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Amanda's Return

Page 8

by June Kramin

  “Thanks for that,” Angelo said.

  “I’ve been away too long. Is that sarcasm?”

  “No, I mean it. She’s a great kid.” He leaned back into the pillow, finally allowing his tiredness to show. He played tough with Angie, but he was hurting.

  “I’m sorry. I should have interrupted sooner.”

  “No. That’s okay. I’m fine.”

  Mandy sat on the bed next to him. “You never could lie to me.”

  He reached and gently tugged on the chain around her neck until the locket came out from under her shirt. Angelo grinned. “You still wear it.”

  “Of course. You bought it for me.” She opened it up. “It has my daughter in there now, too.”

  Angelo smiled up at Mandy. “She’s lucky she takes after you.”

  Mandy laughed and slapped his hand away. “I think she looks like her daddy.”

  “You are really happy, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, Angelo. I really am. What I had when I was here was not real. Not by a long shot. I see that now. It’s time for me to play grown-up.”

  Angelo closed his eyes. His words came out barely above a whisper. “That’s funny because when you were here, that was the only thing that was real to me.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  As Mandy shut the bedroom door, there was a commotion going on in the entryway. Removing her revolver from the small of her back, she rushed out there. She took the corner with her gun drawn but lowered it when she found what was causing the commotion. Angie stood behind Darin. He had one arm wrapped around her while the other was straight out, with his hand open in a “stop” pose, towards Hunt and the other guard, Charlie.

  Mandy put her gun back. “What is this, Darin?”

  “I heard she was here. I needed to see her.”

  “How did you hear?”

  “How do you think? It’s not like you used a secret entrance, Mandy. Someone called me. I’ve been worried sick. I swear to God if what they tell me is true, I’ll have Eddie’s balls in a vice myself.”

  “You best watch that talk,” Charlie threatened.

  Mandy held her hands up to him. “He’s just hot right now, Charlie. Give me time with him. Your job is to watch Angelo, and he obviously isn’t here to hurt him. Let me deal with this.”

  “I don’t recall I’m supposed to be taking orders from the likes of you.”

  Mandy squared herself off. “Then get Eddie on the phone, or get out of my face!”

  He glared at Mandy before going back to his post at the bedroom door.

  “Come in and sit down for a second, Darin. You can’t take off and do anything half-cocked. You know you won’t get far.”

  “I don’t want to sit down. This is total bullshit.”

  Angie came out from behind him. “Total bullshit, but you’re the one that sold me out.”

  “I didn’t sell you out, baby. I was scared. I had to tell them who you were. It was for your own good. I had no idea they would react that way. I’m sorry.” He reached for her, but she pulled her hand back. It was only a few seconds before she flew into his arms, sobbing.

  “I was so worried about you,” she cried.

  “Me? Hell. I was worried about you.” He held Angie tight then looked over to Mandy. “Why are you back?”

  “Wouldn’t I like to know? Come on, let’s go sit.”

  They settled in the sitting room and were silent for a few moments. Hunt sat next to Mandy on a loveseat while Darin chose a recliner and held Angie close to him on his lap. He spoke first. “So what now?”

  “She’s mine to watch for now, and I don’t know that the plans will work to include you,” Mandy said.

  “Then make it part of the plan.”

  “Darin…would you stop and think with your head instead of your dick for a minute, please? We’re lucky to have Angelo back and alive. Whoever killed Vince is sure to want him dead, too. What do you think they’ll do if they discover he has a daughter? Invite her for tea and crackers?”

  “Kermit and Axle wouldn’t have killed Angelo. They ain’t got the brains to carry out that kind of plan. If they were in a tiff, it would have just happened by accident. They never would have planned something that extreme.”

  Hunt jumped in. “You think maybe these two knew something was going down and in their own way were protecting him? You know—keep your enemies close?”

  “Right. While they near beat him to death.” Darin scoffed.

  “No. Wait a second.” Mandy stood. “I bet Hunt is on to something. Angelo said they haven’t been that bad lately. They were drinking together before they took him then kept him liquored up.”

  “While they beat him,” Darin added.

  “More likely while someone hired them to beat him. Maybe they were doing as they were told: keeping him off the street and continuing their version of a party while helping him with the pain in the only way they could.”

  “You sure can stretch it, Mandy.”

  “It is a stretch, but it makes sense. It’s the only thing that makes sense. You’ve never gotten someone drunk after he was in a fight? Dull his senses a little?”

  “Sure, but—”

  “But nothing. Maybe you haven’t had the pleasure of digging a bullet out of someone yet, but I’ll tell you this, you’ll give the man a bottle of booze to suck on first.”

  Now Hunt stood. “And I can personally vouch for that one. So we shot up the two boys that were helping him?”

  “I’m not going to feel bad. They still had him hostage. Who knows what their orders were going to be next. Those two don’t do any thinking for themselves. Keeping him drunk could have had nothing to do with helping him either. In their pea brains it could have been one big party. You’re not in that kind of position unless you enjoy what you do.”

  “So you’ve now talked yourself into a complete circle, Mandy. Are they the bad guys or not?”

  “Well they’re not the good guys, just not the brains behind this either. Indirectly, they know what’s going on. They either held Angelo for someone to deal with him later or helped hide him to keep him safe, so they could hold the cards later.”

  Hunt spoke again. “It’s obvious someone wants to replace Vince. The only one I see gaining from this immediately is Eddie. I hate to say it, but I know you’re all thinking it.”

  “He could have killed me instead of giving me to you two,” Angie said.

  “Except it’s highly unlikely you’d step up and accept the crown.”

  “So I can go with Darin, then, if I’m not accepted as part of the mob family. You have no reason to keep us apart.”

  “Wrong,” Amanda said. “You could still be held for a type of ransom to get what they want, or they could kill you out of spite. You’re far from safe.” She turned to Hunt. “I have questions about Eddie, too, but I don’t think he’d be behind any scheme to harm Angelo. That much I know for sure.”

  A bullet shattered a window nearby, and everyone hit the floor. Hunt removed his revolver, but Mandy grabbed his hand. “Just stay down. No one is going to start anything here.”

  Charlie came running into the room, and Mandy shouted at him to get down. “We’re fine. Stay low. Go back and check on Angelo. Don’t leave his side, you hear me?” He nodded and crab walked back out of the room. She turned to Darin and Angie. “You two stay put. Hunt and I are going downstairs.” Mandy stood and went over to Angie. She was pressed as close as she could against Darin’s chest, his arms holding her tight. Mandy placed a hand on her shoulder. “Just stay here with Darin. And Darin, don’t think about any heroics. Just watch her.”

  “Got it.” Darin removed his gun and chambered a round. Angie buried her head deeper into his neck.

  Hunt and Mandy went downstairs. They took one of the guards from the front door with them. Earl was there waiting in the lobby. Mandy paused for a moment but didn’t bother with introductions.

  “You see anything?”

  “Black sedan tore off after the shot.”<
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  “That’s a help,” Mandy said as she placed her gun back in her waistband. “You have anybody after them?”

  “No point. They’re long gone, Mandy.” Earl shook his head in Hunt’s direction. “This your sheriff?”

  “Hunt—Earl, Earl—Hunt.”

  The men gave a brief nod then Hunt spoke. “This is Darin’s father?”

  “Sometimes I wish you weren’t so good with names. Yes, he is.” Mandy turned and addressed Earl. “Are you who called Darin and told him Angie was upstairs?”

  “Boy has a right to know. He’s been worried sick. There’s no reason he shouldn’t be able to date who he wants. I was obligated to let Eddie know who she was. I didn’t expect him to snatch her up like that.”

  “He went about it the wrong way, but he was trying to protect her. I need to keep her with me for a while.”

  “What about Darin?” Earl asked. “You’re not being fair to the boy.”

  “Initially I wanted him out of it, but I think under the circumstances I’m changing my mind.”

  “How’s that?”

  “I want Darin with her. No one will want to protect her like he will.”

  “I’m glad you see it that way. I was about to duct tape his ass to a chair with him so hell-bent on getting to her. I’m not saying I’m thrilled about who she is, but there has to be a way around all of this. He thinks he loves her, for crying out loud.”

  “Their love life isn’t my concern right now. I need to keep her alive. I want them up at the cabin, not in the city.”

  “The cabin? Why?”

  Amanda stopped talking as Eddie’s limo pulled up. She waited until he reached them.

  “What the hell went on? No one has ever fired at us here before.”

  “I want everyone upstairs, now,” Mandy said. “I’m only going to say what I have to say once, and I want no lip, or I go the fuck home.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Once Mandy had everyone’s attention in Eddie’s office, she moved to Hunt’s side then began to explain her plan.

  “First of all, Darin, I want you to know that I’ve changed my mind about you being with Angie.”

  “That’s good because I wasn’t about to be a part of any plan that kept her and me apart.”

  Eddie spoke up. “You’ll do what you’re told, boy. You’re in no position to demand anything.”

  “I’m not—”

  “You’ll shut up,” Earl interrupted. “You have what you want for now, so shut the hell up and listen.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Mandy continued. “I can’t do what I plan on doing and play glorified babysitter, Eddie. I want Angelo and these two moved up to the cabin in Vermont.”

  “Back to Vermont?” Hunt yelled. “Why do you want to put them back where this all started?”

  “That cabin has no connection to anyone. I want them out of the city, and that’s the best place I can think of. Vince never made deals there; it was his retreat. Should I know otherwise, Eddie? Do I need to pick another safe house?”

  “No. I think the cabin is a good call.”

  Mandy turned to Hunt. “I don’t think you need to notify anyone in Vermont about this, but if you feel better having Roy on stand-by, that’s your call.” Roy was the deputy back when Hunt and Mandy first met. He had saved them on two occasions. Hunt had him promoted to Sheriff before they relocated.

  “I don’t think I’m going to involve him unless I have to. Please don’t make me have to, baby. I still don’t like this.”

  “But it’s okay?”

  “I’d hate to agree with Eddie, but I guess it’s a good call.”

  “Okay then.” Mandy turned back to Eddie. “I want four men out there in shifts, not including Darin.”

  “I thought I was going?” Darin asked.

  “You’re going, but I can’t trust you not to be distracted. You’re to protect Angie with everything you have, not just take a honeymoon and screw yourselves senseless.” Directing her attention to Angie, she softened her tone. “I’m sorry, but you two need to understand what’s at stake here. You came into this with delusions that being a part of the mob was a grand affair. How’s it treating you so far, sweetie?”

  “Honestly, you’re kind of scaring me.”

  “Me or the bullet that flew over your head?”

  “Both, I guess.”

  “Good. What Eddie did was nothing compared to what anyone else would do.” Mandy’s focus returned to Eddie. “You haven’t even said what you’re keeping me for, so now I’m telling you. I’m running the show.”

  “You think so?”

  “Yes, I think so. I want to flush out whoever is doing this, and I’m the new bait.”

  Hunt stepped in front of her. “Oh, no, you’re not!”

  “I have to, Hunt.”

  “You don’t owe these people anything.”

  “Maybe not, but we’re not going to get any peace until this is over. I refuse to go home and wait to be snatched up again. Eddie? You find any connection to why Ray was on to us?”

  “I told you. I don’t have a clue. This wasn’t our doing. If it’s related to the killing here, they shouldn’t have gone after you.”

  “But he just happened to show up when you did.”

  “So he followed us. I’m not sure I like what you’re getting at here, Mandy.”

  “What I’m getting at is you’ve already made me a target. Vince is gone, Angelo was temporarily out of the picture, and they came after me.”

  Eddie finally got it. “You and Angelo went everywhere together.”

  “Exactly. Someone already pegged me for his sister.”

  “What?” Hunt shouted.

  “It’s all I can figure. Word is out about Angie, and someone pieced together that I was her.”

  “How is that possible? You have ten years on her.”

  “They don’t know specifics. You know how rumors fly. All they knew is that Vince had a daughter. I had a lot more say than I should have when I was with Angelo. I was married to the lawyer. I guess anyone looking in could easily assume that.”

  “So what are you willing to do?” Eddie asked.

  “I’m not playing house with Leo if that’s what you’re asking.”

  “Then what?”

  “I’ll spread the word that Angelo is dead, and I’m in charge.”

  “Not if I have any say in this.” Angelo stood at the doorway, leaning on it for support. Charlie tried to help him, but he shook his arm free.

  Amanda walked over. “You shouldn’t be out of bed.”

  “Then you should be having this little meeting in my room. I have a say in what’s going on around here, in case you’ve forgotten who is really in charge.”

  “I didn’t mean to exclude you, but I really don’t see another way around this, Angelo.”

  “I’m not going to sit and hide out in some cabin while you run around the city by yourself trying to flush out whoever is after us.”

  “She’s not going to be alone,” Hunt said. “There is no way in hell I’m letting you do this alone, babe. I don’t care what I have to do. But you are not leaving my side for anything. You fight me on this, and we go home right now.”

  “Hunt. Everything about this goes against everything you are. You’re a hero, not a gangster.”

  “And you were FBI. You can break a finger, but I can’t?”

  “These people know me. New faces they aren’t so fond of.”

  “You were a new face once, too.”

  Arguing would be pointless. When his mind was made up, there was no changing it. “I don’t like this.”

  “You don’t have to like it, but I mean it. I’m there, or this conversation is over.”

  “I think I like this guy,” Eddie said. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you take anyone’s shit before, Amanda.”

  “This isn’t shit, asshole. You may have forgotten, but I have a daughter I don’t want to leave an orphan. I can’t believe I have to get involv
ed in helping the fucking mob. You should be taking care of your own dirty work. This has to be one for the books.”

  “You joined us to help Angelo. You’re not fooling anyone.” Eddie stared at Angelo. “I know you went soft ever since the shoot-out at the cabin. Your father dying only made things worse. This life isn’t yours anymore. You want out, get the hell out. You’re only keeping the rest of us in danger. I’ll do you one up, Mandy. Settle this, and I’ll allow you to take Angelo and move him. I don’t care where, and I don’t want to know.” He motioned towards Angie. “Take her too. I don’t need the estrogen around here. I just got the stink out of here from when you left, for fuck’s sake.”

  Darin opened his mouth but must have thought better of it. It closed as quickly as it had opened. Eddie continued. “You deal with your son, Earl. Frankly I don’t care if he goes or stays, but I won’t have that girl dictating the show because Vince couldn’t keep his dick in his pants. He’s dead, and despite the war going on and what people think, I’m in charge here.” Angelo glared at him, but said nothing. “You know I’m right, boy. You’ll stay at the cabin until Mandy gets this wrapped up. If she does what she says, you’ll be free to go. I don’t want you back here.” He turned to his men. “Help get his ass back to his room before he falls over.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Hunt left with Darin and Angie, so they could pack a few things, because Amanda didn’t trust them not to run off. She stayed back with Angelo, who was fuming at what Eddie had said. He tossed things on the bed angrily while he kept an arm close to his side.

  “It’s true, isn’t it?” she asked, packing his bag.

  “What?” He flung a sweatshirt at her hands. The force caused him to wince in pain.

  “You okay?”

  “I’m fine. What’s true?”

  “You do want out, don’t you?” Silently, he walked from his closet to a six-drawer dresser. “Angelo?”

  “What do you want to hear, Mandy?”

  “Try the truth for once. I knew this life wasn’t you. I knew that from practically the moment we met.”

  “Funny how that works, isn’t it? I was born into it, and it’s not me, but you show up and take charge and tell me what I want.”


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