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Puppy Love for the Veterinarian

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by Amy Woods

  A New Leash On Love

  When June Leavy finds two puppies abandoned outside during a storm, she immediately feels a bond with the adorable animals. Swindled out of her life savings by her no-good ex, she, too, was left with nothing but heartache and struggles of her own. But when she arrives at the local veterinary clinic, June is met by dangerously handsome Dr. Ethan Singh, whose sexy smile threatens to disarm her hard-won emotional strength.

  Back in Peach Leaf, Texas, to recover from an ugly breakup, Ethan gently tends to the puppies and their charming caretaker. But as the storm rages, so does the electric attraction between Ethan and June. Is this real, or a cruel phantom of lost love? Stranded alone at the clinic, only one thing is certain: they’ve got all night to figure it out...

  “Of course I’m not going to stop you from leaving, June. But I have to tell you, I don’t think it’s safe, and I’d really rather you not put yourself in any more danger than you already have today.”

  Ignoring the fact that this man shouldn’t care about her well-being so much, June ran through all of her options in her head—all zero of them. She sighed. He was right. She was stuck there for the foreseeable future. She’d never in her life experienced such a dangerous storm, and she definitely didn’t know how to safely travel in one. Besides, she had the puppies to think of now. The minute she’d picked them up, they’d become her responsibility, and she couldn’t just abandon them with a doctor who had other patients to care for, especially one who was only temporarily managing his father’s clinic.

  She looked up at Dr. Singh, who appeared almost as uneasy as she.

  “I hate to break it to you, June, but under the circumstances, the smartest thing for you to do is to spend the night here with me.”

  * * *

  Peach Leaf, Texas: Where true love blooms

  Dear Reader,

  I live in Texas, and it’s no secret that we have some of the warmest weather in the country. So, when we get snow here in the South, it’s often a welcome escape from the heat...unless things get crazy! Which is exactly what happens in this, the latest in my Peach Leaf, Texas series.

  When an uncanny blizzard blows into town and June Leavy finds a couple of puppies alone in

  the cold, she and sweet, handsome veterinarian Ethan Singh must work together to take care of their adorable charges. Along the way, Ethan and June find themselves falling in love with more than just the tiny balls of fur in their care.

  I absolutely adore stories in which a hero and heroine are forced together by circumstances outside their control, and then, as the clock ticks by, they realize they aren’t ready to part ways when their problems are solved. I hope you have a wonderful time watching Ethan and June work together to save the lives of two fuzzy friends, and of course, fall in love.

  And the next time you find yourself snuggled up in a snowstorm, I wish you warmth, companionship and, most important, love.

  Very best,

  Puppy Love for the Veterinarian

  Amy Woods

  Amy Woods took the scenic route to becoming an author. She’s been a bookkeeper, a high school English teacher and a claims specialist, but now that she makes up stories for a living, she’s never giving it up. She grew up in Austin, Texas, and lives there with her wonderfully goofy, supportive husband and a spoiled rescue dog. Amy can be reached on Facebook, Twitter and her website,

  Books by Amy Woods

  Harlequin Special Edition

  Peach Leaf, Texas

  An Officer and Her Gentleman

  His Pregnant Texas Sweetheart

  Finding His Lone Star Love

  His Texas Forever Family

  Visit the Author Profile page at for more titles.

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  This one is for the animal rescuers; thank you for the wonderful lives you save. And for my Maggie dog, who has my heart.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve


  Excerpt from Riverbend Road by RaeAnne Thayne

  Chapter One

  “June, hon, why don’t you go on home now? I can finish closing up here myself, and it looks like things may get worse than they originally predicted.”

  June Leavy looked up from her mop bucket and followed the owner of Peach Leaf Pizza’s eyes to the small television behind the counter, tuned in to the evening weather segment. January in west Texas could be unpredictable, but the idea of the twelve to eighteen inches of snow the meteorologist called for actually covering the ground and sticking was just surreal.

  She studied her boss’s face, not missing the lines around Margaret’s mouth and the shadowy thumbprints beneath the older woman’s usually lively eyes. It had been a busy day, amid a busy week; they were both exhausted, but the work would be completed much faster with two pairs of hands.

  June shook her head, causing a few more strands of hair to escape her ponytail. “Nonsense. I’m almost finished with the floor, and then all that’s left is taking out the garbage.”

  Margaret offered a weary smile as her thanks, but June could see the relief in her boss’s face. She would never admit it, but Margaret Daw was getting older. It was time for her to retire and June could feel that the day was coming when her boss would ask her to take over. Margaret had all but asked her about it on more than one occasion—who could blame a new grandma for wanting to spend more time with the adorable twin babies recently born to her pediatrician son and daughter-in-law?—and besides, June was her only full-time employee and comanager. In many ways, it just made sense.

  June sighed and sloshed the mop back into the gray water, wondering again how she would respond if and when the day arrived. She could see the pros and cons list she’d pored over so many times in her mind’s eye, her options jotted out clear as day on the yellow pad sitting next to the remote control on her coffee table. But no matter how many times she mulled over the bullet points, the decision wouldn’t be easy.

  Margaret was a wonderful boss—kind and fair—and the job provided steady income. There was something comforting in the daily tasks, in kneading the dough each morning, chopping fresh vegetables and taking orders, in the warm, familiar faces of Peach Leaf Pizza’s many regular customers. She would miss the banter, catching up with people she’d known her whole life and the excitement in kids’ faces when they piled into the red leather booths after winning baseball games or performing well in dance recitals.

  But she had dreams of her own, too.

  And until recently, June had been so close to turning them into reality. So close, in fact, that the bruises from losing everything hadn’t yet healed.

  Now her choice was between picking up the pieces and starting over—letting herself believe that she could somehow regain what was lost—or sticking with the safe option, taking over the pizza parlor and borrowing her neighbors’ joy as they lived their lives.

Put that way, it didn’t seem like much of a choice at all, but she reminded herself that starting over wouldn’t exactly guarantee a happy ending, either.

  “Back to square one,” she said aloud without meaning to.

  “What’s that?” Margaret called from the counter.

  “Oh... I was just wondering if it’s really going to get as bad as they’re saying.”

  She tilted her chin at the television, where the Austin meteorologist gesticulated animatedly, her arms waving in circles and lines to indicate high and low pressure points across a multicolored map of Texas.

  “Beats me.” Margaret shrugged, her shoulders tapping the pizza-slice painted earrings she wore so that they swirled around beneath her silvery curls. “Wouldn’t be the first time, though, you know.”

  June finished cleaning a blotch of spilled marinara and pushed the wheeled bucket toward the back of the shop, doing a once-over of the black-and-white checked tiles in case she missed a spot.

  Margaret wiped the last bit of counter and stood on her tiptoes to turn off the TV before removing her apron. “When I was a girl, we got a couple of feet out at our house, and I’ll tell you, it is no easy time getting around town in that much powder.” She put a hand on one hip and pointed at June with the other. “Especially when nobody around here knows how to drive in that stuff.”

  Nodding her agreement, June crossed the kitchen and emptied the mop bucket into the designated sink, then shoved the cleaning supplies into a broom closet. She supposed it was possible that the weather might take a turn for the worse—it had been snowing steadily for a few days, so there was already a little covering the ground—but the thought of that much more coming down in the span of just a few hours in their neck of Texas still somehow didn’t seem realistic. Sure, they got a few inches most years, and there was always the danger of ice, especially on the country roads outside of town, but she didn’t think there was too much to worry about. She was certain she had plenty of time to get home before anything major hit.

  But when she closed the supply closet door and turned around, June found Margaret looking up at her from all of nearly five feet, her boss’s clear blue eyes fully of worry beneath a forehead creased with concern.

  “Just promise me you’ll be extra careful, and if it gets bad, we won’t open tomorrow. Just stay home. I don’t want you getting hurt trying to make it into work, you hear?”

  June gave a reassuring smile, promised that she’d be safe and patted Margaret’s shoulder. Over the years, their relationship had deepened into more than just a typical owner/employee situation. Her boss treated her more like a daughter than a paid worker, which only made things harder when thinking about the next chapter of her life. She knew Margaret would hate the idea of June factoring her needs into future plans, but they were a factor. A big one. If she ever got back on her feet, if she ever found a way to get back all the money she’d spent years carefully saving to open her own bakery, she would have to leave someone she cared about, someone who’d helped see her through the lowest point of her life. That mattered. Deeply.

  She shook her head. There was no use thinking about it now.

  The money was gone. In all likelihood, that meant her dreams were gone with it. She’d worked herself to the bone for over a decade earning it and had gone without quite a few comforts to save until it amounted to enough to buy her own bakeshop. Her shoulders sunk as the weight of loss settled once again. It would take years before she could build her former financial stability and credit back up, and even more to get her savings back.

  Six months had passed since Clayton left, taking everything with him. Their money. Hers, really, if she were being honest, and she was now—too much had happened for anything less. Her dreams.

  And, last but not least, her heart.

  Even after all he’d done, taking the cash from their joint account and running off to gamble it away in Vegas, June thought there might be a place inside of her that still missed that stupid man. It wasn’t that she loved him still—no, he’d broken her trust and hurt her far too much for that to be the case—but the loss of him and all they’d shared, and the deep chasm of loneliness in his wake, the death of the life they’d built together... June thought maybe those were the things she truly mourned. And it wasn’t that she needed him, either, or any man, for that matter. She’d been single for most of her life until Clayton came along and had been happy and fulfilled before his presence.

  But that was just it. Until he left, she would have sworn to anyone that he was the one she’d spend the rest of her life with, and when he’d gone, all those promises of a family and a life with him vanished, and she was back where she’d been before—only this time, it wasn’t the same. This time, she knew what it was like to share her home with someone she loved, to talk about having kids one day and to dream together, staring off into the future, side by side. This time, she felt the absence.

  Shoulders up, chin up, she told herself, remembering Margaret’s wise words in the aftermath of that mess. Better to make peace with the present, than to dwell on the past, right?

  Of course.

  Starting with her small, albeit cozy, apartment, June forced herself to make a list of all of the things she had to be grateful for. When she finished, she headed back to the storefront and kitchen to fetch the two large trash bags, hefting them over her shoulders to carry through the restaurant to the Dumpster in the loading area out back.

  Things weren’t so very bad. She had her job, her friends and a warm place to live, and for that she was thankful. It was a good thing right now to be single and free, to have time and space to decide what to do next, what path to take in putting her life back together. No strings, no one else to care for, no one to put before her own needs. She planned on staying that way for a good while; it would take someone very special to convince her to put her trust in a relationship again, and she was fairly convinced that person might not be anywhere in her future, near or far. It was a...difficult thought to swallow, but one she was doing her best to accept.

  June dropped the trash bags near the back door and went to get her coat. Margaret was doing the same. “Bundle up, now.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” she teased, holding her fingers to her forehead in a salute.

  Margaret put both hands on her hips, a foreboding figure. “I’m not joking around, Junie. You forget I’m from upstate New York, where it gets dangerously cold in the winter. You Texans don’t know from cold, and you’re always caught unawares when it hits. Don’t let it get the best of you.”

  “Okay, I promise.”

  Both women pulled on gloves, hats and purses, and Margaret opened the back door for June when she picked up the garbage bags. A blast of frigid air slapped her across the face and briefly challenged her footing until she steadied herself against its force.

  “I’m good here, Marg. I’ll drop these off and lock up. See you in the morning,” she shouted over her shoulder as she stepped onto the loading dock and into what felt like gale-force winds.

  “I’m not so sure about that.”

  June chuckled to herself. “Okay, then, see you soon.”

  “All right, hon. Don’t forget what I said about not coming in if it’s bad,” Margaret called, her voice fading as the back door slammed behind her and she headed for her car in the front parking lot, which she always parked next to June’s fifteen-year-old jalopy.

  June shook her head at the older woman’s cosseting, then heaved the bags into the giant metal bin, starting at the loud clanging sound that erupted.

  Something else must have heard it, too, and reacted the same way, because June caught motion in her peripheral vision as she turned back to lock up the door. Her heart jumped into her throat, and it fluttered there like so many trapped butterflies as she spun quickly to take in her surroundings.


  She li
stened carefully and heard...nothing, except maybe her own pulse pounding at her temples.

  “Is anyone out here?” she called again, reaching into her purse for her pocketknife and cell phone. There was probably nothing to worry about. This was Peach Leaf, after all, where the running crime rate was pretty much zilch. All the same, she was a woman alone in an alley after dark, so it was only smart to be cautious.

  Scanning the view once more to make certain she wasn’t about to be attacked, June decided that instead of locking the back door and walking around front to her little car as she usually did, she’d just go through the store.

  That was when she heard something again. A quiet rustling, followed by what sounded like a series of soft squeaks. She closed her eyes for just a few seconds, trying to decide whether or not to ignore the sound, knowing the wise thing to do was to walk away. Whatever it was, it was not her problem, and Lord knew she did not need any of those in her life just then.

  But then she heard it again, and this time, the soft, sad little cries were like warm fingers squeezing her heart. As the snow began to fall harder, flakes catching in her eyelashes and forming a thin, shawl-like layer on the red fabric of her coat, June released a great sigh and made the decision to investigate. Whatever was making that noise—please don’t let it be a baby of any kind, she thought—did not belong out there in a lonely alley on a freezing winter’s night.

  With the garbage bags out of her hands, June now pulled her coat closer around her and closed all four toggles before carefully descending the loading dock steps. A thin layer of ice had already formed, and she had no intention of tumbling down and breaking a bone or two. She pulled her purse strap up from her shoulder and over her head to secure it tightly, then dug out her cell phone, turning on the flashlight app. Its slim, bright beam shot out into the dark, and June crept slowly behind the pizza shop’s garbage bin, the light illuminating nothing but a coating of grimy snow. She stopped and waited a moment, listening for the sound again so she could follow it to its source. Just as she was about to restart her search, she heard it again; this time, it was more distinct.


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