removed the lace slowly, letting it glide up her middle before pulling it off over her head. She was plump and sweet and scared out of her fucking mind, she can’t fool me. The odd thing though is, whenever she gets scared about the upcoming labor, she wants to fuck.

  I can’t say that I like the scared aspect of it, but she’s horny a lot lately, horny and needy. “You’re so beautiful baby.” I let my fingers and my tongue do the talking all over her body, because she understands that shit. I showed her through touch that no matter what, she was desirable to me. I lifted her leg, nibbling my way up one thigh to her pussy, spending some time loving her there, before making my way down the other. I sucked on her toes while fingering her gently, no rushed movements for my girl, she needs this, needs me.

  Her greedy pussy sucked at my fingers as she moved against my hand in heat. I bent her leg back a little so I could get closer, and leaning over, sucked her puckered nipple into my mouth. I added another finger as she fed on my tongue and fucked herself on my fingers.

  Her skin got a nice flush to it just before she came in my hand. I licked the juices off and prepared to pleasure her with my mouth next. Lying between her spread thighs, I kept a hand on the hard mound of her tummy where my kid was hopefully asleep, as I spread her pussy lips open and fed on her, sucking on her juices as they flowed. I took my time and licked deep inside of her while playing her clit between my thumb and forefinger.

  “Oooh…” She had a tit in one hand and the other was rifling through my hair, her nails digging into my scalp as she pulled me closer to her hot snatch. When her body shook and stretched in orgasm I eased off to let her catch her breath for what I knew was coming next. She has he own routine these days and I know I’m just here for her to get her rocks off.

  I got off the bed and helped her into position because she wanted me in her mouth. I have to be careful when she does this shit, because I’ve never seen a more beautiful sight than my very pregnant wife kneeling at my feet with my dick in her mouth, and her hands behind her back. The first time she did that shit I fucked around and came in her neck, since I wasn’t sure that that should be part of Junior’s diet I’m always on my game these days.

  She teased the fuck out of my dick with her tongue, grazing up and down my length with her teeth, until she reached my cock slit. She was still a glutton for my pre-cum and these days all it takes is one look at her pregnant form and my shit is ready so she’s been getting her supply.

  I held half of my shit back, not wanting her to choke out while she’s pregnant, not sure that shit’s safe. Her little hand came up and played with my balls as she throated my cock and that quick I was ready to shoot.

  “Ease off.” As usual I had to move her head away from my cock meat because she’s greedy as fuck when it comes to cock juice. I lifted her to her feet and kissed her long and hard, my cock bobbing in the air between us. At times like this it was brought home to me just how very precious she was. When I held them like this, my larger frame towering over her much smaller one, words cannot describe the feeling of love and protectiveness that overcomes me. Knowing that she carries life inside her, a part of me, sometimes the emotions creep up on me and leave me dazed.

  I ran my hands over her back, caressing as well as soothing while our tongues played tag with each other, until we were both hungry for one another. Because her tummy was too big for some positions, we’ve gotten into the habit of spooning to fuck. This way I can still play with her tits even though I can’t reach them with my mouth, I save that for after.

  I laid down behind her and raised her leg slightly, so that I could slip my cock easily into her heat. She was soft and lush and I had to close my eyes because she felt so fucking good I wasn’t going to last. With her tummy in my hand I stroked into her, trying not to hit it too deep or too hard, but she wasn’t cooperating. For some reason tonight she seemed to be loaded for bear. She looked over her shoulder at me with her ‘get Nicholas to do anything look’. Fuck!

  “I wanna try it on my hands and knees.” Here we go with her shit, Ms. Adventurous always wants to do new shit and then she’s the one crying that something hurts, but when she pouts at me like that what the fuck was I supposed to do?

  I slipped out of her and helped her get to her knees, rolling my eyes behind her back with a hard dick in my hand. When she was in the middle of the bed I made sure she was comfortable with a pillow under her, before climbing up behind her. Her ass was looking all kinds of hot, so I bit it. She squealed and waved it at me. I couldn’t even smack her the way I wanted to, so I rubbed it instead before dipping my fingers into her pussy from behind. “You ready?” she nodded her head yes and I lined up.

  I slid in nice and slow, reaching around to hold her as my dick hit bottom. I had this shit down to a science so I knew I had to hold still and let her catch herself, and then it was on. I wasn’t going to complain about the fact that her pussy was a couple degrees warmer with the pregnancy and it was almost damn near impossible not to fuck right out the gate, we all got our shit to deal with.

  When she wiggled her ass around and let me know she was ready, I started fucking, still with the tummy braced in my hand and still taking it nice and slow. “Don’t.” She tried arching her back but I didn’t even want her doing all that shit, just lie there and take the dick, no problem. All that gymnastics shit she wants to do usually leads to cramping and all kinds of scary fuckery.

  But, like I said, pregnant women are freaks, at least mine is and she totally igged me and went for it. The pussy is always better when it’s angled just right and I’m not about to say no, but I hope she knows what the fuck she’s doing because my dick knows when she wants to play and he’s off the leash.

  She pushed back, trying to take the few extra inches th
at I’d eased out of her when she started her shit. “Babe.” I tried holding her ass still to no avail.

  “Just do it Nicki, please.” Shit, she was feeling vulnerable; she only calls me that these days when some shit was going on inside her head. Which means after I take care of her ever hungry pussy, I’m gonna have to play shrink. Oh joy.

  It’s a testament to how in love with her I am, because I was tempted to pull out of her perfect pussy and ask her what was wrong? Instead I held her just a little bit closer from behind while gliding the rest of my dick into her softness. She sighed and relaxed beneath me, widening her legs to take more.

  “Oh yeah, right there baby.” I kept hitting the spot, making her pussy juice down my cock. I fucked up and went deeper than I intended on one of my strokes, but just as I was about to pull out from fear that I’d caused her harm, she reached back and grabbed my hand that was resting on her hip, keeping me there. “Don’t you dare.”

  Well shit, now I’m in a fix. This deep inside her is oven hot; my dick likes that temperature. My problem is holding myself in check and remembering that I can’t fuck the way I want to, or I’ll hurt her and the baby. Night feedings aren’t even half my fucking problem. The little shit isn’t here yet and he’s already starting his fuckery, because daddy’s every other thought is about him.

  I tried holding still and letting her fuck herself on my length, this way she could take as much or as little as she chose. That wasn’t working though, I wanted to move, I wanted to dig in deep and let myself go. It wasn’t fair that at a time when I found her body to be the most sensual and exotic, I have to deprive my fucking self, that’s some bullshit.

  “Please baby, let me put you back on your side.” Now I’m begging, but if something doesn’t break here soon I will. She’s got two more seconds on her knees before I lose my shit. “No.”

  What the fuck? Now what’s a man supposed to do with this shit? Okay granted the idiot doctor said there’s nothing wrong with having sex this far along, but what the fuck does she know, she doesn’t have any kids. I know this because I researched her ass; sue me.


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