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Devious Intentions (Carson Cove Sandals Book 3)

Page 10

by Kelli Callahan

  “Oh my god!” My hips bucked—my back arched—and another orgasm rushed to the surface in an instant.

  “Now you’re really going to come for me.” Damien held me in place on the bed and hammered me so hard the headboard slammed into the wall.

  My g-spot roared to life, and what I thought I knew of pleasure—bliss—euphoria—it all changed. It was the best feeling in the world. There was no way to measure my orgasms with numbers. They started to happen so fast that they blended together in a frenzy of passion. Damien kept driving his cock into me like a man that had been possessed by primal desire. The look in his eyes was intense and so hot that I would have quivered from the sight of that alone if my entire body wasn’t already shaking.

  “Fuck, you feel so damn good!” Damien’s jaw tightened, and every gorgeous muscle on his frame tensed up. “I’m coming!”

  “Yes!” My head rolled back, and I felt his cock throb harder inside me. “Don’t stop!”

  Damien’s thrusts got more erratic. He was no longer focusing on my pleasure—every thrust brought him closer to the release his body craved. He went deep, and I felt the first eruption of his lust. Damien pulled back, hammered me into the mattress several times, and then he started to flood my pussy with his seed. I thought my body had endured every orgasm that was possible but feeling him come was enough to push me over the edge one final time. He kept driving his cock into me until I saw the fierceness fade from his eyes as the last drop of desire was drained from his body.

  His thrusts slowed down until they stopped completely. He let out a long-exhausted sigh, shifted his body, and slumped forward with his lips teasing my skin before he fell against the mattress beside me. His powerful arms pulled me into a tight embrace immediately, and I felt the afterglow of our passion begin to settle into my veins.

  “Wow…” My lips were numb, and I was barely able to make a sound.

  I’m not a virgin anymore, and I don’t have a single hint of regret…

  “That was amazing.” Damien kissed my shoulder and pulled his lips up to my ear. “It will be even better next time.”

  “Tomorrow?” My lips managed to form a grin.

  “We don’t have to wait that long.” Damien traced my skin with his fingers. “I just need a few minutes to recover…”

  “I might need a little longer than that.” The words came out before I felt my body start to tingle when his fingers made their way down to my thighs.

  Or maybe not…

  I stayed in Damien’s arms until we were both so turned on that we couldn’t resist the temptation any longer. We made love again, and the pleasure was so intense that I was completely exhausted when we were done. I fell asleep in his arm, and hours passed in what felt like an instant. If there was anyone waiting for me at home, I would have probably tried to get up at that point, but there was no reason to rush back to an empty house. I didn’t want to be anywhere but Damien’s arms, so that is where I stayed until the sun came up.

  Damien woke up before I did, and by the time I made it out of bed, he already had coffee waiting for me. I needed it so bad I practically inhaled the first cup while Damien made breakfast. We didn’t make it through our food before we were touching and teasing each other—we didn’t even make it back to the bedroom before the passion engulfed us just like it had the night before. We started on the kitchen table and finished in the shower—our departure was delayed so long that the maids arrived as we were getting in the car to leave.

  “We cut that one a little close…” I waved to the maids as Damien put the car in reverse.

  “It was worth it.” He put a hand on my leg and smiled.

  I can’t deny that.

  Damien drove me to my car, and we spent some time talking before we went our separate ways. I was exhausted from everything we did and the lack of sleep, even if it was worth every second that I lost. The coffee had worn off. I made a fresh pot as soon as I got home and worked on my stuff for school. Damien and I exchanged a few text messages later that evening, and it was clear that we were both eager to see each other again. I stayed up later than I should have to make sure I was ahead of schedule on my schoolwork—I didn’t want to miss a chance to spend time with Damien when the opportunity presented itself.

  Especially after what he did to me last night…

  As soon as I got settled in bed, my phone lit up again, and I expected to see another message from Damien, but it was from my mother. It was a quick apology for being gone so long, followed by a promise that she would be home the next day. She also reminded me that she had some big news to share, which I assumed had something to do with the guy who whisked her away.

  Maybe I’m finally going to meet him—then I’ll know things are serious.

  “You look tired.” Hank walked up to me at the front desk of the Pembroke Hotel—right in the middle of my third big yawn since clocking in.

  “I’m okay.” I looked at him and forced a smile. “I was up late working on stuff for school.”

  “Oh? I was hoping you were up late because of Damien Sinn.” Hank nudged me a grin spread across his face.

  “I have more going on in my life than the guy I’m dating…” I shot him a sideways glance.

  Even if he has been on my mind all morning…

  I was dead on my feet by the time I finished my shift. I definitely needed a good night of sleep that started with going to bed at a decent hour. I would have still made sleep optional if I could have spent the evening with Damien, but he was busy with some family stuff. I couldn’t even imagine what he was going through with that situation. I had been lucky in that regard. There were relationships and breakups, but there was nothing that tore my family apart—I always stayed with my mom through it all. My father might not have been in the picture, but at least I knew I wasn’t important to him from the beginning. It would have been a lot harder if I had to choose one parent over the other—or if my father was around to make my life hell the way that Damien’s was.

  I never really considered myself lucky not to have my father in my life, but maybe it’s a lot better than the alternative…

  A cup of coffee from the hotel held me over on the drive home. I wasn’t planning to stay up late, but I did need to stay up until my mother made it back to our house. Her big announcement was important to her, so I could feign enthusiasm—despite feeling like I should be angry at her for not making much of an effort to stay in contact while she was gone. The world was a scary place and dropping off the face of it, even if it was just for a few days, was totally unacceptable. Sometimes it really did feel like the parental dynamic had shifted to me, but I learned at a young age that a sensible discussion wasn’t possible with her.

  She’s already home. Maybe I will get to bed at a decent hour tonight…

  “Leigh!” My mom hopped up from the couch as soon as I arrived and ran towards me. “I was just about to call you—I didn’t know when you would be home.”

  We’re hugging now?

  “I’m here.” I was a bit stunned but managed to return her embrace when she wrapped her arms around my neck.

  “So…” My mom took a step back and held up her left hand. “Notice anything different?”

  “Mom!” I grabbed her hand. “Is that an engagement ring? Wait—is that a wedding band!?”

  “Yes!” She nodded quickly and then trembled with excitement. “I got married!”

  “Hold on…” I let go of her hand, and my eyes got wide. “You…”

  “I know!” A plastic surgeon couldn’t have put a bigger smile on her face.

  “How? When?” I stammered over my words. “Who!?”

  “I met the most amazing man.” She held up her hand and stared at the diamond. “I guess you could say it was love at first sight—I mean, he’s rich, obviously…”

  This is insane.

  “I—I don’t know what to say…” I felt the emotions draining from my body. “Have you known him long? Please tell me you’ve known him longer than a we

  “When you know, you just know.” She grabbed me for another hug. “All of our problems are over now, Leigh. Our dreams have finally come true!”

  Your dreams. Definitely not mine…

  “Mom.” I pushed her away. “Who is he?”

  “I believe you’re going to get to meet him—right now.” My mom looked out the window, and I heard a car door slam.

  There was an emotional void in the center of my soul. I couldn’t even begin to process or unpack what my mother had just told me. I thought I was going to get to meet a new boyfriend—I certainly didn’t expect to meet her husband. It was madness personified, and my mother acted like it was the most natural thing in the world. My relationship with Damien felt like it was moving fast—my mother’s new relationship was on warp speed. The front door opened, and my mother ran over to meet him. The door blocked my view, and there a few hushed whispers before it finally closed.

  “Leigh…” My mother’s face lit up with another huge smile. “I’d like you to meet Edgar Sinn—your new stepfather.”

  “What?” I was wrong—I still had a few emotions left in my body that weren’t completely drained—until I heard his name.

  “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Leigh.” He took a step towards me and reached for my hand. “Your mother has told me so much about you. All good things, I promise.”

  No, this can’t be happening—this is a nightmare.

  I let my mother’s new husband take my hand and resisted the urge to jerk it away when he planted a kiss on my knuckle. I had an image of Damien’s father in my head, based on what he had told me about him. I pictured an old man that looked like the devil himself—complete with horns and a pointed tail—maybe even a pitchfork for good measure. Instead, I saw a man that looked like an older version of the one who had practically stolen my heart. He didn’t look evil or despicable, and he seemed to be quite charming. As soon as he kissed my hand, he returned to my mother’s side and put his arm around her waist.

  “It’s, um, nice to meet you too…” I tried to wipe the shocked expression off my face. “I wish I could say the same.”

  “Don’t worry; we’ll have plenty of time to get to know each other.” He nodded and then turned his head towards my mother. “Are you ready to go?”

  “Let me grab my purse.” She looked up and smiled.

  “You’re leaving again?” I blinked a couple of times in confusion. “You just got home…”

  I’d love to have five minutes to tell you what kind of man you just married.

  “Yes, we have plans.” My mother walked over and picked up her purse. “We’ll talk more tomorrow.”

  “Okay.” I nodded—the shock still hadn’t completely worn off.

  I stared as they walked towards the door and aimlessly followed them as I tried to collect my thoughts. I wanted to scream at my mother and tell her every horrible thing Damien had told me about his father. Instead, I watched her leave arm-in-arm with the man who had abandoned Damien’s mother—for mine. The only thing that didn’t make Edgar seem like he an older version of my own Prince Charming was two rather large men that were waiting by the car. They looked sort of terrifying—I assumed they were his personal security detail. My knees got weak when their car pulled out of the driveway. I was torn between terrified and horrified. I staggered into the living room and simply collapsed on the couch. I don’t know how long I sat there with chaos swimming in my head and emotional despair seeping into my soul, but it felt like eternity.

  “Mom…” My emotions began to swirl more towards the terrified than horrified, and my eyes began to tear up.

  Part of me wanted to pick up the phone and call Damien, but another part of me fought against the urge. I didn’t know what his reaction would be, but I knew it wouldn’t be a good one. He was dealing with the fallout that my mother caused. I doubted she knew everything—surely there was some semblance of good in her. She might have wanted to meet a rich guy and be swept off her feet, but I didn’t think she was the kind of woman that would have been okay knowing he left his wife for her. Damien’s parents might not have been married on paper, but they lived together—until Edgar Sinn dropped a bombshell on Damien’s mother and left, telling her to move out.

  There’s no way she knows the truth. She can’t…

  The emotions swirling inside me just turned into numbness. I couldn’t bring myself to call Damien. I couldn’t even move. I laid on the couch and stared at the wall as more time passed. I spaced out or fell asleep with my eyes open at some point because the next thing I knew, it was morning. I didn’t even have the energy to get up and go to work. I managed to lift my phone, call my boss, and tell her I was sick. As soon as the call ended, I dropped my phone on the floor and tried to convince myself that I couldn’t lay on the couch forever. The only real motivation was the fact that my mother would be back at some point—I wanted to tell her the truth, but I didn’t think I had the courage to shred her heart into a million pieces without taking some time to figure out what I was going to say.

  I really do need to call Damien. I can’t hide this from him—the longer I wait, the worse it is going to be…

  Chapter Twelve


  “Do you want to do one last walk through the house to see if we missed anything?” I walked up to my sister in the living room of Sinn Manor.

  “No, I’m ready to go.” She shook her head back and forth.

  “This may be the last time we see this place…” I exhaled sharply.

  “I sure as hell hope so.” Jenny shrugged and walked towards the door.

  Our mother was already at my house. Jenny and I decided to handle the last of the moving on our own since it mainly consisted of going through the memories that would hurt our mother the most. There had been no word from our father—he became a ghost the moment he told our mother that their faux-marriage was over. I wondered if he had someone watching the house until we were gone so that he could avoid confrontation. It wasn’t like him to miss a chance to rub someone’s face in his evil deeds—but maybe even the devil understood that his level of cruelty had been taken to a whole new level.

  “Do you want to stop and get some lunch before we go back to my place?” I opened Jenny’s door and motioned for her to get in.

  “We could.” Jenny nodded as she sat down. “Maybe something from Cafe Russe. Mom does like their roast beef and provolone sandwich—she might actually eat that.”

  “Hopefully.” I closed her door and walked around to my side of the car.

  I truly had no idea how long it was going to take our mother to get over the heartbreak that had left her shattered. It took me a while to even face the daylight after I lost Caroline. Our situations were different, but her heart was still broken, and she had to learn to live with the sundered pieces in her chest. There was no way to make that easy. Jenny and I would have to provide her with support, even if we thought having our father out of her life was the best thing that could ever happen to her. We would be supportive, even when she mourned the loss of something that had seemed dead to us for a very long time.

  “You’re about to miss the turn.” Jenny motioned to the road that I was about to pass.

  “Damn it…” I shook my head and did an abrupt left turn. “Sorry.”

  The situation with our mother wasn’t the only thing that was distracting me. I was also thinking about Leigh and the night we spent together. It wasn’t the best time to start a new relationship, especially when my family needed me more than ever, but it was impossible to get Leigh out of my head. Our next date was the only real positive thing on the horizon.

  Jenny and I picked up lunch from the Cafe Russe. I sent a text message to Leigh to check in. She was supposed to be at work, so I didn’t expect to get a response immediately, but I wanted her to know that I was looking forward to our next date. We still hadn’t picked a time or place, but I had another thing to work out before we did. If the date led to more than just a kiss, I cou
ldn’t bring her back to my place since my family was staying there. The Pembroke wasn’t appropriate due to the memories that haunted it—and the fact that Leigh worked the front desk. That didn’t leave us with many options. I certainly wasn’t going to take someone I cared about to a dump like the Carson City Inn.

  Maybe I should try to find a villa that I can rent for the entire summer—even if it doesn’t come with a private beach.

  “I’ll see if mom will eat lunch with us in the dining room.” Jenny grabbed the order from Cafe Russe as soon as I pulled my car into the garage.

  “It’s okay if she doesn’t.” I shrugged. “I just want her to eat something.”

  Jenny did manage to coax our mother into leaving her room. I ate fairly quickly so that I could start unloading stuff from the car. It wasn’t like our mother was going to engage in conversation with either of us. She ate a few bites, which I considered to be a small victory. She was cycling through emotions, and they were all painful at the moment. Jenny joined me in the garage and helped me unload once she finished eating. It didn’t take us long to get everything in the house, and by the time we did, our mother had gone back to her room. I wasn’t in the mood to unpack, so we left everything in the foyer once we were done.

  “Now that we’ve got everything moved out of Sinn Manor, I think it’s time for me to have a talk with our father.” I poured a drink and sat down in the living room.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea…” Jenny shook her head nervously.

  “Why? He stole your trust fund—he abandoned our mother. I’m sure he knows what kind of scumbag he is, but I still want to say it to his face.” I gritted my teeth angrily.


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