Amanda's Return

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Amanda's Return Page 5

by June Kramin


  “You’re out. You’re never coming back. Why do you care? Especially if it means a few less mob men running around.”

  “They aren’t all bad.”

  “Who? This Angelo that you’re so fond of? Still, Mandy? I thought you’d moved on.”

  “I did. That doesn’t mean I want to stand by and watch him be killed if I can help it.”

  “He’s Vince’s son.”

  “You know I’m aware of who he is.”

  “I’m just saying, unless you expect us to stick him in protective custody, which I’d have a hard time selling anyone, he doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell.”

  “Right. Witness relocation? ’Cause it worked so well for me?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “What in the hell do you think I’m doing here? They walked in my house and dragged my ass here!”

  “Who did?”

  “Eddie, dammit!”

  “Christ! Why the hell didn’t you say something earlier?”

  “You were a little busy with coyote stories.”

  James picked up the phone. “Sherry? Get Joel in here. Pronto.”

  After he hung up, Mandy asked, “Who’s Joel?”

  “Our resident computer geek. I’ll have him look into it. See why you were compromised. We’ll need to relocate you.”


  “What do you mean, no?”

  “I mean no. I’m not doing this again. They found us once. If they wanted to, they’d do it again. I’m not going to continue to run. As odd as it sounds, I don’t really think I have to worry about Eddie or any of the mob.”

  “How so?”

  “If Eddie wanted me dead, he would have killed me. He has something in mind; I can only ride it out and figure out what it is.”

  “That’s not the smartest thing I’ve ever heard you say.”

  “I don’t really have a choice. They’ve involved Hunt.”

  “How’s he taking it?”

  “His smart-ass meter is set to high.”

  “Shouldn’t you be worrying about the vigilante? If word gets out that you’re back, you could be in trouble. You were pretty high up there when you were in. Someone won’t take kindly to you back on the street.”

  “I don’t see why I’d be of any concern to a vigilante, if there even is such a person.”

  “You will be a concern if you show up again. Don’t fool yourself.”

  “I can’t even think about that. My worry is for Angelo.”

  “What are you proposing?”

  “You’ve already said you’re not going to help. I’ll take care of this myself.” She turned to walk out.

  “Wait. Walk with me for a bit. I want to talk to you.”

  Chapter Eleven

  James walked Mandy down the familiar corridors. “Can I buy you a cup of coffee at least? I’d really like to talk.”

  “Is it still that same lousy shit?”

  “They put in a pretty decent machine, actually.”

  She hesitated for a moment before agreeing. “I suppose.”

  After they got their cups and settled at a table, James reached over and placed his hand on Mandy’s. “How are you really doing, kid?”

  “Aside from being kidnapped from my own home and dragged back to New York? Great.”

  He leaned back in his chair. “Really? You trying to sell me on the fact that you are happy playing Suzie Homemaker? You were the best student I ever had. I only wish I knew what Craig Abbey was up to. Maybe you’d still be on the team.”

  “I can’t say I regret any of it.”

  “Killing a man you once loved and another you once respected?”

  “You trying to get added to that list?”

  “I’m just saying, Mandy. You could have really been something.”

  “I am something. I’m a mother. If anything had gone down differently, I wouldn’t be with Hunt or have Hannah. I wouldn’t change anything.”

  “I wish you’d reconsider coming back.” She sighed and stared into her coffee cup. “You have thought about it, haven’t you?”

  “Not really.”

  “Bullshit. I know that fighter in you is still dying to come back out.”

  “Maybe it is, but I still won’t put myself in the situations I have in the past. I won’t risk Hannah growing up without a mother.”

  “You could get hit by a bus tomorrow.”

  “Thanks for the reminder. At least I’m not going to wear a ‘hit me’ T-shirt.” He smiled at her then chuckled. “What?”

  “You used to kick my ass on the courses.”

  “I still could. Even in these heels.”

  “After we talk, I am so making you put your money where your mouth is.”

  After outshooting James on three body targets and completing the obstacle course, coming close to the record she’d set that still held, Mandy dropped to the gym mats. He caught up and dropped at her side, dripping with sweat.

  “Pit stains are a bitch to get out of dress shirts. I wish you let me change first.”

  “Hey, if I have to do it in heels, you have to do it in Dolce.”

  He turned to face her. “You need to consider relocating. We can set you up again, and I’ll make sure it’s done right. If you like Florida, there is a new training facility out of Naples. I’d love for you to come back any way I can have you. I think you’d make an excellent trainer.”

  “I don’t know, James.”

  “You’d be nine to five, and I can personally guarantee you no field work.”

  “I’ll think about it, but I won’t make any promises. Let me live through this first.”

  The sound of a throat clearing made them both jolt upright. “Hey, hon,” Mandy said as she stood.

  “So this is him?” James asked as he joined her side.

  “This is him.”

  James extended his hand to Hunt. “James Stoner. Nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot of great things about you.”

  “Wish I could say the same about you.”

  James laughed. “I admit to not being her favorite instructor.”

  “A story or two came up,” Hunt said with a grin and pulled Mandy close to his side.

  “You asshole!” Mandy shouted as she stuck a finger through the tear in her favorite pink sweatshirt. She was four months into her training. The hardest of all her instructors was James Stoner. He was tough on her, but she knew he felt she needed the extra pushing. She’d never admit he was right. “You did that on purpose!”

  James laughed. “It’s your own fault. You always keep your right side wide open.”

  She threw down her sword and reached behind her back for a gun. She held it up to him for a second before firing at the target that was a good twenty feet away.

  James turned around and squinted. “Damn, gorgeous. I think that’s a bull’s-eye.”

  “That’s what I’ll be doing out there, shithead. How many mobsters do you think are going to engage me with swordplay?”

  He swiped at her left side, adding yet another hole. “Don’t act so helpless. I read your record. You fenced in college. I don’t get a lot of practice around here. Humor an old man. Besides, it’s good for your reflexes. I may make it mandatory. Come on. Show me what you got.”

  Angrily, she threw down her pistol and dove on top of him. He rolled her once and lay on top, but she managed to roll him again then flip herself so she had him pinned by the shoulders in a wrestler’s hold.

  He could only laugh. “Uncle.”

  Mandy pressed hard against his shoulders. “You owe me a new sweatshirt.”

  “As soon as you disarm me.”

  “Bring it on.”

  She let him go and stood then picked up her sword. The swordplay lasted for almost five minutes. Mandy was in a full bore attack mode, leaving James in defense. He never had a chance to get the upper hand. Mandy backed him up against a wall and disarmed him within seconds. For good measure, she flicked her swo
rd and tore his shirt.

  “Eat that, Stoner.”

  “What are you doing here, Hunt? Everything okay?”

  “You told me to come back in an hour. I did. Then I drank crappy coffee in the lobby for over an hour before they finally let me in and told me where to find you.”

  “It’s been two hours? I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s okay. Unless this guy is trying to talk you into coming back.” Hunt was teasing, but he could tell by the looks on their faces, he was right. “You’re shitting me, right?”

  “I asked, but she shot me down cold, buddy. Honest.”

  Mandy jumped in. “Actually, you showed up right as I was about to tell him we were trying to get pregnant again so there is really no way I’m even going to consider it. James, accept that I’m happy, and a civilian is kicking your ass at the course.”

  James chuckled. “Can’t blame me for wanting the best.”

  Hunt pulled Mandy to him even tighter. “Guess I can’t. Come on, babe. We’re about overdue to work on that ‘trying’ thing you just mentioned.” He waggled his eyebrows for effect.

  Mandy blushed and elbowed him. “We’ll see ourselves out, James. Thanks for the workout. I was afraid I was out of shape.”

  “Oh, wait!” James called as they turned to walk away. “There is one last, quick thing I’d like you to do.”

  Together they walked down a series of hallways and closed doors. When James opened one up, Mandy stopped him. “Just what is it that you want me to do?”

  He smiled wide. “Trust me; you’ll enjoy this one.”

  They entered a room with two-way glass. James excused the man who was in there. Once he was gone, James flipped a light switch. They could now see who was in the interrogation room.

  Mandy lit up like a Christmas tree. “No way. He’s back here again?”

  “Way. We drag him back from time to time. This is your lucky day. Care to have a little talk with him?”

  “Would I ever!” She laughed hard. “What do you want out of him?”

  “Anything you can get.”

  She rushed over to the door as Hunt stood back.

  “What’s she going to do?” Hunt asked.

  “Just watch. Abbey put her to the test with this guy to see what she’d do the first day she showed up. She was in some getup; he had no clue who she was. He’s just a two-bit loser, but every now and then he offers something useful. He goes by ‘M.’ I use her first interrogation tape with him for training. She’s kind of a legend here. Abbey thought she’d use her fancy degrees and talk something useful out of him.”

  “And what did she do?”

  “Kick his ass.”

  The man frowned when she walked in. “No way. You?”

  “Hello, Melvin,” she said before shutting the door behind her.

  Chapter Twelve

  Hunt and Mandy didn’t talk much on the way back to the house. Mandy couldn’t tell if he was angry or not, but she wasn’t going to ask and risk starting an argument.

  “Did you call your mom?” she finally asked.

  “I did. Everyone is fine. She said Hannah is having a blast with them.”

  Mandy rested her arm on the door and leaned her head into her hand. “It’s not like she would tell me if she was crying the whole time.”

  “She loves Mom and Dad. She’s fine, babe.”

  Sighing heavily, Mandy moaned. “I suppose.”

  He placed his arm on her leg and gave it a squeeze. “Kind of fun watching you in action today.” She forced a smile and shrugged. “You do miss it. Don’t you?”

  Her hands fell to her lap. “Do we have to do this now? My plate is a little full with frustration. I don’t want to fight about this again, Hunt.”

  “I don’t want to fight either. You have me seven ways from horny watching you handle that dealer. I want to pull this car over and do you right here.”

  She placed her hand on his crotch and discovered he wasn’t lying. “You can’t wait till we get back to the house?”

  “I’m not sure I’ll function with one of Eddie’s men breathing through his mouth, listening outside our door.”

  Mandy pondered it for a moment. “So let’s find a pit of a motel. You can do me in a filthy dive for old time’s sake.”

  Hunt grinned. “You’re the boss.”

  The place they stayed in was a bit of an upgrade from their back road escapades a few years ago, but it was close enough. Where before they’d had only the sounds of nature serenading them, they now had traffic and an occasional backfire or gunshot.

  Mandy lay flat on top of Hunt, still breathing heavily. “I was so lost in thoughts of how much this was like the motel Hannah was conceived in, I almost paused there for a second, worrying about your side.” She snuggled into him. “I can’t believe you wanted sex with a gunshot wound.”

  Hunt laughed. “You didn’t seem to mind at the time.” He wrapped his arms tighter around her. “I love you.”

  She rested her chin on his chest and looked up at him. “No regrets for the color I’ve brought into your life?”

  “You’re shitting me, right?” He gave her a playful swat on the behind. “Books aren’t as entertaining as my own life. You spoil me, babe.”

  “Spoil you? I’ll write down ‘get kidnapped by mobsters’ for our tenth wedding anniversary present if this is what floats your boat.”

  He rolled her over to her back. “As long as you’re there with me, it’s a date.” She kissed him then let her eyes roam around the room. She grimaced. “Hey. I would have sprung for something better. You wanted a pit.”

  “By the hour is cheaper. Besides, we’ll have to get back before Eddie blows a vein in his head.”

  “Tough shit. I paid for two hours.”

  Mandy rubbed her belly and said, “I guess it couldn’t hurt.”


  “Ah-ha what?”

  “You thought we had a magical touch with a dive. You’re hoping to get pregnant, aren’t you?”

  “Hey, now. You’re the one who said you had to have me right now. And hello, of course I want to get pregnant. That’s no secret.”

  He gave her a kiss before lowering his weight onto her body. “Second time’s a charm?”

  “Couldn’t hurt.”

  They showered together before heading back to Vince’s office. “Okay. Third time is a charm,” Hunt said as he offered Mandy a towel. “Worth the extra hour.”

  “These dives really do turn you on.”

  “Nope. All you, my love.”

  Eddie was sitting at his desk when they walked in. He tapped his pen on the arm of his chair as he rocked it side to side.

  “You mind telling me why I don’t shoot you right now myself? What were you thinking going there?” He stopped his tapping and threw the pen on his desk.

  “Can it, Eddie. If I wanted the FBI here, they’d be here.”

  “Who are you in bed with now, Amanda?”

  “Hello. I’m right here,” Hunt said as he crossed his arms.

  “I’m not buying what you’re selling, Eddie. I’m not so sure I’m buying what they’re selling either.”

  “And that is…”

  Mandy dropped herself into a chair. “They seem to think they have on a good source that there is a vigilante out there.”

  “A vigilante?”

  “That’s what they said. You guys are killing each other off for no reason.”

  He chuckled. “There’s never a bad reason to off another mobster. Have you forgotten everything we taught you?”

  “This isn’t funny, Eddie.” She slid her chair back and stood up. “I’m wasting my time here. I miss my daughter. You said you needed me to get Angelo back and I did. I want to go home.”

  “Sit back down.”

  “Kiss my ass.” Eddie picked up the gun that was sitting on his desk and pointed it at her. “You’re not going to shoot me, Eddie.”

  “Maybe. Maybe not. But I will shoot him.” He pointed the gun at Hunt

  “Not if you want your dick you won’t. Put the fucking gun down.” He refused. Giving in, Mandy sighed heavily and sat back down. “How is Angelo doing?”

  “Better. You can see him when I’m done with you.”

  “Done with me? Keep talking like that, and I will leave. I don’t owe you anything, Eddie. Let’s get that straight and cut the shit. I’m here for Angelo. I don’t need your permission to take him away from this and neither does he. Things aren’t what they used to be. Stop watching old mob movies. You need to get a life and move on. I bet you have enough money stashed away to live ten lifetimes.”

  “It’s not about the money.”

  “Then what? The power? You getting your rocks off bossing around brainless thugs and selling drugs to kids? Extorting money from hard-working businessmen?”

  “Now it’s you that watches too many movies. You know what we do. Things aren’t going to change any time soon.”

  “Unless you get killed.”

  Eddie finally put the gun back down and laced his fingers behind his head. “Tell me what you know.”

  “Nothing more than hearsay. The FBI isn’t going to waste any manpower figuring out who this vigilante is.”

  “Color me surprised.”

  “If you want their help, I’m sure there’s someone new you can pay.”

  “What makes you think I’m not already?”

  Mandy paused. “Good point. Remind me again why you have me here against my will?”

  “Because I know a thing or two that you don’t.”

  “And that is?”

  “Angelo isn’t an only child.”

  “Of course he is.” Mandy paused and stared at Eddie. “Oh, shit.”

  “You see my dilemma.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Hunt finally joined the conversation. “Wait a second. You’re not going to tell me this old story. Let me guess. Scar wants the crown and offs Mufasa and Simba, so he can have it. Talk about too many movies. Now you jackasses have me quoting The Lion King.”

  Mandy laughed. The new and not-so-improved smart-ass Hunt was starting to grow on her. She turned to Eddie. “Let me guess. Vince wasn’t faithful to his wife.”


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