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Sports Romance: Feeling The Heat

Page 142

by Michelle Roberts

  Her family was defending on her, what would she do now?

  “Just get out,” she said coldly.

  “Not yet. I have to see that you eat first.”

  She glared at him. He looked tired, there were dark shadows under his droopy eyes, his jaw set in a stubborn clench. He also discarded his dirty vest which left him with his white dress shirt inside. A few of his buttons were unbuttoned and his sleeves rolled up. His hair looked like he had been running his fingers through it.

  “I can take care of myself,” she said stubbornly.

  His nose flared, “If I have to force you to eat know that I would, Casandra. It’s your choice.”

  “I’m not a child you can boss around, Vincent. We will survive without you!”

  “You can’t even begin to support yourself let alone your family back in your home, Casandra so don’t…”

  She stared at him.

  Realizing his rough words, he closed his eyes and breathed. He ran down his hand in his jaw, the five o’clock shadow in his jaw looked like weeks’ worth of not shaving.

  “Please don’t make it hard for the both of us, Casandra. I’m here to help you,” when he opened his eyes they were less intimidating. But her situation went further than a simple problem. She was bearing a child for Pete’s sake. “Let’s get married. It’ll be easier to watch over your fare when you’re within sight.”

  “Marry?” She breathed, shock, “I-I can’t marry you.”

  “What if I say that your mom’s hospital bills will be taken care of along with a proper house away from that city you grew up in.”

  Vincent knew he got her there. But for what price in return?

  Her freedom.

  “You don’t want your brother to grow up a bastard in that kind of living, Casandra and neither will I let you do the same to my child.”

  Her head snapped at him, “I’m not sickly rich as you are, Vincent, but that doesn’t mean I am less than you are or anyone else.”

  “I didn’t mean—“

  “Get out. I can’t stand you right now.”

  He looked like he would put up a fight but decided against it. Casandra didn’t know how she long she could last without bawling at any second now. To her relief, he wordlessly saw himself out. Tears of frustrations welled up and she didn’t stop until she was dry from crying.

  Half an hour later, an elderly woman dropped by to cook and clean for her.

  Oh, Vincent. What would she do with him? He was coming too strongly for her and she was weak with him around.

  Chapter Four

  “Is it that bad to be tied with Vincent, Cass?” Lisa looked at her through the mirror, concerned for her friend.

  She was ready to say yes but the memory of last week’s event flashed back in her head. There was really nothing she could fault him other than being too domineering. The man could be so caring and frustrating at the same time.

  “The truth?”


  She looked down at her lap where her hands were laid in a white lace dress. “I think he’ll be a great dad.”


  She looked back at her friend, “But I don’t think I’m ready to for this big responsible.”

  “Are you really doubting your ability to be a mother and a wife or is it really about Vincent and you’re just trying to cover up for him?”

  She smiled, “No matter how dire the situation I’m in, Lis, I won’t agree to marry Vincent if he’s just another insensitive bastard.”

  “Then why with the long face?”

  We’re not marrying for us, Casandra. We’re marrying for the sake of our child, Vincent pointed out one afternoon in her living room. He had casually opened the discussion and casually said that they’re getting married next week. Of course, they ended up in a heated argument where eventually led to a passionate made up where she ended up crying out his name and him nipping at her neck.

  That was what she was really fearing about, to be a slave under his every wish. Casandra was afraid to lose touch with herself, that was the last thing she wanted when all this farce come to an end. Vincent was still Vincent; his real world would always call for him. He was just another man, defenseless against the world’s glamor and temptations. What would be left of her when he realized that she was a high maintenance to keep around that she wasn’t worth the trouble after all.

  You will walk out with a million dollar in your account minus your family’s house and bills. That’s not bad in exchange for your heart.


  The soft voice of Lisa snapped her out of her thoughts, standing beside her was Loren. The two exchange a knowing glance.

  “If you tell us that you don’t want to get married with that piece of sh—“

  “You both are going to help me ran away?” she finished, shaking her head.

  They nodded.

  “While that sounds like a plan to me, I now have to think for my baby as well,” she rubbed her small bump, still strange with the idea of a life forming in her womb. Once upon a time, she wasn’t sure whether she’d have children, let alone get married. From her dad’s experience, marriage was out of her priority list. Funny how fate seemed to turn that against her. However, her child, no matter the circumstances she would never trade.

  With or without Vincent, Casandra would be enough to raise their child all thanks to her mom.

  How she wished that they could be here as well. On the other hand, she didn’t want to see her disappointed so maybe it was better that they’re back there for the mean time until they could move.

  “What’s taking you ladies so long?” Vincent stood in the door, looking every bit handsome in his tux and sleeked back hair. He was clean-shaven, his eyes a glinting emerald.

  “What the hell are you doing?!” Loren shrieked.

  He wasn’t listening, instead, he pointedly looked at her and so did she. The wild beating of her heart was unmistakable now, there was no denying the feeling she had towards him.

  “When are you coming out?” His question was directed to her alone, it was like the two weren’t around, shooing him away.

  “Vincent, learn how to wait!” Lisa huffed, pushing him out the door which he let her.

  Casandra nodded her head and just like that, he backed off. Her two bridesmaid teamed work and slammed the door in his face.

  “That wasn’t necessary.”

  They rolled their eyes, “It was necessary alright.” Loren said. She then vanished inside the bathroom of the guest room in Vincent’s penthouse and retouch her makeup. When she came out, she was good as new.

  “Heaven, I swear that guy is too head over heels for you,” she sighed.

  One could only hope so.

  “I think I’m ready to go out there.”

  They didn’t comment on her sudden change of subject instead, they rolled along.

  “The running away still stands.” Lisa.

  “Thanks but no thanks.”

  The look they gave her had her blushing nevertheless, they didn’t say anything.

  All too soon, she was descending down the steps and Pedro was helping her inside the car, Vincent’s first ever car apparently. Which was a white vintage mustang. It was one of her dreams come true to ride a beautiful car such as this.

  The ride to Santa Fe’s church was a comfortable silence. Pedro had that vibe in him.

  If he was wondering why she had him dropped her off that early morning after coming out of Vincent’s room a month ago just to tie the knot with him now, he didn’t say anything.

  “We’re here, ma’am.”

  Casandra blinked a couple of times before she could make sense of her surroundings. Pedro waited for her to get out of the car patiently.

  “Vincent may be a man now, but in my eyes, he’s still a boy I saw grew up.” Pedro was looking at her through the rearview mirror. “What I’m saying is, the man is not that bad but that doesn’t mean he’s not difficult.”

  “W-we’re n
ot marrying out of love, Pedro.” The truth ran smoothly out of her mouth. He didn’t look the least bit surprised.

  “One thing I can tell you, Miss Mathew, Vincent is not rush to his actions.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “I think I told you enough that warranted, Miss Mathew, go along now. They’re waiting for you.”


  He pinned her with a look, “If you’re going to be with him, you have to hear his own story from him, not from anyone. I just told you that to reassure you.”

  “I understand…” She did but that also left thousands of burning questions inside her head. But the waiting crowd outside was now all looking at them.

  “When you’re ready,” Pedro said.

  She sucked in deep breaths and nodded her head. She was about to open the door when Pedro said that Vincent would fire him if he let her do that.

  Casandra chose to make his job easy by shutting it.

  Loren and Lisa were smiling at her the moment she came out, while others looked at her plainly. Some elegantly beautiful ladies she didn’t know of.

  With the flowers in her hands, she began her parade towards the church. It wasn’t long before she saw Vincent waiting for her at the end of the aisle.

  She choked on emotion lodged in her throat. Somehow, the wedding felt so true and she would really be marrying the man of her life. Her dark knight in shining Armani suit.


  “We don’t have to do our wedding night if you don’t want to.”

  It was already tense on the way back to his penthouse and he added to it by saying the subject she’s been dreading.

  Thank the heaven the car that picked them up, this time, was closed up between drivers’ and passengers.

  “I mean—“

  She turned to him rather too abrupt to be good for her. He looked out of the game, like a boy denied of candy.

  “Do you want to?”

  He looked up, surprised. She was surprised with herself as well.

  The air thickened and her breathing turned shallow, his looked a little darker or maybe it was just the lighting doing the trick.

  “You shouldn’t give me a choice like this, Casandra.”

  She thought so too but she was done fighting against herself, if she’s going down might as well make it worth it.

  “It’s too late for that, I guess?”

  His answer was to pull her into his lap and smashed their lips together. They were hungry for each other, needed each other.

  “Vincent…” she moaned, her head thrown back as he nipped at her nipple through the fabric of her dress. Below her, she grounded herself against his bump, pleasuring both of them.


  The moment he laid her down in the bed after carrying her bridal style, Vincent was helping her out of her dress. It pooled beneath her feet and she nudged it off the bed. Next, they were unbuttoning his shirt and he was unbuckling himself. He pulled his pants down along with his boxer, his happy trail led her to his generous size standing erect in his belly.

  He made his ways towards the bed and flipped her on top of him. He reached for her and again, they proceed where they left off in the car. She was too mortified to thank Pedro.

  “You’re beautiful, Casandra, inside and out.”

  She curled her hands on his chest, defenseless against his dark charm.

  He unpinned her hair and it cascaded down her back. Vincent laid back a second to study her.

  Impatient, she positioned herself and slide down. His gripped around her waist tightened, meeting her halfway.

  Casandra threw her head back in abandoned and ride him away to bliss and together they cried out from their union. This time as husband and wife.

  Exhausted, Casandra laid on top of him, satiated. Vincent had his hands in her back, his thumb making a circular motion, their hearts beating into one.


  Casandra shouldn’t be expecting rainbows from Vincent after their wedding night. But she did and it made her feel angry with herself.

  Sitting around the house like a pig to be fed—Sebastian forbid anyone in the house to let her work, he didn’t say it to her because he knew that she wouldn’t stand to it.

  There was nothing to do but entertain herself with watching a big screen T.V and if Norma, the elderly woman she met in her apartment, the head maid of the house and sickly sweet, let her help her with bits and pieces then she would be lucky. Other than that, she was left to be pampered which she didn’t need. There was no use reviewing for her exam either because she missed it already. All that was left of her to do was wait for him to come home like a useless housewife.

  And heaven knew she hated that.

  Chapter Five

  It was already three in the morning and she was still up.

  For the past couple of weeks, he had been coming home early in the morning and when she woke up he was gone again. They never meet these days and that made her worse about herself more than ever. It also made her realized that he was serious about them marrying for the baby growing inside her. That was all for her, nothing more.

  She cried it to her sleep and told herself that she didn’t need him to comfort her. But just as she feared, she was slowly defending on him which didn’t help her case. The ground beneath her seemed to turn shallow, threatening to suck her in. There was nothing solid she could onto at the moment and she missed her baby brother and their mom.

  “It’s not good for you to be still up, Mrs. Ma—Count,” Pedro appeared out of nowhere, he didn’t look like he slept himself either.

  Casandra wiped at the tears on her cheeks with the back of her hand, hating that she looked so fragile in front of a strong man like him. He would think her too soft and wondered what gotten into Vincent to marry her.

  It wasn’t best of her to be thinking the worst of people which she hated the most.

  Taking a couple of deep breaths, she said, “I’m waiting for Vincent.”

  “Might as well not, ma’am. He won’t be home until next week.”

  Her head snapped to him, “What?”

  Pedro looked uncomfortable under her accusing stare, she couldn’t help it.

  “He’s busy dealing with the company ma’am. He told me to inform you and not wait for him to get home.”

  “Why didn’t he tell me himself?”

  Pedro didn’t say a thing and it frustrated her not knowing. She wasn’t a pig here to be fed just to be discarded later. If he was keeping a side dish, then hell to it. She wouldn’t stick around like a doormat to be stepped all over him and his snob harem.

  “Drop me off in my apartment tomorrow morning, Pedro. I can’t stay here for another day.” She was numb from being pushed around. Her mom raised her better than this.

  “This is why he didn’t want me to tell you right away,” Pedro said more to himself than to her.

  “Don’t cover up for your boss if it’s wrong, Pedro. This world doesn’t need any more liars, don’t add up to it.” With that bitter parting, Casandra turned her back and quickly walk up the stairs.


  The next morning, Casandra felt all kind of worse. What she said to Pedro wasn’t fair, he shouldn’t have taken her brunt.

  After practicing what she was going to say to him in the bathroom, what little things she had was packed already. She had her fingers crossed that he would see that she was really sorry.

  Convinced that she got it together, she pulled the carry-on she brought in the mansion when Pedro stopped her. He silently took her bag. Casandra saw the opportunity to say her apology.

  “Can I make it up for my ugly attitude last night, Pedro?” she said in a tiny voice.

  He gave her a sideways glance. “Don’t do this to Mr. Count and you’re forgiven.”

  “Anything but that.”

  “I understand,” he said curtly.

  “Come on, don’t be like this. You know I can’t do that.”

  “There’s no need to make up for anything,

  “How about breakfast?”

  “I already have mine but thank you for offering.”

  “Lunch then?”

  “I am on a duty during that time, ma’am. Truly, there’s nothing to—“

  “I insist,” she was relentless. Then, “Okay, how about checking up on me once I’m back in my apartment?” Casandra knew that he would report that she’s gone as soon as she settled back in her apartment. Might as well make it easy for him.

  “That would better, ma’am.”

  She smiled. At least that one she accomplished. Casandra never like to leave a bad memory of her except this one. It was totally necessary, she needed time to think and that would only happen when she’s far away from here.


  Her apartment was kept clean and she had her suspicion that Pedro got here before her. She appreciated it as much as she hated it. Once again, her privacy was crossed.

  Nevertheless, she easily fell back into her old routine except this time, she kept up with her meal. She came to her senses that her baby defended on her now. Mom wouldn’t appreciate it if she did badly in motherhood.

  Speaking of…

  Casandra had been meaning to call them which was a good idea right about now.

  Picking up her phone from the table where she left it, she dialed the familiar number. It rang three times before Julian picked up.


  “Hello baby,” she smiled on the phone, emotion clogged her throat.


  “Yes, where’s mom?”

  “She’s in her room. Where are you now? Do you know that we live in a beautiful house now? There’s yummy food as well and I don’t get bully anymore.”

  She bit her lower lip to stop herself from crying right then and there. The last thing she needed was her baby brother to worry.

  The sound of her mom asking who’s he’s talking to was faint in the background.

  “It’s Cassie, ma.”

  It was scratchy on the other side for a while then her mom’s voice came in the line.


  “Mom…” her voice came out broken.


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