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A Boy Worth Choosing (The Worthy Series Book 2)

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by S. M. Smith

  “You finally let go and gave in.” Okay, I can’t help but match her smile.

  “I did.”


  “And what?”

  “And how do you feel? How is life so far with the hottie?”

  “You do realize that I didn’t go and elope over the weekend, don’t you?” I ask, concerned that she may have the wrong idea on what I may or may not have done.

  “Well that would have really been the best ending to a great vacation. But yes, I do realize that you are too uptight to have done that,” she says very matter-of-factly. I roll my eyes at her.

  “So far, things are great. We told our parents yesterday. He even cleared it with my dad.” I smile at the look my father gave me when I left his house yesterday. He seemed really proud of both of us.

  “Aww. That’s sweet. So when am I gonna get a sweet baby niece or nephew?” she asks as if we’re discussing our appointments for the day.

  “Daphne Thomas! Get out, right now!” I tell her, mostly serious.

  “Oh, you’re no fun. I have important business stuff for you though,” she says sitting on my crowded couch. “We’ve had seven cancellations in the last two weeks. We barely have seven cancellations in a year; something is definitely up.”

  “Ok, I have a couple of ideas for damage control.” I hand her a printout and pick up the parcel left on my desk while we were out. I know it’s the extra memory cards I ordered just before we left for Mexico, so I set them along with my notebook to hand out during our Monday meeting. “Wait. Who’s in charge of coffee?” I ask, realizing now that Daphne beat us all here.

  “Shelby and Isaiah. I like these,” she says pointing at the paper in her hand, “let’s run with them and make sure that everyone understands we need to try to reschedule or get some sort of reasoning behind any cancellations going forward. We have to get this under control.”

  “Agreed,” I say as I hear the back door to the studio open. I grab my notebook, laptop and box of memory cards and head toward the conference room for our coffee and Monday morning meeting.


  “So as you all know, we have a problem. We HAVE to start figuring out what the deal is with these cancellations and get them under control,” I say after Daphne has hammered out the weekly schedule. “We obviously want to retain as many customers as possible so we are authorizing you all to offer a ten percent discount on any future packages to customers who are not willing to reschedule. We don’t necessarily want to brow beat anyone into keeping a session they don’t want, but please make an effort to save the clientele. You all know that Daphne and I feel that this is your business too. I think it goes without saying that any information you guys can collect on why we are getting so many cancellations needs to be immediately reported to either Daphne or me.”

  There are nods all around the table, and I can tell that everyone is taking our predicament as seriously as Daphne and I are.

  “Lastly,” Daphne picks up, “we need some ideas to promote business in the meantime. We are still on track to interview interns for the fall semester and interns always bring in more clientele, but we need something now. Any thoughts?”

  “I know the marketing department head at UMKC. I can reach out to him and see if they have any insights on what is hot right now and how we can use it,” Jason speaks up.

  I sometimes worry if he still feels like he needs to prove himself since he has been hired on permanently. He’s continued to carry the same enthusiasm and drive he had as an intern, and I know I can say for the entire team, he has nothing left to prove. I love his gusto though, and I want him to know that.

  “That’s perfect, Jason. Thank you.”

  “I heard on the radio this morning that they are doing a bridal show at the Crowne Center next month. I’ll dig up the info and see if we can get in on that. Maybe do a raffle for a free shoot and discounted prints?” Shelby writes herself a note, and I nod my encouragement. I can’t help but feel so blessed to have such a dedicated team.

  “This is great guys, thank you.” I check my watch to find we should be opening the doors in just a few minutes. I slide the box of memory cards toward the middle of the table. “Let’s keep this going as we move on throughout our day. Just make sure to run any ideas you have by Daphne or myself before you move on anything, please. Don’t forget your memory cards and let’s capture some memories today,” I say with a hopeful smile, giving my dismissal.

  Everyone picks up their belongings and scatters to start their day. Daphne gives me an optimistic smile as she stands and picks up her notebook.

  “Ddon’t you dare think I’m letting this whole Stephen thing go, missy. I want details,” she says as she walks out of the room. I shake my head as I pick up the nearly empty box and make my way back to my office.

  Most of the appointments that have been canceled are mine, which makes me feel even worse that this is happening. I now do not have a shoot scheduled until Wednesday, so I get to come back from vacation dealing with some of the other issues I’ve put on the back burner. Like cleaning my office and addressing the broken and misplaced equipment scattered about it. I make a couple quick calls to my normal fix-it guy and am able to get some lighting pieces into him this afternoon. I collect all the damaged equipment and move them to my car.

  As I’m walking back into the office, I make a proud mental note that even though my really good mood has been slightly dampened, I haven’t been all over my phone wondering what Stephen has been doing this morning. I stop by Daphne’s desk on my way back in to check in with her and well, you know, see if he might have left a message or something for me, but she’s on the phone with a very upset look on her face.

  “Yes, we understand, Mrs. Garcia. Well, I truly do appreciate your insight. I know Jessie and I will personally be checking the validity of this review. We aren’t in the habit of doing such shady business and appreciate your willingness to reschedule with us. I am making a note on your appointment to include a ten percent off discount on your portrait package for your advantageous feedback.” She pauses for a second, relaxing the scowl on her face before speaking again. “Of course, and again, I know I speak for all of us here at All of Creation when I say thank you so very much for your help….Absolutely. We’ll see you Friday. Have a very blessed day.”

  She hangs the phone up and the fumes start escaping her ears.

  “What did you find out?” I ask, completely forgetting my original reason for stopping by.

  “Reviews, all over And they are not pretty,” she says, banging her mouse on her desk every couple of seconds. I lean over the half wall that separates Daphne’s desk from the lobby and place my hand carefully over hers. I really don’t want to have to stop by Office Depot to replace computer equipment this afternoon too.

  “Breathe, love, breathe,” I say, trying to calm her. “We’ll figure this out.”

  The doorbell dings and in walks a sight for sore eyes. Shaina Sinclair waltzes in with the grace of a gazelle and the telltale signs of a growing baby bump. My heart explodes with excitement to see my new friend, quickly followed by guilt. In the aftermath of hurricane Caleb, I failed as a friend to call her and let her know that I really am okay. I rush to over to her and wrap her into a big hug.

  “Oh, I’m so happy to see you!” I squeeze her tight, then remember that baby Sinclair likes to make her sick when she’s too constricted. I hold her hands out to her sides and take in her pregnant glow. “You look absolutely amazing.” I smile at her.

  “Thank you,” she says confused. “I’m sorry to bother you, but all my calls went straight to -“

  “Oh Shaina! I’m so sorry. I was out of the country all last week and had my phone set to send all calls to voicemail. I promise I haven’t been ignoring you. I’ve missed you actually. Come, let’s go to my office.” I grab her hand and lead the way. “I want to hear about everything. How are you? And the baby?”

  “I’m good, great actually now that I’m n
ot vomiting every twenty minutes.” She chuckles. “Baby’s great. We’re having a girl,” she says, rubbing her belly as we enter my office. I make some room on the sofa for her and pull my chair in front of my desk so I can visit with her.

  “That’s great!! Aww, a baby girl! I’m so excited for you. I must book a maternity session and newborn session…” I find that I truly am excited. I’m reminded of her New Year’s party and her telling me that she was pregnant and flooding feeling of being sorry for myself. The guilt just piles on more now. There’s something comforting, though, about being in a relationship with Stephen that has me at peace with where my life is currently. I still want the same things, I’m just not in as much of a rush to get them anymore.

  “Shaina, I can’t say I’m sorry enough. I haven’t been a good friend to you after all you’ve done for me. I hope you can forgive me,” I say timidly.

  “Oh honey, of course I can. I just thought you were upset with me. I dropped a serious bombshell on you and you up and left and haven’t said a word to me in over three weeks. I thought you really were angry with me for telling you about Caleb.”

  “Shaina, I could never be mad at you. What Caleb did, the choices he made, you have nothing to do with any of that. I know that. I just…well things got crazy for me after the party and I kind of stopped talking to people in general. But.” At the mere thought of him, that ridiculous grin spreads across my face again. “Things are better now. I’m better now.”

  “I’ll say,” she says giving me a knowing look. “So what’s his name?” she drawls out.

  “Stephen.” I blush, he’s having an embarrassing effect on me.

  “Your family friend? The one Caleb was concerned about?”

  Caleb was fearful of my relationship of Stephen? I guess in hindsight, he probably should have been. That makes me smirk though.

  “Yeah. It’s kind of a long story actually-“

  “Jess, I’m sorry to interrupt, but I came here with a purpose this morning. I really want to hear all about Stephen, but I think you need to hear this first.”

  “Okay, what’s up?” My mind immediately goes to something being wrong with her or the baby, or even her husband Lucas, and I feel the color drain out of my face.

  “Jess, Caleb is spreading rumors and having people post negative comments on your studio.”

  I feel the ground crumble beneath me and grip my chair just in case it really does. I knew he was upset about my breaking up with him, but I would never have guessed him to stoop to a high-school drama like low.

  “We were at one of his dinner parties two weeks ago and I heard Alexis say that she had posted the review for ‘that studio’ he requested. I asked what she was talking about and she told me he had this horrible experience with this studio he contracted to take head shots for the firm’s new ad. She said that he showed up and the photographer was some drab, unkempt woman who was too focused on her personal drama than to take a decent head shot. I really think I knew who she had been talking about before I even asked her, but I couldn’t believe he would do something like that. So when she said All of Creation Studios, I immediately made an excuse for us to leave. Lucas confirmed with Caleb, and isn’t really on speaking terms with him right now.”

  I think my jaw literally hits the floor by the time she finishes her story. Of all the incredibly juvenile, outrageously stupid,....ugh. I’m so mad I don’t know what to say.

  “DAPHNE!” I yell, not minding the fact that there is a family in the waiting room.

  She looks like she could breathe fire, too, when she walks in the room.

  “You should see the audacity of some people-“ she starts but stops as soon as she sees my face.

  “You need to hear this,” I tell her as I reach for my desk phone. I dial the number I know by heart and wait for him to pick up.

  “This is Stephen.”

  “I need you. Now.”

  Chapter Four


  She sounds pissed and I immediately try to think of what I could have possibly done wrong in the forty-eight hours we’ve been a couple.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, trying my best to not sound guilty.

  “I need you in an official capacity. Do you think you might be able to swing by the office?” she asks, obviously trying to unsuccessfully calm herself down.

  “Of course, may I ask what this is in relation to?” I ask, trying not to push her buttons.

  “We’ve been having some problems with clients cancelling their sessions. Turns out that it could be Caleb behind it.”

  My blood starts to boil at the sound of his name. The idiot just can’t take a hint can he?

  “I’ll be over this afternoon. Are you okay?”

  “I will be. I just need to get this moron out of my life for good.”

  “I’ll see what I can do about that.” I smirk and I can hear her relax a little. “Just breathe, babe. Everything will be okay. I’ll be there just as soon as I can.”

  “Okay, thank you.” She hangs up and I turn back to my locker. Grady and I just got our butts handed to us by the guys from medical malpractice, but the game was a great distraction from what I really wanted to do today. I don’t think Jessie would have gotten anything done if I was camped out on the couch in her office all day.

  “Good game, Cahill.” Cooper and the rest of the malpractice guys walk out of the locker room, duffle bags in hand, freshly showered.

  Grady comes around the corner in his boxers with a towel hanging from his broad, dark shoulders, rubbing the back of his razor shaved black head.

  “Hey, I may need your help with something this afternoon if you don’t have anything going on.” I pull my pale blue dress shirt on and start working the buttons.

  “Actually I have a couple meetings today, but I’m free for dinner. Wanna grab something at Larry’s?” he asks as he pulls his pants on.

  “No, I’ve got dinner plans already.” I smirk, thinking about my drop dead gorgeous date, who currently is stewing in anger over her ex-boyfriend. I pull my slacks up and button them with a little more speed.

  “Plans? You have plans?” he scoffs.

  “Don’t look so surprised.” I cock an eyebrow at him as I tie my Gucci lace-ups.

  “Oh, I’m surprised. She finally gave into your whiny ass?”

  “I don’t whine,” I say, pulling my charcoal vest over my shoulders.

  “Dude, you haven’t stopped whining since her birthday. I was just about to tell you to get over yourself. But good for you. I’m happy for you, man.” He shoots a genuine smile in my direction before shrugging. “Although that explains your crappy game today.”

  “It’s not my game that’s crappy, buddy.”

  “What you think that you’re an actual white boy who can jump?”

  “That’s a little prejudicial even for you, don’t you think?”

  “Hey, don’t hate on me because I’m black and have the genetics that give me a better game than you.” He holds his hands in the air like he’s God’s gift to basketball.

  “If that’s what you have to tell yourself. I gotta go. I’ll call you later.” I pick up my bag, shaking my head, and make a bee-line for the door before he can throw any more insults my way. I pull out my phone to shoot Jess a quick message.

  I’m getting ready to head your way. Would you like some lunch?

  I toss my bag in the trunk and am buckling up when my phone buzzes.

  I had to run a quick errand and am picking up lunch now. I’ll meet you back at the studio. Thank you again.

  Anything for you ;) I message her back and start my car, relishing the purr of the engine as I pull out and into traffic.


  I drop the thank you coffee I promised Daphne for supplying me with information on Jessie while they were in Mexico off at her desk. I earn a gracious wink from her as I make my way back to Jessie’s office. I walk in and find a pregnant woman I’ve never met before hunched over Jess’s computer.

; “Hello,” I say, clearly shocked.

  “Hello,” the woman purrs back at me. I’m getting a little uncomfortable with the stare down I’m getting when my girl whirls into her office, all in a frenzy.

  “Hey.” She dashes past me to set food on her desk for her pregnant friend.

  “Hey,” I scoff at the brush off. She stops and her face softens as she looks back at me. She comes back and gives me a quick peck on the cheek. “Thank you for coming. Stephen, this is Shaina. Shaina, Stephen.”

  I nod at Shaina, who gives me a too appreciative look.

  “Oh,” she says suggestively. I decide I should probably keep my distance. “Jess, I approve,” she fake whispers behind her hand, as Jess joins me on the couch with her lunch.

  “So…what’s up?” I ask timidly.

  “So, we got a call from a loyal customer who was told about a review for us on Turns out these oh-so-unkind reviews are from Caleb or an accomplice of his. We’ve found four questionable reviews so far,” she starts, getting down to business.

  I want to be a little hurt she isn’t more excited to see me, but see this is plainly stressing her out, so I reel my focus back in.

  “We think there might be a problem with pinning them on him specifically though,” she continues. “All reviews are left with a username and not real names. But I can verify if the validity of the content is true or not. For instance, one review states our new clientele forms require ethnicity to be listed. There isn’t a document in this building that requests, let alone requires, a client to list their ethnicity.”

  “Hmm. Okay. How many cancellations have you had so far?” I ask, trying to determine the scale of his influence at this time.

  “Nine so far, two of which were from this morning. But the cancellation dates coincide with the dates that the first reviews were posted,” Shaina says raising a list of what I assume are the cancellation details.

  “Make that ten.” Daphne comes in with a sticky note and adds the information to Shaina’s list. “They were hotter than a hippo out of water in July, but I was able to confirm it was due to a review they saw. I tried everything, Jess, but they wouldn’t reschedule. I’m sorry.”


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