Amanda's Return

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Amanda's Return Page 6

by June Kramin

  “You know of a man that is?”

  “Again, right here,” Hunt said.

  “Okay. Aside from the beaming love of your life. Come on, Mandy. Every dame in the area wanted a piece of him. He was the leader of our little corner of the world. Of course he was swatting them away like flies. Only a few made it in his bed. Only one stole his heart.”

  “And he got her pregnant,” Mandy said with a sigh.

  “He wouldn’t let her move in after his wife died. Vince knew she would never have Angelo’s love, and he would have probably never forgiven his father for the affair when he found out.”

  “Does Angelo know about his brother?”


  “Isn’t that what we’re talking about here?”

  “Vince’s other kid was a girl.”

  “A daughter?”

  “I know you’re not going to belittle the power of a woman dead set on revenge. Look at the size of you. One of my men will walk with a limp for the rest of his life because of you.”

  “He should have listened to me.”

  “Women like you are the reason there are battered women in this world.”

  “Lucky for me Hunt prefers his women raw.” Mandy leaned back and crossed her arms. Hunt chuckled in the background. Eddie’s face froze as he processed her comeback. He allowed the slightest grin. “You can steal the line,” Mandy said to him.

  “I just might.”

  “Can we get back on track now? So you think this daughter has something to do with what’s going on?”

  “Well…that’s kind of hard to say at this point.”

  Mandy was getting more frustrated with each passing second. “Then why bring her up? Dammit, Eddie! Where is she?”

  Eddie stood. “You need to follow me.”

  “Where now?” She stood with a huff.

  “Back office. It’ll only take a second.”

  The back office had been vacant for as long as Mandy knew of it. It was set up with nothing more than a desk, chair, and couch. She wasn’t sure who was supposed to fill the office. It was just there and had come in handy for an afternoon tryst or three with Gerard. Eddie opened the door and Mandy gasped. The office now held a young woman who was barely twenty, secured to a chair.

  “You kidnapped her?” Mandy rushed over to ungag the girl.

  “We didn’t kidnap her. We collected her to keep her safe.”

  “And you couldn’t treat her any better than this?” As Mandy undid the gag, the girl glared at them all.

  “You son of a bitch, Eddie!” she screamed.

  “Uncle Eddie, sweetheart.”

  The girl gave Mandy a good once-over. “Who the hell are you?”

  “That’s a long story.” She went to the back of the chair to take care of the bindings. “Throw me a knife, Eddie.”

  “She’ll only run.”

  “You can’t keep her against her will.”

  Hunt removed a pocket knife from his pants pocket and tossed it to Mandy. “Here, babe.”

  Mandy caught it but paused before cutting through the ties. “I’m cutting you loose, but I’m going to beg you to stay and talk to me for a minute. After that, you’re free to go.” The girl still scowled. “I’m begging you, not telling you. I’m on your side. I’m not a part of this bunch any more than you want to be. Okay?”

  “All right.”

  Mandy cut her free. The girl stood and rubbed her wrists. She took a stance as if she were going to attack Eddie. Mandy was grateful when she walked to the window instead. She wouldn’t have particularly cared if this girl gutted Eddie, but that wasn’t going to help any of them. After turning to Mandy, the girl asked, “What do you want?”

  “I don’t want anything, although your name would be helpful for starters.”


  “Do you know why you’re here?”

  She glared at Eddie. “No. I know what my father was, but I don’t understand what that has to do with me and why you have me here against my will!” Angie shouted the last bit in his direction.

  Mandy turned to him. “What were your plans for her exactly?”

  “Exactly? I didn’t have any. She’s your problem now.”

  “My problem? She’s a young girl, not a problem, ass wipe.” Mandy didn’t want to push it with Eddie, but she needed to establish some trust with Angie. If she could show Angie they had a common enemy, it would be a good place to start. “Honey, I don’t know your story, but if you’ll let me, I want to help you. Did you get to pack a bag?” Angie pointed to a corner where there was a suitcase sitting. “Will you come with us?”

  “Anywhere is better than here.”

  Mandy turned to Hunt. “Hon? Will you grab Angie’s bag and wait outside with her for a minute. I need to speak to Eddie.”

  “Sure, babe.”

  Once they were outside, Mandy moved closer to Eddie. She didn’t want to be overheard. “Did you have to tie her up?”

  “I didn’t know what the hell to do with her.”

  “Did you grab her from her home to protect her or is there some kind of plan here?”

  “She wasn’t safe. I promised Vince if something happened to him, I’d keep her safe.”

  “How much does she know?”

  “Her mother told her who her father was before she died. Vince had never been an active part of her upbringing, and she’d never had a steady stepfather. Her mother never married.”

  “Was her mother afraid of Vince? How unfair was that to the poor woman?”

  “She wasn’t afraid of him. She loved him. He took care of them from afar; he just wasn’t active in her life. They died loving each other and stealing minutes together where they could.”

  “When did she die? Is this related to what’s going on now?”

  “No. She died a year ago in a car crash. And no, it was an honest accident. That was before this shit. No one was out to get her. Very few people knew about her.”

  “You think Angie will run?”

  “Maybe. Stubborn little thing. I think you need to put the scare on her and keep her close.”

  “Until what?”

  “Until we get this business figured out.”

  “Dammit, Eddie. I have a life, you know.”

  “And if you want any peace in it, you’ll take this one step at a time. Get her back to Lonny’s place. Convince her to stay. Besides the two bodyguards already there, I’m sending one to be on her at all times. If you get any more funny ideas to take off and visit old friends, I want to know about it first. From you, not secondhand.”

  “How can I watch her and do what you want from me?”

  “You’ll figure it out. We’re not done by a long shot, but for now, concentrate on her.”

  “Can Angelo know about her?”

  “I suppose he’s going to have to.”

  “And I suppose I’m the one to tell him.”

  “You ain’t just a pretty face, after all.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Mandy stopped at Angelo’s room, but the doctor held up his hand. “I’d rather you didn’t go in, Mandy. He’s resting pretty soundly right now.”

  After getting the update on him she said, “Let him know I’ll stop back in the morning, Doc.”

  “Will do. I think it’ll do him some good to have a visitor. He’s been an ornery cuss.”

  “He in a lot of pain?”

  “Yes, but an even bigger pain in my ass. He needs to get up and moving.”

  “I’ll come by around eight and see what I can do.”

  “Bless you.”

  Hunt and Angie were waiting out front in the car. She climbed in, and they headed for Lonny’s home, which for now was their “home away from home.”

  “Eddie said someone has supper ready at the house,” Hunt told her as he pulled away from the curb.

  “Milo, no doubt. He’s quite the chef.”

  “We get maid service with this, too?”

  Mandy ignored him and turned around
to face Angie. “How are you doing?”

  She rubbed at her wrists again. “For a hostage? Fine.”

  “You’re not my hostage, but until I can get to the bottom of whatever is going on, you will be a lot safer with us.”

  “Safer than with Eddie or the world in general?”

  “Eddie is rough around the edges to say the least, but he’s not your worry. Despite how he handled this, he was looking out for your safety. So yes, I suppose the rest of the world. Most of the wrong side of the street of New York, anyway.”

  Angie crossed her arms. “Exactly who are you?”

  “For all intents and purposes, I’m nobody as far as this family goes. You deserve the truth, though, if we are going to be spending some time together. I was undercover FBI a few years back and dealt with Vince.”

  “FBI? You’re that Amanda?”

  Mandy grinned. “I suppose if there’s a that Amanda, that would be me.”

  “Holy shit.” She slid forward. “And you’re that sheriff. You two should be dead.”

  “Well, I guess small town know-how overrides mob muscle,” Hunt said. He turned to Mandy. “This Milo know who you really are?”

  “No. We need to assume no one does unless I say otherwise. Understand, Angie?”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  Hunt spoke to Angie again. “You going to share your story? How do you know about Amanda and myself if you weren’t involved?”

  “After mom died, I became curious about my father. I started seeing someone who was in deep and tried to learn what I could.”

  “Who?” Mandy asked.


  “Earl’s son?”

  “Earl?” Hunt asked.

  “One of Vince’s bodyguards.”

  “I take it you know him,” Angie said.

  “He was a piss-ant when I was around. What are you? Around eighteen?”

  “Nineteen in December. He’s only twenty. That’s not that big of a deal.”

  “You have your whole life ahead of you, and you decided you wanted to get in with the mob to catch your thrills?”

  She shrugged. “You can’t blame me for wanting to know my father. That’s what started it, anyway.”

  “Then what? Why stay?”

  “I really like Darin. The gifts are nice, too, and I figured what the hell. It is the family business, right?”

  Hunt scoffed. Mandy shot him her “you’d better quit while you’re behind” look and turned back to Angie. “Did you let Vince know who you were?”

  “I didn’t get the chance. He was killed before I was brave enough to approach him. When Darin told me about him being killed, I broke down. That’s when I told him who I was. He ran to his dad, his dad ran to Eddie. That’s how I got locked up.”

  “But Vince was killed a few days ago.”

  “I hid for a while, but they found me.”

  “Where’s Darin?”

  Angie shrugged. “I don’t know. He wasn’t around when they took me. I bet he’s worried.”

  “I’ll call him.”

  “Can he come over? Wherever it is we’re going?”

  “I don’t think that’s possible. I don’t know who is trouble and who isn’t. You may think you sought after him, but it could be the other way around. I can’t say I trust anyone right now.”

  “No. I found him. He really didn’t know who I was. I may have started off wanting to find some stuff out, but I really like the guy. I know what this is, but I don’t want out. My place is with Darin and whatever happens…so be it.”

  Again Hunt scoffed. This time, Mandy hit him in the arm.

  “Sorry. I guess I forgot how irresistible these mobsters can be.”

  “Keep it up, Blaine.”


  “Whatever.” She crawled in back with Angie. His smart-ass meter was set to high. That was not one of his more charming personality traits.

  “That’s not asking for a ticket,” Hunt complained.

  Again, she ignored him. Mandy took Angie’s hand. “Honey, look. I know you’re young, and you may think this is some kind of glamorous life, but you couldn’t be more wrong. These people are dangerous.”

  “I’m not an idiot.”

  Mandy glared into the rearview mirror almost daring Hunt to make a sound. Lucky for him, he didn’t.

  “Well, stop acting like one. You don’t put yourself in this situation on purpose.”

  “You did.”

  “It was my job.”

  “And then it was for love. You of all people should understand how I feel. You can’t stop me.”

  “No, but I can sure as hell try to make you come to your senses before you get killed.”

  The rest of the ride was quiet until Hunt said, “Honey, we’re home,” when they reached Lonny’s.

  Mandy let herself out and leaned against the car. Hunt joined her. “You okay?”

  “This house still gives me the creeps.”

  He wrapped an arm around her. “Come on. Let’s call Mom. She’ll get Hannah on the phone for you. You’ll feel better.”

  Angie walked over to them. “I heard about Darci, too. I’m sorry.”

  Mandy blinked back her tears. “Let’s hope I don’t have to leave you in a pool of your own blood while we’re here.” It was harsh, but Angie needed to understand the danger she was in.

  Angie swallowed hard and followed them into the house.

  Milo lit up when Mandy approached. She walked over and gave him a hug. As strange as this was, she took comfort in familiar faces.

  “How is Angelo today?” he asked.

  “I didn’t get to see him. Doc said he was asleep. I’ll go back in the morning.”

  “I’ll send you off with eggs Benedict in your belly and a plate for him.”

  Mandy laughed. “You camping out here?”

  “Eddie’s an asshole, but he wants you on top of your game. I’m yours for the duration.”

  After introducing him to Hunt and Angie, Mandy went to draw a bath. She was settled in the large tub with soothing bath beads, surrounded by bubbles and scented candles with a glass of red wine, when Hunt joined her.

  “I’m sorry for the wisecracks.”

  “Do I need to say again that I didn’t want you here?”

  Hunt said, “Tough shit,” as he sat on the side of the tub. Mandy didn’t realize a tear escaped her until Hunt wiped it away. “You that mad at me?”

  She shook her head and held up a rubber duck.

  “Darci’s?” he asked.

  Mandy nodded.

  Hunt leaned in and hugged her, not caring that he was getting himself half drenched. After just a moment, her sobs became heavier. It wasn’t enough to hug her the best he could at that angle. Fully clothed, he slid in and shifted positions with her, wrapping himself completely around her and holding her tight while she cried herself out.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Hunt tucked Mandy into bed and went downstairs to make excuses for her. Milo wasn’t happy, but he said he’d make up for it in the morning with a big breakfast.

  “I can imagine what being back in this house does to her. She really loved little Darci.”

  Angie walked up to them. “She’s not coming back down?”

  “To say she’s under the weather is an understatement. I hope you’re not planning on pulling any surprise punches or trying to take off. She really wants to talk to you.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. Not really anywhere to go, anyway.”

  “I’ve been told I’m a pretty good sounding board.”

  Angie shrugged. “I don’t know that I have that much to say.”

  Milo walked over to them. “You two sit. Dinner is ready.”

  Hunt and Angie encouraged Milo to join them. The conversation was kept to simple pleasantries. Hunt didn’t want to get Angie upset about anything, not that he had much input on the situation.

  After dinner, they went to a sitting room. Angie found a cribbage board while snooping around. />
  “You play?” she asked.

  “I do.”

  “Care to have your ass handed to you? I’m not ready for bed.”

  He chuckled. “Set it up. I’m going to have a drink.”

  “Get me one, too.”

  “Hell no. You’re not old enough.”

  “I do all the time.”

  “Not on my watch.”

  “Sheesh. Whatever, Dad.”

  Just as the game was about to end, Mandy came downstairs. Hunt stood and walked over, meeting her halfway into the room. “You okay, babe?”

  “Just not tired enough to sleep. That or overtired. He treating you all right, Angie?”

  “He won’t let me have a drink.”

  “And he shouldn’t.” Mandy took Hunt by the hand, sat them both back down, and motioned toward the game. “You two done?”

  “You’ll save me, actually,” Hunt said with a grin. “Allow me to walk away with a little dignity, anyway.”

  “Told you,” Angie said before she removed the pegs. “I had him in one more hand anyway.”

  “I’m lying up in bed with my mind racing, Angie. I guess that’s why I can’t sleep.”

  “My fault?”

  “Of course not. I have to say, I didn’t expect you to be so agreeable. To see you two down here playing a game has thrown me for a loop.”

  “Eddie never even gave me a chance to not put up a fight. They snatched me outside of my home, tied me up, and packed a bag. End of story. Darin is going to be pissed.”

  “He will get in trouble of his own for just knowing you, so don’t expect a hero out of this situation.”

  “Why is he in trouble?”

  “Even with Vince dead, there’s that whole ‘dating the boss’s daughter’ thing to consider.”

  “But he didn’t know.”

  Mandy motioned to Hunt, and he took the cue to speak. “I’m not sure that it’s going to make a lot of difference.”

  “That’s not fair.”

  “You wanted to get involved with the mob. Exactly what part of that did you think would be fair? The drugs, the extortion, or the bodily harm?”

  Angie sighed. “So what now? Am I in some kind of protective custody? You going to ship me off to Mexico or something?”


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